What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Transcript of What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

Page 1: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Page 2: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

• Through the process of constructing my product, I have learnt that technologies have a very big part in helping me achieve a higher standard and quality of work. By using the internet, it has helped me throughout my project as I have been able to use it for research, planning and production. I have been able to go on websites such as Dafont, Slideshare and Weebly which have had a great part in my project.

Page 3: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

• Before starting this project I had never used Photoshop or InDesign. However by the end of my project, I feel that I have really mastered how to use them both to their full potential through my work. With Photoshop, it has helped me to edit photos, colours and the look of certain elements to enable my work to look and be as good as it can. Also, with Photoshop, it has helped me become more creative with my work through the use of different tools and techniques such as cropping and lassoing.

Page 4: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

• InDesign, on the other hand, has been an even greater aspect of my project as it is where I did the production of my front cover, contents page and double-page spread. I found that it was simple and straightforward which helped me to complete my tasks quicker and with ease, yet with quality.

Page 5: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From the Process of Constructing This Product?

• To conclude, I have learnt a lot about different technologies from the process of constructing my product. I can now use different programmes in future work, so being able to know how these technologies work enables me to do the best that I can do in projects like this one.