What is ? Modern business questions 2014

Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 What's the question? Craig Terblanche, Chief - CXO Advisor [email protected] 083-309-9763


What is: - Important - Innovation -- Is it only technology innovation? - Entrepreneurship - Money - Cloud -- Is it more than the internet? - Mobility - Big data - Business Model

Transcript of What is ? Modern business questions 2014

2. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Important Innovation Entrepreneurship Money Cloud Mobility Big data Business Model 2 3. Copyright CXO Advisor 20143 4. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Discipline Resources Differentiation Know your customer You need to be different 5. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Hint: "Because I said so," is not a valid answer. Why does it work this way? Why is that our goal? Why did you say no? Why are we treating people differently? Why is this our policy? Why are we having this meeting? Why not? The 5 Whys: just keep asking "Why?" until you get to the true cause of a particular situation or problem. 6. Copyright CXO Advisor 20146 7. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 You don't need more time, you just need to decide. Avoid fear by having a fear of fear. Minimum Viable Product 8. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Sprint Plan Develop Test User Testing Release User Story Analysis 9. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Less is More The Value of an iterative Approach Features and Functions Used in a Typical System Source: Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman 10. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Think Big Time to value ? Start small Scale Fast Ongoing value 11. Copyright CXO Advisor 201411 12. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Entrepreneurship => impact we're rewarded for is engaging with the user Don't tell me what you invented. Tell me about who you changed. 13. Copyright CXO Advisor 201413 14. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 It's a method of exchange, a unit we exchange for something we actually need or value. It has worth because we agree it has worth, because we agree what it can be exchanged for. But there's something far more powerful going on here. We don't actually agree, because each person's valuation of money is based on the stories we tell ourselves about it. Our bank balance is merely a number, bits represented on a screen, but it's also a signal and symptom. We tell ourselves a story about how we got that money, what it says about us, what we're going to do with it and how other people judge us. We tell ourselves a story about how that might grow, and more vividly, how that money might disappear or shrink or be taken away. And those stories, those very powerful unstated stories, impact the narrative of just about everything else we do. So yes, there's money. But before there's money, there's a story. It turns out that once you change the story, the money changes too. Money isn't real 15. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 16. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 17. Copyright CXO Advisor 201417 18. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Cloud Computing is a production method where the Services are presented; on-demand self-provisioned scalable And; billed per logical unit used 19. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 IT-services delivered; on-premise off-premise independent of the traditional perpetual licensing models with focus on the services delivered as a subscription based expense and not the licenses or technology required to deliver the services. 20. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 SaaS Cloud Computing SaaS IT-services delivered; on-premise off-premise independent of the traditional perpetual licensing models with focus on the services delivered as a subscription based expense and not the licenses or technology required to deliver the services. Cloud Computing A production method where the Services are presented; on-demand self-provisioned scalable And; billed per logical unit used Perpetual Hosted Platform Perpetual Local Infrastructure OnPremiseOffPremise Traditional IT delivery ASP 21. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Application Streaming Subscription Local Infrastructure Subscription Services on premise Multi-Tenant Platform Subscription Single-Tenant Platform Subscription HaaS? IaaS? PaaS? Cloud Services Its all about who the customer is - AND more importantly - what the customer is asking for Perpetual Hosted Platform Perpetual Local Infrastructure OnPremiseOffPremise From a customer perspective All is SaaS 22. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Speed Agility Cost savings Predictability Security (can you do it better?) Scalability Resilience Less license compliance issues Eliminate piracy protect your IP 22 23. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 24. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 25. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Factory Use Wholesalers Multiple outlets Sales & Marketing support Outsourcing of production Nobody knows how it is made In Cloud Services we will see DataCenters Distributors/ Aggregators Offline/online Channels Sales & Marketing support Outsourcing/ Syndication Nobody knows how it is made 26. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 27. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 28. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 29. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Your focus determines your world Facts rule! The one with the most facts wins the argument! Tech specs are some of the most impressive facts ever. These features are so neat that you should buy the product just to get them. Value sells! With this product/feature your company will gain (the ability to) You can achieve higher productivity by utilizing You can reduce time, effort and possible errors by.. But my Pains and priorities are. My only focus at this moment is So important I wont consider your offering right now The only things I care about, or I will loose my job Pushing technology Wanting solutions the PULL 30. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 31. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Maintenance Innovation Managed internally Hardware Middleware Application Business Process Scope of Activities IT budget/Effort Hardware Middleware Application Business Process Scope of Activities IT budget/Effort Innovation Internally Managed IaaS & HaaS Maintenance Vendor Management Innovation Internally Managed PaaS & IaaS & HaaS Maintenance Vendor Management Innovation Internally Managed SaaS & PaaS & IaaS & HaaS Maintenance Vendor Management 32. Copyright CXO Advisor 201432 33. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Why hasn't the whole cell phone industry exploded? Not the "use a portable phone to call people" market. That market is doing great, everyone knows how to use a phone and a cell phone is just a better solution to that problem for a lot of uses. The entire "data in my pocket" or "fundamentally different kind of interaction" business. For years, everyone has been talking about the coming goldmine in mobile. We've been trying to solve the wrong problem. Take a look at virtually every giant online success (except for Amazon) and none of them were obvious in 1992. I think we're going to discover a whole new universe of cell phone services that people want to pay for, things that we won't be able to live without. Like... ringtones. Mobile doesn't have a problem. We (the marketers and the entrepreneurs) do. 34. Copyright CXO Advisor 201434 35. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 36. Copyright CXO Advisor 201436 37. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 What excites our customers? How do we create value for our customers? How do we earn money? Who is on our team? How will we pursue value? Value proposition Culture and values Value architecture Revenue Model http://www.slideshare.net/metamorphbiz/what-is-business-model- innovation 38. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Technology Value Business strategy enables defines creates Business model X 39. Copyright CXO Advisor 201439 40. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 41. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 Imagination is the beginning of creation: You imagine what you desire You will what you imagine You create what you will George Bernard Shaw Innovate Imagine Return on business agility Implement 42. Copyright CXO Advisor 2014 The OutSystems Platform www.outsystems.com/get-started