What is a Crisis?

Definition 6 characteristics categories What is a Crisis?


What is a Crisis?. Definition 6 characteristics categories. A Crisis is…. The decisive moment or turning point in a situation. A Crisis is, cont ’ d…. Your perception of a crisis situation is influenced by all of your past experiences . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What is a Crisis?

Page 1: What is a Crisis?

Definition6 characteristics


What is a Crisis?

Page 2: What is a Crisis?

The decisive moment or turning point in a situation.

A Crisis is…

Page 3: What is a Crisis?

A Crisis is, cont’d…

Your perception of a crisis situation is influenced by all of your past experiences.

What may be a major crisis in one family may not be perceived as a crisis in another.

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Six Characteristics

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1. Suddenly

• A crisis hits suddenly and without warning• It is the element of unpredictability that

makes a crisis different from all other challenges that life will present

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2. Security

A crisis threatens securityIt can threaten a person’s physical,

psychological, emotional, economical, or social well-being

Crisis situations cause us to panic because we might lose something very precious- something that has given structure, meaning and purpose to life

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3. Unpredictable

The resolution of a crisis is unpredictableThere is an element of uncertainty in all

heartbreaks. We simply do not know how things are going to turn out. We like to believe that we can weather any storm; but in our quiet moments we wonder whether it can be done

Some crises will be short; others will proceed over a long time and sometimes an entire lifetime

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4. Questions

A crisis presents major problem-solving questions

The questions arise because there are not clear-cut solutions to difficult problems

Time is the best healer in a crisis situationThis is the time to consult with friends, loved

ones, family members and others who can help

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5. Self-Confidence

A crisis erodes self-confidenceThe sudden impact of a negative event

reminds us that life is fragile. The unpredictability of the outcome leaves us unsettled

Questions create anxietyThe net result is that there may be an

apprehension about life that wasn’t present before the crisis

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6. Values

A crisis helps us redefine our valuesThere is a good side about a crisis

experience. Most people, as they look back on the difficult period in their lives, will readily admit that some good came out of it

And in spite of the anger, bitterness, and even self-doubt, he/she is able to move onto a new era of his/her lives

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Lifespan or situational

Categorizing Crises

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•Lifespan crisis are situations that you are more likely to experience due to age

•Older people are more likely to experience a friends death than someone whom is middle aged•Another example is that older adults and teens are at greater risk for suicide than other age groups

Lifespan Crises

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•You cannot experience divorce if you are not married. However, do you think by living with someone instead of marrying them will make the loss any less if the relationship doesn’t work out? •Another example is that you cannot experience a car accident if you are no where near a car.

Situational Crises

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Brainstorm Session