What is Culture? - PC\|MACimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/GA/DouglasCounty/... ·  ·...

What is Culture? Webster's Dictionary: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

Transcript of What is Culture? - PC\|MACimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/GA/DouglasCounty/... ·  ·...

What is Culture?

Webster's Dictionary: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time

Europe has a unique culture. Let’s examine some of the cultural

characteristics of people who live in Europe.

Essential Question:

How do cultural characteristics influence

Europe today?


SS6G11a. Explain the diversity of European languages as seen in a comparison of German, English, Russian, French, and Italian

SS6G11b. Describe the major religions in Europe; include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Diversity of European Languages

Watch the video clip below illustrating the changing borders in Europe over 1000

years. http://www.viralforest.com/watch-1000-


Be prepared to answer the following questions:

• Use 1-2 words to describe Europe’s borders over the years

• Identify 2-3 parts of Europe that stayed generally the same over the entire time.

Diversity of European Languages

As you noticed, there have been many changes to Europe’s political boundaries

over the past 1,000 to 2,000 years.

How have those changes created challenges for European countries?

Diverse Languages of Europe

• Europe has many diverse languages.

• Some of the languages are in the same language family, so people from one country can often understand the language of people from another country.

• Many Europeans speak two or more languages.

Use the Diverse Languages of Europe Graphic Organizer to record important


Diverse Languages of Europe• German and English are examples of

Germanic languages.

• English is spoken in more parts of the world

than any other language.

Germanic Languages

• German and English are examples of Germanic languages.

• English is spoken in more parts of the world than any other language.

Diverse Languages of Europe

French and Italian are examples of Romance languages (based on Latin,

the language of ancient Romans)

Roots of European Languages

The French, Spanish and

Portuguese languages are

called Romance

languages because they

came from old languages

used during the Roman








Roots of European Languages

Romance Languages

French and Italian are examples of

Romance languages (based

on Latin, the language of ancient


Diverse Languages of Europe

Russian is an example of a Slavic language.

Slavic Languages

Russian is an example

of a Slavic language.

European Languages






Diverse Languages of Europe

Slides 20-29 have specific countries of Europe shaded

(that you previously learned). With a partner, identify the

country, its language and/or its language family.

Spain: Romance Language



France: Romance

Language (French)


United Kingdom: Germanic

Language (English)


Belgium: Germanic Language


Germany: Germanic

Language (German)


Poland: Slavic Language


Russia: Slavic Language (Russian)


Ukraine: Slavic Language


Italy: Romance Language



Portugal: Romance Language

Think, Pair, ShareWrite a sentence to describe the

languages of Europe.

Identify at least 2 countries of Europe and their language.

Describe the general location (east, central, west) of the three language families: Germanic, Romance, Slavic

Think, Pair, ShareWrite a sentence to describe the

languages of Europe.

Identify at least 2 countries of Europe and their language.

Describe the general location (east, central, west) of the three language families: Germanic, Romance, Slavic

Think, Pair, ShareWrite a sentence to describe the

languages of Europe.

Identify at least 2 countries of Europe and their language.

Describe the general location (east, central, west) of the three language families: Germanic, Romance, Slavic

Religions of Europe

There are 3 main religious groups in Europe:




Essential Question

What are the characteristics of the 3 major religions in Europe?

(Judaism, Christianity & Islam)

Video: Judaism-Islam portion

Complete the “What I Think I Know” section at the top of your Religions of Europe Chart.

Pair and Share when instructed

Religions of Europe:

All three are monotheistic (believe in one God)

All three acknowledge Abraham as the patriarch (father) of their faith

Each has a holy book and a specific place of worship

Each has a different view about Jesus Christ

Some of these religions share common holy sites in the region but also have their own unique holy sites

Who was Abraham?

• Abraham is considered the 1st Hebrew and the father of the Jewish people

• As a reward for his act of faith in oneGod, he was promised many offspring (children).

Judaism Believers are called Jews

Monotheistic (believe in one God)

Patriarch (father) of the faith is Abraham

Holy Books: Torah (parts of the Old Testament) and the Talmud

Judaism Place of worship is a Synagogue

View of Jesus Christ: He was an ordinary Jew, not the Messiah. Jews are still waiting on the Messiah.

Holy Sites: Jerusalem, Wailing Wall (remains of a Jerusalem temple)

What does Messiah mean? Savior or divine person


Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

Symbols of Judaism

MenorahStar of David

Traditions of Judaism

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Hanukkah

Christianity Believers are called Christians

Monotheistic (believe in one God)

Patriarch (father) of the faith is Abraham

Holy Books: Bible

Place of worship is a Church, Chapel, or Cathedral

View of Jesus Christ: He was the son of God and the Messiah (savior)

Holy Sites: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Vatican City (Catholic)

The majority of Christians in Europe are Catholic



Vatican City

Symbols of Christianity

Cross Fish

Traditions of Christianity

Christmas Easter

Islam Believers are called Muslims

Monotheistic (believe in one God)

Patriarch (father) of the faith is Abraham

Holy Books: Qur’an or Koran

Islam Place of worship is a Mosque

View of Jesus Christ: He was a prophet sent by Allah (God) but he was not a Messiah or the son of God.

Holy Sites: Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina

What does Prophet mean? Messenger of God


Muslims believe that Abraham was the first prophet (messenger of Allah or God) and that Jesus Christ was a prophet that came after Abraham

Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet of Allah. Muhammad started the religion of Islam.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe

5 Pillars of Islam

• Admitting that there is only one God, Allah.

• Praying 5 times a day

• To give to those in need, charity

• Fasting (not eating) during certain times, especially during Ramadan

• Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.


Mosque in Medina

Symbols of Islam

Star and Crescent “Allah” in Arabic

Traditions of Islam

Ramadan (holy month of fasting) Pilgrimage to Mecca

Predominate Religion by region

Complete the “Corrections or New Information” section of your Religions of Europe Chart.

Pair and Share when instructed

More Alike or Different?

• Are the 3 major religions of Europe more alike or more different from each other?

Think, Pair, Share

Identify three similarities between Judaism, Christianity,

and Islam

Identify at least three differences between Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam.

Diverse Cultures of Europe Summarizer


The Literacy RateIN EUROPE

SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe.

Essential Question: What is the relationship between literacy rate and standard of living?


Literacy: the ability to read & write


• The ability to read and write

• High literacy rates are usually found in industrialized countries such as the United States and most of Europe.


• Focus more on manufacturing than farming.

• These professions require communication skills.

• The increased wealth of these countries allows them to provide education, healthcare, and technology.

• High standard of living.


• Third-World Countries- countries that are still developing.

• Depend on farming

• Fewer people can read and write

• Education, healthcare, and jobs are not readily available

• Poor


• The total value of the final goods and services produced in a country one year divided by the population.



UNITED KINGDOM 99% $35,100

FRANCE 99% $33,200

RUSSIA 99.4% $16,100

GERMANY 99% $33,200

ITALY 98% $30,400

Life Expectancy


• People in third world countries have

• A. the best jobs

• B. little education

• C. a higher literacy rate

• D. a greater standard of living


• B. little education


• A literate person in a developed country is most likely to have all EXCEPT which item?

• A. health care

• B. technology

• C. a high paying job

• D. uneducated children


• D. Uneducated children


• The standard of living is determined by?

• Literacy is the ability to?

• A country with a high literacy rate typically has a high ?

• The literacy rate and standard of live in Europe are?


• Text adapted from Georgia CRCT Test Prep 6th Grade Social Studies, Teaching the Georgia Performance Standards, Clairmont Press, Atlanta, Georgia

• Images retrieved from www.google.com/images. 10-12-11• Image retrieved from

http://www.moviebase.info/1008/Rush-Hour/Rush-Hour-55.jpg. 10-16-11

• Quote retrieved from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266915/quotes?qt=qt0319121. 10-16-11

• http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/speech.asp

• Title Slide: Good Morning from left to right – Germany, French, English, Italian, Russian