What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear...

Presentation of the NuPECC Repor “Nuclear Physics for Medicine Welcome ! o egli Studi di Milano and INFN Milano 24 -11 2014 University Fo

Transcript of What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear...

Page 1: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Presentation of the NuPECC Report “Nuclear Physics for Medicine”

Welcome !

Angela Bracco NuPECC ChairUniversità degli Studi di Milano and INFN Milano

24 -11 2014 University Foundation Bruxelles

Page 2: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

• What is NuPECC

• What is NuPECC doing

• Why this report


Page 3: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco - Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

What is NuPECC ?

Observers: • NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics

Division of European Physical Society

• Nuclear Science Advisory Committee

(USA) for DOE and NSF

• Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics

• ANPhA- Asian Nuclear Physics Association

Permanent Scientific SecretaryGabriele-Elisabeth KÖRNER

ESF Science and Support OfficeJean-Claude WORMS

The Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee is an Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation

20 Countries 30 Members


Page 4: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

What is NuPECC doing ?

Page 5: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

NuPECC Mission

Strengthen European collaboration in nuclear science through the promotion of nuclear physics and its trans-disciplinary use and application in collaborative ventures between research groups……

In 2013 NuPECC celebrated 25 years of existence

Page 6: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

NuPECC Long Range Plans (Infrastructures in Europe)

The elaboration of a strategy for Nuclear Physics is the main objective of NuPECC

4 Long-Range Planshave been issued 1991, 1997, 2004, and 2010

In the list of Recommendations one is for Applications and education:

Secure and furtherdevelop the Nuclear Physics skills in view of current and future needs in energy generation, medicine and security

Page 7: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014









Art and Archeology


matter physics





Fundamental Physics

Dedicated reportson impact andapplications of Nuclear Physics19942003

Page 8: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

Why this report?

Page 9: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

Acceleration development


Progress in Nuclear Physics due to advances in :

Detector developments

Nuclear Medicine

radioactive isotopes are produced and studied to understand the many forms and complexities of nuclei

Modelling and simulation of the physical processes

Page 10: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

2014:A report fully dedicated to medical applications

The focus is on how Nuclear Research is improving human health

Procedures employing nuclear particle and radiations to understand, diagnose and cure diseases are becoming an even-more important component of critical life-saving health care.

Page 11: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

Following the successful model of previous NuPECC reports:

• conveners were engaged by NuPECC Members and Working Groups were set up

• NuPECC Members and Liaisons followed the various steps for the preparation of this report.

• The draft reports were published on the NuPECC website and discussed at an open meeting in Paris on 18 -11-2013

• The input received from the community was incorporated, resulting in the report

Page 12: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

Hadron therapy Conveners: Marco Durante (GSI) – Sydney Galès (Orsay, FAIR, ELI-NP) NuPECC liasons : Adam Maj, Jan Dobeš

Medical imaging Conveners: José Manuel Udias (Madrid) – David Brasse (Strasbourg) NuPECC liasons: Faiçal Azaiez, Alexander Murphy

Radioisotopes for medicine Conveners: Ulli Köster (ILL) – Marie-Claire Cantone (Milano) NuPECC liasons: Piet Van Duppen, Ari Jokinen

Focus on a number of recent exciting advances

The emphasis is where the nuclear physics community plays an important role

Page 13: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

• This report is not a position paper. Rather, it gives an updated overview of how fundamental nuclear physics research (in its broadest sense) has had and will continue to have an impact on developments in medicine.

• With this document NuPECC intends to inform (in brief) the scientific community (beyond the nuclear physics community), funding agencies and policy makers of some of the latest developments in nuclear medicine driven by the technical efforts currently underway in nuclear physics facilities.

• As with previous Framework Programmes, it is important to be engaged in and committed to nuclear physics projects within Horizon 2020 that will enhance the mutual roles of fundamental and applied nuclear research.

Page 14: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.

Angela Bracco Bruxelles 24 -11 2014

Thanks to all the 70 contributors, to all conveners, NuPECC liaisons and members

Thanks to ESF staff - Nathalie Geyer

To all participants – particular grateful for your attendance today Thank you for your attention - enjoy the afternoon!

Page 15: What is NuPECC ? Observers: NPD/EPS- Nuclear Physics Division of European Physical Society Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (USA) for DOE and NSF.