What is Nextdoor.com

Noland Hoshino President, Northwest Neighborhood Presented by

Transcript of What is Nextdoor.com

Noland HoshinoPresident, Northwest Neighborhood

Presented by

73%of online adults use a social networking site

Source: Report on social media

2%Only 2% of peoples’ Facebook friends are neighbors

Source: Report on Social Networking Sites and our Lives

What is

67%of homeowners feel safer in their home/neighborhood because they know their neighbors

Source: Harris Interactive Survey

28%of Americans don’t know any of their neighbors by name

Source: Report on Neighbors Online

How do you use

Let’s Get Started

Address Verification

• Mobile or home phone

• Credit or debit card

• Last-4 SSN

• LexisNexis

• Nextdoor Leads verification

• Neighbor invitations

• Postcard invitations


The “S” word


• Founder

• Lead• National Leads Forum

• Review flagged content

• Verify neighbors

• Managed About Section

• Manage Crime & Safety

• Add a New Lead

• Neighbors


• Events

• Polls

• Urgent Alerts

• Groups

• Bookmarks

25%of Americans who know their neighbors say they have received help with a lost pet or helped a neighbor with a lost pet

Source: Harris Interactive Survey

47%of Americans who know their neighbors say they have no immediate plans to move or sell their home

Source: Harris Interactive Survey

Playground Rules


• Treat everyone with respect

• Assume good intentions in others and give them the benefit of the doubt.

• Disagree without being disagreeable; focus on issues and do not engage in personal attacks.

• Practice moderation and do not over post in a way that dominates conversations.

• Send private messages or post to a Group when a limited audience is more appropriate.

• Refrain from using profanity or posting messages that will be perceived as discriminatory.

Engaging Conversations on

Share Helpful Information

• Answer fellow members’ questions.

• Share information about crime and safety issues.

• Recommend local businesses and services (without spamming or inappropriate self-promotion).

• Sell, share, or give away personal items that you no longer want or need.

• Discuss community issues (but avoid campaigning).

• Spread the word about local events.

• Provide support to fellow members in need.

Reporting Bad Neighbors

• Flag posts

• Mute members

• Mute discussions

Nextdoor During Back-To-School

• Organize a group of parents to take turns walking kids to school

• Snap a picture of lost homework found on the sidewalk

• Coordinate an after school activity for kids in the neighborhood

• Ask for a recommendation for a local babysitter or tutor

• Post urgent alerts about school closures

Nextdoor National Night Out

• Create an NNO event on Nextdoor for your neighborhood

• Print NNO flyers and hand them out in your neighborhood before the event. Once you’ve created your NNO event on Nextdoor, you can print flyers from your events details page. Flyers contain multi-use invitation codes for easy sign up.

• Set up a table with a sign-in sheet at your event to collect neighbors’ names and email addresses. After the event, send Nextdoor email invitations to your list.

• Pass out Nextdoor invitation flyers at your event• Use the new Nextdoor mobile invitation app to sign up

neighbors on the spot

Nextdoor During Winter Storm

• Use “Urgent Alerts” in times of need

• Coordinate a playdate for kids who have snow days

• Offer a hand

• Plan a neighborhood dinner

• Share safety tips with neighbors

44%of Americans who know their neighbors say they feel proud of where they live.

Source: Harris Interactive Survey

93%of Americans say it is important for neighbors to look out for one another

Source: Harris Interactive Survey

Grow Your

Grow Your Nextdoor Neighborhood

• FREE postcard invites

• Post invitation tear-off flyers on bulletin boards around your neighborhood.

• Invite contest (invite count on your profile)

• Host a neighborhood potluck, coffee or other event and encourage members to bring new neighbors.

• Add in newsletter

• Add to email signature

Grow Your Nextdoor Neighborhood

• Leave stack of flyers at your local library, gym, coffee shop – wherever people in the neighborhood congregate.

• Send an email invitation to all neighborhood groups/email lists you belong to.

• Place a Nextdoor window sign in your front window.

• Ask your favorite local business to put up a Nextdoorwindow sign.

• Walk the neighborhood on weekends and hand out Nextdoor business cards to neighbors you run into.



Noland HoshinoPresident, Northwest Neighborhood

Presented by