What is Android NDK ● A toolset that lets you embed in you app native source code ● C,...

What is Android NDK A toolset that lets you embed in you app native source code C, C++(recently supported December 2010) and assembly(?) It is supported on android cupcake(1.5)+ It is aimed to Bring native libraries in android (code reusability) Make some parts of the application really fast using code generated for arm-like cpus Most of the time android SDK is prerequisite for NDK Under heavy development

Transcript of What is Android NDK ● A toolset that lets you embed in you app native source code ● C,...

What is Android NDK

● A toolset that lets you embed in you app native source code

● C, C++(recently supported December 2010) and assembly(?)

● It is supported on android cupcake(1.5)+

● It is aimed to

– Bring native libraries in android (code reusability)

– Make some parts of the application really fast using code generated for arm-like cpus

● Most of the time android SDK is prerequisite for NDK

● Under heavy development

When should be used?

● Not just because we like c++ more than java!● Only when its benefits outrages its drawbacks● Why?

– Always increases application complexity

– Very difficult debugging

● But

– OpenGL graphics to work on android in favor of NDK

– Increases speed

– Enable us to port most of the libraries

How... ?

● Android provides 2 ways:– Writing the application using the standard SDK framework

and then using JNI to access the API provided by NDK.

– Write a native activity using NativeActivity class and native code to implement activity lifecycle callbacks.

– Available only on Android 2.3+

– Services, Content providers must be implemented using NDK.

So what exactly is JNI?

● Tip: Java Native Interface– Available years before android appeared

● Used when something java couldn't do

– e.g. platform specific features

– Many library java classes use JNI● Can be used to inteface with C, C++ and assembly

● But also through that C and C++ can call native JAVA functions!

JNI example●NativeConnection class

public class NativeConnection{

public native String stringFromJNI();

// This method loads as soon as the instance of the class is created

static {





JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_ceid_1ds2_cbox_helloandroid_NativeConnection_stringFromJNI(

JNIEnv* env, //environment pointer

jobject thiz ) //object pointer


return env->NewStringUTF("Hello from native C++ code using NJI :-D");

//return (*env)->NewStringUTF("Hello from native C code using NJI :-D");


Native Method Names

● A native method name is concatenated from the following components:

– the prefix Java_

– a mangled fully-qualified class name

– an underscore (“_”) separator

– a mangled method name

– for overloaded native methods, two underscores (“__”) followed by the mangled argument signature

Native Method Names

● Other characters:

– _0XXXX: a Unicode character XXXX.

– _1: the character “_”

– _2: the character “;” in signatures

– _3: the character “[“ in signatures● Pretty difficult to remember!

● But there is a tool that can help us!

● javah !


● Header and Stub File Generator

● javah [ options ] fully-qualified-classname

● e.g. javah -nji com.helloandroid.NativeConnection -o helloFromJNI.h

● Generates all the function prototypes in an automated way!

● Suports C-like C++

JNI strategy

● Create the native methods in java class

● Load the library in java class

● Create the function prototypes using javah in a .h file

● Create the final native source file!

● Use your native methods inside Android activity

JNI example!●NativeConnection class

public class NativeConnection{

public native String stringFromJNI();

// This method loads as soon as the instance of the class is created

static {





JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_ceid_1ds2_cbox_helloandroid_NativeConnection_stringFromJNI(

JNIEnv* env, //environment pointer

jobject thiz ) //object pointer


return env->NewStringUTF("Hello from native C++ code using NJI :-D");

//return (*env)->NewStringUTF("Hello from native C code using NJI :-D");


JNI in android

● The Android NDK is nothing more than a complement to the Android SDK that helps you to:

– Generate JNI-compatible shared libraries that can run on the Android platform running on ARM CPUs.

– Copy the generated libraries to a proper location of your application to be included in .apks

– - A set of cross-toolchains (compilers, linkers, etc..) that can generate native ARM binaries on Linux, OS X and Windows (with Cygwin)

● All the rest is just JNI!

Android NDK strategy

● Implement the usual application lifecycle callbacks

● Implement the native methods in a java class

● Load the library in a java class

● Create the function prototypes using javah in a .h file(optional)

● Create the final native source file

● Use your native methods somewhere inside Android activity

● Execute the commands from your working directory:– <pathToSDK>/tools/android update project -p . -s

– <pathToNDK>/ndk-build

● Build the project using eclipse

JNI revisited

●A native cannot return anything to java

●It has to be one of the JNI defined types: jboolean, jint, jfloat, jdouble, jstring . . . . j<javaType>

●To interfere with this types there also many many JNI functions

●To get the native string from javaString:●const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);

●Some time are the same e.g. int data type is 8 bit signed same as jint.

JNI revisited

● For example Java arrays are not guaranteed to have a continuous memory layout like C arrays.

● void Get<PrimitiveType>ArrayRegion(JNIEnv *env, ArrayType array, jsize start, jsize len, NativeType *buf); returns a native type array in a continues region

● JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_IntArray_sumArray(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr) {

jint buf[10];jint i, sum = 0;env->GetIntArrayRegion(arr, 0, 10, buf);for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

sum += buf[i];}return sum;
