What goes inside my head!

What goes on inside my head!


rsulli, anthology project

Transcript of What goes inside my head!

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What goes on inside my


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Dedication I would like to dedicate this book to my mom. When I feel like falling she picks me up, dust

me off, and tells me to try again. So thanks to my mom for never giving up on me! It means a


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Table of Contents Section 1:

New Year’s resolution



My mask

What I represent

Section 2: My trips and breaks

My Advice to Travelers


Why I needed a break


Section 3: My Thoughts


The Storm

What I think about thinking

My land


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New Year’s Resolution Myself= I found myself not paying attention to what needs to be done and thinking of what

others think of me. My new year’s resolution for myself is to work hard and have a positive

attitude towards myself. I’m willing to practice more and give up some of my TV time to work

on that. I also will have to believe in myself.

School = I found myself dazing off and thinking of something else or I dreaded something that

was going to happen. So my new year’s resolution is to listen better and not worry about

something else that’s going to happen. I’m willing to free my mind and concentrate on what

is being said.

World = I found myself looking at someone as if they were below me. My new year’s

resolution for the world is not to judge others. We are all equals. I’m willing to stop thinking

about the outside appearance and more about the inside appearance.

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Invisible Sometimes I feel invisible and no one sees me. Maybe they just don’t care. At lunch I sit with

the people who say they’re my friends but then they ask why I sit there. When I try to talk to

them they ignore me. They act very immature and play with their food like two year olds. I

wish I were at home with my family were they would actually listen. Even my animals would

listen to me.

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Mustangs No one really knows us for who we are. I could be right in front of you and the only time you

recognize us is when you try to shoot us down. Were like stars we can be captured in kid’s

hearts but no one will ever take our spirits away. We are truly free. We are the shooting stars

every kid and some adults still wish to see. We are Mustangs.

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My Mask I wear the mask of a weak girl so I can fit in and be like someone else. I am really very strong

and can do a lot by myself. I also wear the mask of being scared when really I am nor scared

of a lot of things such as the dark or scary voices / stories. I wear the mask of not liking to

speak when really it’s not the speaking but the crowd that I am scared of.

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What I Represent I represent peace and kindness. I represent a dove and symbolize peace because I do not like

fighting. Fighting is mean and can hurt very badly. I am like a peace maker I try to make

everything better. I would represent a butterfly because it is like the peace maker of all the

flowers. So that is what I would symbolize.

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My advice to Travelers I haven’t really traveled anywhere far away. The furthest I’ve gone is to Springfield, Missouri.

We went to a Bass Pro shop and met different people there. I met some people trying to sale

stuff to us and a bunch of kids. I noticed some of them were mean and some were very nice. I

learned that Springfield, Missouri is very big and confusing. The advice I would give to others

who want to meet other people and do new stuff is to go explore. Put a lot of work into

having enough money to go and then go have fun. You can explore on the internet about

what people live there and how they talk and important facts like that. Take trips to different

places and you will soon discover that they are different and how they are different.

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Choir In a week, the choir will be going to solo and ensemble. We only have two weeks to prepare

for the whole thing. I have to work very hard and focus on reaching every note. After that

then we have to memorize it with both high and low voice parts together. After we are

through with our performance then we might get a pizza party if we get a high score. We will

get a plaque to hang on the wall and then we got to chill and sing pop songs till spring

concert. We got a first and second division on our groups.

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Why I needed a Break I needed to take a break from the drama at school. I needed a break from work and some of

my friends. I needed a break from band and choir. I needed a break from the bus and the loud

noises. I needed to take a break from all the nasty talking. I needed a break from people who

think they’re the boss of me and who’s mean to me. I needed a break from all the pressure

put on me by other classmates.

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Thanksgiving A time for thanks and a time for cheer.

The aroma of turkey and stuffing fills the air.

We give thanks for the birds and bees

Thanks for our family and our life

A clean house and clean water

Food to eat

Our stomachs are full when I lay in bed at night

For people we can trust

I am thankful for everything.

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Responsibilities In choir at competition every voice counts helping or not helping. If someone talks the judge

takes away 10 points and it pretty much drops your grade a letter. From an A to a B.

In band you have certain parts you have to play. If you don’t play your part the song doesn’t

make sense or you can’t play it if that parts missing.

In a trial every voice counts because you may know something no one else knows. You could

be the key or the missing piece to the puzzle.

If you’re working in a group and someone doesn’t do their part of the project you’ll probably

loose points. You can’t do a shadow puppet show without all the puppets.

In my opinion every voice counts.

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The Storm Storms shook homes; electricity flickered. We tried to turn on the TV to see the weather but

black was all we could see. We tried the radio and all we could hear was static. As it started

to get dark I walked outside in the artic like air. I slipped and slided the way down the ice

covered hill. That was fun. Coming up wasn’t so easy. I came inside and noticed that the

temperature had changed and the electricity was out. Then I realized it wasn’t as cool as I

thought this experience would be. The next morning I looked out to see the sky darkened by

black snow clouds. Then it started to snow a blanket over the ice which made it easier to

walk. I knew we would get through it because we had to. We just had to.

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What I think about thinking I think you have to use both logical and emotional thought together you will get the best

decision. The emotional thought is what you feel about the case or whatever you’re deciding.

The logical idea is what the evidence is and thinking the crime or situation through. It helps

see if it was even possible to commit the crème. So if you put them together you get what

you think backed up by evidence. Then you get your decision.

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My land I wake to a magical land where every nonliving thing was cotton candy. The trees were

pretzels glued together by yogurt and sprinkles were the size of apples. The leaves were sugar

cookies. Well anyways there were creatures never ever even thought of before. There were

flying Pegasus cow and fish with legs. There were tiny giraffes and huge rabbits. They were all

kind. I was surprised when one of them spoke but then again anything could happen in this

place. Then I woke for real this time. Sad and glad at the same time. Sad because it was a

dream. Glad because its supper time.

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You Your eyes sparkle like crystal clear water.

Your smile is like a million stars in the sky.

The words you speak are like a riddle that has no answer.

Your smell is like wild roses in the spring time.

Your pride is like a buck who just got his horns. But when you get down I won’t let you fall.

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The End!