What is new in JUnit5

JUnit5 The Next Generation of JUnit Richard Langlois P. Eng. Solutions Architect 10 août 2016

Transcript of What is new in JUnit5

Page 1: What is new in JUnit5

JUnit5 – The Next Generation of JUnit Richard Langlois P. Eng. Solutions Architect 10 août 2016

Page 2: What is new in JUnit5

Why JUnit5

What is New


Migration Tips

10 août 2016


Page 3: What is new in JUnit5

Junit 4 is an All-in-one library

Difficult for IDEs to deal with the library.

10 août 2016

Why Junit 5

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Revamped codebase with a modular architecture.

JUnit 5 = JUnit Platform + JUnit Jupiter + JUnit Vintage

Junit Platform: Defines TestEngine API for developing a testing framework that runs on the platform.

Junit Jupiter: provides TestEngine for running Junit 5 based tests on the platform.

Junit Vintage: provides TestEngine for running Junit 3 and Junit 4 based tests on the platform.

Test code depends only on the JUnit 5 API.

IDE support: As of August 2016, supported by IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2

Milestone 2 released on July 23, 2016

GA release (due late 2016).

Code samples available on GitHub (https://github.com/junit-team/junit5-samples)

10 août 2016

What is Junit 5

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• Test code depends only on the JUnit 5 API.

• IDEs and build tools depend on the Launcher and Engine APIs and can execute tests independent of the testing framework in use.

10 août 2016

Page 6: What is new in JUnit5

JUnit 4

Import org.junit.Test

public class JUnit4Test {


public void aJunit4TestCase() {

assertTrue(“message”, 5 > 6);



JUnit 5

Import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class JUnit5Test {


void aJunit5TestCase() {

assertTrue(5 > 6, “message”);



10 août 2016

JUnit 4 vs JUnit 5

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New set of annotations which resides in a different package (org.junit.jupiter.api) than their JUnit 4 counterparts:

@Test: the method is a test

@TestFactory: the method is a test factory for dynamic tests

@DisplayName: declares a custom display name (class or method)

@BeforeEach: method executed before each test method

@AfterEach: method executed after each test method

@BeforeAll: method executed before all test methods

@AfterAll: method executed after all test methods

@Nested: denotes that the class is a nested, non-static test class

@Tag: declare a tag for filtering tests (class or method)

@Disabled: disable a test class or test method

@ExtendWith: register custom extensions

10 août 2016

What is New

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New package org.junit.jupiter.api

Tests do not need to be public

Meta-Annotation: Allows to define our own composed annotation

Display Names with @DisplayName(“…”)

Can contain spaces, special chars, and emoji 😱


Optional message is now the last parameter

Grouped assertions using assertAll()

expectThrows: check that method throws an exception, and returns the exception object to allow further testing.

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What is New (continued)

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Assumptions: Skip the test execution if the assumption condition is not met.

E.g. assumeTrue, assumingThat

Disabling test with @Disabled

Tagging: used to enable/disable tests with specific tags in a build and execution

Equivalent of the Categories in JUnit 4

e.g. @Tag(“fast”).

Nested Tests: Allow expressing relationship among several group of tests.

10 août 2016

What is New (continued)

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Extension Model:

New extension API that supersedes the previous @RunWith and @Rule extension mechanism

Test constructors and methods are now permitted to have parameters enabling dependency injection.

2 built-in resolvers: TestInfo: information about the current test (e.g. display name)

TestReporter: to publish additional data about the current test run

Custom ParameterResolver: Specified with @ExtendWith

10 août 2016

What is New (continued)

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Dynamic tests:

A DynamicTest is a test case generated at runtime.

Generated at runtime by a factory method (annotated with @TestFactory).

@TestFactory method returns a Stream, Collection, Iterable or Iterator of DynamicTest instances.

10 août 2016

What is New (continued)

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1. AnnotationTestDemo.java

2. MetaAnnotationDemo.java

3. BeforeAfterDemo.java

4. DisplayNameDemo.java

5. AssertionsDemo.java

6. AssumptionsDemo.java

7. DisabledClassDemo.java

8. DisabledTestDemo.java

9. TaggingDemo.java

10. NestedTestDemo.java

11. ParameterTestInfoDemo.java

12. ParameterTestReporterDemo.java

13. DynamicTestDemo.java

10 août 2016


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Annotations reside in the org.junit.jupiter.api package.

Assertions reside in org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.

Assumptions reside in org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.

@Before and @After no longer exist; use @BeforeEach and @AfterEach instead.

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass no longer exist; use @BeforeAll and @AfterAll instead.

@Ignore no longer exists: use @Disabled instead.

@Category no longer exists; use @Tag instead.

@RunWith no longer exists; superseded by @ExtendWith.

@Rule and @ClassRule no longer exist; superseded by @ExtendWith.

10 août 2016

JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 Migration Tips

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Next Lunch & Learn:

Introduction to Docker, by John Okrasa

10 août 2016

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