What have you learned from your audience feedback

Nathan Green A2 Media What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback? What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback? The Radio Trailer Feedback With the radio trailer feedback we decided to have a showing of the trailer where we would ask a group of ten people 10 questions based on their thoughts about the trailer. We originally made a draft copy of our Questionnaire and made a few alterations to it as one of the questions wasn’t clear enough and the other didn’t offer great feedback. Question 1 & 2- “If you heard this advert would it interest you”? Why? Yes No From the people we asked, 80% of people said that it would interest them. This helps see that a short snappy documentary is attracting the correct audiences and engaging their interest. The second question we asked was why? A common response was that it was simply different and offered content that people are quite interested in. Furthermore the people we got to answer the questionnaire are intrigued as to what is going on in the music industry. Question 3- “Does the audio sound smooth?”

Transcript of What have you learned from your audience feedback

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Nathan Green A2 Media What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

The Radio Trailer Feedback

With the radio trailer feedback we decided to have a showing of the trailer where we would ask a group of ten people 10 questions based on their thoughts about the trailer. We originally made a draft copy of our Questionnaire and made a few alterations to it as one of the questions wasn’t clear enough and the other didn’t offer great feedback.

Question 1 & 2- “If you heard this advert would it interest you”? Why?


From the people we asked, 80% of people said that it would interest them. This helps see that a short snappy documentary is attracting the correct audiences and engaging their interest. The second question we asked was why? A common response was that it was simply different and offered content that people are quite interested in. Furthermore the people we got to answer the questionnaire are intrigued as to what is going on in the music industry.

Question 3- “Does the audio sound smooth?”

Yes No

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Nathan Green A2 Media What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

From the people we asked, nobody said that the audio wasn’t smooth. I was glade to hear that the audio came out okay and there weren’t any problems that people had with it. This question needed to be asked due to the fact if there was a problem that we didn’t pick up on; it could’ve ruined the whole radio trailer.

Question 4- “How would you rate the narrator in terms of being exciting and interesting”?

TerribleNot BadGoodGreat

Thankfully a common response was good and great. 50% on both meant that people didn’t find themselves board at any point during the trailer and equally found the content ‘exciting’. I was very pleased to see that 100% had a positive feedback in terms of how the narrator was.

Question 5- “Did we provide enough information on when and where it is available?”

Yes No

It’s defiantly vital that a documentary can offer enough information to people and equally made them know when it’s being shown. Within a radio trailer it is harder due to the fact that we can’t physically show them when and where. So by

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keeping them engaged until the very end is important, as that’s when they can find out that information. The feedback we got was positive and everybody was clear on when and where to watch the documentary.

Question 6- “Who would you say this documentary is aimed at based on this advert?”

Young Adults Teenagers Older Younger People












The feedback we got was mainly young adults. That is the target audience that we’re aiming towards. Thankfully within the radio advert it clearly reflects that given the response we’ve had from this questionnaire.

Question 7- “Was it clear what the topic was about?”


90% of people said that the it was clear what the topic was about. This is very positive as the good majority of people understood the content of the radio trailer and would decide if it takes their appeal. The 10% did mention that we could’ve had further information on the documentary itself and the topics being explored. However with that being said a good majority of people should understand the content of the trailer and despite maybe losing some viewers, we

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didn’t want to extend the trailer any longer as it might have got less interesting and equally people may have been less inclined to be engaged within the content.

Question 8 -“Overall what improvements could be made?”

We had mixed responses upon asking this question, which is good to have in better the product. Furthermore I was happy we had useful information rather then people just being plight to its ‘perfect’. The most common response was different music and to use more facts and quotes. Following on from that 2 people said more information as well as 2 people saying nothing. Finally 1 person did actually say less information. From these contrasting answers we deiced as group that the content was fine and couldn’t change the music within the trailer due to it having a clear link in brand Identity with the documentary.

Question 9- “After listening to this would you watch the documentary?”


These results show that 80% of people would watch the documentary after listening to the trailer. This is very positive, as again it is the mass majority of people whom reflected the feedback.

Question 10- “What would you rate our topic?”

We asked the people to rate our topic on a scale of 1-5 (5 being high and 1 being low). The main response we got was 5 with the second being 4. This is very useful and important information that we learnt about our topic. From this we can clearly see that people are rating it quite highly and from the previous questions can clearly see that they’re interested within the topic.

Online Survey Monkey- TV Listings Magazine

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Nathan Green A2 Media What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

We used online software called Survey Monkey to form a feedback from our target audience on our TV Listings Magazine (Double Page Spread). We got 3 responses from a total of 10 questions.

From this question we can clearly see that the text stands out and equally understand that people are going to be noticing the content from a far, which should lure them into reading the article.

Following on from the previous question, 100% people responded yes to the question if they thought it was eye catching. This helps, as we don’t need to include any additional content to make it more eye catching.

From this question we had a range of answers that are hard to commit to an overrule response. The person who quoted that it was “Bad”, was too limited on detail to improve and actually didn’t highlight why. This is partly due to the wording of the question.

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100% of people understood the topic of the documentary, which implied that it was made very clear in the Listings Magazine. This was a good response which meant that we successes in achieving awareness of content.

100% of people also said yes. The feedback from this is impressing positive and meant that people where interested within the content and wanted to continuing reading onwards.

Our feedback from this question was very positive, which meant that the images where clear and engaging for the reader. This is very important as the images themselves play a huge part in attracting interest and engaging people to read the article.

The majority of people said yes, which implies that our feedback was positive and people could see the Double Page article within the Radio Times magazine. Despite somebody saying that they could kind of see our magazine in The Radio Times may suggest that they could see our documentary within another TV Listings Magazine but not one as well known as The Radio Times.

Due to this being the main intention of making this article, it clearly shows that we suited the

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correct codes and conventions and made it look professional enough to get away with it being a real show.

Being as we had mainly a response of both 4 and 5, we are happy that Double Page Spread was up to high standards.

The common response informed that the text was clear and easy enough to read. The two responses we had where positive whilst clearly understanding what mainly went well in our product. However we did get a result, which was hard to fully understand what was meant by it. ‘Nothing could refer to both good and bad or either. With that being said that response wasn’t at

any use to apply feedback too.

The Documentary- Focus Group

We asked a male and a female young adult 10 questions to do with our documentary to have a better understanding of improvement. We sat both of them down and let them watch the documentary and take any notes if they needed too. We then asked then went through each of the questions.

The feedback we got from this was all positive, which entailed the vox pop interviews being very engaging as they had people of a similar age. This helps them relate themselves to the content of the documentary. Another

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positive feedback was how the narrator was very engaging and made the documentary interesting to watch.

From this we found out that the shots we took where very well done as well as the way in which we shown them. Incorporating them into our interviews made it more visually pleasing and equally engaging. Also we where pleased with how our focus group liked the range of shots we used and added into our documentary.

The rhetorical questions helped made our focus group actually think about the last time they bought a CD. From this question we also found out that its not a question that they think about everyday and it does make them think about it.

Our focus group agreed that it was informative and was made more engaging through the likes of visual means such as the animation of the pie chart shown on screen during the presentation of percentages.

One comment was on our expert interviews and how that brought a real range of different peoples opinions together. Furthering that point on how we also had an artist to voice his own opinion on the matter. Another positive feedback was with the change in

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music to suit the tone of the content. That was used well and seen to break up the normality of the documentary, which furthered the inertest and engaged them to the content more.

The music was seen to be suited as well as it being upbeat. This suggests that the music made the documentary more entertaining to watch as it simply kept the viewer interested.

The feedback we from our focus group quoted that it did flow like a real life documentary and was seen to be like this due to the fast peace in terms of editing and transitioning of the shots.

Overall the feedback we got quoted that it was really clear during our interviews with the exception of one vox pop, which they couldn’t quite hear so well. With that feedback we soon used audio gain in Premiere Pro and heightened the sound during the vox pop interviews.

The text on screen was clear and easy to read but our focus group also said that it wasn’t boring text either. They went on to say how due to this they where

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actually interested more into what the text was saying due to the font shown on screen.

Our focus group said that they believe that the CD is slowly dying out and is becoming more of a novelty just like Vinyl. In addition to that they feel that there will still be people whom are willing to try and keep it alive.

Overall by carrying out audience feedback, we had a much clearly insight into what needed improving and equally what has worked well throughout our three products. We made changes that suited the criticism they came back with. However if we felt that it would’ve made the product too far fetched (not how we wanted it), they we didn’t make the change. These slight changes that we didn’t appeal where only from a small section off our feedback, which we felt didn’t compete with the overall majority. The changes we did make however made the product even better. The sound levels during our vox pop interviews from our documentary where increased and where much easier to hear then before. I learnt that by carrying out an example questionnaire before giving it to the larger audiences, worked well and should’ve been applied to all of the feedback questions we carried out. The plan for the radio trailer questionnaire had no faults in terms of answers due to this whereas the others I felt could’ve been clearer questions, which would’ve lead to more developed answers.