What do internet marketing cats have to do with your business

What do Internet Marketing Cats have to do with your business?

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What do Internet Marketing Cats have to do with your business?

Page 2: What do internet marketing cats have to do with your business

Michelle Hummel CEO of…

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•Web Strategy Plus: Social Media Marketing & Strategy Agency

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•Web Media University: Social Media Training and Certification

COMING SOON!•My book: The Social Media Magnet “Everything you need to know to attract customers with social media” by Michelle Hummel 

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Cats Rule the Internet

#1 Cats

#2 Bacon

#3 Zombies

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Have you seen a funny cat video lately?

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What is Content Marketing?

It’s the creation and sharing of content in order to attract, acquire and engage current and potential customers…

with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

What content inspires you?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Consumer Behavior has Changed

• 80% of consumers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an ad (think blog)

• 70% say content marketing makes them feel closer to the company

• 60% say that company content helps them make better product decisions

Content Marketing is the future

Do you record your TV shows with a DVR?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Content is King

“What makes my brand so interesting that people will want to talk about it and share it with their friends?”

Fact: You can’t succeed in social media if you don’t have something interesting to say.

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Do you have a Content Marketing Strategy?

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Your Content Marketing Strategy

Create a detailed content strategy with industry related tips, trivia questions and facts

Develop a blog content schedule

Decide what days and at what time you will post

Plug into excel to track easily

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Create Content Posting Theme

Funny “Mondays” Case Study “Tuesdays”Tools for Success

“Wednesday”Trivia “Thursday”Stop the Press “Friday”Shout out “Saturday”Guess this image


What weekly content strategy can you create?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Promote Your Events

Post your events on Facebook and invite all your Fans

Take pictures and tag fans in the pictures and share on all social networks

What events can you promote on your networks?

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Promote Your Testimonials

Did you recently receive a positive testimonial from one of your clients?

Share it on your social networks

This will generate brand awareness and reinforce your brand's public image.

Do you have customer testimonials to share?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Share Relevant Videos

Search YouTube for videos relevant to your industry

eMarketer shows people are 33% more likely to consume multimedia content than textual content

What video content would your fans enjoy?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Ask for LIKES!

Hit Like if you're happy it's Friday

Hit Like if you had a great weekend

Hit Like if you're excited for Halloween

Hit Like if you're in a good mood today

What fun questions can you ask to get likes?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Share Relevant Content

Provide content your audience will enjoy

Be seen as a “thought leader” and “expert” in your industry

Be the “go to” place for great content

Building trust brings sales

Online ResourceTechnorati Blog Directory

Do you share relevant industry related content?

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Keep Them Informed

Keep your fans updated on what you're working on

If you are planning to release a new product or service in the future, they should be the first to know!

Ask for their feedback before your launch

What new press can you share with your fans?

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Create a “Fan of the Month” Club

Ask your fans trivia questions and award them points

First to answer correctly wins and gets their name added to the board

What fun trivia questions can you ask?

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Educate While Having Fun

Find out what holidays are observed throughout the world

Share the ones relevant to your audience, or share a funny one to inspire likes

Online Resource

Earth Calendar

What fun facts can you share with your fans?

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Inspire Your Fans

Engage them with conversation

Once per day post a question, tell them about an issue or inspire them with a story related to your product or service

Online ResourceMotivational Quotes

What quotes would inspire your fans?

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Move people to take action, join contests

Increase email and blog subscribers

More likes, fans and followersIncrease salesImprove search engine rankingIncrease blog post commentsReduce your sites bounce rateIncrease event registrationTurn fans into advocatesIncrease website traffic

Step #1: Define Your Goals

What are your marketing goals?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Blog should be part of your website

Drive traffic with original content

Content is critical even more now with Google+

WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms

Do You Have a Social Media Hub?

Do you have a Blog? Does it live on your website? © Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Fresh Content, you must be writing and posting new blogs for SEO

Social Content, you must be providing interesting content others will enjoy and share

Easy to share, do you provide your visitors easy ways to share, like, download and/or retweet your content?

Is your site “Social Media Friendly”?

Is your content easily shareable?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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How do I build a Community with Social Media?

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Questions To Ask Yourself

Have you created a LinkedIn group for your business?

Have you created a Facebook group?

Does your Facebook business page create relationships?

Social media has great potential to create a sense of community around your business

Have you created a community platform?

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Community Building Ideas

Invite them to join and participate in your special community events, groups, programs and broadcasts

Ning Social Network LinkedIn Group Facebook GroupMembership WebsiteUstream live chatBlogTalk RadioFan of the Month Club

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Invite Members to Connect

Select members to join special groups and send them a personal invite – make them feel special

Introduce them to other community members

A strong community is a powerful tool of influence for building your business & helping others

Online ResourceLinkedIn Invitations

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Community Needs A Leader

A great community needs a strong leader

Clearly define the purpose of your community

Individuals want to connect with other like-minded members

A good community will attract customers, influence and opportunities

Entreprenuer’s Advice Club

Do you think of yourself as a leader?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Listen, Communicate & Respond

Respond quickly to commentsEngage by asking questions, and

posing topics for discussionCustomers want to know that

they are helping to shape the products you provide

They want to know that you’re thinking about them

Online ResourceSendSocialMedia.com

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How Can I Turn My Community Members Into Brand Advocates?

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Identify Influential Brand Advocates

Connectors - act as human bridges making connections and help to inspire business ideas

Mavens - seen as experts, help other people make informed decisions, the "go to" people

Salespeople - persuasive in selling, influential to peers

Do any of your customers fit these descriptions?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Brand Advocate Facts

83% more likely to share information about a product than typical web users

75% more likely to share a great product experience

3x’s more likely to share product opinions with someone they don’t know

2.5 times more likely to use social media to expand their social circle

Could you use a few more Brand Advocates?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Why are they important?

These are the people you want as customers! 

They will help you make connections and give you referrals

You need to actively identify, inform, nurture and reward them

Ultimately you want to create vocal "brand fans" who will spread authentic, positive word-of-mouth

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A Few Of My Brand Advocates

Jim Terenski, promoted to admin of WMU LinkedIn group he promotes and recruits new members every day!

Terea Jennings, promoted to admin of the “Facebook Pioneers” group and she is recruiting more members every day!

Paul Chaney, Author of “The Digital Handshake” major social media influencer

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Know your Brand Advocates

Get to know their businessCan you send them referrals?How can you help them?Don't assume if someone is a

Brand Advocate that they will stay one

You have to keep earning their respect and referrals

How can you help your Brand Advocates?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Thank Your Brand Advocates

Send them a handwritten note, invite them to lunch, and contact them within a few days, not several weeks later

If you want Brand Advocates to make more positive posts on social media – be sure to thank them for the ones they've already made

People do more of what they are rewarded and recognized for!

Are you thanking your Brand Advocates?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Ask for Referrals

Ask them to post a review on Google Places, Yelp, TripAdvisor, LinkedIn and any other sites for your industry

Give them your business cards so they can share with people they know 

Do you ask your brand advocates for referrals?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Employees Inspire Brand Advocates

Fastest way to create Brand Advocates is to create employees that love the company they work for

Employees naturally share positive word of mouth and deliver exceptional customer experiences 

They share every idea they have to help the company and it's products/services to thrive! 

Are your employees Brand Advocates?  © Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Bring Your Brand Advocates Together

Create a customer advisory group

Host events to get your Brand Advocates together

Invite the media so they can hear why they love your brand!

Build relations with your Brand Advocates + build employee morale + generate customer testimonials for marketing 

How can you get your Brand Advocates together?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Brand Advocates Love Promo Items

Brand Advocates love to promote your company logo

Make it a reward for themOffer your promo items for sale

on your websiteEasily identify your true Brand

Advocates when they buy your promo items

Thank them for supporting your brand!

Do you offer promotional items for your brand?© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Special Customer Contact

Brand Advocates should feel important and special

You want them to know about new services, important changes, events and positive media first

Send personal email communications

Do you make your Brand Advocates feel special?

© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.

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Questions and Answers

What questions can I help answer?

Thank you for participating!

Michelle Hummel

Web Strategy Plus


Phone: 513-204-9324

[email protected]

© Web Strategy Plus 2013. All rights reserved.