What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.



What is an adjective? Loving God Good king Righteous judge Sinful man

Transcript of What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Page 1: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.
Page 2: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

What is an adjective?What is an adjective?

A word that modifies, describes, A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a nounor characterizes a noun

Page 3: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

What is an adjective?What is an adjective?

Loving GodLoving GodGood kingGood king

Righteous judgeRighteous judgeSinful manSinful man

Page 4: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Adjectives change their forms to Adjectives change their forms to indicate gender and numberindicate gender and number

Page 5: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

MasculineMasculine FeminineFeminine

vyaih' vyaih' bwOjbwOj

The man is The man is goodgood

bwOj bwOj vyaih'vyaih'

hb'wOj hb'wOj hv'yaih' hv'yaih'

The woman is The woman is goodgood

hv'yaih' hv'yaih' hb'wOjhb'wOj

Page 6: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Attributive Attributive UseUse

Predicative Predicative UseUse

bwOjh; bwOjh; vyaih'vyaih'

The man is goodThe man is good

vyaih' vyaih' bwOjbwOj

The good manThe good man

Comes after the noun Comes after the noun it modifies; agrees in it modifies; agrees in


Usually precedes the Usually precedes the noun but does not noun but does not have the definite have the definite


Page 7: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

bwOjh; bwOjh; vyaih'vyaih'

The good manThe good man

Attributive order can be Attributive order can be reversed for emphasisreversed for emphasis

vyaih' vyaih' bwOjh;bwOjh;

The The goodgood man man (emphasis upon (emphasis upon the word “good”)the word “good”)

Page 8: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

The substantive use of the The substantive use of the adjective is when the adjective adjective is when the adjective

is used in place of a noun that is is used in place of a noun that is merely understood merely understood


““The good man”The good man”oror

“the good thing”“the good thing”

Page 9: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Substantive Use of the Substantive Use of the AdjectiveAdjective

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

~yrI~yrI±Bo±BoGIh; GIh;

Page 10: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Indicates the idea of motion toward Indicates the idea of motion toward someone or something someone or something

#r<a'#r<a'h'-la,h'-la, To (toward) the landTo (toward) the land

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land

which I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).

Page 11: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Indicates the idea of motion toward Indicates the idea of motion toward someone or something someone or something

hc'r>hc'r>a;,a;, To (toward) the landTo (toward) the land

Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his nephew… and they set out for the land of

Canaan; thus they came to the land of Canaan. (Genesis 12:5).

Page 12: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

~r"a] hn"D<P; ~r"a] hn"D<P; %le ~Wq%le ~Wq

laeWtb. ht'yBelaeWtb. ht'yBe(Genesis 28:2)

AriseGoTo Padan


To the house

Of Bethuel

Page 13: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hc'r>a; bC'mu hc'r>a; bC'mu ~L'su hNEhiw> ~L'su hNEhiw> hm'y>m'V'h; hm'y>m'V'h;

[:yGIm; [:yGIm; Avarow>Avarow>(Genesis 28:12)

And behold

a ladder

standingto the earth

and its head (top)

touchingto the heavens

Page 14: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

For the LORD is a great God For the LORD is a great God And a great King above all gods And a great King above all gods

(Psalm 95:3).(Psalm 95:3).

hw"+hy> hw"+hy> lAdåG" laeä lAdåG" laeä

yKiÛ yKiÛ `~yhi(l{a/-lK'-l[; `~yhi(l{a/-lK'-l[; lAdªG"÷ %l,m,îWlAdªG"÷ %l,m,îW

Page 15: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.
Page 16: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

dx'a, dx'a, One

Page 17: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

dx'a, dx'a, hw"hy> hw"hy> laer"f.yI laer"f.yI

[m;v.[m;v.dx'a, hw"hy> dx'a, hw"hy>

Wnyhel{a/Wnyhel{a/(Deuteronomy 6:4)

Page 18: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


Page 19: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hL'hL'D; D;


lD; lD; or

Page 20: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!qez" !qez" Old

!!q'q'z" z"

BB Beard Beard

Page 21: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!qez" !qez" ~ynIqez> hr"f'w>

~h'r"b.a;w> ~ymiY"B; ~yaiB'

And Abraham

And Sarah

they were old

they came

in years

Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age (Genesis 18:11)

Page 22: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


hm'khm'k.x' .x'

BB Wisdom Wisdom

Page 23: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

~k'x'~k'x'Do not be wise in your own eyes;

Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. (Proverbs 3:7).

Page 24: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

bAj bAj Good

Page 25: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

bAj bAj Better is a poor man who walks in his integrityThan he who is perverse in speech and is a fool. (Proverbs 19:1).

vr"-bAj vr"-bAj

Page 26: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hp,y" hp,y" Beautiful

Page 27: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hp,y" hp,y" And it came about when he came

near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, “See now, I know that you are a

beautiful woman” (Genesis 12:11).

Page 28: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hp,y" hp,y" Now Joseph was handsome in form Now Joseph was handsome in form

and appearance (Genesis 39:6).and appearance (Genesis 39:6).

ra;to-hpey> ra;to-hpey> @seêAy @seêAy

yhiäy>w:yhiäy>w:`ha,r>m; `ha,r>m; hpeywIhpeywI

Page 29: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

rv'y" rv'y" Upright, straight

Page 30: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

rv'y" rv'y" Be glad in the LORD and rejoice,

you righteous ones;And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart. (Psalm 32:11).

Page 31: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!Ke !Ke So, thus, therefore

Page 32: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

daom. daom. Very much

Page 33: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

daom. daom. And God saw every thing that he had And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, made, and, behold, it was it was very good very good

(Genesis 1:31).(Genesis 1:31).

dao+m. dao+m. bAjß-bAjß-

hNEhiw> hNEhiw>

Page 34: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

j[;m. j[;m. Few, little

Page 35: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hT'[;hT'[;At last, after all

Page 36: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

qyDIc; qyDIc; Righteous

Page 37: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


Page 38: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

vAdq' vAdq' Holy

Page 39: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

l[; tr<PoK;h;-ta, l[; tr<PoK;h;-ta, T't;n"w> T't;n"w> ~yvid"Q\h; ~yvid"Q\h; vd<qoB. vd<qoB.

tdU[eh' !Ara]tdU[eh' !Ara](Exodus 26:34)

You shall give

the coveringon

arkof the testimony

in the holy

of holies

Page 40: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!j'q'!j'q'Small, young

Page 41: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!j'q'!j'q'God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night (Genesis 1:16).

Page 42: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

!j'q'!j'q'When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him. (Genesis 9:24).

Page 43: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

br;q'br;q'Come near



Page 44: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


Page 45: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

hv,q'hv,q'…and they made their lives bitter

with hard labor in mortar and bricks and at all kinds of labor in

the field, all their labors which they rigorously imposed on them

(Exodus 1:14).

Page 46: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

qAxr' qAxr' Distant

Page 47: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

br; br; Great

From which is derived “rabbi”From which is derived “rabbi”

Page 48: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


[r[re e Not to be confused withNot to be confused with

which means “companion”which means “companion”


Page 49: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

[r"w" bAj [r"w" bAj t[;D:h; #[et[;D:h; #[eTreeof the


goodand evil

(Genesis 2:9)(Genesis 2:9)

Page 50: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

Then the LORD saw that the Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only the thoughts of his heart was only

evil continually (Genesis 6:5).evil continually (Genesis 6:5).

~AYh;-lK' ~AYh;-lK' [r:[r:

Page 51: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


Page 52: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.


Page 53: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.

~yrIyVih; ~yrIyVih; ryviryvi Song

hmol{v.li hmol{v.li rv,a]rv,a]

of songs

which(is) to Solomon

Page 54: What is an adjective? A word that modifies, describes, or characterizes a noun.