What is Public Health Accreditation?

Public Health Accreditation Kristin Fladseth Senior Public Health Analyst

Transcript of What is Public Health Accreditation?

Public Health Accreditation

Kristin Fladseth Senior Public Health Analyst

•Accreditation is:

• Quality assurance

•Accreditation is:

• Quality assurance

• Certification of competence and credibility by an outside organization

•Accreditation is:

• Quality assurance

• Certification of competence and credibility

• Voluntary

•Examples of Accreditation

• Schools

•Examples of Accreditation

• Schools

• Police Departments

•Examples of Accreditation

• Schools

• Police Departments

• Hospitals

•Examples of Accreditation

• Schools

• Police Departments

• Hospitals

• Public Health Departments

What is Public Health Accreditation?

Accreditation signifies that a health department is meeting national standards for ensuring essential public health services are provided in the community

The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB)

PHAB is a nongovernmental organization that administers the public health accreditation program.

Goal of Accreditation

The goal of the national public health department accreditation program is to improve and protect the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of Tribal, state ,local, and territorial public health departments.

Public Health Accreditation is New

• Launched September 2011

• First health departments accredited in February 2013

• 19 public health departments are currently accredited

• National movement towards accreditation

Importance of Accreditation

identifies successes and opportunities for improvement

promotes quality initiatives

energizes the workforce and develops a strong team

focuses the health department on common goals

evaluates health department’s performance

aligns resources with your strategic objectives

delivers results

Benefits of Accreditation

National recognition

Opportunity to engage the public health workforce

Access to network of public health experts

Focus on improving the public health branch

Potential access to new funding streams

Potential streamlining of grant reporting

Participation in developing a strong data base for exploring best practices

•How do we become accredited?

• Form an Accreditation Team

• Designate an Accreditation Coordinator

• Submit all required documents

• Undergo site visit

•Our Public Health Accreditation Team

• Lead by Accreditation Coordinator

• Supported by leadership and staff in:

• Emergency Preparedness

• Environmental Health

• Public Health Nursing

• Prevention and Planning Unit

• Fiscal

• Human Resources

Twelve Domains Conduct assessments focused on population health status and health

issues facing the community Investigate health problems and environmental public health hazards

to protect the community Inform and educate about public health issues and functions Engage with the community to identify and solve health problems Develop public health policies and plans Enforce public health laws and regulations Promote strategies to improve access to healthcare services Maintain a competent public health workforce Evaluate and continuously improve processes, programs, and

interventions Contribute to and apply the evidence base of public health Maintain administrative and management capacity Build a strong and effective relationship with governing entity

•10 Essential Services of Public Health 1. Monitor health status to identify community health problems 2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the

community 3. Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues 4. Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health

problems 5. Develop policies and plans that support individual and community

health efforts 6. Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety. 7. Link people to needed personal health services and assure the

provision of health care when otherwise unavailable 8. Assure a competent public health and personal healthcare workforce 9. Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and

population-based health services 10. Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems

Accreditation Documentation

Domain 1 Standard 1.1

Measure 1.1.1


Accreditation Documentation Example

• Domain 2: Investigate health problems and environmental pubic health hazards to protect the community

Accreditation Documentation Example

• Domain 2: Investigate health problems and environmental pubic health hazards to protect the community

• Standard 2.1: Conduct timely investigations of health problems and environmental health problems

• Standard 2.2: Contain/Mitigate health problems and environmental health hazards

• Standard 2.3: Ensure access to laboratory and epidemiologic/environmental public health expertise and capacity

• Standard 2.4: Maintain a plan with policies and procedures for urgent and non-urgent communications

Accreditation Documentation Example • Domain 2: Investigate health problems and

environmental pubic health hazards to protect the community

• Standard 2.1: Conduct timely investigations of health problems and environmental health problems

• Measure 2.1.1: Maintain protocols for investigation process • Measure 2.1.2: Demonstrate capacity to conduct an investigation of

an infectious or communicable disease • Measure 2.1.3: Demonstrate capacity to conduct investigations of

non-infectious health problems, environmental, and/or occupational public health hazards

• Measure 2.1.4: Work collaboratively through established governmental and community partnerships on investigations of reportable/disease outbreaks and environmental public health issues

• Measure 2.1.5: Monitor timely reporting of notifiable/reportable diseases, lab test results, and investigation results

Accreditation Documentation Example

• Domain 2: Investigate health problems and environmental pubic health hazards to protect the community

• Standard 2.1: Conduct timely investigations of health problems and environmental health problems

• Measure 2.1.1: Maintain protocols for investigation process

• Current written protocols that include:

• a. Assignment of responsibilities for investigation of health problems, environmental, and/or occupational public health hazards

• b. Identifying information about the health problem or hazard, case investigation steps and timelines, and reporting requirements

The Three Prerequisites

1. Community Health Assessment

2. Health Improvement Plan

3. Department Strategic Plan

Community Health Assessment • What are the health problems in the community?

• Why do health issues exist in a community?

• What factors create or determine the health problems?

• What resources are available to address the health problems?

• What are the health needs of the community from a population-based perspective?

Community Health Improvement Plan

Provides a framework for addressing issues identified by the community health assessment

Public Health Branch Strategic Plan

Internal to the public health branch

Sets what the public health branch plans to achieve and how it will do that

Guide to:

• Making decisions

• Allocating resources

• Taking action

The Site Visit

The site visit lasts 2-3 days

The health department’s documentation is reviewed by team of peer public health professionals prior to the on-site visit

Accreditation Decision

There are two possible outcomes: Accredited or Not Accredited.

If designated as Not Accredited, the health department may submit an action plan within 90 days. If the plan is approved, the health department will have up to a year to implement it.

Public Health Accreditation Board
