What is a Sea Why So Important

What is ASEA and why is it so important? Our bodies sustain cellular damage daily from sunlight, toxins, chemicals, infections, injuries, etc. Even exercise and exertion can damage cells resulting in strains and muscle aches. The natural balanced chemistry of the cell is disturbed resulting in oxidative stress which communicates to neighboring healthy cells that cells have been damaged in their area. The immune system is then activated to kill invading organisms and dissolve damaged cells. Healthy balanced chemistry is restored after all invading organisms are killed and healthy cells then divide and multiply to fill in the missing cells and tissue with healthy new cells. Antioxidants neutralize excess oxidants, maintaining a correct chemical balance. Reductants and oxidants are reactive molecules that are formed naturally from the simple atoms in the salt water which fill and surround the cells. The mitochondria inside each cell produce reactive molecules and the fuel used to energize the cell (ATP). Reductants pair up with antioxidants to protect the cell from excess reactive oxygen and toxins, while oxidants are used by the immune system to destroy invading organisms. Oxidants are also the communicators when cells are damaged or under attack. The word "redox" in "redox signaling" is formed from "reductants" and "oxidants", the two types of reactive molecules.


What is a Sea Why So Important

Transcript of What is a Sea Why So Important

  • What is ASEA and why is it so important?

    Our bodies sustain cellular damage daily from sunlight, toxins, chemicals, infections, injuries, etc.! Even exercise and exertion can damage cells resulting in strains and muscle aches.!The natural balanced chemistry of the cell is disturbed resulting in oxidative stress which communicates to neighboring healthy cells that cells have been damaged in their area.! The immune system is then activated to kill invading organisms and dissolve damaged cells.! Healthy balanced chemistry is restored after all invading organisms are killed and healthy cells then divide and multiply!to fill in the missing cells and tissue with healthy new cells.

    Antioxidants neutralize excess oxidants, maintaining a correct chemical balance.! Reductants and oxidants!are reactive molecules that are formed naturally from the simple atoms in the salt water which fill and surround the cells.! The mitochondria inside!each cell produce reactive molecules and the fuel used to energize the cell (ATP).! Reductants pair up with antioxidants to protect the cell from excess reactive oxygen and toxins, while oxidants are used by the immune system to destroy invading organisms.! Oxidants are also the communicators when cells are damaged or under attack.! The!word "redox" in!"redox signaling" is formed from "reductants" and "oxidants", the two types of reactive molecules.

  • !A chemical unbalance of reductants and oxidants in the cells or blood causes the immune system to attack healthy cells, inflame tissues and slow down the healing process.! Too few oxidants cut off the communication process and allow damaged, infected, and malfunctioning cells to thrive, divide and spread the damage.! Also, as we age, the cells in our bodies produce fewer of these reactive molecules, which explain why it takes us longer to heal as we get older.! The bottom line is we need to maintain a healthy chemical balance of redox signaling reactive molecules in order to sustain optimum health.! !ASEA contains the balanced reactive molecules or "redox signaling molecules" that our bodies require.! This is the first time that scientists have been able to stabilize these molecules outside the body.! ASEA is an exciting scientific breakthrough that can have a direct impact on improving your health and significantly increasing your!athletic ability!! Antioxidants cannot function properly in our bodies without balanced reactive molecules to trigger them.! ASEA is a safe, natural way to supplement the body's production of balanced reactive molecules.! There is no other natural health supplement like ASEA in the world.

  • Health Benefits of ASEA!ASEA mirrors the balanced reactive molecules that are produced naturally by our bodies.! Studies show that this revolutionary new product can benefit your health and!athletic performance in the following ways:!

    Stimulates the production of antioxidants.! This product turns on and activates the antioxidants in our body and can make them 500% more effective.

    Has zero levels of toxicity. VO2!Max Test results showed that participants had an average

    increase of 12% in their ventilatory threshold, lower average heart rate and less!soreness and fatigue after a workout.

    Accelerates the body's production of its own antioxidants such as glutathione, SOD and catalase.

    Naturally detoxifies the body. Fortifies and protects your cells. Reduces body inflammation. Helps the cells achieve their natural healthy balance. Empowers the cells at the molecular level.

    !This new super supplement is exclusive to the ASEA Corporation and its independent distributors.! !How Does ASEA Work?!ATP is the body's natural source of energy and is produced by the mitochondria.! The mitochondria produce the two sets of reactive molecules.! The first set of reactive molecules is referred to as!antioxidant activators.! Without them, the antioxidants in our bodies are powerless.! The second set is referred to as immune system communicators.! They communicate with and signal the immune system to respond to active threats to each cell or group of cells.! Lets think about that for a minute.! Have you heard the term "auto-immune disease"?! It is becoming more and more common.! Auto-immune disease occurs when the cells in the body do not communicate with each other.! Remember what we said earlier ... if the cells are not communicating, the immune system may attack completely healthy cells and!create new damaged cells.!

  • This is an indication that the body is suffering from a lack of balanced reactive molecules.! The two sets of reactive molecules in ASEA help restore the body's proper chemical balance.! They help the immune system and the cells of the body to communicate clearly with one another.! Your body wants to move towards health.!

    Homeostasis - Equilibrium - Balance.! Redox signaling is the ESSENTIAL part of this process.! ASEA gives the body the best chance possible to heal itself.!In his book "The Science of Healing Revealed", Dr. Gary Samuelson, Ph.D., states:

    1. All health problems can be linked to damaged cells.2. Without the cellular healing process, life could not exist.3. Signaling molecules are fundamental to the healing process.

    !Is it starting to sink in how incredible this scientific breakthrough is?! A healthy cell is constantly making signaling molecules.! However, our bodies no longer make an adequate amount of these molecules due to exposure to pesticides, fertilizers, cell phones, microwaves, computers, TV and other forms of "toxic junk".! Every generation becomes sicker and sicker.! Degenerative diseases are becoming more and more prominent and effecting people younger and younger in age.!

    ASEA Prices

    Prices shown are in US Dollars. Wholesale prices are available when you sign up for "autoship" as a preferred customer. The recommended dose for adults is 4 oz. per day for the first month (4 Bottles) and then 2 oz. per day thereafter (2 Bottles). The 4 bottle case comes with a convenient spray bottle which can be used to spray ASEA on cuts, scrapes, acne, burns, sunburn or other skin conditions as it is a natural disinfectant.

    Customer 4 Bottles 2 Bottles Retail $150 $75

    Wholesale $120 $65

  • The Gold Standard A stringent quality assurance procedure is used to ensure that every bottle of ASEA is of consistent composition and concentration of reactive molecules. All samples tested must measure up to the ASEA "Gold Standard".

    Making a Difference In Your Health! Note: ASEA does not claim to prevent or cure disease. It simply contains the natural ingredients that our bodies and immune systems require to help protect and defend us from disease.