WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail...


Transcript of WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail...

Page 1: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.


Page 2: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Mail carrier arriving lateMake entry in the Error Book and report in

the DR(Rule 29 of Vol - VII)

Mail carrier arriving late causing delay to mails

Make entry explaining the quantum of delay in the Error book and report in the DR in detail 

(Rule 29 of Vol - VII)


Page 3: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

1. Mail carrier arriving late:

Circumstance - 1• Mail carrier of Periyar Bus Stand SO

arrived late at 1900 against 1830 hrs. Prescribed in the DML Madurai RMS/2

Sample Error Entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Periyar Bus Stand SO dated_____________. The bags from Periyar Bus Stand SO dtd____ for Madurai RMS/2 were brought by the mail carrier late at 19.00 hrs against 18.30 hrs prescribed. However, all the mails were included in the due despatches without any detention of mail. Date Stamp Signature of H.S.A.

Page 4: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2: • Mail carrier of Periyar Bus Stand SO arrived late at

2100 hrs against 1830 hrs. • Prescribed in the DML Madurai RMS/2Sample Error Entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Periyar Bus Stand SO dated_____________. The bags from Periyar Bus Stand SO dtd____ for Madurai RMS/2 were brought by the mail carrier late at 21.00 hrs against 18.30 hrs prescribed. Hence, the mails meant for MMS Salem were not included in the bags closed by the set. All these mails were despatched in subsequent dispatch.

Signature of H.S.ADate Stamp

1. Mail carrier arriving late:

Page 5: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Mail carrier bringing bags/Collecting bag has not arrivedMake entry in the Error Book and report in

the DR. Alternate arrangement to be made. To be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned

through fastest available means.(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

(Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 6: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

2. Non arrival of mail carrier

Circumstance: 1• The Mail carrier of Madurai NPO (20.30 hrs)

dated____ not arrived and due bags for Madurai RMS/2 were not received.  

Sample Error Entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________ Madurai NPO 2030 hrs dtd________________The bags due from Madurai NPO dtd_____at 20.30 hrs for Madurai RMS/2 were not received as the mail carrier of the above NPO did not turn up till the end of the set. The matter was reported over fax to the above office. Date Stamp Signature of H.S.A 

Page 7: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2• The Mail carrier of Madurai HO dtd_____ did not

turn up to collect bags from Madurai RMS/2 dtd________ for Madurai HO

Sample Error Entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________ Madurai HO dated_________The Mail carrier of Madurai HO dated________ did not turn up to collect bags from Madurai RMS/2 dated______ at 06.30 hrs. All the bags are made over to Madurai RMS/1 dtd______ for further disposal. The matter was reported over fax to the above office.Date stamp Signature of H.S.A 

2. Non arrival of mail carrier

Page 8: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Non-Receipt of Due bags

Make entry in the Error Book and report in the DR.

To be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned through fastest available means. (Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 9: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

4. Non-receipt of due bags

Circumstance :1

• The due bags from MMS Salem for Madurai RMS/2 were not received till the closer of the set

Sample error entry  Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Mail Guard, Madurai RMS/2 dtd_______ / SRO SalemAll the due bags due to be received from Salem junction RMS for Madurai RMS/2 through MMS Salem were not received till the closer of the set. The Mailguard who exchanged the bags at Arappalayam Bus Stand informed that the Mail carrying bus did not turn up till 03.00 a.m. though its schedule time of arrival is 02.00 a.m. The matter was reported telegraphically to SRO Salem.

DateStamp Signature of H.S.A

Page 10: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2

• Short receipt of one bag among five bags received from Tirunelveli RMS/2 for Madurai RMS/2 

Sample error entry  

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Tirunelveli RMS/2 dated___________The D bag from Tirunelveli RMS/2 for Madurai RMS/2 entered at serial 2 with total of 5—Nil—5 in the mail list of above office was not received. Hence, revised ML with total of 4—Nil—4 may be called for.

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

4. Non-receipt of due bags

Page 11: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Receipt of one bag instead of other bag Make entry in the Error Book and report in

the DR. To be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned

through fastest available means.(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

(Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 12: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Excess receipt of bags Make entry in the Error Book and report

in the DR.(Rule 29 of Vol - VII)

Receipt of different type of bags Make entry in the Error Book and report

in the DR. (Rule 29 of Vol - VII)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 13: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

5. Excess receipt of bags and one bag received instead of other bag.

Circumstance -1

• Excess receipt of one bag among five bags received from Virudhunagar RMS/2 for Madurai RMS/2 

• Sample error entry  

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Virudhunagar RMS/2 dtd______________One extra L bag from Virudhunagar RMS/2 for Madurai RMS/2 was received without entry in the above ML. Hence, a revised ML with a total of 6—Nil—6 incorporating the entry of above extra L bag is required for file.Date stamp Signature of H.S.A 

Page 14: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2

• Receipt of L bag from Nagercoil RMS/1 instead of L bag from Nagercoil HO

Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________MA -25 OUT SET No.6 dtd.____________In the ML of above section for Madurai RMS/2 one L bag closed by Nagercoil RMS/1 was received as against L bag from Nagercoil HO entered at Sl.5 with total of 10--4—14. A revised ML deleting the entry of L bag from Nagercoil HO and incorporating the entry of L bag from Nagercoil RMS/1 may be called for.

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

5. Excess receipt of bags and one bag received instead of other bag.

Page 15: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

6. Receipt of different type of bags / misuse of bag:

Circumstance - 1• Receipt of due bag in different typeSample error entry  

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Karikudi Sorting dtd_____________In the ML of above office, one R bag from Sivaganga HO dtd__________ for Madurai RMS/2 was received instead of one L bag from Sivaganga MDG for Madurai RMS/2 invoiced at Sl.5 with total of 14—5—19 . A revised ML incorporating the above changes is required for file.

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A  

Page 16: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2 • Misuse of bag. Chennai Airport Sorting has used

canvas bag instead of blue bag. (As air transmission of bag is weight sensitive, use of blue bag is prescribed for reducing the weight and also for distinct identity of Air bags.)  

Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Chennai Airport Sorting Set/1 dtd.____________The above office has used canvas bag for closing of D bag for Madurai RMS/2 instead of using Blue bag in connection with IC 502. The usage of canvas bag for air transmission may be avoided.Date stamp Signature of H.S.A.

6. Receipt of different type of bags / misuse of bag:

Page 17: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Receipt of bag in damaged condition Make entry in the Error Book and report

in the DR. (Rule No29 of Vol-VII )

To be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned through fastest available means.

(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

(Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

Make entry in the Error Book and report in the DR. (Rule 29 of Vol-VII)


What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 18: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

7. Checking the condition of bag:

Circumstance -1• Receipt of mail bag in damaged condition

without tampering.Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Paramakudi Stg dtd____________The bag used by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found in damaged condition to the extent of two inches torn in canvas bag at the bottom. However, the bag was opened and found that the Regd. Bag inside the mail bag was intact and other unregd. Mails are kept in a packed condition. The above Mail Office will avoid usage of torn bags in future.Date stamp

Signature of HSA

Page 19: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2

• Receipt of mail bag in damaged condition with tampering.

Sample error entry:

7. Checking the condition of bag

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Madurai HO dtd____________The bag used by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found in damaged condition to the extent of two inches torn in canvas bag at the bottom. On opening of M bag it was found that the Regd. Bag (TD) of the above office was found in tampered condition. The Regd. Bag (TD) was transferred to Regn. Department under acquittance in the regd. Abstract for further action.Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

Page 20: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance 3:

• Receipt of mail bag without seal and found without tampering

Sample error entry  

7. Checking the condition of bag

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Madurai HO dtd____________The M bag closed by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was received without seal. However, the M bag was opened and found that the Regd. Bags and L bags inside the M bag was intact. The above HO will avoid such mistakes in futureDate stamp Signature of HSA

Page 21: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 4

• Receipt of mail bag without seal and found with tampering. Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Madurai HO dtd____________The M bag closed by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found without seal. On opening of mail bag it was found that the Regd. Bag (NTD) of the above office was found in tampered condition. The Regd. Bag (NTD) was transferred to Regn. Department under acquittance in the regd. Abstract for further action.Date stamp Signature of H.S.A 

7. Checking the condition of bag

Page 22: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Regd./Parcel bag received in damaged condition:Scrutiny of the contents in presence of witness.Checking the condition of Regd./parcel articlesMake entry in the Error Book and report in the DRTo be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned through

fastest available means.(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

(Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 23: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

8. Checking the condition of Regd. Bag / Parcel bag

Circumstance -1

• Receipt of Regd. bag in damaged condition Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Madurai HO dtd____________The Regd. Bag (TD) closed by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found in damaged condition to the extent of two inches torn in canvas bag at the bottom. Hence, the regd. Bag was transferred to the Regn branch under acquittance in Regd. Abstract for further action. Date stamp Signature of HSA 

Page 24: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2

• Receipt of Registered bag without seal.Sample error entry  

8. Checking the condition of Regd. Bag / Parcel bag

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Madurai HO dtd____________The Regd. bag (TD) closed by above office for Madurai RMS/2 was received without seal. Hence, the regd. Bag was transferred to the Regn branch under acquittance in Regd. Abstract for further action.

Date stamp Signature of HSA

Page 25: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 3

• Receipt of Parcel bag in damaged condition  

Sample error entry

8. Checking the condition of Regd. Bag / Parcel bag

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________

Madurai HO dtd____________

The parcel bag received from above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found in damaged condition. Hence, the parcel bag was transferred to parcel branch under acquittance in Parcel. Abstract for further action.

Date stamp Signature of HSA

Page 26: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 4

• Receipt of parcel bag without seal.Sample error entryError Extract No._________ Dated.________

Madurai HO dtd____________

The parcel bag received from the above office for Madurai RMS/2 was found without seal. Hence, the parcel bag was transferred to parcel branch under acquittance in parcel Abstract for further action.

Date stamp Signature of HSA 

8. Checking the condition of Regd. Bag / Parcel bag

Page 27: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.




Loss / over carriage / mis-delivery of bags

Make entry in the Error Book and report in the DR.

To be conveyed to the PO/MO concerned through fastest available means.

(Rule29 of Vol;VII and 144 of Vol.V)

(Ex. e-Post, e-mail, Telephone with proper recording of the official to whom it was conveyed)

What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 28: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

10. Loss of bag / over carriage of bag / misdelivery of bag

Circumstance -1

• Loss of bag at the time of dispatch  

Sample Error EntryError Extract No._________ Dated.________

Official dated________

At the time of dispatch of bags for Madurai HO through MMS schedule V morning, the forward bag received from Tallakulam HO for Madurai HO was not found. All efforts were taken in vein to find out the bag .To avoid delay to other mails, all other bags for Madurai H.O were despatched with suitable remark in the mail list against the relevant entry. Futher action as per Chapter 3 of Volumne –V is taken.

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

Page 29: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.


• Over Carriage of mail Sample error entry

10. Loss of bag / over carriage of bag / misdelivery of bag

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Official Dated_______The bag closed by the Madurai RMS /II Dated ______ for Melur S.O was not found in the group of Bags meant for Despatch through MMS Schedule 6. To avoid delay and detention of Other Bags, the MMS Schedule 6 was released with other bags but without loading the bag for Melur. After dispatch of bags for MMS Schedule 6, the bag closed for Madurai RMS/II Dated for Melur S.O was traced. Hence the bag was transferred to Next Set for further Disposal. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

Page 30: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 3 • Mis-Delivery of Bag at the time of

DespatchSample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________ Official Dated __________At the time of Despatch of Bags for Munichalai Road S.O through MMS Schedule 8 at 7 Hrs, the bag closed by Madurai RMS/II Dated ____ for Silaiman S.O was inadvertently dispatch along with bags for Munichalai Road S.O. The matter was informed to SPM, Munichalai Road S.O/SPM Silaiman S.O and H.S.A of next Set for further Action. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A

10. Loss of bag / over carriage of bag / misdelivery of bag

Page 31: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Mis connections train/Bus/Air services Late dispatch of bag  Receipt and dispatch of Special bag

Make entry in the Error Book and report in the DR

(Rule 29 of Vol-VII)


What if things go wrong in Mails department ?

Page 32: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

11. Mis-connection of train / bus / air services

Circumstance - 1 • MIS CONNECTION OF TRAIN (Mis connection of

Bags from Karaikudi Stg. For MA-25 Out)Sample error entryError Extract No._________ Dated.________MMS Karaikudi Dated _______Due to late arrival of MMS Karaikudi at 2200 Hrs as against 2030 Hrs prescribed, all the bags from Karaikudi Sorting dated _____ for MA 25 Out (The section is functioning in Nellai Express) were missed connection. Hence these bags were subsequently despatched to MA-I Out ( The section is functioning in Pearl City Express) for disposal.

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A  

Page 33: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 2• MIS CONNECTION OF BUS (Mis Connection of

Bags from MA 25 out for MMS KARAIKUDI)Sample error entryError Extract No._________ Dated.________MA-25 Out Dated _________Due to late arrival of Train No.6129, the Bags from MA-25 Out for Karaikudi Sorting were missed connection with MMS Karaikudi.The Train arrived at 2300 Hrs against 2100 Hrs. All the bags were transferred to next Set for further Despatch

Date stamp Signature of H.S.A    

11. Mis-connection of train / bus / air services

Page 34: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Circumstance - 3• MIS CONNECTION OF AIR (Mis connection bags

from Madurai RMS/1 for IC 502) Sample error entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Official dated__________It is reported by the Mailguard Madurai RMS/1 dated that the MMS Air schedule met with an accident at 7.30 hrs near Villapuram. On completion of all formalities, the MMS schedule returned to MMS carriage with bags loaded in it. Hence, all the bags were missed connection with IC 502 and the bags will be transported to another MMS and brought to Madurai RMS around 1300 hrs only. The matter was reported to the H.S.A. next set for further action.

Date stamp Signature of the H.S.A.

11. Mis-connection of train / bus / air services

Page 35: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Receipt of camp bag / despatch of camp bag


• Receipt of Camp bag from office of SSRM RMS ‘MA’ Dn Madurai for SSRM, RMS ‘MA’ Dn camp at Paramakudi Sorting  

Sample Error Entry

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________O/o SSRM ‘MA’ Division Madurai dtd___________One camp bag from above office for SSRM, RMS ‘MA’ Dn camp at Paramakudi Sorting was received and despatched to Paramakudi Sorting in connection MMS Paramakudi at 23.00 hrsDate stamp Signature of H.S.A 

Page 36: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

Receipt / despatch of special bag

• Receipt of special bag from O/o DG Posts, New Delhi for DG (Posts) camp at Madurai.

Error Extract No._________ Dated.________Official dtd.______________. One special bag from O/o DG Posts New Delhi for DG Posts camp at O/o PMG Southern Region Madurai was received through IC-501 at 11.0 hrs and despatched to O/o PMG Southern Region, Madurai through special messenger O/o PMG Madurai at 11.15 hrs. Date stamp Signature of H.S.A 

Page 37: WHAT IF THINGS GO WRONG IN MAIL DEPARTMENT?. What if things go wrong in Mails department ? Mail carrier arriving late Make entry in the Error Book and.

• Exercise
