What Did Prophet Mohammad Said_Master

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  • 8/12/2019 What Did Prophet Mohammad Said_Master


    What Did Prophet

    Mohammad Peace be onHim Said? The OtherSide of story

    - A selection from the bookMISHKAT AL MASABEEH

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    o!"me#$ % a!"es&

    A. ZUHD (H !ith " #-#$% & 'es )#*B. +A, (H !ith " # / 0*% & 'es#1)#23. Lo4e of 5e lth (H !ith " 01-0 % & 'es #6)00D. Tr7st in All h (H !ith " 0 -*8% & 'es 0*)0E. Sho9bi: (H !ith " *#-**% & 'es 0 )02+. 3h n'e in 3on!ition (H !ith " *1-* % & 'es 06)*8;. S l7t tion (H !ith " * -18% & 'es *#)**

    H. De lin's (H !ith " 1#-$6% & 'es *1)*I. B ck Bitin' (H !ith " 8- % & 'es 1#)11

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    o!' # III )e!ations bet*een Peop!e&

    AA. isitin' Sick (H !ith " #6 -08#% & 'es #8 )###BB. Tri ls (H !ith " 080-0##% & 'es ##0)##33. 3h ritC-# (H !ith " 0#0-008% & 'es ## )#0#DD. 3h ritC-0 (H !ith " 00#-00 % & 'es #00)#0EE. + stin' (H !ith " 00 -0*6% & 'es #0 )#*$++. ,7r n (H !ith " 018-01 % & 'es #* )#18;;. S7??lic tion (H !ith " 012-0$1% & 'es #1#)#11HH. emember All h (H !ith " 0$$-0 #% & 'es #1$) #16

    II. Seek & r!on (H !ith " 0 0-0 % & 'es #$8)#$0

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    o!'#I %SH+ME, or Persona! Trait of Prophet P-.H

    A. His H7militC (H !ith " 1#6-10#% & 'es 0$*)0$1B. His ;enerositC (H !ith " 100-10*% & 'es 0$$)0$3. His MercC (H !ith " 101-1*8% & 'es 0$ )0 #D. His S?e kin' (H !ith " 1*#-1*6% & 'es 0 0)0 1E. Li4in' 3on!itions (H !ith " 118-11*% & 'es 0 $)020+. His De th (H !ith " 111-11 % & 'es 02*)02;. Instr7ctions (H !ith " 11 -1$0% & 'es 022)06$

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    . % $ #"! ' $ #"& * () #" !+ #* #"-, ' #"-, +. #"

    In the name of Allah; Most Merciful and Most Gracious.

    I bear witness that there is no deity worth worshipping except Allah and I bear witnessthat Mohammad, peace be on him, is a messenger of Allah. After that.

    Internet is a scary place, and its discussion based groups are scarier, especially if you areMuslim and trying to say some thing good about Islam or trying to present its actualteachings.

    It is true that every one has right to believe whatever he or she thinks fit and every onehas freedom to express his views, but there is always a limit and proper way to discussmatters in which you differ. eople who are !on Muslims have right to critici"e Islam

    and #uestion the authority of its prophet and critici"e or #uestion things they do not agreewith.

    $ut it should be done, in a civil manner and then people should be honest and present thefair picture of Islam and rophet, based on his teachings.

    %uring me presence of the many threads of &' I(, I noticed that very few people try to be ob)ective and honest in their posts. &hey lack even the basic knowledge about Islamand *uran and their knowledge is based on whatever they pick up from Anti Islamicsites.

    +hat intrigued me most was that *uran is a fairly large book and our prophet s lifecovers almost every sphere of life, but what these people are interested is only fightingand sexual life of our prophet. -ven there, it would be hardly anything wrong, if peopleanaly"e it ob)ectively.

    $ut to keep balance at least they should also consider prophet s teachings andinstructions about other matters of life. I wanted to post sayings and teachings of our

    prophet on other spheres of life. ayings and actions of rophet are technically known as/adith, and there is a vast literature of this in Islam.

    I have selected the well known book MI /0A& A1 MA A$I/ 2i.e. A !iche for lamps3,

    written by Mohammad bin 0/A&I$ Al &A$4I5I, 2died in year 678 A/, 897: -3.&A$4I5I s work was based on an earlier book written by A11AMA $AG/+I, anotherIslamic scholar. I would like to mention that MI /0A& is not a

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    $ut after that time, Islamic cholars started compiling and indexing and making theminto treaties. MI /0A& was such a book in which the 1earned Islamic cholar selectedhadith s from the original books and catalogued them into different heads. hain ofnarrators, which was inseparable part of any /adith was omitted and only the book namewas mentioned, as by that times the authenticity of these books and /adith they

    contained was well established.

    'riginal book of MI /0A& contains more than >,>:: sayings of prophet, $?/, andsome selection was re#uired to make it simple for common person. @ortunately I foundone such selection titled as : for this purpose. &he original work was inArabic and ?rdu and I have translated it into my broken -nglish.

    If there are mistakes in translation, or if there is something confusing or something is notclear, it is because of me, because neither the original book nor the selection by our1earned rofessor had these mistakes. &here were many explanatory notes also in the

    book, which I did not copy mostly.

    &his work is primarily intended for !on Muslims and to restore some sort of $alance onthreads of &opix.

    I have divided books into four volumes, I intend to post each of these volumes separatelyalso, for ease of reading of people who do not have so much of spare time.

    In the end I seek forgiveness of Allah, for my mistakes as errors, which were not doneintentionally and hope /e accepts my little effort as a service in the cause of Islam and to

    propagate the teachings of our rophet, peace and mercy of Allah be on him.

    ./. 0 aEubail, audi Arabia, March D:87.

    F I have used the phrase /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +, S+,+T W+

    S+,++M %Prophet P-.H said these or simi!ar *ords& at the end of mostchapters2 to protect myse!f from attrib"tin3 any *ron3 *ords to theprophet' This is a standard practice by those in narratin3 Hadith'

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    Volume-1 (Values)

    A. S"b4ect5 6.HD %i'e' !essattachment to *or!d!y 3!amo"r&

    $' Prophet P-.H said /There aret*o thin3s abo"t *hich most peop!eare ne3!i3ent and they are hea!thand free time7

    8' Prophet P-.H said /This *or!d is

    !i9e a prison for M"s!im %beca"se hehas to !i:e here *ith so manyconstraints& and is !i9e a Paradisefor .nbe!ie:ers %beca"se they !i:e*ith f"!! freedom&

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    ;' Prophet %P-.H& said /The *or!d!y*ea!th is :ery p!easin3 to the eyesand :ery m"ch en4oyab!e2 so the one*ho ta9es it *ith ri3ht and spendsit ri3ht!y2 then this *ea!th *i!! behe!pf"! to him

    /-"t the one *ho ta9es it *itho"tri3ht2 he is !i9e *ho 9eeps on eatin3and is ne:er satisfied2 then this*ea!th *i!! be a b"rden on him on

    the ,ast day7

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    to those before yo" and they 3otdestroyed'

    =' Prophet P-.H said /Man 9eepson sayin32 this is my *ea!th2 this ismy *ea!th>' -"t *hat rea!!y is his

    *ea!th?/The thin3s *hich he ate7/The c!othes that he *ore and madethem threadbare7

    /The treas"re *hich he stored inthe Treas"ry of +!!ah %by spendin3in charity and *ay of +!!ah&7

    What he !eft is act"a!!y is themoney for his heirs and not his'

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    ' Prophet P-.H said /@o" staya*ay from thin3s that areprohibited by +!!ah2 yo" *i!! becomeamon3st those *ho are a!*ays b"syin prayers7

    /@o" be satisfied *ith *hat +!!ahhas pro:ided for yo"2 yo" *i!! bemost *ea!thy of the peop!e7

    /@o" dea! fair!y *ith yo"r nei3hbors2

    yo" *i!! become a comp!ete M"s!im7

    /+nd yo" !o:e for others2 *hat yo"!o:e for yo"rse!f2 yo" *i!! be acomp!ete be!ie:er7

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    A' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dappreciate the 3ift of fi:e thin3sbefore fi:e other thin3s

    /@o"th before o!d a3e sets in7/Hea!thiness before infirmity sets#

    in7/+b"ndance of means beforepo:erty comes7/(ree time before yo" become b"sy7/,ife on this earth before death7

    B' Prophet P-.H said /If thisentire earth and a!! its contents*o"!d ha:e :a!"e of Cnats *in3s inthe eyes of +!!ah2 He *o"!d notha:e 3i:en .nbe!ie:ers e:en a sip of*ater7

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    $8' Prophet P-.H said /One *ho3ets "p in the mornin3 in the statethat he no fear of his !ife orproperty2 he has 3ood hea!th andhe has eno"3h food to !ast thatday2 then it is as if he has 3ot

    eno"3h from the *or!d7$;' Prophet P-.H said / Whenthere is no b!essin3s in the *ea!thof a person2 he spends in on !a:ish

    b"i!din3s *hich is beyond hisre "irements'

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    8. S"b4ect5 (+1) %Shorta3e of *or!d!y pro:isions&

    $ ' Said +yesha Prophet *ife/The ho"seho!d of Prophet ne:er atef"!! stomach for t*o consec"ti:e

    days2 ti!! he breathed his !ast7$A' )eported .M+)2 the companionof prophet /I sa* that prophet *asrec!inin3 on a bed made of Date

    !ea:es2 ti!! its imprints *ere on hisbody2 and his pi!!o* *as made ofs9in'

    /I said /O prophet of +!!ah2 r"!ersof )ome and Persia en4oy a!! the!" "ries of this *or!d and yo" aprophet of +!!ah is in this state7

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    Prophet Said /O .mar are yo" sti!!o"t of "nderstandin3? +re yo" notcontent that they 3et a!! theirre*ards in this *or!d2 *hi!e *e 3eto"t re*ards in the hereafter7

    $B' Prophet P-.H said /,oo9 atthose *ho are ha:in3 !esser *or!d!ypossessions than yo" and do not !oo9at those *ho are 3i:en more

    pro:isions than yo"2 on!y then yo"*i!! be 3ratef"! of the bo"nties*hich +!!ah has 3i:en yo"7

    $ ' Prophet P-.H said /If some onestarts !o:in3 me2 straitness ofmeans comes to him faster than*ater *hich f!o*s to a !o*er !e:e!7

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    8F' Prophet P-.H said to hiscompanion M++6 Ibn J+-+, /Donot ind"!3e in !" "ries of !ife2 for3ood ser:ants of +!!ah do not o:erind"!3e in these thin3s7

    8$' Prophet P-.H said /If anyonehas no food2 b"t he hides it *ithpeop!e2 +!!ah *i!! pro:ide himpro:ision for one year7

    88' Prophet P-.H said /If man hast*o forests f"!! of pro:ision2 he*o"!d !on3 for a third one2 mandesires are on!y fi!!ed *ith d"st %i'eafter his death&7

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    8;' Prophet P-.H said /,i:e in the*or!d !i9e a tra:e!!er and !i9e astran3er2 and 9eep in remembrancethose *ho are in 3ra:es7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,

    S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    8=' Prophet P-.H said /There arefo"r type of peop!e5

    /One to *hom +!!ah has 3i:en both9no*!ed3e and *ea!th and he earnshis *ea!th by !a*f"! means and

    spends it proper!y as directed by+!!ah2 so he is best of a!!7

    /+nd to another *hom +!!ah has3i:en 9no*!ed3e and *isdom b"t no

    *ea!th and he says /If I had*ea!th2 I a!so *o"!d ha:e spent !i9ethat person' +!!ah *i!! 3i:e himre*ard !i9e the first person2beca"se of his 3ood intentions'7

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    /Third person is one *hom +!!ah has3i:en no 9no*!ed3e and 3i:e him*ea!th in ab"ndance' He neitherearns it by ri3htf"! means and doesnot spend it ri3htf"!!y2 this personsha!! be amon3st the *orst peop!e7

    /(o"rth person is *hom +!!ah has3i:en neither *isdom or 9no*!ed3eor *ea!th and he *ishes that if hehad *ea!th he a!so *o"!d ha:e spent

    it !i9e the person abo:e2 so thisperson in the hereafter sha!! be

    4oined *ith that person7

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    8 ' Prophet P-.H said /Wise isthat man *ho has contro! o:er hisse!f and *or9s deeds *hich *o"!dhe!p him after his death and foo! isthe one *ho fo!!o*s his :ain desiresand then hopes that +!!ah *o"!d

    ha:e mercy on him7/+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    D' S"b4ect5 Tr"st on +!!ah andperse:erance5

    8A' Prophet P-.H said / + be!ie:eris in a sit"ation *hich is a!*ays 3oodfor him and this stat"s is on!y for

    the be!ie:ers and not for the nonbe!ie:ers'

    /If he has pro:isions2 he than9s+!!ah2 and it is 3ood for him7

    /+nd if he has straitness of means2he sho*s patience and perse:eranceand it is 3ood for him7

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    8B' Prophet P-.H said /Nonind"!3ence in *or!d is not that onema9es "n!a*f"! of *hat +!!ah hadmade !a*f"! for him2 and it is notthat one *astes his money2 theproper *ay is that one a!*ays has

    more desire for *hat is *ith +!!ahand has patience *hen thin3s areto"3h on him7

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    8 ' Prophet P-.H said to his co"sin+bd"!!ah bin +bbas /O boyG)emember +!!ah and He *i!!remember yo"2 if yo" needanythin32 as9 +!!ah for it2 If yo"need assistance2 as9 +!!ah for

    assistance'/-e a*are if e:ery one tried to 3i:eyo" thin3s2 they *i!! not be ab!e to3i:e2 e cept *hat +!!ah has decreed

    a!ready and if e:ery one on earth*ants to harm yo"2 they *i!! not beab!e to2 e cept *hat +!!ah hasa!ready decreed7

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    ;F' Prophet P-.H said /-estcondition of a man is *hen he issatisfied *ith *hat +!!ah haspro:ided for him and Worstsit"ation for a man is2 *hen hestops see9in3 ad:ice from +!!ah and

    si3n of !oss for man is2 *hen he isnot satisfied *ith *hat +!!ah hasdecreed for him7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,

    S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    E' S"b4ect5 On sho*biL and :anity

    ;$' Prophet P-.H said / eri!y+!!ah does not !oo9 at yo"r faces oryo"r *ea!th2 b"t He !oo9 at yo"rhearts and at yo"r deeds7

    ;8' Prophet P-.H said /If +!!ah!oo9s in someone desire forhereafter2 He p"ts into his heartsatisfaction and foc"ses his

    tho"3hts and *ea!th comes to him>7

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    /+nd one in *hose heart there isdesire of *ea!th and he on!y sho*sto peop!e abo"t his ri3hteo"sness2+!!ah brin3s before his eyes thefear of destit"te2 and he is a!*aysin fear and he does not any thin3

    e!se from the *or!d2 e cept *hat+!!ah had decreed for him7

    ;;' Prophet P-.H said /E:en thesma!!est act so as to sho* peop!e2 is

    a sort of associatin3 partners *ith+!!ah2 and one *ho harms (riends of+!!ah %i'e' ri3hteo"s peop!e&2 he has%in fact& cha!!en3ed +!!ah>7

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    (' S"b4ect 5 Khan3e in conditions ofpeop!e d"rin3 !ast days


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    ; ' Prophet P-.H said /If any3ro"p ind"!3es in stea!in32 +!!ah p"tsfear of enemies into their hearts

    /If any 3ro"p 3ets in:o!:ed infornication and ad"!tery2 death is

    spread into them /%i'e' shorta3e ofpop"!ation7/If any 3ro"p 3ets in:o!:ed incheatin3 in *ei3ht and meas"res2they are inf!icted *ith po:erty7

    /If any 3ro"p 3ets in:o!:ed inIn4"stice2 infi3htin3 spread bet*eenthem7

    /If any 3ro"p is in:o!:ed in brea9in3treaties and tr"sts2 they are r"!edby their enemies7

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    C' S"b4ect5 on Sa!"tations

    ;A' Prophet P-.H said /E:eryM"s!im has si ri3hts o:er anotherM"s!im5When he fa!!s sic92 they sho"!d :isit

    him2 if he dies2 they sho"!d 4oin thef"nera!2 and if he in:ites him forparty2 they sho"!d come2 *hen theymeet2 they sho"!d e chan3eCreetin3s of S+,++M2 and *hen he

    sneeLes2 he sho"!d say+,H+MDO,I,,+H %i'e' Praise be to+!!ah& and *hen he is absent2 hesho"!d ta9e care of his ho"seho!d7

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    ;B' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sha!!not enter paradise2 "n!ess yo"be!ie:e and yo"r be!ief sha!! not be3ood "n!ess yo" !o:e each other forthe sa9e of +!!ah7

    /+nd sha!! I not te!! yo" the best*ay to achie:e it? and that is yo"sho"!d 3reet each other *ithS+,++M *hen yo" meet7

    ; ' +bd"!!ah bin +M) )+62narrated that prophet *as as9ed/Which trait is best in Is!am?Prophet P-.H said /To feed peop!eand to 3reet those they 9no* andthose they do not 9no* *ithS+,++M7

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    H' S"b4ect5 Dea!in3 bet*een peop!e

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    =F' Prophet P-.H said /If t*opersons ab"se each other2 thenb!ame *o"!d be on the one *hobe3an2 "n!ess he *as the one *ho*as *ron3ed by the other7

    =$' Prophet P-.H said /-ac9bitersha!! not enter the paradise7

    S"b4ect5 Praisin3 any one on hisface

    =8' Prophet P-.H said /If yo" seeany one praisin3 any one e cessi:e!y2 fi!! his mo"th *ith d"st7'

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    =;' Some one praised anotherm"s!im e cessi:e!y in front ofProphet P-.H2 he said /@o" ha:ea!most 9i!!ed yo"r brother2 If yo"*ant to praise some one2 say Ithin9 he is s"ch and s"ch'


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    ==' Prophet P-.H said /One *hota"nts his brother for committin3any *ron3 act2 *i!! not die2 ti!! he isa!so in:o!:ed in doin3 the same act7

    = ' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dnot fee! happy if any misfort"nefa!!s on any of yo"r brothers2 yo"sho"!d pray to +!!ah to ha:e mercyon him and remo:e this misfort"ne7

    =A' Prophet P-.H said /To sit a!oneis better that to sit *ith badcompany2 and so sit *ith 3oodpeop!e is better than sittin3 a!one2and to teach 3ood thin3s is betterthan 9eepin3 si!ent and to 9eepsi!ent is better than ta!9in3 bad7

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    =B' Prophet P-.H said /Some timesthe re*ards one 3et for 9eepin3

    "iet is better than if he *as*orshippin3 for se:enty years7

    = ' Prophet P-.H said /-estamon3st yo" are those2 *hom yo"see and yo"r remember +!!ah2 and*orst amon3st yo" are those *hobac9 bite and try to create enmity

    bet*een peop!e and ta"nt ri3hteo"s7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    I' S"b4ect5 -ac9 -itin3 and others

    F' Prophet P-.H said /-ac9 bitin3is *orse than fornication2 thecompanions as9ed ho* is it7

    Prophet P-.H said /When onecommits fornication2 he as9s +!!ahfor for3i:eness2 and +!!ah mayfor3i:e his sin2 b"t *hen onebac9bites2 +!!ah *i!! not for3i:e the

    sin2 "n!ess the person *ron3edhimse!f for3i:es it7

    $' Prophet P-.H said /if some onehas bac9 bitten his brother2 ascorrection for this is he sho"!d as9his friend to for3i:e him and say /O+!!ah for3i:e "s both7

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    8' The companions as9ed ProphetP-.H 2 /@o" some time ta!9 to "s!i3ht!y and ma9e some 4o9es2 theProphet P-.H said /E:en *hen I

    4o9e or ta!9 !i3ht!y2 I do not spea9

    e cept the tr"th78' +n o!d *omen came to Prophet

    P-.H and as9ed for a came!' TheProphet P-.H said /I *i!! on!y 3i:e

    yo" a son of a came7 The *omenas9ed /*hat "se that sha!! be tome?7

    The Prophet P-.H said /Is thereany came! *ho is not the son ofanother came!?7

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    ;' Prophet P-.H said /Do notcommit e cess in my praise asKhristians did for Jes"s the Son ofMary2 I am +!!ah s ser:ant2 soproc!aim that I am His Messen3erand His Ser:ant7

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    ' Prophet P-.H said /Thesimi!it"de of a person *ho sides*ith his peop!e2 *hen they are doin3*ron3 is !i9e some one *ho is tryin3to sa:e a came! *ho fe!! into a *e!!2by p"!!in3 it by its tai! %i'e' it *o"!d

    not 3ain him anythin3&

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.H

    said these or simi!ar *ords&

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    J' S"b4ect5 Dea!in3 *ith 9info!9

    A' Prophet P-.H said /His nose ber"bbed in nose2 his nose be r"bbedin d"st2 his nose be r"bbed in d"st2the companions as9ed /Whose O

    prophet of +!!ah7' He said /One *hofinds his parents or one of them ino!d a3e and sti!! does not earnparadise by treatin3 them *e!!'7

    B' Some one as9ed Prophet P-.H2/*ho is best to recei:e my respectand aid2 Prophet P-.H said /@o"rmother72 he repeated this "estionthree times and each time ProphetP-.H said the same thin3' Onfo"rth occasion he said /@o"rfather7

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    ' Prophet P-.H said /If any one*ants that he be 3i:en b!essin3s inhis pro:ision and his !ife be !on32then he sho"!d dea! fair!y *ith his9ith and 9in fo!9s7

    AF' Prophet P-.H said /It is notdea!in3 fair!y *ith yo"r 9ith and 9inif yo" on!y reciprocate' -"t the onedoin3 so is that e:en *hen he is not

    treated fair!y2 he sho"!d not deterfrom treatin3 them fair!y7

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    A$' Some one as9ed /Is there on "sri3hts of parents once they aredead7' Prophet P-.H said /@es2that yo" sho"!d as9 (or3i:eness andMercy from +!!ah for them2 andf"!fi!! their tr"sts and dea! 9ind!y

    *ith their 9info!9s and treatin3their friends *ith 9indness7

    A8' Prophet P-.H said /)e*ard forsome one *ho !oo9s at their parents

    *ith !o:e is that of an Ha44 or.M)+H' Some one as9ed /e:en ifone !oo9 at them $FF times is aday?7' The Prophet P-.H said/+!!ah s bo"nties are end!ess7

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    A;' Prophet P-.H said /The ri3htof e!der brother on yo"n3erbrothers is !i9e of father o:er hisson'


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    A ' Prophet P-.H said /M"s!ims are!i9e one ho"se2 one part of *hichs"pports the other2 then he sho*edfin3ers of one hand 3oin3 intoothers7

    AA' Prophet P-.H said /I s*ear toin *hose hand my !ife is %i'e' +!!ah&2yo"r faith cannot become comp!ete"n!ess yo" !o:e for yo"r brother2*hat yo" !o:e for yo"rse!f7

    AB' Prophet P-.H said /He!p yo"rbrother he be *ron3 or ri3ht2companions as9ed /We "nderstandto he!p o"r brother *hen he is bein3*ron3ed2 ho* can *e he!p him *henhe is on *ron3?7

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    Prophet P-.H said /To stop himfrom doin3 *ron3 is in fact he!pin3yo"r brother7

    A ' Prophet P-.H said /Tr"e be!iefis to 3i:e best ad:ice' The

    companions as9ed to *hom or ho*?'The Prophet P-.H said /To +!!ah2and His boo9 and to His messen3erand to a!! M"s!im7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    0' S"b4ect5 Ta9in3 care of Cir!Khi!d and Orphans

    BF' Prophet P-.H said /If someone is on!y 3i:en 3ir! chi!d and heta9es 3ood care for them2 these

    3ir! chi!d *o"!d become a shie!dfrom he!! fire for him7

    B$' Prophet P-.H said /If some oneta9es 3ood care for t*o da"3hters

    ti!! they 3et married2 he *o"!d beas c!ose to me in paradise as this2and prophet sho*ed his t*o fin3ers'

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    B8' Prophet P-.H said /If some oneta9es care of an orphan and feedsand c!othes him2 paradise *i!! becomp"!sory for him' +nd if someoneta9es care of three da"3hters orthree sisters2 ti!! they 3et married2

    Paradise *i!! be re*ard for him'Kompanions as9ed if t*o da"3htersor t*o sisters2 Prophet P-.H said/E:en if t*o7 ' The narrators ofHadith says2 if they *o"!d ha:e

    mentioned sin3!e2 prophet *o"!dha:e ans*ered in affirmati:e'

    B;' Prophet P-.H said /If some oneis 3i:en a 3ir! chi!d and he ta9escare of her and does not 3i:epreference of son o:er her2 +!!ah*i!! enter him into paradise'

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    BA' Prophet P-.H said /-y +!!ah heis not a M"s!im2 -y +!!ah he is not aM"s!im2 -y +!!ah he is not a M"s!im'The companions as9ed /Who Omessen3er of +!!ah7' Prophet P-.Hsaid /One *hose nei3hbors are not

    safe from his e cesses7/+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    ,' S"b4ect5 Dea!in3 *ith peop!e

    BB' Prophet P-.H said /One *hohides any *ron3 done by his brotherM"s!im2 *i!! be as if one *ho sa:eda 3ir! chi!d from bein3 b"ried a!i:e'

    B ' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dtreat peop!e accordin3 to theirstat"s7

    F' Prophet P-.H said7 H"manity is%!i9e& a fami!y of +!!ah2 the best issi3ht of +!!ah is one *ho is best*ith His fami!y %i'e' his attit"de isbest *ith h"manity at !ar3e&

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    $' Prophet P-.H said /Sha!! I notte!! yo" the best form of Kharity?It is dea!in3 9ind!y *ith yo"rda"3hter or sister *ho comes bac9to yo" %i'e' d"e to di:orce or deathof h"sband&

    8' Some one comp!ained to ProphetP-.H abo"t hardness of his heart2Prophet P-.H ad:ised his to patorphans on head and feed poor


    ;' Prophet P-.H said /-e!ie:er isone *ho is !i9ed by peop!e %d"e tohis 9ind!iness&2 one *ho does not!i9e others or others do not !i9e himis no 3ood in him7'

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    M' S"b4ect5 ,o:e for the sa9e of+!!ah

    A' Prophet P-.H said /+ man *i!!be *ith *hom he !o:es7

    B' Prophet P-.H said7 +!!ah saysthat my !o:e is for those *ho !o:eother for my sa9e' +nd those *hosit *ith each other for my sa9e''7

    ' Prophet P-.H said /If a M"s!im:isits his sic9 brother or 3oes tomeet him2 +!!ah says /Cood be yo"r!ife and b!essed be yo"r *a!9 andyo" *i!! enter paradise7

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    $FF' Prophet P-.H said /Peop!e areon the *ays of their companions2 sobe caref"! as to *hom yo" chooseas yo"r companion7

    $F$' Prophet P-.H said /If some

    one !o:es or !i9es some one2 hesho"!d inform him of this7

    $F8' Prophet P-.H said /It is not!a*f"! for a M"s!im to stop ta!9in3

    to his M"s!im brother for more thanthree days' If they meet2 he t"rnshis face a*ay and other does thesame' +nd better amon3st them isone *ho starts spea9in3 and3reetin37

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    $F;' Prophet P-.H said /Do not bes"spicio"s *ith one another2 beca"ses"spicions are the *orst type offa!sehood2 and do not spy on oneanother2 and do not and do not en:yeach other and !i:e !i9e brothers7


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    S"b4ect5 To search for *ea9ness ofothers

    $FB' Prophet P-.H said /Worsttype of .s"ry is to search foe*ea9ness of others7

    $F ' Prophet P-.H said /OnceProphet Jes"s sa* some onestea!in32 he as9ed him /Did yo"stea!?7

    He rep!ied /I s*ear Cod that I didnot stea!7' Jes"s P-.H rep!ied /Ibe!ie:e in Cod and ne3ate *hat Isa*7

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    $$F' Prophet P-.H said /-e*are of!oo9in3 for fa"!t of others2 beca"seif some one ma9es it a habit2 +!!ah*i!! a!so !oo9in3 for his fa"!t2 and*hen +!!ah starts !oo9in3 for anyone s fa"!t2 he *i!! dis3race him

    f"!!y2 e:en if the act *as done inthe pri:acy of him ho"se7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.H

    said these or simi!ar *ords&

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    N' S"b4ect5 To be on a!ert

    $$$' Prophet P-.H said / + m"s!imis not bitten from the same ho!et*ice7

    $$8' Prophet P-.H said7 To dothin3s *ith care is from +!!ah andhaste and ne3!i3ence is from Satan7

    $$;' Prophet P-.H said /To do any

    thin3s after d"e de!eberation is*isdom "n!ess it is the deed forhereafter7


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    $$=' Prophet P-.H said /+!!ah ismercif"! and He !i9es those *hosho* mercy to others and Ci:esthese peop!e *hat He does not 3i:eto others7

    $$ ' Prophet P-.H said /Sho*9indness and mercy in e:ery thin32beca"se these *i!! ma9e e:ery 4obeasy' +nd if 9indness and mercy isremo:ed from any thin32 it is

    "s"a!!y spoi!ed7

    $$A' Prophet P-.H said /If someone is not b!essed *ith 9indness andmercy2 he is indeed denied from animportant thin37

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    $$B' Prophet P-.H said /Modestydoes not brin3 anythin3 e cept3oodness7

    $$ ' Kompanions as9ed the ProphetP-.H /What is the best thin3 +!!ah

    has 3i:en to His Ser:ants7? TheProphet P-.H said /Cood mannersand dea!in3 9ind!y *ith peop!e7

    $8F' Prophet P-.H said /The most

    *orthy deeds for be!ie:ers in thehereafter sha!! be 3ood manners anddea!in3 9ind!y *ith peop!e7

    $8$' Prophet P-.H said /Mostcomp!ete M"s!im are those *ho ha:ebest of manners in dea!in3 *ithothers7

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    P' S"b4ect5 Kontro!!in3 +n3er

    $8;' Prophet P-.H said /Stron3 isnot one *ho s"bd"es his opponents2Stron3 is one *ho has contro! o:erhis an3er7


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    $8 ' Prophet P-.H said /-estamon3st yo" is one *ho is s!o* inan3er and "ic9 in for3i:eness2 and*orst amon3st yo" is one *ho is

    "ic9 in an3er and s!o* infor3i:eness7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    1' S"b4ect5 (a!se Pride

    $8A' Prophet P-.H said /Ifsomeone has e:en sma!! a seed offa!se pride2 he *i!! not enterParadise7

    $8B' + man as9ed Prophet P-.H /+man !o:es that his c!othes are fineand his shoes are fine %Does thata!so co"nt to*ards fa!se pride&2

    Prophet P-.H said /+!!ah isbea"tif"! and He !i9es bea"ty2 fa!sepride is re4ectin3 tr"th and !oo9do*n on other peop!e7

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    $8 ' Prophet P-.H said /If someone !o*ers his pride for the sa9e of+!!ah2 +!!ah *i!! increase hisstat"re' He thin9s himse!f sma!! inhis o*n eyes2 b"t peop!e considerhim as 3reat'

    /+nd one *ho sho*s fa!se pride2+!!ah *i!! ma9e him !oo9 3reat in hiseyes and peop!e consider him assma!!2 e:en !o*er than a do3 or


    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    )' S"b4ect5 In4"stice

    $;F' Prophet P-.H said /+cts ofIn4"stice *o"!d become dar9ness onthe !ast day7

    $;$' Prophet P-.H said /If someone has done some acts of in4"sticeto his brothers2 he sho"!d theirpardon in this *or!d itse!f2 before aday comes *hen there *o"!d be no

    3o!d or si!:er to compensate7

    /If anyone has done *ron3s toanyone2 his 3ood deeds sha!! be3i:en to the person *ron3ed and ifhe has no 3ood deeds !eft2 baddeeds of that person *o"!d be p"ton him7

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    $;8' Prophet P-.H said /Do yo"9no* *ho is destit"te?7 TheKompanions rep!ied /Destit"te is aperson *ho has no *ea!th of any9ind7

    Prophet P-.H said /)ea! destit"teof my fo!!o*ers sha!! be one2 *ho*i!! come in the hereafter *ith !otsand !ots of 3ood deeds in the form

    of )e3"!ar Prayers2 (asts2 Kharityand a!on3 *ith it2 he has hit someone2 has s*ind!ed someone2 hasshed b!ood of someone''7

    /+!! these creditors sha!! come andsome of his 3ood deeds *i!! be 3i:ento this one ands some to that one2

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    ti!! a!! his 3ood deeds sha!! be 3oneand there sti!! *o"!d be creditors!eft2 so their bad deeds *o"!d bep"t on this person and he sha!! bethro*n into he!! fire7 %He is the rea!destit"te indeed&'

    $;;' Prophet P-.H said /If somehe!ps a person doin3 in4"stice2 *henhe 9no*s that this person is *ron32he sha!! become !i9e an apostate7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    S' S"b4ect5 To En4oin E "ity and toStop acts of ine "ity


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    3ood thin3s and "sed to stop peop!efrom doin3 bad thin3s7

    /He *i!! rep!y2 yes I "sed to te!!others not to do *ron3s b"t I *asdoin3 it and I *as as9in3 peop!e to

    stop doin3 *ron3 thin3s2 b"t I didnot stop doin3 it7

    $; ' Prophet P-.H said /If peop!esee *ron3s bein3 committed and

    they do not try to pre:ent it inspiteof ha:in3 po*ers to stop it2 +!!ah*i!! send p"nishment to a!! of them7

    $;A' Prophet P-.H said /If yo" seethat peop!e are ha:in3 too m"chattraction to*ards this *or!d2 ande:ery one is fo!!o*in3 his desires

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    and e:ery one !i9es his opinion2 thenyo" sho"!d stop dea!in3 *ith peop!eand try yo"r !e:e! best to be on theri3ht path7

    $;B' Prophet P-.H said /+!!ah

    ordered Cabrie! to destroy somecity beca"se of their e cessi:e e:i!deeds2 Cabrie! said /O +!!ah2 thereis s"ch and s"ch person in that city*ho ha:e not disobeyed yo" e:en

    for an instant7

    /+!!ah said /-e3in from his ho"se2beca"se he sa* a!! those acts ofe:i! and e:en for one second heopened his mo"th or fe!t bad in hisheart7

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    $; ' Prophet P-.H said /,et thefear of peop!e not pre:ent any oneof yo" from spea9in3 the tr"th2 ifyo" 9no* it7


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    T' S"b4ect5 (aith


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    $< ' Prophet P-.H said /Si3ns of aHypocrite are these three5

    a' When he spea9s he te!!s !ie'b' If he ma9es a promise2 he doesnot f"!fi!! it'

    c' If he is 3i:en a Tr"st2 hemis"ses it'd' +nd if he has disp"te *ith someone2 he "ses fo"! and profane!an3"a3e'


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    o!' II %(aith&

    .' S"b4ect5 On (aith Matters

    $< ' Prophet P-.H said /Thesimi!it"de of yo" and me is !i9e some

    one *ho 9ind!ed the fire and thef!yin3 insects are tryin3 to enterinto that fire and he is tryin3 topre:ent them' @o" are tryin3 toenter he!! fire and I am tryin3 to

    p"!! yo" o"t by 3rabbin3 yo"r bac9s

    $=F' Prophet P-.H said /None ofthem can ha:e comp!ete faith "n!esstheir desires are f"!!y in !ine *ith*hat I ha:e bro"3ht do*n7

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    $=$' Prophet P-.H said7 If someone starts a 3ood trait2 he *i!! 3etthe re*ard for a!! those peop!e *ho*i!! act on it and nothin3 sha!! bered"ced from the re*ards of those*ho act'

    /+nd *hosoe:er starts a badpractice2 then he *i!! 3et the sin ofa!! those *ho sha!! act on it andnothin3 sha!! be red"ced from their


    $=8' Prophet P-.H said /If +!!ah*ants to do 3ood to someone2 He3i:es them insi3ht into re!i3io"smatters7

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    $=;' Prophet P-.H said /Whensomeone dies2 record of his deeds isc!osed2 b"t there are three thin3s*hose re*ard is added to his deedse:en after his death7

    /+nd these are2 if he has madesome p"b!ic *or9s2 or ta"3ht someone re!i3ion or has !eft a son orda"3hter *ho prey to +!!ah for him7

    $==' Prophet P-.H said /+ person*ith 3ood 9no*!ed3e of Is!am ishea:ier on Satan than one tho"sandof those *ho on!y *orship7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    ' S"b4ect5 On See9in3 0no*!ed3e

    $==' Prophet P-.H said /To see99no*!ed3e is ob!i3atory on e:enM"s!im ma!e and fema!e2 and to

    teach 9no*!ed3e to some one *ho isnot its *orth is !i9e thro*in3 yo"rpear!s before a s*ine7

    $= ' Prophet P-.H said /If some

    one see9s 9no*!ed3e on!y to debateand ar3"e *ith other peop!e2 andon!y to sho* himse!f 2 +!!ah *i!!enter s"ch a person into the he!!fire'

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    $=A' Prophet P-.H said /Disco"rsesare 3i:en by three peop!e2 the headof comm"nity and to one *hom heappoints and by some one *ho *antsto sho* off7

    $=B' Prophet P-.H said /One ho"rspent in !earnin3 is better than*ho!e ni3ht spent in prayers7

    $= ' Prophet P-.H said /There are

    t*o 3reedy peop!e *ho ne:er 3etsatisfied2 one *ho has thirst of9no*!ed3e and the other *ho see9sthe *ea!th of this *or!d' +nd theyare same in the eyes of +!!ah2 theone *ho see9s 9no*!ed3e is !o:ed by+!!ah more and more and the otherincreases the an3er of +!!ah7

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    $ F' Prophet P-.H said /If someone ma9es hereafter his on!y aim2+!!ah *i!! ta9e care of hiss"stenance2 and one *ho spends a!!his efforts for this *or!d2 +!!ah

    does not care in *hich :a!!ey he is!ost7

    $ $' Prophet P-.H said /The *orstin the si3ht of +!!ah in the

    hereafter *o"!d be one *hose9no*!ed3e earn him no profit7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    W' S"b4ect5 On K!ean!iness%T+H+)+& and W.D. Etc'

    $ 8' Prophet P-.H said /K!ean!inessis e:en "pto ha!f the faith7

    $ ;' Prophet P-.H said /Sha!! Inot te!! yo" thin3s by *hich +!!ahsha!! for3i:e yo"r sins and raiseyo"r 3rades7 The companions said/@es O messen3er of +!!ah7'

    The prophet P-.H said /To performW.D. in diffic"!t c!imate2 to *a!9"pto mos "es for re3"!ar prayersand to *ait for ne t prayer afterperformin3 one7

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    $ B' Prophet P-.H said /.sin3MISW+0 %tooth stic9& c!eans teethand earns the Crace of +!!ah7

    $ ' Prophet P-.H said /+!!ah !i9es

    modesty2 if anyone of yo" ta9esbath2 he sho"!d shade himse!f7

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    $AF' Prophet P-.H said /(i:e dai!yprayers2 one (riday ti!! ne t2 (romOne )amadan to ne t2 they pro:idefor3i:eness of one s sins if he staysa*ay from ma4or sins'7

    Prophet P-.H said /If some one ofyo" has a ri:er f!o*in3 at hisdoorstep and he ta9es bath in itfi:e times e:ery day2 *i!! there be!eft any dirt on his body? The

    companions said /No7' The ProphetP-.H said /The same is the case*ith fi:e dai!y prayers' +!!ahfor3i:es sins beca"se of them7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    X' S"b4ect5 On Prayers and theirre3"!arity

    $A$' Prophet P-.H said /If someone misses +fternoon prayers2 it is

    as if he !ost his *ea!th and fami!y7$A8' Prophet P-.H said /S!eep isnot ca!!ed missin3 one prayers2missin3 is one *hen one is a*a9e'

    So if yo" *a9e "p2 offer the prayer*hen yo" *a9e "p or remember2beca"se +!!ah said /Offer prayerfor my remembrance7

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    $A;' Prophet P-.H said /There arethree thin3s in *hich de!ay is notad:ised2 Prayers *hen its timescomes2 b"ria! ser:ices and marria3efor *ido*s *hen a s"itab!e proposa!is a:ai!ab!e7


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    $AB' Prophet P-.H said /Nationsbefore yo" too9 the 3ra:es of theirprophets as p!aces of *orship2 yo"sho"!d not do the same7

    $A ' Prophet P-.H said /Those *ho

    3o to mos "es d"rin3 the dar9nessof ni3ht2 *i!! be 3i:en eno"3h !i3hton the !ast day7

    $BF' Prophet P-.H said /The *orst

    thief is one *ho stea!s from theprayers' Kompanions as9ed /Ho* canone stea! from Prayers7? ProphetP-.H said /To not comp!ete bendin3and prostration is theft fromprayers7

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    $B$' Prophet P-.H said /One *ho!eads the prayers sho"!d be caref"!abo"t peop!e behind him2 beca"sethere are *omen and boys andthose *ho ha:e pendin3 *or9s7

    $B8' Prophet P-.H said /If someone is h"n3ry and food is ready andthe time of con3re3ationa! prayercomes2 he sho"!d first eat before3oin3 for prayers7

    $B;' Prophet P-.H said /If someone prays for forty consec"ti:edays not missin3 the Startin32 he*i!! be 3i:en t*o certificates2 one isfreedom from hypocricy andfreedom from he!! fire7

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    @' S"b4ect5 On Ni3ht Prayers%T+H+JJ.D&

    $B=' Prophet P-.H said /The bestni3ht prayer in the si3ht of +!!ah is

    that oh prophet Da:id P-.H2 *ho"sed to s!eep first ha!f of ni3ht andstand in prayer for the other ha!f7

    +nd the best fast in the si3ht of

    +!!ah is the fastin3 of prophetDa:id P-.H2 *ho "sed to fast oneday and do not fast the ne t day7

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    $B ' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dma9e it a habit to pray in theni3ht2 beca"se it *as a habit ofri3hteo"s peop!e before yo" andsha!! brin3 yo" c!oser to yo"r ,ordand sha!! res"!t in for3i:eness of

    yo"r sins7$BA' Prophet P-.H said /The c!osesone 3ets to +!!ah is one *ho prays!ate in the ni3ht2 so if be possib!e

    for yo"2 yo" sho"!d pray d"rin3 thattime7

    $BB' Prophet P-.H said /+ftercon3re3ationa! prayers2 best are!ate ni3ht prayers7

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    $B ' Prophet P-.H said /-estamon3st my fo!!o*ers are *ho acton 1"ran and those *ho offer !ateni3ht prayers7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,

    S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    6' S"b4ect5 On (riday Prayers

    $ F' Prophet P-.H said /(riday isthe !eader of a!! days of *ee9 insi3ht of +!!ah7

    $ $' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dsend sa!"tations on me more of(ridays2 beca"se yo"r sa!"tationsare presented to me7

    Kompanions as9ed /Ho* o"rsa!"tations sha!! be presented to yo"after yo"r death?' Prophet P-.Hsaid /+!!ah has prohibited on earthto eat the bodies of prophets ofCod7

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    $ 8' Prophet P-.H said /One *homisses (riday prayers *itho"t any:a!id reason2 his name is recordedas hypocrite in a boo9 that cannotbe erased or chan3ed'

    $ ;' Prophet P-.H said /If someone ta9es bath on (riday and c!eanshimse!f and "ses sent on his bodyand 3oes for prayers and does notdist"rb peop!e a!ready sittin32 and

    offers prayers and !istens si!ent!yto sermon2 his sins bet*een !ast(riday to this (riday are for3i:en7


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    $ =' Prophet P-.H said /Peop!e *hoattend (riday prayers are of three9ind7

    /One *ho is en3a3ed in :ain ta!9s

    and deeds2 he does not 3et anyre*ard from his prayers7

    /One *ho is b"sy in prayin3 to +!!ahd"rin3 sermon time2 it is for +!!ah

    to accept his prayers or re4ect it7

    /One is *ho does not dist"rb othersand !istens to sermon and performsprayer2 for s"ch one there isfor3i:eness of sins from one (ridayto ne t and e:en more2 beca"se

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    +!!ah says /(or 3ood deeds re*ardis ten fo!d7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    o!' III %)e!ations&

    ++' S"b4ect5 isitin3 Sic9 peop!e

    $ ' Prophet P-.H said /(eedh"n3ry peop!e and :isit sic9 peop!e

    and free s!a:es7$ A' Prophet P-.H said /There aresi ri3hts of one M"s!im brothero:er another7

    a' To ans*er his Sa!aam'b' To :isit d"rin3 sic9ness'c' To attend his f"nera! prayersand b"ria!'d' To attend the ca!! for feast'e' To pray *hen he sneeLes'

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    $ B' Prophet P-.H said /So !on3 asone M"s!im brother is :isitin3 hisbrother he is as if he is :isitin33ardens of paradise7

    $ ' Prophet P-.H said /On day of 4"d3ment2 +!!ah *i!! as9 /O Myser:ant2 I *as sic9 and yo" did notcame to see me? He *i!! say /Ho*co"!d I :isit yo" *hen yo" are ,ord

    of this .ni:erse?7' +!!ah *i!! say mys"ch and s"ch ser:ant *as sic92 ifyo" had :isited him2 yo" *o"!d ha:efo"nd me there7

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    /O Son of +dam2 I *as h"n3ry andyo" did not feed me? He *i!! say/Ho* co"!d I feed yo" *hen yo" arethe ,ord of .ni:erse? +!!ah *i!! say/My s"ch and s"ch ser:ant *ash"n3ry and yo" co"!d feed him2 if

    yo" had fed him2 yo" *o"!d ha:efo"nd me there7

    /O Son of +dam2 I *as thirsty b"tyo" did not "ench my thirst7 He

    *i!! say /Ho* co"!d I "ench yo"rthirst *hen yo" are ,ord of.ni:erse? +!!ah *i!! say /My s"chand s"ch ser:ant *as thirsty b"tyo" did not offer him drin92 if yo"*o"!d ha:e "enched his thirst2 yo"*o"!d ha:e fo"nd me there7

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    8FF' Prophet P-.H said /If +!!ah*ants to do 3ood to some one2 Hes"b4ects him to tria!s7

    8F$' Prophet P-.H said /no tria!

    comes to M"s!im e:en if pric9ed bythorn2 e cept +!!ah for3i:es someof his sins7

    8F8' Prophet P-.H said /If some

    one fa!!s sic9 or is on tra:e!s2 +!!ah3i:es him re*ard for his ro"tineprayers and other thin3s he "sed todo *hi!e hea!thy7

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    8F;' Prophet P-.H said /+!!ah says/If I ta9e a*ay eyes of some one%and he sho*s patience andperse:erance # M.1&2 I *i!! enterhim into Paradise7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    --' S"b4ect5 Tria!s and terb"!ations

    8F8' Prophet P-.H said /Thepersons *ho are s"b4ected toma im"m tests and tria!s areprophets and then others accordin3

    to their stren3th of faith''78F;' Prophet P-.H said /If +!!ah*ants to do 3ood *ith some one2 Hesends tests and tria!s as

    p"nishments for his actions2 and if+!!ah *ants to do bad to someone2He ho!ds his bad actions ti!! the !astday7

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    8FA' Prophet P-.H said /None ofyo" sho"!d *ish for death *hen anyhard sit"ation comes to him2 ifconditions becomin3 :ery diffic"!t

    he can pray to +!!ah /If !ife is 3oodfor me2 then !et me !i:e and ifdeath is 3ood for me2 then brin3 itto me7

    8FB' Prophet P-.H said /One *ho!i9es to meet +!!ah2 +!!ah *i!! a!so!i9e to meet him' +nd one *hohates to meet +!!ah2 +!!ah *o"!da!so hate to meet him7

    +iyesha2 the prophet *ife said/Most of "s hate death7

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    Prophet P-.H said /It is not !i9ethis2 *hen the time of death of abe!ie:er comes2 Paradise and a!! its3ood thin3s are p"t before him andhe !i9es to meet +!!ah and +!!ah

    a!so !i9e to meet him7/and *hen the death of an"nbe!ie:er approaches2 he!! *ith a!!its p"nishments are p"t before him

    and he hates to meet +!!ah and+!!ah a!so hates to meet him7

    8F ' Prophet P-.H said /@o" sho"!dremember fre "ent!y the thin3*hich is /f"n spoi!er7 i'e' death7

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    8$F' Prophet P-.H said /One *hose!ast *ords as /There is no one*orthy of *orship e cept +!!ah7 %,+I,+H+ I,,+, +,,+H& sha!! enterParadise7

    8$$' Prophet P-.H said /If threeof someone sons or da"3hters die initheir chi!dhood2 +!!ah *i!! enter himinto Paradise2 some one as9ed /Ift*o?7' Prophet P-.H said /If t*o


    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    KK' S"b4ect5 On Kharity and6+0+T5

    8$8' Prophet P-.H said /If someone has 3o!d and si!:er and does not3i:e 6+0+T2 then on the !ast day

    his 3o!d and si!:er sha!! be heated inthe he!! fire and he sha!! bebranded by that on his bac9 andfront>7

    8$;' Prophet P-.H said / (or the!ands that are *atered by rain orri:ers and ponds2 the 6+0+T is onetenth of the prod"ce' The !ands*hich are *atered by *ater or thr"came!s2 on them it is one t*entieth7

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    8$ ' Prophet P-.H said /If one ofyo" *as to into forest and 3ather*ood2 tie *ith a rope and !oad onhis bac9 and 3o to :i!!a3e and se!!it2 it is better than to be3 frompeop!e 2 they 3i:e or they ref"se7

    8$A' Prophet Kompanion +-IDH+)) 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H ta9e a :o* from me2 that I

    *i!! not as9 any one for any thin32e:en if my chord *i!! fa!! fromhorse or came!2 I *i!! 3et do*n andpic9 it myse!f'

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    8$B' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said / There does notpass a sin3!e day *hen t*o an3e!sdescent from hea:ens2 one says /O

    +!!ah increase for those *ho 3i:e7and the other says /O +!!ah destroyfor the one *ho ho!ds7

    8$ ' Prophet Kompanion +-.

    H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /One *ho spends isc!oser to +!!ah2 c!oser to Paradiseand !i9ed by peop!e and distant fromHe!! fire7

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    /+nd Miser is far remo:ed from+!!ah2 far a*ay from Paradise2dis!i9ed by peop!e and c!oser to he!!fire7

    /+n i3norant person *ho 3i:es in

    charity is better than a scho!ar *hois a miser7

    88F' Prophet Kompanion +-IS+EED 0H.D)I 2 May +!!ah be

    p!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said / To spend oneD+)H+M d"rin3 !ife time is betterthat one H"ndred spent *hen deathis :isib!e7

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    DD' S"b4ect5 On Kharity

    88$' Prophet Kompanion +-IS+EED 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /T*o thin3s cannot be

    fo"nd to3ether in a -e!ie:er2 Miserand dea!in3 bad!y *ith peop!e7

    888' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be

    p!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said / Some one *asin a deso!ate p!ace2 *hen he hearda ca!! from s9y /O c!o"ds 3i:e *aterto the fie!d of so and so7

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    /+nd there *as a rain and the*ater 3athered and f!o*ed in onedirection2 the man fo!!o*ed it andpresent!y it reached to a fie!d*here a man *as distrib"tin3 *aterto his fie!d7

    /He as9ed the man his name and hesaid the same name *hich he heardfrom the s9y' He to!d him thestory of c!o"d and as9ed *hat he

    does that this happened to him?7

    /The man said2 I do not 9no* ofany specia! deed e cept that*hate:er I 3et from the fie!d2 Idi:ide it into three parts2 one partI feed myse!f and my fami!y2 one

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    third I 3i:e in charity and one thirdI p"t bac9 into the fie!d7

    88;' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated that

    Prophet P-.H said /When any oneof yo" spends from yo"r honestmoney and +!!ah does not accepte cept honest thin3s2 +!!ah ta9es it*ith His ri3ht hand and increases

    it2 an yo" do2 ti!! on the !ast day2 it*o"!d become the siLe of amo"ntain7


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    any fie!d2 and if any bird or anima!or any man eats from it2 it *o"!dbe co"nted to*ards charity for him7

    88=' Prophet Kompanion +-IDH+)) 2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / @o" meetin3 yo"rM"s!im brother *ith smi!in3 face isan act of Kharity2 To spea9 a 3oodthin3 is an act of charity2 to as9

    someone not to spea9 bad thin3s isan act of charity2 to direct someone to proper *ay is an act ofcharity>'%and prophet mentionedmany of s"ch acts&

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    88 ' Prophet *ife +iyesha 2May +!!ah be p!eased *ith hernarrated that Prophet P-.H said/If a *omen 3i:es from food tosomeone2 *itho"t permission of herh"sband2 it *o"!d be co"nted

    to*ards an act of charity7/+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    EE' S"b4ect5 On fastin3

    88A' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /7Who fasts *ith faith

    and e pectation of re*ard sha!!enter Paradise and one *ho 9eepsni3ht prayers *ith faith and hope ofre*ard sha!! enter paradise7

    88B' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / +!!ah says /E:ery actof Khi!dren of +dams is re*ardedten fo!d to se:en h"ndred fo!de cept (ast2 beca"se it is for meand I *i!! 3i:e re*ard for it' he

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    !a:es his food and se "a! act for mysa9e'

    /(or person fastin3 there are t*ohappiness2 once *hen he brea9s fastand another *hen he meets *ith his

    ,ord' The sme!! of empty stomachof a fastin3 person is better thansme!! of M"s9 in the eyes of +!!ah7

    /(ast is protection2 *hen some one

    is fastin3 and some one ab"ses himor fi3hts *ith him2 he sho"!d say /Iam fastin32 I am on fast7

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    88 ' Prophet Kompanion S+,M+NO( PE)SI+ 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /On the !ast day ofmonth of SH+-+N2 the prophetP-.H 3a:e "s a sermon in *hich he

    said /O peop!e a 3reat month is "ponyo"2 in *hich there is a ni3ht *hichis better than a tho"sand months2

    +!!ah has prescribed fastin3 d"rin3the day and I ha:e ad:ised specia!prayers d"rin3 ni3ht7

    /If some one does any 3ood deed it*o"!d be as if he had done anob!i3atory act in other months andone *ho does an ob!i3atory act2 it

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    *o"!d be co"nted as se:enty d"rin3other months7

    /It is a month of patience andperse:erance and re*ards for theseis paradise7

    8;F' Prophet Kompanion +N+S2May +!!ah be p!eased *ith him2narrated that Prophet P-.H said/@o" sho"!d ear S.HOO) %ear!y

    mornin3 mea!&2 beca"se in it there is-!essin3s from +!!ah

    8;$' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /My fo!!o*ers*i!! be on ri3ht path ti!! they brea9

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    their fasts as soon as the timecomes and start fast2 ti!! the startof its prescribed time7

    8;8' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one does not!ea:es te!!in3 !ies and actin3 on it2+!!ah does not care if he !ea:esfood and drin97

    8;;' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some eats and drin9s%d"rin3 fast& d"e to i3norance2 heor she sho"!d comp!ete his fast2

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    beca"se it *as +!!ah *ho fed himand 3a:e them drin97


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    8;B' Prophet Kompanion I-N+--+S2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ithhim2 narrated that Prophet P-.H*as the most charitab!e person onearth and d"rin3 )amadan hischarity increased more2 faster than

    the co!d *ind2 and it *as beca"see:ery ni3ht Cabrie! came to :isit tore:ise 1"ran *ith him'

    8; ' Prophet Kompanion +N+S -IN

    M+,I0 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / When it is -!essedNi3ht2 Cabrie! a!on3 *ith otheran3e!s :isit earth and prays fore:ery one *ho is standin3 inprayers7

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    ((' S"b4ect5 On 1"ran


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    /and be!ie:er *ho does not recite1"ran is !i9e date2 there is no sme!!in it2 b"t it tastes 3ood7

    /and the !i9eness of a Hypocrite*ho does not recite 1"ran is !i9e

    H+N6+,+2 *hich has bad sme!! andtaste is :ery so"r2 and thehypocrite *ho recites 1"ran is !i9e)+IH+N+2 *hich sme!!s 3ood b"ttastes so"r7


  • 8/12/2019 What Did Prophet Mohammad Said_Master


    Prophet P-.H said /S"rah I0H,+Sis !i9e one third of 1"ran7


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    *ith as bea"tif"! tone and so"nd asyo" can7


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    CC' S"b4ect5 On S"pp!ications


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    8=F' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / If some one does notma9e s"pp!ication to +!!ah2 He

    becomes an3ry on him78=$' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said / If some one *ants that+!!ah sho"!d hear his s"pp!icationsd"rin3 hardship2 he sho"!dremember +!!ah d"rin3 3ood times7

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    8=8' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Three s"pp!ications arese!dom re4ected2 one of parentsto*ards their chi!dren2 and one *ho

    is a tra:e!!er and one *ho is*ron3ed7

    8=;' Prophet Kompanion .-+I -IN0+ +- 2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that *hene:erProphet P-.H "sed to ma9es"pp!ication for any one e!se2 hefirst started *ith his one se!f7

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    HH' S"b4ect5 )emembrance of +!!ah

    8==' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / No 3ro"p of peop!e

    3ather to3ether for remembranceof +!!ah2 e cept an3!es 3atheraro"nd them2 and are o:ershado*edby Mercy and +!!ah remembersthem *ho are near to Him7

    8= ' Prophet Kompanion +-IH.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / +!!ah says /I dea!accordin3 to the intention of mySer:ants to*ards me2 if heremembers me in his se!f2 I a!so

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    remember him in my se!f2 and if heremembers me in a 3ro"p2 Iremember him in a 3ro"p betterthan his2 and if come to*ards me*a!9in32 I come r"nnin3 to*ardshim7

    8=A' Prophet Kompanion +-ID+)D++ 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Sha!! I not te!! the best

    of deeds2 *hich is best in eyes ofyo"r ,ord2 and increases yo"r3rades and better than yo" spend3o!d and si!:er and fi3htin3 *ithyo"r enemies2 they 9i!!in3 yo" andyo" 9i!!in3 them?

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    /They said /Why not O prophet of+!!ah7' The prophet P-.H said /Itis remembrance of +!!ah7

    8=B' Prophet Kompanion I-N .M+)2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ith him2

    narrated that Prophet P-.H said /Do not ta!9 m"ch2 beca"se e cessof ta!9in32 e cept remembrance of+!!ah2 hardens hearts and one *hohas hard heart is most remo:ed

    from +!!ah7

    8= ' Prophet Kompanion +-IH.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / I say2 S.-H+N +,,+H%+!!ah is P"re&2 +,H+MDO,I,,+H%+!! praise is to +!!ah&2 +,,+H

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    +0-+) %+!!ah is 3reatest&2 is moreto me than e:ery thin3 *hich are"nder s"n!i3ht7

    8 F' Prophet Kompanion +-IH.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / There are t*o *ords*hich are :ery easy on the ton3"e2:ery hea:y in *ei3ht and :eryp!easin3 to the Most Mercif"! and

    they are /S.-H+N +,,+H W+-EH+MDIHI2 S.-H+N +,,+H +,+6EEM7

    i'e' Cracio"s is +!!ah and to Him isa!! praise2 Cracio"s is +!!ah and Heis 3reat7

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    8 $' Prophet Kompanion I-N+--+S 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /(irst ones *ho *i!! be!ad to the Paradise *o"!d be those*ho remembered +!!ah in fa:orab!e

    and "nfa:orab!e conditions7/+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    II' S"b4ect5 ISTICH(+) %See9in3for3i:eness from +!!ah&

    8 8' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /On my heart a!so therecomes some dirt etc and by +!!ah2 Isee9 +!!ah s for3i:eness e:ery dayone h"ndred times or more7

    8 ;' Prophet Kompanion +N+S -INM+,I0 2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ithhim2 narrated that Prophet P-.Hsaid / +!!ah fee!s p!eas"re *hen Hisser:ants see9 His for3i:eness2 simi!eof *hich is5

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    /If some one *as tra:e!in3 in desertand a!! of his 3oods *ere on came!and it 3ot !ost in the desert2 andthe person !ost a!! hopes of findin3it and sat "nder a tree to a*ait hisdeath and s"dden!y he finds his

    came! standin3 there2 and he is sop!eased that he starts sayin3 /O+!!ah yo" are my ser:ant and I amyo"r ,ord7


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    He *i!! say /This is beca"se of *hatyo"r pro3eny prayed for yo"7

    8 =' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /+!!ah made one h"ndredparts of Mercy and 9ept ninety nine*ith Himse!f and sent one part toHis creat"res2 h"mans2 Jinn and a!!anima!s' +nd it is from that mercy

    that a fema!e horse 9eeps her !e3sa*ay !est its ne*!y born chi!d benot 3et tramp!ed7'

    8 ' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN +--+S 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /When some one intends

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    to do any 3ood deed2 +!!ah *ritesas one 3ood deed in his boo9 ofacco"nt and if he act"a!!y does that3ood deed2 +!!ah *rites it as fromten to se:en h"ndred 3ood deeds%dependin3 "pon intention and faith

    M.1&/+nd if some one intends to do anybad deed and does not do it2 +!!ah*rites it as one 3ood deed2 and if

    he does that e:i! deed2 it is *rittenas one e:i! %if the person does notsee9 for3i:eness from +!!ah# M.1&7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    JJ' S"b4ect5 Ha44

    8 A' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /If some one performsHa44 and he does not do anyprohibited thin3s nor en3a3es in anyse "a! ta!9s or acts2 he ret"rns asthe day his mother 3a:e him birth

    %i'e' free from a!! sins# M.1&'

    8 B' Prophet Kompanion T+,H+-IN .-I+D.,,+H 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said / Satan is ne:erseen more h"mi!iated2 !itt!e2an3ered than on the day of

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    +)+(+T % th D., HIJJ+ M.1&2*hen he sees the mercy of +!!ahand the n"mber of peop!e *ho arefreed from he!! fire7

    8 ' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H

    -IN M+S OOD 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /@o" sho"!d doHa44 and .M)+H one after other2beca"se they remo:e sins and

    po:erty as f"rnace remo:es the r"stand d"st from iron7

    8AF' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN +--+S 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H heard %Whi!e ret"rnin3 from+)+(+T to MIN+& so"nds of

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    r"nnin3 feet and sho"ts2 he pointed*ith his cord and said /O peop!eGTa9e care and do not ma9e haste2it is not ri3hteo"sness to haste yo"rrides7

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    00' S"b4ect5 On Trades andb"siness

    8A$' Prophet KompanionMI1D+D 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /-est earnin3 is *hat oneearns *ith his hands and +!!ah sprophet Da:id2 peace be on him2earned his !i:in3 *ith his o*n hands7

    8A8' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /+ time *i!! come2 *henpeop!e *i!! 4"st 3rab money2 notcarin3 if it *as ri3htf"! or *ron3f"! 7

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    8A;' Prophet Kompanion NO M+N-IN -+SHEE) 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /,a*f"! and"n!a*f"! thin3s ha:e been :eryc!ear!y defined2 and bet*een them

    there are some thin3s do"btf"!'Which many peop!e do not 9no*7

    /So the one *ho !ea:es thesedo"btf"! thin3s2 ha:e fo"nd the tr"e

    path' -"t the one *ho enters intothese do"btf"! thin3s2 *i!! s"re fa!!into "n!a*f"! thin3s2 !i9e the one*ho 3raLes his f!oc92 :ery near theprohibited !ands2 :ery soon thef!oc9 sha!! enter into that !and7

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    /+nd prohibited thin3s of +!!ah are!i9e those prohibited !and2 andbe*are that there is piece of f!eshin h"man body2 if it is hea!thy2 then*ho!e body is hea!thy and if it isdiseased2 the *ho!e body is

    diseased2 and it is heart7 8A

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    8A=' Prophet *ife +iyesha 2 May+!!ah be p!eased *ith her2 narratedthat Prophet P-.H said /If +!!ahhas made some arran3ement foryo"r earnin32 do not chan3e it2"n!ess there is !oss or sit"ation

    chan3es78A ' Prophet Kompanion J+-I) -IN+-D.,,+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /May +!!ah ha:e Mercyon one *ho is considerate d"rin3tradin3 and *hen as9in3 bac9 forhis !oans7

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    8AA' Prophet Kompanion H.D+I(+-IN @+M++N 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said / +mon3st thepeop!e before yo"2 *hen an3e!scame to ta9e his so"!2 some one

    as9ed him /ha:e yo" done any 3ooddeed d"rin3 yo"r !ife?7

    /He rep!ied /I do not remember anythin32 e cept that I "sed to e tend

    !oan to some one2 I "sed to e tendtheir period2 ti!! it be easy on themto repay7' On this +!!ah 3rantedhim Paradise7

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    8AB' Prophet Kompanion +-I1+T+D+ 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /+:oid so many oathsd"rin3 b"yin3 and se!!in32 beca"se itremo:es the b!essin3 of +!!ah in

    dea!s78A ' Prophet Kompanion +-IS+EED 0H.D)I 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated that

    Prophet P-.H said /+n honestb"sinessman2 on the !ast day *i!! beamon3st the ran9s of Prophets2Tr"thf"! peop!e2 martyrs and)i3hteo"s peop!e7

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    ,,' S"b4ect5 On .s"ry and dea!in3s*ith peop!e

    8BF' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that Prophet

    P-.H said /.s"ry has more thanse:enty de3rees2 the !o*est onthem is *orse than a man marryin3his o*n mother7'

    8B$' Prophet Kompanion I-NM+S OOD 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /It mi3ht appear that*ea!th increases d"e to .s"ry2 b"tits res"!t is po:erty7

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    8B8' Prophet Kompanion +,I -IN+-I T+,I-2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /I heard Prophet P-.Hc"rsin3 one *ho eats "s"ry2 one *ho3i:er "s"ry2 one *ho *rites "s"ry

    dea!s and terms and one *ho actsas *itness on these dea!s7'

    8B;' Prophet Kompanion +N+S -INM+,I0 2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ith

    him2 narrated that Prophet P-.Hsaid /When some one of yo" 3i:es!oan to someone2 he sho"!d notaccept any 3ift from him %"n!ess the!oan is repaid or *ritten off2beca"se it co"!d be co"nted to*ards"s"ry# M.1&

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    8B ' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H once to"red mar9ets ofMadina and he sa* a !oad of *heatpi!ed on 3ro"nd2 he p"t his hand

    "nder it and fo"nd *ater %toincrease the *ei3ht# M.1&7

    /He in "ired from the trader and hesaid /It is 4"st h"midity from s9y7'

    Prophet P-.H said /Why did yo"not p"t on top2 so e:ery one can seeit?7

    /One *ho cheats others is not oneof "s7

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    8BA' Prophet Kompanion OM+) -IN0H+TT+- 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /One *ho hides foodfrom se!!in32 ti!! their prices 3ohi3h2 +!!ah *i!! p"t po:erty and

    disease on him78BB' Prophet Kompanion +-I .S) 2May +!!ah be p!eased *ith him2narrated that Prophet P-.H said

    /+ny one *ho e tends !oan periodfor ones *ho are in diffic"!tsit"ations or *ai:es them off2 +!!ah*i!! 3rant him shade from His shadeon the !ast day7

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    8B ' Prophet Kompanion +-IH.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H had ta9en some !oan fromsomebody2 he demanded repaymentand spo9e harsh *ords2 the

    companions admonished him.pon that Prophet P-.H said /,ea:ehim a!one2 he has ri3hts "pon him2and pay his d"e and 3i:e him some

    e tra2 for the best are those *hoare best in repayin3 their !oans7

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    8 F' Prophet Kompanion +-IH.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /One *ho has moneysho"!d not ma9e e c"ses to de!ayrepayment of his !oans2 and if some

    one ma9es any c!aim on s"ch aperson2 yo" sho"!d as9 him to repayhis !oans'

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,

    S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    MM' S"b4ect5 )epayment of !oans

    8 $' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /The so"! of a be!ie:er is

    he!d "p2 "nti! his !oans are repaid78 8' Prophet Kompanion J+-I) -IN+-D.,,+ 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that he had

    3i:en some !oan to Prophet P-.H2he repaid it and 3a:e some thin3e tra %*itho"t any pre#commitment M.1&'

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    8 ;' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN )+-E + 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H too9 from me a !oanof (orty Tho"sands %DI)H+MS M.1&2 *hen he 3ot money he 3a:e

    me bac9 my money and a!so prayedfrom me to +!!ah to b!ess me andmy fami!y and my pro:isions'


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    8 =' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one ta9es!oans2 *ith sincere intention torepay it2 +!!ah he!ps him to repay

    it2 b"t if some one ta9es !oans *ithbad intentions and ne:er to pay itbac92 +!!ah destroys his pro:isions7

    8 ' Prophet Kompanion S+ EED

    -IN 6+ID 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one ta9es e:ena hand meas"re of some one !andsby force2 on the !ast day that !and"pto depth of se:en !ands sha!! bep!aced as a !oad on his nec9s2 ti!!

    4"d3ment is done *ith7

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    8 A' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.))+H )+1+SHI 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /Do not oppresspeop!e2 it is not ri3htf"! for any one

    to ta9e by force some one s money2e cept by his consent and free *i!!7

    8 B' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN OM+) 2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said / Three items sho"!d notbe denied2 Pi!!o*2 Hair Oi! and Mi!97

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    NN' S"b4ect5 Ma9in3 Wi!!

    8 ' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN .M+)2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /It is not !a*f"! for

    M"s!im2 that three ni3hts pass and*ho has thin3s that are *i!!ed thata *ritten *i!! sho"!d not be ready*ith him7

    ;FF' Prophet Kompanion S++D -IN+-I W+1+S 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 said on the year*hen Ma99ah *as con "ered2 I fe!!sic9 and I !ost a!! hope of !i:in3a3ain'

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    Prophet P-.H came to see me2 andI said /O prophet of +!!ah2 I ha:eon!y one da"3hter2 sha!! I ma9e *i!!of a!! of my property?' The prophetP-.H said No2 I said t*o third? Hesaid No2 I said /One Ha!f7? He said

    No2 I said /One Third?7'He P-.H said /@es2 b"t one third isa!so too m"ch' It is better for yo"to !ea:e money for yo"r heirs than

    to !ea:e them destit"te and they9eep be33in3 from peop!e7

    /+nd yo" do not spend money ofyo"r ho"seho!d for the sa9e of+!!ah2 e cept that +!!ah sha!!re*ard yo"' The food *hich yo"

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    3i:e to yo"r *ife a!so brin3s yo"re*ard7'

    ;F$' Prophet Kompanion +N+S -INM+,I0 2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ithhim2 narrated that Prophet P-.H

    said /One *ho remo:es a %!e3a!& heirfrom their share2 +!!ah *i!! remo:ehis inheritance from J+NN+H7'

    ;F8' Prophet Kompanion J+-I) -IN

    +-D.,,+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /One *ho dies afterma9in3 his *i!!2 he dies is theproper *ay and he *i!! be for3i:en7

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    OO' S"b4ect5 On Marria3e

    ;F;' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Women are married

    beca"se of their bea"ty2 theirfami!y stat"s2 their property andtheir faith2 @o" marry beca"se oftheir faiths2 +!!ah *i!! pro:ide-!essin37


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    ;F=' Prophet Kompanion M. 1I,-IN @+S+) 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Marry *omen *ho !o:etheir h"sbands and prod"ce morechi!dren' -eca"se I sha!! be p!eased

    beca"se of more n"mbers of myfo!!o*ers7

    ;F ' Prophet P-.H said /Marry:ir3ins2 beca"se they p!ease their

    h"sbands and their demands are notmore and they prod"ce morechi!dren7

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    ;FA' Prophet P-.H said /If any ofyo" !oo9 at a *omen and fee!somethin32 he sho"!d 3o to his *ife2beca"se she has *hat the other*omen had7

    ;FB' Prophet P-.H said /If yo"accident!y !oo9 at stran3er *omen2!o*er yo"r 3aLe2 beca"se the first!oo9 is permitted not the secondone7

    ;F ' Prophet Kompanion +-I.M+M+ -+HI,I 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /If any M"s!im%accident!y& !oo9s at the bea"ty ofany stran3e *omen2 then !o*ers his

    1 9of 295

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    3aLe2 +!!ah *i!! 3rant him -!essin3sthat he *i!! en4oy his *orship7

    ;$F' Prophet Kompanion .1-+ -IN++MI) 2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ith

    him2 narrated that Prophet P-.H

    said /The bi33est condition %inmarria3e& is Do*er2 beca"se it isd"e to that yo" ha:e made !a*f"!their bodies7

    ;$$' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /No one sho"!d send hisproposa! to a *omen2 if his brotherhas a!ready send it' ,et themaccept or re4ect it first7'

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    ;$8' Prophet *ife +I@ESH+ 2 May+!!ah be p!eased *ith her2 narratedthat Prophet P-.H said /Ni9ahsho"!d be anno"nced and it sho"!dbe done at Mos "es and yo" canbeat D.(( %open faced dr"m&7

    ;$;' Prophet Kompanion .M+) -IN0H+TT+- 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If a man and stran3er

    *omen are a!one in any p!ace2 thirdamon3st them is Satan %He tries top"t *ron3 tho"3hts in their mind#M.1&

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    ;$ ' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If yo" 3o to yo"rbrother s ho"se %on in:itation forfeast or W+,IM+&2 then yo" sho"!d

    eat and drin9 *hat is offered anddo not ma9e e cessi:e en "iries%i'e' if it is !a*f"! or "n!a*f"!2"n!ess the person is famo"s forha:in3 "estionab!e means&

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    PP' S"b4ect5 Dea!in3 *ith Women

    ;$A' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one has t*o

    *i:es and he does not do 4"sticebet*een them he *i!! arri:e on theday of 4"d3ment2 *ith his ha!f bodypara!yLed7

    ;$B' Prophet *ife +iyesha2 may+!!ah be p!eased *ith her2 said thatProphet P-.H2 "sed to do 4"sticebet*een his *i:es "sed to say /O+!!ahG I ha:e di:ided *hat is in myhand2 do not "estion me abo"t*hat is not in my hand %i'e' fee!in3of !o:e of one o:er other M.1&

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    ;$ ' Prophet Kompanion +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Dea! 9ind!y *ith *omen2beca"se they ha:e a certain t*ist in

    their persona!ities2 if yo" try toremo:e it2 yo" *i!! brea9 it2 and ifyo" !ea:e it2 the t*ist *i!! sti!! bethere' So dea! *ith them *ith9indness7

    ;8F' Prophet *ife +iyesha2 may+!!ah be p!eased *ith her2 narratedthat Prophet P-.H said /-estamon3st yo" are those *ho are best*ith their *i:es and I dea! bestamon3st my *i:es than yo">7

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    ;8;' Prophet Kompanion I-N+--+S2 May +!!ah be p!eased *ithhim2 narrated that Prophet P-.Hsaid /If some one is 3i:en thesefo"r thin3s2 he has been 3i:en best*hat is "nder hea:ens or on earth5

    a' + Heart *hich is Praisin3 %+!!ah&'b' + Ton3"e *hich a!*aysremembers +!!ah'c' + -ody *hich sho*s patience and

    perse:erance d"rin3 tria!s'd' + *ife2 abo"t *hich he does notfear abo"t her chastity of hisproperty'

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    ;8 ' Prophet Kompanion J+-I) -IN+-D.,,+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Spendin3 in Kharitysa:es be!ie:ers from bad death andincreases their !ife span7

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    ;8A' Prophet Kompanion J+-I) -IN+-D.,,+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one has thesethree traits2 his end *i!! be 3oodand +!!ah *ith enter him into

    Paradise5a' Dea!in3 9ind!y *ith those *ho are*ea9'b' -e 0ind to ones parents'

    c' Dea! best *ith those *ho are"nder him %s!a:es or 4"niors&

    /+. 0+M+ 1++, +,+IHI +,S+,+T W+ S+,++M %Prophet P-.Hsaid these or simi!ar *ords&

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    11' S"b4ect5 Misc' Topics %dea!in3sbet*een peop!e&

    ;8B' Prophet P-.H said /If someone 9i!!s himse!f *ith anyinstr"ment2 he *i!! be p"nished *ith

    the same instr"ment2 ti!! the day of 4"d3ment

    /If someone c"rses anotherbe!ie:er2 it is !i9e 9i!!in3 him' +nd if

    some one ca!!s another be!ie:er as0+(I)2 it is as if he 9i!!ed him'7

    /+nd if some one ma9es any fa!sec!aim to increase his *ea!th 2 +!!ah*i!! ma9e it !ess7

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    ;8 ' Prophet Kompanions+-D.,,+H -IN .M+) +ND +-.H.)+I)+H 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith them2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /Do not ma9e :o*s2beca"se they do not chan3e +!!ah s

    decrees2 e cept that by ma9in3:o*s2 +!!ah ma9es miser to spendsome money7'

    ;;F' Prophet Kompanion +-.

    D+)D+ 2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If some one is h"rtbodi!y2 and he for3i:es the doer2+!!ah *i!! increase his stat"re andfor3i:e his sins7

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    ;;$' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H-IN +M) -IN ++S 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /If some one is9i!!ed defendin3 his property 2 he is9i!!ed as a martyr7

    ;;8' Prophet Kompanion +M) -IN+.S 2 May +!!ah be p!eased

    *ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /If fornication %or

    ad"!tery& spreads in any nation2they are p"nished *ith dra"3ht7

    /+nd if -ribery spreads in anynation2 they are o:erpo*ered byothers7

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    ;;;' Prophet Kompanions I-N+--+S +ND +-. H.)+I)+H 2May +!!ah be p!eased *ith both2narrated that Prophet P-.H said/K"rsed are those *ho act !i9epeop!e of ,ot7


  • 8/12/2019 What Did Prophet Mohammad Said_Master


    3o:ernance is 4ob for stron3 peop!eand this is a tr"st' One *ho ta9esthis tr"st and does not f"!fi!! it2 it*i!! be a ca"se of sorro* for him7

    ;; ' Prophet Kompanion +-D.,,+H

    -IN .M+)2 May +!!ah be p!eased*ith him2 narrated that ProphetP-.H said /E:ery one of yo" isShepard and e:ery one *i!! be

    "estioned abo"t his f!oc95

    a' + r"!er is responsib!e for hispeop!e'b' + man is responsib!e for hisho"se and his fami!y'c' + *omen is responsib!e for herho"se and her chi!dren'

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    ))' S"b4ect5 Misc' Topics

    ;;A' Prophet Kompanion +-IS+EED 0H.DH+)I 2 May +!!ah bep!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /The -est Jihad

    is to spea9 Tr"th in front of aTyrant )"!er7'

    ;;B' Prophet Kompanion M. + I+H-IN +-. S.(@+N 2 May +!!ah be

    p!eased *ith him2 narrated thatProphet P-.H said /If yo" startin:esti3atin3 abo"t *ea9ness ofpeop!e2 yo" *i!! on!y destroy themand the *ho!e system and tradin37

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  • 8/12/2019 What Did Prophet Mohammad Said_Master


    ;; ' +iyesha the *ife of ProphetP-.H2 narrated that prophet P-.Has9ed her /Who are those *ho*o"!d 3o first to the shade of +!!ahon the !ast day7? She said /+!!ahand His Messen3er 9no* best7'

    The prophet P-.H said /Those *horepay their !oans *itho"t