What Does A Scientist Do


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Transcript of What Does A Scientist Do

Page 2: What Does A Scientist Do

I. Scientists observe with their senses

A. Taste – bitter, sweet, salty, spicy

B. Smell and hearing – To compare to other objectsC. Touch – (Texture & weight) rough, smooth, grainy, hard, soft, heavy, lightD. Sight – size, shape, color

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II. Scientists use the Scientific Method

A. Problem – What are you trying to prove?

B. Hypothesis – Your prediction of what will happen in the experiment

1. Guides the investigation

2. Always in the form of a question

3. Tests a variable (something that changes)

1. I think…….

C. Materials – Write down everything you use

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D. Procedure – Step by step written directions to the experiment

1. Uses transition words – First, next, then, also, finally

2. Independent variable- is what you are testing…it changes

3. Constant variable- you keep the same…control it

E. Results- Your record of what happened in the experiment

F. Conclusion – A paragraph in your own words that describes

1. What you learned in the experiment

2. Any problems you encountered

3. Whether you proved or disproved your hypothesis

1. Usually in chart form or a drawing