What is on the list?

English lesson for the 9 th grade English teacher Sairangul.M

Transcript of What is on the list?

  1. 1. What is on the list? Counting uncountable nouns./name of the fruit/
  2. 2. Countable noun is a noun that we can count. Such as tables, chairs, pens, cups, and so on. Uncountable noun is a noun that we cant count but you can measure them. For example: jar of jam, pieces of cake.
  3. 3. There are some uncountable nouns. Complete the phrases with cup, glass, bottle, piece, loaf, bar, carton, tin, packet, jar a..bread a..cereal ajam a.cola a of orange juice a.of a. peas a.cake a.tea a..milk a..chocolate
  4. 4. 1. A loaf of bread 2. A jar of jam 3. A pieces of cake 4. A bar of chocolate 5. A cup of tea 6. A carton of milk 7. A packet of cereal 8. A glass of cola 9. A bottle of orange juice 10.A tin of peas-
  5. 5. there is- . There is a tomato in the fridge. There is some bread on the table. there are . There are two loaves of bread in the trolley. There are not any bananas left.
  6. 6. Some , , any , Some - . Any - . : There is some bread on the table. Is there any coffee in the cupboard? There arent any tomatoes left.
  7. 7. Exercise1. Choose someorany Inour classroomthere are books on thefloor. Therearent flowers. Arethere Germanstudentsin yourclass? Therearent Chinesestudents. We have dictionaries in thecupboard. Thereare pens on the table.
  8. 8. Exercise2. Read and fill insome, any. Iamthirsty.Isthere..Orangejuiceleft? No,sorry,thereisnt..Butthereis..Cokeifyouwantit. Oh,Idontwant ..Fishandchips,butIwould notmindapizza.
  9. 9. My brother likes grape Grape
  10. 10. Currant I like currant
  11. 11. My mother likes an apple Apple
  12. 12. Memorize new words Home work