What Is A Bully?

A person that continues to do mean or harmful things to another person. A person that does mean and harmful things to another person that frightens to them. A person that does or says things to make another person feel bad in order to feel powerful.


What Is A Bully?. A person that continues to do mean or harmful things to another person. A person that does mean and harmful things to another person that frightens to them. A person that does or says things to make another - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What Is A Bully?

Page 1: What Is A Bully?

A person that continues to do mean or harmful things to another person. A person that does mean and harmful things to another person that frightens to them. A person that does or says things to make another person feel bad in order to feel powerful.

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Bullies can be boys or girls Boys or girls that like to be in control of others

** Bullies often defend their actions by blaming their victims saying they started it or made them in some way do what they did.

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Physical Verbal Intimidation Social Alienation Cyberbulling (Social Network, Text or Email)

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How fast or slow they learn Being perceived as being too tall, too short, too unattractive, too thin, too overweight or too plain Their race or religion Where they live Who their parents or siblings are Their choice of clothing or hairstyle Who their friends are The way they speak They wear glasses or have braces They have a disability of some kind

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Some people think it is cool. Some people are unhappy and want others to feel bad. They have been or are being bullied To feel powerful (they often pick on those who are quiet and shy.

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Children who are bullied may be afraid to go to school or outside of the home. They may cry, complain of headaches or stomach aches. and have trouble concentrating on schoolwork. Some children who are bullied have become depressed or develop low self-esteem. Children who are bullied may think about suicide. Some may find it difficult to sleep.

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Walk Away - Walking away from a bully does not make you a coward. Don’t get physical – do not hit or get into a fight with them. Try not to get angry and Ignore them. Speak up for yourself. (It’s your opinion, I would appreciate if you would not do that) Stand up for other victims if you can.

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Stay away from places bullies hang out. Let the bully believe his words do not bother you. Tell, Tell Tell!!! Tell your teachers, parents and/or adult family members.

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1 out of 4 kids is bullied. 1 out of 5 kids admits to being a bully, or doing some "bullying." 8% of students miss 1 day of class per month for fear of bullies. 43% of kids fear harassment in the bathroom at school. 100,000 students carry a gun to school. More youth violence occurs on school grounds as opposed to on the way to school. 80% of the time, an argument with a bully will end up in a physical fight. 1/3 of students surveyed said they heard another student threaten to kill someone. Playground statistics: Every 7 minutes a child is bullied

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No one deserves to be mistreated or bullied Treat everyone with respect Stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt someone. If you feel like being mean to someone, find something else to do. Talk to an adult you trust. They can help you find ways to be nicer to others. Keep in mind that everyone is different. Not better or worse. Just different.   If you think you have bullied someone in the past, apologize. You may feel better . . . they more than likely will.

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Bullying is disobeying a Golden Rule. No one deserves to be bullied. Always tell a trusted adult and have hope . Do not let a bully know that they have hurt you. People who do not bully outnumber the people that do. Walk with confidence so that the bully does not see you as an easy target. When being bullied avoid walking alone whenever you can.

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If you feel unsafe because of a bully, do your best to be around friends, teacher or adults. Bullying is unacceptable. Tell your parents, teacher or other adults you trust that you feel unsafe and why. TELL, TELL, TELL!!! Pray and TELL GOD how you feel and ask him to help you be strong and keep you safe and to stop the bullying. Pray for the bully also.

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Let’s See

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If you feel unsafe because of a bully, do your best to be around friends, teacher or adults. Bullying is unacceptable. Tell your parents, teacher or other adults you trust that you feel unsafe and why. TELL, TELL, TELL!!! Pray and TELL GOD how you feel and ask him to help you be strong and keep you safe and to stop the bullying. Pray for the bully also.