What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas


For Most people that love their daily dose of coffee, the best way to understand it is to understand the growing process of coffee. On a global scale, coffee is among the most popular drinks, and it constitutes the second largest export in the world, it is just second to oil.

Transcript of What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

Page 1: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

Page 2: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

For Most people that love their daily dose of coffee, the best way to understand it is to understand the growing process of coffee. On a global scale, coffee is among the most popular drinks, and it constitutes the second largest export in the world, it is just second to oil.

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Page 3: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

It comes in a variety of forms based on the brewing method, be it the regular drip brew coffee, espresso, or even French Press. However, it is grown in a similar way but using various techniques in order to achieve diverse flavors.

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Page 4: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

The region where coffee is grown is throughout the equator which includes Africa, Middle East, Central America, Northern South America, Indonesia, and Hawaii. When the coffee tree is planted, it will start out being small and evergreen.

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Page 5: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

Robusta is viewed as the lesser quality coffee variety which constitutes about 30% of the market share, with Arabica comprising the remaining 70%. Arabica is mostly used for specialty and gourmet coffees, and the Robusta is used for cheaper fillers. More info on:


Page 6: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

Robusta is viewed as the lesser quality coffee variety which constitutes about 30% of the market share, with Arabica comprising the remaining 70%. Arabica is mostly used for specialty and gourmet coffees, and the Robusta is used for cheaper fillers.

More info on:http://www.byronbeans.com.au/

Page 7: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

The reason for growing the coffee this high is that it is important for the growth of the plants since it provides mist and cloud cover as well. The combination of these two lets the coffee plants grow slower, and is important for the development of flavors that are more deep and complex.

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Page 8: What Are the Best Coffee Growing Areas

You will normally find Robusta coffee trees growing at lower altitude areas. These ones have a higher resistance to diseases and are much stronger but are still inferior in flavor to the more premium variety of Arabica coffee.

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