What if - Part Two: Heart of Gold


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What If - Part Two: Heart of Gold

"Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old"; Neil Young

How hard it is to be nice. Sometimes it´s difficult even to think in a generous

manner. Why should we find it so difficult to wish the best for those with

whom we don't get along or whom we don't like? Here I plan on introducing

my reflections and studies on these difficulties by describing a situation that

happened some time ago, yet seems to me to be pertinent even today.

The time, place and names have been changed, but the essence is true,

again at least from my point of view. In the middle 1980's, I was living in a

one-bedroom apartment in a pre-yuppie condominium in Southern

California. There was plenty of space for my lifestyle, and while certainly the

community wouldn't be considered "utopian", it was pretty comfortable

and laid back. Even so, stress from unpleasant run ins with one of my neighbors occasionally


One of my neighbors was called Joe. Fortunately, I didn't have much direct contact with him.

The few times we crossed paths or had any contact were always disagreeable for me. It seems

that he was always looking for trouble and against any change in general. He was always

complaining about everything to everyone who'd even half listen. If you parked your car too

close to his, Joe would complain. And not only for a few days, but he'd remember the incident

for months or even years and through it back into your face again and again.

So one Saturday afternoon I heard some shouting out in the garage area. There was a loud

discussion going on between Joe and the landlord. Now Joe was in one of his frequent

argumentative stages, but in even more excessive and extreme manner. The situation was

tense: our "little old lady" landlord was breathing heavily from the stress; she too was not one

to take Joe's shouting lightly. First, I asked Joe to leave her alone, and to stop shouting. He

almost jumped on me. Fortunately, I turned my back and succeeded in convincing the landlady

to leave the scene, saying that others there would take care of the situation. Finally, we had to

call the police and then everything calmed down.

Some of the subsequent comments by many who were involved with the incident were similar

to my initial thoughts. Why couldn't Joe just lose his job, or get sick or some other negative

change in his life that would force him to move out of the condominium. Then peace would

return to our pre-yuppie home.

However, a few days later while reliving the stress of that afternoon with other more friendly

neighbors of mine, the thought came to me: Why wish Joe ill will? Wouldn't it more civil to

wish him a lot of  good will such that the result would be the same; he'd move out of the

condominium. We could wish he'd win big on a lottery ticket, inherit a lot of money, or why

not, even fall in love.

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From these initial thoughts, my mental wandering expanded into questioning as to just why

mankind tends to think in negative ways; for example, wishing ill will for someone in an

adverse situation. It's very easy to wish good will for our little old lady landlord, who is kind

and friendly. Moreover, it is so easy to wish ill will for Joe. What is it in our nature that makes

us think this way?

Here are some more questions, together with a few links as to what I've found in the way of 

possible answers:

How does this tendency of negative thinking lead toward eventual violent actions and

reactions? And is this tendency related toward not only our personal and individual relations,

but toward our societal actions and reactions, such as international wars?

Religions in theory at least, all promote peace. From the little studying I've done in this

area, most seem to teach that we should desire good will for everyone, all the time. Yet for

thousands of years there has been little progress.

Do our modern day big city concentrated living styles contribute towards our negative

thinking and violent tendencies? Thinking over the incident and its location that I described

above, it reminded me of a famous sociological study that was done some time ago. John B.

Calhoun described the effects of eventual overcrowding in a cage of mice, starting from initial

"utopian" living conditions. Here is just one possible site to checkout:


Also relating to this subject of social violence, an interesting teacher and writer is psychology

professor Steven Pinker. He presents some more modern thoughts and research on mankind's

social tendencies. I've copied a short and hopefully thought provoking part of his ideas fromthe site: http://www.browndailyherald.com/2013/02/14/harvard-prof-talks-human-nature-


"The 'humanitarian revolution' saw an abolition of torture, execution and corporal

punishment. The decline in capital punishment even preceded its legal abolition by

approximately 50 years, Pinker added.

Pinker said he attributed these developments to the rise of literacy and printed publications.

Literacy contributed to the intermingling of people and ideas that marked cosmopolitanism.

'Knowledge began to replace superstition and ignorance,' he said". The underlining is my

editing. Furthermore "  Pinker said he attributed these decreases to “hypothetical pacifying

forces” drawn from Immanuel Kant — democracy, trade and international communities." 

So then, I ask: what is, or maybe what will be, the impact of the internet on the reduction of 

violence? Will the internet be a significant and positive contribution to the increase in literacy

and knowledge with the consequent reduction of superstition and ignorance?

One might argue to the contrary by saying that the internet is only increasing and reinforcing

the opportunity for one to strengthen preformed beliefs and values, not acting to change

them. Personally and since I'm an optimist, I believe that the internet in its widest sense will be

an essential and positive force toward evermore civilization of the human race.

And I'm still looking for a heart of gold and I'm getting old.

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I want to live, I want to give

I've been a miner for a heart of goldIt's these expressions I never give

That keep me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old

Keep me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old

I've been to Hollywood, I've been to Redwood

I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold

I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line

That keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old

Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old

Keep me searching for a heart of goldYou keep me searching and I'm growing old

Keep me searching for a heart of gold

I've been a miner for a heart of gold