What are the key elements of a marketing automation system


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What does a marketing automation system/software actually do?

Transcript of What are the key elements of a marketing automation system

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Marketing Automation – The Key Elements

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• What is Marketing Automation?

• Analytics and Insight

• Email marketing and management

• Lead management

• Sale loves Marketing and Marketing loves sales

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What is Marketing Automation

At Grow* we define Marketing automation as the term to describe software used to identify/generate

potential lead opportunities, segment these opportunities and create tailored lead nurturing /

lead generation campaigns based upon the profile, level of interest, online behaviour or place in the

buying process.

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Web finger prints not Web Analytics

• Most Analytics systems provide data on how your website is being used

• This doesn’t provide insight just data

• Analytics used in marketing automation software enable you to track users on an individual basis even if you don’t know them yet!

• The analytics enable the tracking of all marketing activities in one location rather than via several different systems

• This provide a singular view of the users engagement with your marketing activities

• Once you know them i.e. you have an email address then you can understand all historical and future engagement

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Email Marketing

• MA software provides email marketing capabilities you would expect from traditional email marketing software

• Email marketing software is more of a point solution it doesn’t take into account the wider awareness of onsite activities, email activities, downloads, social media et al.

• MA software is designed to integrate with CRM tools. This enables greater segmentation and personalisation.

• MA software doesn’t just track they can also be set to react. If a prospect carries out a number of activities on site then emails can per personalised to reflect the content viewed. Email software cant do this without manual intervention.

• MA software brings the concept of lead scoring and nurturing to the fold.

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Social Media Management and Tracking

• Marketing automation software provide a social media management platform in most cases.

• In general these solutions don’t provide as much functionality as the likes of hootsuite, tweetdeck et al

• The key selling point is that through the use of tagging all content distributed via the MA software

• This enables leads and sales to be identified down to the channel and even the tweet level!

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Landing Page Creation

• Marketing automation software provide the ability to create landing pages without technical resource

• These pages can be created based on channel, campaign or even creative

• These can be tested A/B tested to enable improvements in sign up et al

• These landing pages can be saved and reutilised

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Lead Scoring

• Lead scoring is the process by which you determine the value of a potential customer. Email marketing software doesn’t provide this ability MA software does.

• This is achieved by assigning points to certain activities or goals

• As an example if your product pages are visited you may assign a score of 10 if these are visited again then this becomes 20

• A download of a case study may be determined as being scored as 20, attendance at a webinar may be assigned 30 and so on

• If a potential customer reaches 100 then this could be considered as the point to hand over to sales as a Sales Qualified Lead

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Lead Nurturing

• Is the process by which a visitor to your website becomes a sales qualified lead

• Typically this based upon lead scoring

• MA software enables the automation of this process once a lead nurturing process has been defined. This is not the case with Email marketing software

• Key to success is a focus on the prospect, consistent messaging, great content and an agreed process