What brings you joy in our profession? - · PDF fileWhat brings you joy in our profession? The...

1 What brings you joy in our profession? The children See students gain confidence in themselves and their ability to do grade level work. See grades and scores go up. Seeing children achieve success when they've worked hard to improve Seeing students finally grasp a new and challenging skill; Also, building relationships with students is a wonderful gift! Building relationships with children and seeing their academic and social growth Kids enjoying books/reading Seeing a child actually learn something new; mentoring and coaching new and/or student teachers The children; seeing growth in my students! Being able to work with students and get them to understand something they were previously confused by or didn't understand Working with the children and seeing progress Working in the classroom Seeing mastery in my students Filling the hearts of children with love and trust to succeed as a growing individual Connecting with students; observing students "get it" and knowing I played a role in it; finding, developing, and teaching good lessons When any of my former students comes and says, "thanks for believing in me and pushing me to my full potential." The smiles of the children bring joy. The moment when a child gets something for the first time makes teaching worth it. The "in the moment" learning experiences bring joy to the teaching profession. I love working with students and watching their growth. I really enjoy being able to work on projects or directed learning activities with them versus preparing for tests and testing strategies. The students Watching my students grow academically Doing new and interesting programs for the students The children and seeing growth and happiness The children Actually working with students and respected colleagues When my students connect with the books that I read and take them out of the library. Seeing students grow and being able to be creative with lesson plans Working with the children The success of the children When my students finally get what is being taught Seeing my students love for learning. Responding to the unique needs of children in innovative ways I teach a "special." Sometimes being able to turn a challenging behavior into a positive class experience makes me feel very fulfilled. Also, being able to spend time with the students who behave and enjoy my class and share ideas I enjoy being able to make a difference in the lives of our children. Having one challenging student have a turnaround in my class Being able to teach; I spend most of my instruction time collecting data and trying to get two behavioral kids to participate and do work instead of being able to work with the remainder of my class. Solving the problems we face Students engaged in the learning process The light bulb going on when a student gets a concept they have struggled with My students and the people I work with; I also have a wonderful Principal. Witnessing students comprehend a new concept; Appreciative parents!

Transcript of What brings you joy in our profession? - · PDF fileWhat brings you joy in our profession? The...


What brings you joy in our profession? The children See students gain confidence in themselves and their ability to do grade level work. See grades and scores go up. Seeing children achieve success when they've worked hard to improve Seeing students finally grasp a new and challenging skill; Also, building relationships with students is a wonderful gift! Building relationships with children and seeing their academic and social growth Kids enjoying books/reading Seeing a child actually learn something new; mentoring and coaching new and/or student teachers The children; seeing growth in my students! Being able to work with students and get them to understand something they were previously confused by or didn't understand Working with the children and seeing progress Working in the classroom Seeing mastery in my students Filling the hearts of children with love and trust to succeed as a growing individual Connecting with students; observing students "get it" and knowing I played a role in it; finding, developing, and teaching good lessons When any of my former students comes and says, "thanks for believing in me and pushing me to my full potential." The smiles of the children bring joy. The moment when a child gets something for the first time makes teaching worth it. The "in the moment" learning experiences bring joy to the teaching profession. I love working with students and watching their growth. I really enjoy being able to work on projects or directed learning activities with them versus preparing for tests and testing strategies. The students Watching my students grow academically Doing new and interesting programs for the students The children and seeing growth and happiness The children Actually working with students and respected colleagues When my students connect with the books that I read and take them out of the library. Seeing students grow and being able to be creative with lesson plans Working with the children The success of the children When my students finally get what is being taught Seeing my students love for learning. Responding to the unique needs of children in innovative ways I teach a "special." Sometimes being able to turn a challenging behavior into a positive class experience makes me feel very fulfilled. Also, being able to spend time with the students who behave and enjoy my class and share ideas I enjoy being able to make a difference in the lives of our children. Having one challenging student have a turnaround in my class Being able to teach; I spend most of my instruction time collecting data and trying to get two behavioral kids to participate and do work instead of being able to work with the remainder of my class. Solving the problems we face Students engaged in the learning process The light bulb going on when a student gets a concept they have struggled with My students and the people I work with; I also have a wonderful Principal. Witnessing students comprehend a new concept; Appreciative parents!


What brings you joy in our profession? Watching the children blossom and grow throughout the year; Having good morale in a building where teachers and staff share ideas and have time to spend sharing lessons; Having administrators who are professional.

The beautiful, needy children who depend on me to be their constant supporter and educator; I am only there for them. Seeing the progress the students make, making a difference in the kids' lives Growth of my students, educationally and socially Working with the children, and teaching them about information literacy skills. I love the look on my students' faces when the light bulb goes on! That is worth all the BS lesson plans, disrespect by administration, and ever-changing educational environment. That is all I need to know that I made a difference in someone's life; I helped them learn something. The actual teaching part When the kids actually learn something Watching students grow over the year The children and helping them learn I love being able to decrease the academic gap for my students with special needs. I love being able to see their progress in all areas, little or big. Children's success; motivating students/others. TEACHING! My students LEARNING! And HAVING FUN! Seeing the kids grow and develop academically and socially The thing that brings the most joy is when I'm actually able to teach students and they are able to learn to mastery. Just seeing the smile on their faces when they understand what we've been working on. Working with children Teaching students to LEARN Seeing my students internalize a strategy or concept and "getting it" Knowing that I can make a positive influence on some of my students' lives and futures Teaching the content I love; Engaging in experiential learning activities with students; Time to develop curriculum and discuss student progress with colleagues. Teaching kids One on one time with students whether it's for tutoring or lunch Knowing that I am helping children start the path to learning in Kindergarten; Seeing children succeed and grow.

Watching children's growth in all areas of social, emotional and cognitive Working with children and seeing them enjoy and take pride in learning When I see the proverbial "light" turn on in a student when they acquire a new skill The freedom to teach creatively Seeing the kids succeed and kids be kids! When the children feel they have accomplished their learning and when they are able to creatively learn; Professional development days held at my school; That moment when everyone is quietly reading. When I can actually teach... I hate to be scrutinized all the time and made to feel that I don't know how to do my job correctly. The students The everyday growth I see in my students! Creating value in what I do.....Making a contribution to the success of kids I teach.... Seeing kids "get it."... When a student's eyes light up when they have learned to read or write a tricky word; I enjoy listening to students talk about their families. I enjoy seeing children love learning and making growth.


What brings you joy in our profession? The children who are so happy to come to school and be in my classroom every day learning, feeling safe, happy and who are totally engaged each day! Student success Seeing the kids grow and forming a relationship with them My students and my fellow teachers My children succeeding and enjoying coming to school! I love seeing the smiling faces of my students every day. Each child brings something different into the classroom and everyone learns from each other. Being able to actually teach children something engaging and of value without worrying about the next district assessment Providing students with the support they need to be successful in the classroom My children The children and the income; to have the satisfaction to see my students progressing academically Having my special education student achieve any amount of success ... Success that cannot be measured by the common standard of what an average student should achieve !!!!!!!! When I have that perfect teachable moment and I have the freedom to "go for it" The gradual improvements students make from the beginning of the school year until the end of the school year

Seeing my students smile with self-confidence when they accomplish something new Seeing children succeed academically, socially, and emotionally The students Teaching the children Success of children in all areas of growth: social/emotional, physical, academic... The students who make progress throughout the year Seeing children succeed There is very little joy in my profession. It has become too difficult to teach because of so many demands on teachers. We are asked to do more and more things that are not really helping our students achieve as expected.

Having a wonderful rapport with my students and their parents Teaching children and teaching them to love math Watching kids learn and grow! The students The kids and the look that they get when they finally understand something they have struggled with Seeing the gains my students get and fostering their love of learning Children Helping a child succeed even though they are just measured on one assessment; I feel good knowing that I do make a difference in many lives on a daily basis. When a student "gets it;" Helping a student solve a problem, be it home, social or academic What brings me joy in our profession is having students and parents see that with collaboration and smart work habits, academic growth can occur. The kids, I love the kids. Getting them excited to learn and watching their growth; And I love data. Seeing where they were in September to where they are in June is literally the most exciting thing ever. I also love building relationships with the students and their families. You become a part of their community. The good we do in the classroom can reach outside the school walls. The children; I love when the children get excited about learning and participating in classroom activities/lessons.

The progress my kids make despite their many challenges The children and seeing them learn!!!!


What brings you joy in our profession? The children and meeting their needs; When a child is successful at mastering a skill Seeing students become successful in their social emotional needs and academically Teaching; Teaching children how to read; Teaching. I learn so much about how to teach from the students I work with. I also learn content and can share that learning with people beyond the classroom. The children, challenging them and seeing them learn Students that reflect the learning I work hard to plan for Students when they are motivated to learn; We have so many other hats to wear in our profession, e.g. counseling, nursing, parenting etc. My students; Foremost, is ensuring that I meet both their emotional and academic needs. Watching the students grow and develop The face a student makes when a connection is made or they finally catch a concept What brings me joy in my profession is seeing my students succeeding in school. You mean what used to bring joy and that was the ability to teach and watch students grow, the look on their faces when they understood. Now we teach to test; we no longer teach for enjoyment. We have to meet district mandates, city, state and anyone else. I love helping the children to be successful in school. I love to make learning fun for the children. I am joyful when I am teaching students information that is of value to them and they are achieving success. Observing the progress my students make every year; The relationship I have with my students and parents; The appreciation that parents express every year When I see students begin to believe in themselves the same way that I believe in them! The kids. They just light up my life. Student progress Seeing my kids be successful and the enjoyment they get from when they feel that they have been successful Seeing a student understand something they didn't before I love being around my students. I love sharing my love for my subject with my students and seeing them love my subject and light up when they understand something. I like planning out successful lessons and seeing students make improvements. Genuine teaching moments A smile on a student's face; Hearing a student saying before going on vacation: " Mr., I feel sad because it's going to be such a long time before seeing you." When a difficult concept is understood by my students and I can see that they are happy they got it The students. They are the reason I continue to do what I do every day. The students - every day; Working with a colleague to find a successful plan for an individual student. The students The love of teaching students The kids. They are beautiful, creative and amazing creatures. The "aha" moments I see in students Teaching my classes Students Relationship with students and instilling a desire to learn My students, my subject area, and the community in my building (especially the collegiality between coworkers).

My students Interaction with the students


What brings you joy in our profession? I love my students and getting to see them learn and succeed in academics. I love when they come back after they graduate and tell me about what science topics they are learning and how they are doing. I like most of my colleagues, the ones that work hard and are there with me at 6:30 am and leave work with me at 5 pm. Seeing them work hard keeps my spirits up and motivates me to keep working hard too. I enjoy the challenge of teaching - figuring out how to maintain a classroom filled with 30 different adult personalities and not only getting them to "pay attention" but actually challenge them to learn and become better students. The fulfillment doesn't show itself all the time, but when it does, it makes the job worth it. Helping students understand their worth and work hard to make themselves and their families proud Giving students the knowledge they need to thrive in life and watching them achieve their goals Excitement and curiosity from the students Being in front of students and having them interested Student Success Seeing students improve and reach the goals that they have set for themselves Working with students Working with students Teaching my students More recognition and better pay I LOVE this job. Students learning and making those connections with students that empowers them brings me joy. Helping the students become successful; When a student who has struggled succeeds, there is nothing better.

Hearing from students that I had years ago tell me how much my class impacted their lives (ie..how to study in college, love for subject matter) Freedom Changing lives every day! Graduation I love working directly with students. Working with the students and families Working with my students The time I spend with my students in a formal class setting and chatting with them informally is the reward of the job. The kids Teaching the subject material that I love and working with interested young students Teaching Students Seeing students who have no support at home succeed based on what we give to them (and on what they find within themselves) Seeing my special education students grow and improve during the four years they are in high school and actually graduating when no one thought that they would Observing students learn - their academic and social progress Knowing that there is someone who is always looking for better working conditions for all teachers in the classroom Helping students reach their potential Hearing back from students after they have graduated and learning that they felt well prepared for the real world

Having students come back after college Creating relationships with students around learning; Teaching them to value knowledge and to know how to find it and teaching them to value effort, especially when something doesn't come easily the first time they try


What brings you joy in our profession? Being allowed to do my job as I see fit professionally. Seeing success with my students!! Working with students Watching the students get excited about something they are interested in; Learning new topics to teach the students; The students, they can really make you laugh and get your mind off the rigors of life. Watching students master a new skill/task/idea/understanding and know you're making a difference in their life; they know I care about them. Teaching! Kids like it when you teach them! They like to learn things. Student progress Smiles on students' faces when they are participating; Seeing students that I had in the past and reconnecting with them and hearing what they are doing now Knowing that I'm making a difference in a child's life Teaching Students in classes with fewer than 20 students Positive administrator staff and students Not much anymore. At one time I was allowed to learn the needs of my students and then respond to them. Now the administration bogs everything down. Working with students Working with students Working with students Seeing the smiles of accomplishments our students have when they are successful and treated fairly Student success Knowing that my efforts are appreciated and that I make a difference, even if it isn't always for everyone. Helping sped students find work internships and see them succeed and be members of society in the world of work Students that make progress and increase their abilities to learn no matter how small. Helping teachers to see a more effective and efficient way to tackle their planning and instructional challenges and feel excited about teaching their kids Meaningful instruction that allows students to think through their learning Seeing the learning happen The students!!! Motivating them and having them enjoy learning! Seeing the success with students that have struggled year after year; Collaborating with my colleagues; Seeing a new teacher excited about the success of his/her students. Seeing students succeed; Being able to make a difference; Providing input that is valuable; Being recognized for doing a good job When students have positive interactions during my class When I introduce a skill or activity to a student and they genuinely enjoy it and verbalize or demonstrate their approval of the activity; Knowing that I am a positive influence on my students. When a student has an AHAAA moment Watching the students learn and grow The students and most of my colleagues; Collaborative work, in particular The students The students The actual classroom dynamic, interacting with students, seeing information I've taught students being understood and discussed Success with students (in many forms) Students who realize the tools are right in front of them Students


What brings you joy in our profession? Student 'aha' moments. Students succeeding after hard work - the dawning wonder on their faces; The total absorption I sometimes experience when planning or teaching a new concept; Working with my PLC on something specific for our students. Seeing those who are written off become successful Seeing that planted seeds of knowledge actually grow; Helping students feel more comfortable and confident who they are Seeing kids grow My students Making a connection with a student and seeing the student get excited when they gain understanding Helping students achieve! Developing projects that inspire my students and get them invested in the processes involved in engineering Being surrounded by curious minds and their willingness to progress Because what teachers taught me saved my life As a visual art teacher, I enjoy exposing students to the process of art making. I enjoy spending time with my students one-on-one assisting them with academic, social/emotional, and college/career issues. Getting to know my students and helping them become involved in the community/school is great. Seeing them accomplish their goals, i.e. graduating, getting into college, passing a test, is what I enjoy the most. Helping a struggling student through the obstacle course of life to receive a safe learning environment and see the student become successful by completing graduation requirements and walking across the stage with a not only a story but a smile or relief and success Watching students who are struggling show that they understand what is happening and want to do a great job; It is also great joy watching the student who has no confidence walk across the stage at graduation The students When a student is successful; We had a West Point appointment this year! Watching the kids succeed The students bring joy to this profession. Also, getting to collaborate, learn and finding new resources to use to reach students in the classroom are experiences that make this profession more enjoyable. Students getting excited about reading Seeing actual learning taking place; Seeing students taking ownership of their education; Being told, Thank you - by anyone - student, colleague, administrator. I enjoy the department I work for and the population of students I serve. What brings me joy is hearing positive news regarding my students such as a college acceptance or a scholarship recognition; it is exciting to know that they will have the opportunity to pursue a college degree when often times that opportunity doesn’t come easily for them. Working for a school that's not underperforming; A staff culture where everyone collaborates Students' respect My joy in teaching comes from knowing that I contributed to a student's character and self-confidence. Experiencing the growth and maturity of students during their High School years Supporting and being accountable to our students and their needs Knowing that I had a hand in changing/improving someone's life The success of my students when I see then after their graduation Student progress Observing students' success Not much these days When I evaluate a student using current psychological tools and am able to determine the student's strengths, weaknesses and deficits, especially when involving multiple needs criteria (Social Emotional, Cognitive, behavioral)


What brings you joy in our profession? Opening a young person's eyes to a new idea/reality On a daily basis I enjoy seeing my students really learning and having a good time sharing with their classmates.

The work we do, the difference we make in our students' lives brings joy to our profession. My students and my colleagues bring me joy, of course. My students know I am leaving as soon as possible. It is not enjoyable when admin passes me and does not even know my students and I are walking along with them. It is not all our principals--that is why they need to be evaluated by their staff. Teaching subject matter with passion to reasonably sized classes (25 cap) to students who choose to take your course; To see students realize that they have a gift, talent, ability and that they can be successful if they persevere The students give me joy. When a struggling student finds success, this makes me very happy. Seeing students' faces light up when they achieve a task they thought too difficult Seeing a light in a student's eyes as s/he learns Productive, respectful discussions with my students My colleagues' energies and interests; collaborative work; engaging in exciting new ventures which include the arts and interdisciplinary study I enjoy working with students, and forming relationships with them. This makes it feel very great when I know that I really got through to them. Students Getting to see students succeed in rigorous classes with high expectations When students learn a concept or overcome an obstacle to their learning Teaching without behavioral problems; When a student "gets" it When I have time to teach; When I am teaching; When I am in the classroom not worried about all the other meetings and paperwork and phone calls and collection of data that needs to be done on my own time Actually getting to teach! I enjoy seeing/hearing about my students' current successes and accolades attained after middle school. Seeing the students be successful, engaged, and passionate; Seeing growth. Seeing my students having fun while learning Seeing children feel success Working with students Working with children to help them communicate better and understand class curriculum Seeing students "aha moments;" Validation from building principal; Being able to switch gears mid lesson when an unexpected teaching moment comes up from the students The children! Working with the students and seeing big successes as well as their little successes The joy of student learning The children, teaching them, watching them grow The children of Springfield learning! Helping students learn and make progress towards their learning goals Parent involvement; students being exposed to experiences that they may not have had an opportunity to do so - Field trips, cultural activities, museums, fairs, zoo and guest speakers; More definitive job description for counselors. The academic success of our students To see children succeeding when they put effort and feel accepted by parents, teachers and peers To see the progress that my students are making (often too small for others to notice) because of the positive academic and emotional impact my efforts have had on them. Seeing the students as they understand the concept; Watching a lesson that goes very well; Learning that past students have gone on to great success in the community and their lives


What brings you joy in our profession? Working with the children Seeing students be successful The reason that I went into teaching was because I had so many bad teachers and a couple of good teachers. What brings me joy is when I see children applying what has been taught to them. I work as a kindergarten teacher and it is so exciting for me to hear children talking during breakfast time and reading words that are on their milk container or discussing newly learned shapes by breaking their graham cracker into squares and rectangles. This may sound insignificant, but the application of what has been taught is so incredibly rewarding!

The kids The children of Springfield bring me joy. I have worked in other districts and I feel most fulfilled working with children who really need me. Working in other districts is SO much easier. Hardly any lesson planning, no micro managing teachers; I had so much more time to spend with my family. However, kids in the suburbs can have a mediocre teacher and still do just fine. SPS kids need so much more. They need teachers who care about them and care about their success. I love working for SPS but hate the testing and hate the detailed lesson plans. I cannot sit correcting papers every evening and lesson planning all weekend. I need weekends off!!

The children, of course Seeing the success the students gain I love watching the growth of children from September and June. I love watching the children grow from September to October. Nothing makes you happier when you see a struggling student get a concept and that smile they give you. I love to see students' progress and make real academic gains. I love teaching and being with children. I love helping them find meaning and excitement in learning and I love helping them understand difficult concepts. I love seeing my students watching themselves make progress and learn. When they are able to see how smart they are and the accomplishments that they have made, this is when I am the most happy. This is what drives me every day in my teaching. THE CHILDREN !!!!!!! Students that share their success Spending time with the students and getting to know them Helping children progress in their learning; seeing their excitement when they are engaged in a particular lesson; finding and sharing new and better ways to teach children Seeing my special ed students make progress and enjoying and showing an interest in what they are learning It brings me Joy to see students stay in school and continue on to college. Education is the only way to change your life and make it better. When children really get it and it shows on their faces and in their actions The students and their elation when they achieve successes in the classroom Being with the children every day Working with at-risk children and seeing them get excited about reading and having them not want to wait until tomorrow to finish a book The love I have for my students and teaching my students to read; instilling in them a love of reading; watching them make strides in math concept knowledge and skills application; seeing them interact with peers in a compassionate, inclusive manner; their willingness to help peers and staff seeing them do random acts of kindness; watching them grow in confidence as learners; having previous students who want to visit to let us know how they are doing as they progress through the grade levels; when I come across a student as a young adult who remembers me as his/her teacher and who is happy to see me and looks back fondly on his/her days of school instruction.

Helping the children achieve their potential Children


What brings you joy in our profession? Working with students and collaborating with our talented staff We had PD that our ELA ILS planned and organized based on our needs and what we asked her for. Our principal not only provided the autonomy for that but actively participated with us teachers. It was such an awesome collaborative environment that I have missed since college. Then the next day, I tweaked my plans a bit because I knew my principal would be receptive to my rationale and respects me as a professional and I implemented something I learned the day prior. And it went better than I could have hoped! I was deflated that I was using an ANET poem because of their directives having bearing on my planning and implementation in conjunction with the districts, but then my students had this brilliant conversation about where the girl in the poem could possibly be and what her motivations for her narrative might be and they were moving around, engaged, respectful, listening to each other and I was there but they treated me as part of the conversation and didn't look to me to see if they were "right," and I don't think I spoke for over 3-5 minutes. That lesson and its antecedent are everything I ever dreamed my career would be and hoped for.

The students and their families! The students and the wonderful people I work with! The children Since working in Springfield I cannot remember the last time my profession gave me joy. Meeting the kids; working with them; Holding class or group lessons and seeing them respond to what is being taught. It is the best feeling - being able to spend time with them in the positive before they escalate and being proactive instead of reactive. The kids...it is getting harder and harder, especially with the number of students in the classroom. I have 27 in 2nd grade, no support. But the kids are the ones I look forward to seeing every day. Seeing children earn self-confidence and a feeling of success because they are taught at their instructional level

Bringing knowledge to the children; the children themselves Working with kids who want to learn and teachers who want to work! My students' accomplishments The excitement of seeing a child learn and master new skills; the progress over time; the curiosity of students; creative process and accomplishing goals! Watching a student succeed; That moment when everything clicks for a student and they understand how to solve a problem A passion for working with children I love teaching an engaged lesson and seeing the expression in their eyes as they "get it." Working with the students The faces I see light up when they come into class; children working with each other to gain a better understanding of concepts; children learning and sharing the knowledge with others, SMILING faces! Watching children grasp the content I am teaching them I feel that when parents and families are involved, it brings joy to both me and my students. Seeing the growth, development, and gains of the students and staff with whom I work. Working with students and seeing results. Being able to do special activities with students and seeing them enjoy it. Bringing new and wonderful experiential learning to the students in Springfield. The children, watching them succeed and become excited with learning Seeing students make progress at their own levels, and speeds I love watching a student grasp a concept that they have been struggling with.


What brings you joy in our profession? I am truly amazed and in awe each time a new learning moment occurs for the students in my class. It is such a true joy to be able to connect with the children and their families in supporting them to reach goals in their education. Having a meaningful relationship with students and showing them how hard work and dedication can take them places in life so that they will have success is another big part in my job I can say gives me great satisfaction. It has been a pleasure to work with other teachers who have similar views and sharing ideas with them to increase the student's success in my class.

Students feeling good about their accomplishments Seeing the enlightened look of a student when things start to make sense The children! Connecting with my students and seeing them grow academically AND socially is what brings a smile to my face every day! Learning and sharing in a collaborative environment; Getting to know my students; Teaching young learners how to read and write Children Teaching the children that want to learn Seeing the growth in a child's abilities Meeting the needs of the individual learner Time directly with students Watching my students grow academically and socially When the students succeed and prosper The kids excitement when they learn and excel The children bring me joy. I am thrilled when I see my students learning. Children 1. Seeing a student have that ah-ha moment of getting a new concept; Even more so when their learning picks up momentum and has that snowball effect of faster, larger, broader 2. Collaborating with peers in my area - Special Ed, Kindergarten, First Grade 3. Learning a new skill/getting a new tool and being able to use it effectively - not just a mini intro and expectation to teach it to myself, figuring out how or when to add it to the days schedule (what does it replace?) and get it up and running ASAP.

Watching a child uncover new understanding of the world Student achievement In our profession, the most joy comes from witnessing and helping to produce moments where children achieve something they strived to do. Not much these days Students meeting and/or improving grade level goals. It brings me great joy to see the smiles on my students every day and when they hug you and tell you that they love you and are so happy to see you each and every day. Students learn so much throughout the year. They are like little sponges that soak up all the new information you have taught them. When a student who comes in barely reading and are feeling like a failure and suddenly is reading on their own and their whole attitude has changed and has a new love for learning brings a feeling of great joy and accomplishment. My students, no matter how difficult they can be, count on me and that is why I come to school each and every day!

Actually teaching the children with creative lessons that they enjoy and then seeing the progress that is made; KNOWING IT WAS YOU THAT MADE A DIFFERENCE. The joy in my profession includes: 1. The collaboration among colleagues with the same desire to help ALL students regardless of backgrounds and abilities 2. Building mutual and respectful relationships with students 3. Witnessing the most academically challenged meet goals Simply working with the students Watching and seeing our students grow Watching our students actively engaged in lessons and watching them grow throughout the years When we actually have time to teach; I don't mind formative and summatives but the district testing is getting out of control--dba, anet, and mcas. I am actually a data person, as long as it is appropriate…


What brings you joy in our profession? The students and the actual teaching/learning component Watching the growth of the students as the year progresses; seeing those students who come in smiling every day because they love school and are ready to learn; when students say "look I did it!" Watching students grow and their faces light up when they realize they have accomplished something they worked hard at. Student progress, seeing the growth of students in academic as well as non-academic areas Seeing the children succeed! My students and their enthusiasm for learning; My colleagues are supportive and fun. Mostly, I love working with young children (preschool and kindergarten), and developing positive relationships with students. I try to provide a safe, caring environment for students to feel at home in each day. I love the school I work in. The administration is fair, positive, and supportive. I have good relationships with colleagues at our school. Being a part of the overall growth of a child The students enjoying learning Seeing our kids make progress! Providing a stable, safe environment for my students to thrive in; Helping students who may not have any other positive adult interactions in their lives Seeing children enjoy what they are being taught and being proud of their accomplishments Making children laugh; watching them discover books and a love of reading; hearing them say they love school

Being with the students and seeing them develop and learn; Working with my peers and coming up with ideas and solving problems as a team Students Seeing children progress and become contributing citizens in society The presence of the students before me and how I can impact their lives socially and emotionally When I see a student become successful because of my intervention; I also find joy in professional interaction and conversation with my colleagues. Helping students to prepare for the real world; turning students on to ideas and things they don't have access to; making their day meaningful, something to look forward to. Educating children and seeing them progress Working with my students, based on their needs, not the pacing of the curriculum The students; how they learn and grow before our eyes; The thought that I'm making a difference or impacting the community in a positive way. The kids! When they are here and ready to learn, there is nothing better! Students' progress, students' enthusiasm, colleague collaboration, humor Seeing positive results Seeing children progress despite environmental issues Seeing students engaged, motivated and feeling successful The students and their successes What brings me joy is seeing children love learning. I want them to find joy in discovery, reading, and learning together. I'm happy when they are excited about coming to class to learn. Smiling kids Being with colleagues and sharing ideas; The kids’ faces when something finally clicks. Sparking the joy of learning in a child; Giving a child the tools for learning and as a result able to pursue their dreams Seeing kids interested in reading Student progress!!! Seeing the students enjoying school and feeling accomplished in their learning


What brings you joy in our profession? Finding effective teaching strategies and feeling comfortable in my own classroom to direct the learning Making a difference in the children's lives Unfortunately, I do not find joy in what I do anymore and that upsets me. I use to get excited about my lessons and look forwarded to helping all my students. Now, I feel like a robot who can only focus on students that have the potential to "raise test scores." The kids; Creating lessons that I know the kids will enjoy Teaching the children who want to learn My students! Student success I love working with the children. Teaching Seeing children succeed (from where they begin) feeling cared for and gaining confidence in themselves and the learning community around them Being a part of the learning process when a child "gets it" and they now they "get it", the intrinsic reward that lights up a child's face Watching students truly grow as learners The moment you see the student progressing after a great deal of difficulty and hard work Seeing the growth in our students over the years Watching a child's joy in their face when they learn something new Seeing children learn and feel safe!! Helping children Students and literacy; turning students onto reading/books The joy has been replaced with testing and SEEDS. Witnessing students' progress Watching a struggling student make progress I enjoy teaching students. Children bring me joy. The students bring me joy each day! Being in front of students! Reading aloud to students; Seeing them reach reasonably set goals and making new ones. The Students! The look on a student's face when they finally "get it!" Creating a safe environment and seeing that "Aha" moment; Seeing students excited about learning because of lessons you've facilitated Making a difference in children's lives Good colleagues who are like battle buddies Anytime I see a student "get it", whether it be a concept we have been struggling with or a life lesson learned, I get great joy knowing I may have had a hand in their understanding. Knowing I have made a difference in a child's life; The look on a student's face when they are successful Children Working with students and watching them grow Being able to teach children and not consistently be interrupted with more testing; Seeing children smile and enjoy learning. Being able to spend time teaching my students; Observing student's academic and social progress; When a teachable moment arises; being able to change up my lesson plan/objective for that day without the fear of my lesson/objective not matching the one on paper for that day.


What brings you joy in our profession? In the past, this question would have been easy to answer. Lately, however, I have to be honest and say very little. Unreasonable demands for Seeds and lesson plans along with continuing issues in the building make working conditions intolerable at best. Decent classroom size, not 34 Seeing children truly engage with lessons and enjoy what they are doing at school My profession is a passion not a job. I truly love teaching and teaching in Springfield. I am a product of Springfield and truly believe in it. Helping students who struggle; seeing the change in extremely high behavior students Helping students gain an understanding socially emotionally and educationally Helping the children Students who are eager to learn Seeing the children's response when they have seen their own growth, especially when they have been feeling as if they cannot achieve some of their goals When a child understands a concept Growth in the children Students that want to learn and are eager to try new things *Teaching students; *"light bulb moments;" *teaching/learning while having fun Feeling supported and appreciated by administration; Student successes; Increase in paycheck yearly My kids; always my kids. My students and their love of learning The ability to use my creativity in my job; working with my students and helping them reach their goals; working with peers The students The children and the moments where I'm actually able to teach them something; Not give them a test, teach. When my student are happy and feel successful; When my student feel they have someone to talk to and someone who believes in their hopes and dreams The enthusiasm of my students who trust me and try their hardest on all the testing I really enjoy making a difference in the child's life. I love seeing the growth they've made over the year. I am proud to provide the children with a loving and firm classroom structure. Teaching the children and being with children Watching students succeed The AHA moments that kids experience, when they finally get it Seeing students succeed when they didn't think they could I have been teaching for 32 years, and I am not feeling joyful about much these days. The way we are treated with no help with discipline and being under compensated, I cannot wait to get out of the profession. I get so much excitement when my students say "I get it", or share their thoughts about a subject because they feel safe with their peers. Working with kids When I'm teaching students When the students express their own joy about learning; The moments when they really understand the concepts and then share their excitement. Working with the children giving them what they need to be successful Actually working with the kids Teaching students who actually want to learn Students content, happy, and learning! Having a student who had previously only met with failure, finally meet with success and achieve their diploma Knowing that I am able to determine the tools necessary to use, to get the job of teaching done The colleagues that I work with and can count on to support each other


What brings you joy in our profession? The kids Seeing students succeed The moment when a student has that a-ha and understanding is obvious - it doesn't happen when we are administering an assessment every week. Seeing the children be successful in academic and socially Lesson planning (call me crazy), morning bus duty, those few moments when I can teach between the screaming, gyrating, and chair throwing, talking a kid down from a tirade Working with children and watching them succeed in school The students Seeing students succeed Support of colleagues Working with children; Watching children grow and learn; Helping children become better people; Providing a safe haven for children The children that I teach Students I ABSOLUTELY LOVE teaching children. I love watching them learn, and I love the excitement they have when they learn. I like working with children in general, and it gives me great pleasure to be a part of their growing process and playing a part in making them a better, smarter, happier individual. Classrooms that are well managed; Having input and follow through The interaction with the students day in and day out Watching my students grow and progress Seeing students grow and learn Helping students feel loved and accomplished Getting to work with our children and watching them grow both academically and behaviorally. the joy of working with all the children Knowing I make a difference in some of the children’s' lives Students who turn a corner with an "Ah ha, got it and help peers to reach a similar understanding of a concept;" Children being free to learn through joyful experiences that are inquiry, investigative and curious; "I wonder" experiences posed through instruction that is meaningful rather than stressed through extensive testing when many are at a disadvantage academically and developmentally Working with the students and seeing them grow emotionally, socially, physically and academically When students make progress and how proud of themselves they are; Happy students Student progress, Respectful administrators; Caring, respectful Parents These days not a lot ...... Teaching is all about teaching to the test, getting the data up. Human kindness out the window ..... Teaching the "whole child”, forget it!! The students' smiles when they understand a new concept Seeing that the children get what they need for their learning and improvement Establishing a nurturing connection with students; seeing students learn; comradery with colleagues; feeling that I am contributing to society by promoting education When my kids achieve the goals that they set for themselves; Hearing students use the language I'm teaching them (MANNERS) to talk to one another; A kid showing me their grade in another class because they are proud; Being called Mom by some of my kids who have no one at home; Kids yelling, "No, can't we read more!" when I stop reading at the best part of a novel When I see the kids making progress Helping children; collaboration with staff for the benefit of children Being a part of helping children realize and reach their full potential!


What brings you joy in our profession? What seems like an impossible task made possible through the relationship building with students - miraculous!

My students! I am glad I am in speech because I can take standards and teach them the way my students learn. The teachers don't have that luxury or sometimes the knowledge. I love to see children being confident and successful when they acquire a new skill or reach a goal. I love to see the smiles when they are access their environment and really be part of their community of peers. Providing an environment in which all children can succeed Making connections with students - a ha moments in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria Children having a happy and successful experience in school; connecting with colleagues Being with the kids The look on a student's face when they experience success Working with all teachers especially new teachers! The children and the team that I work with Having students say I' m their favorite teacher The children and watching them grow Students realizing their potential and motivated to making progress academically and socially. What brings me joy is seeing my students achieve and improve in the learning process. I enjoy collaborating with my colleagues and sharing ideas and resources for our instruction. Watching children grow and learn The students Seeing that it is possible to make a difference in a child's education! When students come back to visit and they are successful Working with students and seeing them learn When I see my students learning, being successful and having fun, I feel I have done what is right. It makes me happy to see them enjoy learning. When the light bulb goes off for a student, it is awesome to see when they learn something. The students showing success Students mastering knowledge and retaining it Seeing students do well and succeed in multiple areas of academia - they are the best part of my day. My students and my department Working with the students When my students respond positively to what they are learning Student employment and success! Making a difference to the students and helping them Watching students enjoy learning the students and their success The students successful students Students learning and feeling like they can trust adults Student success in school and life beyond school Seeing the younger generation not only learning, but also enjoying the topics that we teach Seeing our kids achieve, change/grow up and graduate; Smiles from the students, and the fun conversations you have with them when they come into your classroom Providing our students with a quality education My students Making a difference in students' livelihood


What brings you joy in our profession? I started my career in education in Springfield. I was introduced to our student population when I worked my first summer at Camp Weber through the YMCA of Greater Springfield. I fell in love with the campers and realized their need for a solid education. I realized that I could use my background to make their lives better. Getting through to a child when they finally get it! Being able helpful to those who need the most help Actually teaching and students learning The students, absolutely hands down; getting to know students; having them trust you and helping them to grow

Interacting with students; learning of their accomplishments and working with parents to assure their students are receiving the interventions available in order to succeed in school The ability to work together with my colleagues to design effective lesson plans My students and seeing them succeed To see the kids grow and learn and get jobs and be a part of the community The students Student success academically and vocationally Student outcomes Seeing students learn Helping my students get to the next level in their education Getting paid for teaching what I love Watching student grow and mature during HS; graduation, any academic and or behavioral success and growth

The students; watching them grow, mature and graduate with skills necessary to be successful during their next chapter in life My students Knowing we made a difference in our students' lives The students Teaching my students meaningful information that will make them valuable citizens in the future Not much anymore...I dread each day during A Week....I am terrified of the assistant administrators. I guess the only thing really left are the aha moments with students. They still occur, and I still enjoy them. I also enjoy teaching a great subject this marking period. Because this class is not observed, I have felt free to teach as I understand teaching ought to be undertaken. Most students have responded well. The goal at the end was 10-30 pages of original writing in any or multiple genres with illustrations, table of contents and cover design. If all goes well, these electronic texts will be formatted and books of individual student work will be printed. So each student will have his or her own book of his or her original work. If we can get it together, there will be portfolio parties where parents, teachers, friends will be invited to view student work. I could never do something like this in a lock-step standardized English class where each day has to have a self-contained objective and activity.

Working with the students; Being treated as an adult by administration; Not being micro-managed for every little thing; Being able to trust the administration When we work as a team and the children benefit The students! The prospect of making life better for students through understanding; More specifically using that understanding to make a positive impact on the environment around them (whatever that might be) My students My greatest joy has always come from current and former students who thank me for listening to them, pushing them to try harder, and for not giving up on them. Seeing students succeed and an increase in salary


What brings you joy in our profession? Seeing our hard work and dedication pay off with our students When I see the light go on in my students' eyes that they got a concept; Also, when I see past students in the community making a decent living - I believe I am giving them a skill with which they can get a job and provide for themselves or a future family. The students always and teaching them Seeing SPED students make good academic progress To see the joy on a child's face when they finally understand a concept; Helping a child with a problem they may be having outside of school Seeing students that have been struggling get a concept; Also, being a role model and someone they can confide in Positive interactions with staff and students; a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. When students get their ah-ha moment The smile on the children's faces and their light bulb moments! The biggest joy I find in our profession is watching students grow throughout the school year and beyond and their ability to overcome challenges and fears. The ability to teach without the district micromanaging every aspect such as SEEDS Seeing growth in the students' knowledge base I love the Ah Hah moments when the kids actually know they get it. I love helping my students. Seeing my students make progress throughout the year brings me lots of joy. Happy students Working with children and seeing their daily growth as a whole person Working with the students and being able to celebrate their academic successes, even if it does not meet the required benchmarks Working on units that bring about multiple stages of learning, not just from paper and pencil learning, but more project based When you reach a child and he finally understands the concepts and gets so excited he is learning! Reading to the students and bringing the joy of reading to the students When the children are learning, it brings me joy. Watching the kids’ faces light up when they feel successful and proud of the work that they are doing The students Seeing the joy in the children when they finally understand something My joy comes from when I can actually TEACH an entire lesson without interruptions from severe behavior issues, announcements, and phone calls (especially when I am told to drop everything and get something submitted earlier than the deadline). My joy comes when students discover how fun it can be to learn and watching their faces light up as they make these discoveries. I love working with children. I enjoy when they are learning. I chose to be an educator because children are our future and I want to participate in their education. Children's progress There is much that brings me joy - first of all the love that I feel for students and staff and sharing that love; the ahha moments when students begin speaking, reading and writing in English. Being able to teach without interruptions: from administration, assessments, meetings and disciplinary issues Clear thinking, respect, pleasant atmosphere, parent involvement, motivated and interested children, supportive administration, freedom of process, realistic expectations, clear priorities, success, growing intellect of children, creative experiences by and of and for children, children's developmental needs respected The unbridled affection and innocence of children The reaction of a student when they make a connection and are excited about it Seeing students achieve a goal and seeing their excitement over it Seeing our children


What brings you joy in our profession? Being able to have time to teach Teaching students and spending time with my family after work 75% of my time Being able to see children do things together without fighting and being mean; using their imaginations to create and learn different things; enjoying an activity that is age appropriate for them and not trying to pound something into them that they are not ready for. Students being found ineligible for SPED services after years in the system. It means interventions are working.

Teaching; working with teachers in helping them improve the art of teaching To see a child learn how to read!!! Working with parents as partners to promote the academic learning of our students My students when they use the strategies that I teach them When students can spend time grappling with a hard problem and question and use different methods to solve it

Teaching students and watching them learn and grow and discover new things I love watching children become more skilled, confident and aware of their talents and ability to thrive as academics and civic, democratic-minded persons. I love working with likeminded colleagues to support students' inquiry, research, curiosity and abilities. I love working with students and there is nothing which is more rewarding than watching our seeds find fertile ground in their minds and blossom. Seeing a smile on a child's face when they have achieved a milestone Watching students figure something out for the first time Spending time with our kids Small group and one-on-one support for students; Freedom with curriculum development and lesson planning; Designing authentic learning experiences for students that get them out of the building to learn or to share their knowledge/research with an audience; Also, the ability to bring in experts for students to interview and work with; High quality professional development; Team and inter-disciplinary teaching Knowing that in my classroom standards are high and students feel a sense of urgency for their own growth Children's success Learning from young people and capturing their imaginations Time to work on lesson planning and to develop thoughtful projects The students I work with are tough to deal with in the 7th grade, but it’s a beautiful thing to have them come back and recall and show growth... and the fact that they acknowledge that all that work has made a difference is the most rewarding. Helping children grow in character and grow intellectually and emotionally The creativity of the work, the students, working to move our whole building to really high quality instruction The kids Teaching students who have not had good educational opportunities in the past Student success in whatever form that takes. For example, success might be a low level ELL student understanding the plot of a story, or a 11th grader passing an AP course Not much right now Inspiring learners to explore more -- to find joy/interest in learning more deeply about a topic and applying it to their life Challenging youth to develop their specific talents and helping them to use those talents effectively in a network of their peers The students I enjoy when my challenged students improve their circumstances When I witness challenged students having successful moments in self-contained classes, I am joyful. Teachable moments - sadly, almost gone, because all teaching now must be too scripted beforehand in lesson plans


What brings you joy in our profession? Preparing our students for the future and having a ball with them in the process! My students and seeing them make academic gains, seeing them be proud of their accomplishments. I love bringing unique experiences to my students in and out of the classroom. My students Positive attitudes from students who appreciate their education What brings me joy is the kids. It's not the kids that bring on all of the undue stress - it is the administration. When my students tell me they saw something on TV, in a movie, or anywhere that they were able to connect to what they've learned in class - that's a great feeling. They often feel very good about themselves that they were educated on something to make the connection. I also love knowing that I can make a positive impact on the lives of many students - educationally, emotionally, and socially.

Seeing students complete something they were sure they couldn't do; Forming a culture of respect and purpose in the classroom Nothing anymore My students To see how much students can learn and apply their learning, to help students make connections of the subject I teach with the real world; To build connections with my students and their parents The students My students I no longer have joy in the profession. Seeing students attempt and succeed in their work Teaching our students and using innovative strategies and techniques Working with kids When students and parent are responsible for their child's education The fact that I am leaving it The kids Kids' improvement Working with young people Inspiring kids to learn I love working with the students, and teaching them the curriculum. I used to be proud of being a Springfield Teacher. I want that feeling back. I enjoy working with the children. It is in this capacity that I feel that I make a difference. Students provide me with more positive feedback than the district leaders or administrators ever do. When a student "gets it" after a struggle The students and their accomplishments Helping students get the support and services they need The students Seeing students succeed and graduate when they may not have elsewhere. Also, when a student is curious and interested in the material - I love that! Seeing students believe in themselves when no one else does I love and like to teach. I enjoy teaching the subject I am passionate about. Students! Helping students gain the skills they need to prosper and feel good about themselves; Hearing positive feedback from former students When I see students making gains through their academics Seeing the amazing progress my students make every day; Those "ah ha" moments make my otherwise stressful job a joy! My students! Love to work with children and teach them academic


What brings you joy in our profession? The love of teaching The students! Seeing students succeed; Being with coworkers Teaching students; getting parents involved working with colleagues Teaching our students The students - The joy of seeing them every day and making a difference in the life of students Being with the kids being able to teach!! The students and working collaboratively with staff to move our students forward; growing a relationship with a student; great professional development Working with students and seeing them grow and gain an appreciation for learning Working with small groups of students when the students learn a new skill and they are proud to share it The children and fellow staff Students! Seeing results Making a difference Being able to provide my students the necessary tools that will help them in their future; Being able to be that person that they can look up to, serving as a good role model and to inspire them to learn Being able to make a difference in a child's life; Conversing with past students about how they miss my class and having me for a teacher.; That brings great satisfaction to me and it makes me love what I do. Being a positive role model to students, and helping them to realize their potential and accomplish their academic goals brings me joy in this profession. Victories, no matter how seemingly small: students advocating for themselves, alternative students participating on sports teams at traditional schools, etc. I absolutely love teaching! My students are very challenging and it isn't easy every day. My level of compassion and concern for my students is obvious in my every day dealings with them. Some days it is difficult to find the joy, but overall, I feel that my vocation is my vacation (Mark Twain). Working with my students Seeing my students succeeding years after graduating Making a difference in our students' lives - no matter how small Seeing my students succeed Seeing students succeed; Having parental support/involvement in their student's school life; Watching students identify and work toward a goal (academic and/or post high school) Watching students finally get "it" after lots of hard work; Developing the whole child; Making a difference in kids' lives; Seeing students doing well and helping in the process of being all you can in a well-rounded way, not just academic; Students making progress; Working with colleagues who enjoy their job and aren't just in it for a paycheck Seeing students succeed Seeing students demonstrate growth and interest in learning Seeing my students empowered in the moment by a new discovery or idea My students finally getting it Making a difference in a kid's life Finally "breaking through" to/with a challenging student When students succeed, especially in the environment I work, and knowing what they are going home to )for the most part Knowing that I am making a positive difference in our children's education and future Seeing growth - baby steps or leaps and bounds - social/emotional/behaviorally and academically Colleagues and the students, Great team work


What brings you joy in our profession? What brings me joy in my profession is to see students realize their true potential as it pertains to academic learning. So many times students go through their academic careers not recognizing that they have what it take to be successful. Making a difference in students' lives and having students work together with each other to build community to better our communities outside of school Connecting and making a difference in children's lives "Connecting" with students. Assisting students to improve their writing skills and other skills. What brings me joy is working with professionals who I admire and like, working with my students, and dealing with parents who are supportive and work with their children. I also would enjoy being properly compensated for such a difficult job. My students Actually reaching children and seeing children rely on you to be positive role models for them The moment when a struggling student finally grasps a concept and meets the standard; time spent after school re-teaching with small groups until they master the standard; facilitating effective student group collaborations; watching students grow into leadership roles and taking responsibility for their learning at student led family conferences; analyzing data and reviewing personal lesson notes to improve teaching; learning new strategies for effective teaching; interdisciplinary lesson planning with colleagues; helping students reach their academic and personal potential; lunch conversations with students to build relationships; projects to facilitate learning...

Student success The hugs I get daily from students who appreciate what I do Student's improvement Students engaged and learning Helping all kids to succeed As a counselor, seeing lives being transformed and minds being renewed Working with the students and getting them to feel successful in their learning The children Seeing my students truly learning and understanding what I'm teaching; Seeing my students grow socially and emotionally Watching our students' growth potential become realized, recognized, and evident The moment when you see a kid learning Seeing students learn and progress they make. The joy I see in this profession is when students make significant gains throughout the school year. But this can only happen when school, administration, teachers and parents all work together which I find hard because parents do not participate in their children's education. They just don't care. That AH HA moment is always one that brings me such joy! My students' successes are not always academic. It can be very exciting for us when a student completes a task for the first time without adult support. Seeing the children excited about learning and the progress they make from the beginning of the year to the end; I enjoy watching the students form relationships with each other and having opportunities to play and work out social situations with each other through reasoning, trial and error and discussion. I enjoy meeting the families of the children and working with them to help their child be successful. I enjoy writing a DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE lesson plan and watching as the children participate and interact.

Seeing children smiling throughout the school day because they are engaged in their own learning I love being a teacher because I get to see my students' growth. I see them grow academically and socially. I feel that it is important to be prepared each and every day because if I am ready to teach, they are ready to learn.

I feel the most joy when I am able to have the time to engage my students in creative lessons that peak their interest and provide them with hands-on learning experiences. Teaching children something new and having them comprehend it.


What brings you joy in our profession? Students who enjoy lessons The process of learning my students; experiences and the confidence it gives them The "AHA's" from students when we are allowed to teach for mastery and not teach for data and a test Student learning Teaching a lesson that I love teaching and seeing the children respond to it the way I knew they would! At the end of each teaching day, I am thankful that I pulled off another successful day! By that I mean: No chairs went flying, no one was hurt, whew! The things that bring me joy are teaching my subject area to my students. I love presenting the information and skills and watching them process it and trouble shoot. I love watching my students grow and develop in responsibility and experience the affection we have for one another. I love greeting them in the hallway and celebrating their triumphs and supporting them in their sorrows. I enjoy being able to establish relationships with them that help establish a strong and safe learning environment.

Joy is brought to the profession when we are treated as professionals. We receive very low salaries and then continually have to review numbers and data . The numbers and data are a weekly thing at PLC and they often make us feel like we are continually watched. What other profession puts up with this???? I absolutely love working with the children in Springfield. I am so proud to be a Springfield School Teacher. The kids The children - especially on a day when I can be in my classroom without many disruptions -seeing the progress or each child, however small My students' progress Watching children learn!!!! Watching children love to learn!!! Colleagues that love their job and are treated right! Being appreciated by administration! I have the skill to work with students in bringing lessons alive in the classroom. That happened years ago and the students and I enjoy it a lot and they learn as well. The look in my students face when they can do their work Helping children learn and be successful; Inspiring them to want to know more and watching them grow in their learning. Being respected by the school system, ADMINISTRATORS, DESE, parents and mostly the STUDENTS Seeing my students make progress throughout the school year, especially the younger students that learn how to read (teach Kdg.-2nd) When I can put aside all of the paper work and REALLY connect with the students and their families The ability to share my love of knowledge and learning with children! Education enhances lives, empowers people to participate in a democratic society, contributes to the development of self-esteem in children, and challenges all of us to leave a better world for future generations. Seeing the growth in students every day I love seeing that moment when my students are able to understand what I am teaching them. I love seeing the progress that they make, both academically and socially. One of my favorite things to see as a special education teacher is when a student finally masters a skill that they have been working over a long period to achieve and seeing their joy and pride in themselves. I enjoy seeing the "light bulb go on" when students understand a topic I am teaching. TEACHING!!! Joy would be to have the ability to teach and put some creativity and the arts back into my work with my students, to spend time with my students reading, writing, and creating and to bring back social studies into the curriculum, rather than getting ready for a test!! The days of teaching the "whole child" seem to have disappeared.

Witnessing student successes Working with students The students :)


What brings you joy in our profession? I love students, Springfield, and believe in what I do. I believe in Springfield Pride and am part of the heart of Springfield because I grew up in Springfield. Those who did or didn't -some have lost the sight of what truly matters - the students The looks of joy and enthusiasm when children are "getting" it, watching students working cooperatively in an engaging way, seeing the proud faces of success, being asked thoughtful questions by my students, working cooperatively with my coworkers, receiving a thank you from a parent or the principal The students Right now this job is hell on earth and I am close to leaving teaching forever. I have been a proficient teacher and have never been treated so poorly. There is nothing that brings me joy in teaching right now. Helping children to enjoy learning or to develop a love of learning - This can be hard to do with all the testing we force on them. Working with a team of people that likes to have fun while getting the work done! At my last school, the principal and a group of followers made it impossible for staff to be creative, speak with one another during the school day even when it pertained to students. I like the flexibility of being able to sit in the classroom and observe students. I like having an open relationship with the principal and being able to talk to him about everything going on in the school and know that he's actually interested in what I have to say. The last principal didn't care what anybody had to say and she was a micromanager.

Joy comes when students are excited about learning and finally "get it" Working with the students, watching them work through their problems and coming to a solution Working in a safe, clean environment conducive to learning, seeing my students making academic and social emotional progress, the positive relationships I have with my students, co-workers and administrator The gains, however small they may seem, are huge to the LINKS population I serve. Seeing students be able to color by December, when they could not hold a crayon in August, is amazing for us. The impact we can have not only on the student, but for these families is also one of the best parts of my day. As the students gain independence, at whatever level, a tiny bit of the burden is lifted off the families. Knowing that the students I teach are learning the subject I'm teaching and using the skills to help them move forward My career spans K through 12, joy has joined the dodo birds When you have that moment that you helped a child. When a lesson I teach has long lasting impacts on student learning--if it inspires students to learn more on their own The kids Students hitting milestones Observing student success at any level, especially with underprivileged students. My colleagues I am a career changer and this is my first year teaching. I am enjoying seeing my students making positive progress in their work from the beginning of the year - they are all showing improvement academically and socially. I now know my students well and feeling I can really help them in areas of weakness and give them the support they need. Seeing student progress both academically and personally; Being able to relate to the children on a personal level, and the aha moments that they have in their school work. Seeing my students grow and realizing that their accomplishments largely reflect my efforts. The students! Being able to spend time teaching the topics in fun ways and watching students actually enjoy learning Successes of students and teachers I love planning with my colleagues and having the time to talk to them. Teaching the students, and coaching current best practices that help to make new teachers jobs joyful as well.

Working with the children and watching them grow as people is one of the most rewarding parts of our job


What brings you joy in our profession? Working with such resilient students who you can impact forever by influencing the way they see themselves and the way they view learning, feedback, growth, success, and failure The students! Helping the community The children Seeing the children each day, not only teaching them to excel academically but to be individuals with manners, and respect; Seeing their faces light up when they "get" something they may not have gotten before; The sense of community on our team brings me joy. The students are great! Seeing joy in my students I love the kids and love when a student understands a concept I am teaching. I like when teachers can collaborate without cutting each other down. Watching a child gain a new understanding or skill The students My students and teaching! I love to actually teach behavior students but paperwork for the behavior students takes up time away from teaching. I often feel like a personal babysitter for a few students in the classroom. Knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of my students Building a supportive relationship with students; Successful teaching When a child is successful and can express him/her self with clarity and pride Student growth I get joy when I am working with students; that is the best part of my day! Helping children learn The joy of teaching children how to learn My students My students The students and their overcoming great odds to achieve in a school setting. Seeing my students every day and planning new, exciting activities for them The children! Students!!! My coworkers and the children My colleagues and watching the children growing every day Work together to help kids succeed My career as a school adjustment counselor is awesome. The administration, teachers and students are AWESOME!!!!!! Watching students reach new highs and move towards proficiency, understanding the joy of leaning Talking to students, especially about their interests and work; Collaborating with colleagues; Having other teachers to talk to about how to improve my practice Children feeling inspired, learning to read, good relationships with families and colleagues Watching the light bulb moments when a student succeeds Watching student evolve intellectually Watching adolescents find a deeper meaning in literature The joy of teaching is seeing students master concepts and feel valued. There is no greater feeling that having a student smile when they get the answer right on something they have been struggling with. Teaching Sharing life experiences with the children- building their foundation to become better people Seeing the growth and developing relationships in and with our children; working with a collaborative staff, feeling supported by my administration and school community Seeing kids progress academically, and providing a safe place for them


What brings you joy in our profession? Preschool and kindergarten are crucial years for students, they should love school and it should be fun. What makes me happy is when I am able to permit my students to have fun while learning and not expect them to do things they are not developmentally ready to do. I am most happy (and they are more interested and excited learners) when I can guide them at their own pace, and not bow to the district pressures. There can be rigor even if it is fun.

The students and working with my amazing colleagues! They push me to improve my practice, and I am a better teacher because of them. the excitement for learning The children bring me joy. Making a difference in my students' lives by closing the reading gap that they faced against their peers Seeing the children succeed; Seeing and hearing the students trust in an adult and believe in themselves Working in a school where my team of colleagues support each other daily brings me joy. Being trusted to teach the students assigned to my class brings me joy. Seeing children succeed I love it when the assessments I do help children learn more effectively! Seeing my students be successful; being part of a positive thinking collaborative team Actually teaching students and they learn