What Are Games

What is a game Defining games and how they effect our lives

Transcript of What Are Games

Page 1: What Are Games

What is a gameDefining games and how they effect our lives

Page 2: What Are Games

Define “Game”

A activity among two or more independent decision-makers seeking to achieve their objectives in some limiting context.

A form of art in which participants, called players, make decisions in order to manage resources through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal.

A system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome.

A type of play (activity) that takes place in a pretend reality, in which the participants(s) follow a set of rules to achieve at least one goal.

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Play and Pretend

Play - to take part in enjoyable activity for the sake of amusement.

History has recorded that music and playing games has always been apart of the human species existence.

Pretend – to create a fictional reality in the mind.

Storytelling and graphics allows the player to immerse themselves into this fictional reality.

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Rules and Goals

Rules – instructions that dictate how to play and achieve goals.

Rules also specify what the player can not do.

Goal – a particular objective you are trying to achieve.

There can be more than one goal

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Gameplay & Game Mechanics

Games are made up of both gameplay and game mechanics.

Gameplay consist of all player experiences, primarily the challenges, choices and consequences that the player faces with in the game.

Game mechanics is defined as the construct of all formal elements, predominantly the rules and procedures, intended to produce enjoyable gameplay.

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Game Systems and Theory

Game systems are the set of interacting or interdependent elements forming the working game.

Game Theory is the study of participants' behavior in strategic situations.

Gameplay applies elements of classical game theory.

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Define “Video Game”

The phrases video game and computer game are often used interchangeably.

Typically there is a screen (television, monitor, LCD display) through which the game is viewed.

Input devices vary depending on the game and hardware, but usually involve a controller, joystick, keyboard or keypad.

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Interactive Challenges

Good games require player interactivity and challenge.

Therefore video games are sometimes referred to as “interactive challenges”

The relationships between the interactivity, challenges and other game elements make up a game system.

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Video Games in Our Daily LivesData from the Entertainment Software Association

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Average Players

72% of American households plays computer or video games in 2011. 

The average game player is years old and has been playing games for 12 years. 82% is 18 yrs or older.

The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 39 years old.

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Women & Seniors

37% women over 18 play games, than boys under 18 years old = 13%.

Research by Nintendo has also shown that women represent 51% of Wii users and 53% of DS users.

of people over the age of 50 play games, a figure sure to rise in coming years with nursing homes and senior centers across the nation now incorporating video games into their activities.

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Player Demographics

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Games and Families

55% play games on a wireless device, such as a cell phone or PDA, up from 20% in 2002.

of all games sold in 2010 were rated “EC” Early childhood, "E" for Everyone, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+. 

64% of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives.

The most popular game genre in 2010 was "Action," which accounted for nearly 22 percent of all games sold.

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Adult female gamers have unseated boys under the age of 18 as the largest video game-playing demographic in the U.S., according to a recently published study from the Entertainment Software

One in four gamers is over 50

Half the parents in America say they play computer and video games with their children and two-thirds believe that playing games together has brought their families closer together

88% of games are purchased by adults

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Games and the Economy

Sales of game software and content, including games made for consoles, portable gaming devices and PCs, as well as digital full game downloads, downloadable content and social games, accounted for approximately $15.9 billion of that total.

From 2005 to 2009, the entertainment software industry’s annual growth rate exceeded 10%.

Over the same period, the entire U.S. economy grew at a less than 2% rate.

of revenue was posted for the overall video game sales in 2010 up from $20B in 2009.

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Games and Employment

The U.S. Video Game industry is a vital source of employment; currently, employing more than 120,000 people in 34 states.

$89,781—The average salary for an entertainment software industry employee.

California, Texas, Washington, New York and Massachusetts currently have the highest number of video game jobs.

Collectively, these areas directly employ 22,279 workers and post nearly 71% of the industry's total direct employment.

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Games and Education

Among U.S. colleges, universities and technical schools,

are offering degrees in game design and


According to a Scottish study, student’s test scores showed a 10 % after playing Dr. Kawashima's Brain Age on a daily basis.

By 2012 100 to 135 of Global Fortune 500 companies that will have adopted gaming for learning purposes.

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Games and Health

Surgeon’s who play video games at least 3 hours a week made 37% of fewer errors in their past simulations of laparoscopic surgery compared to non-players.

People who play action video games routinely see contrast up to 58% better than those who do not. http://www.livescience.com/health/090329-game-vision.html

765 of West Virginia schools are installing the Dance Dance Revolution game as part of the state's physical education curriculum.

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Games and Art

Video games are a form of Art!

Video game graphics and designs are widely displayed, publicized and featured in art exhibits across the country.

Video games encourage creativity not only in the visual arts, but in music as well.

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Think About It? What percentage of the gaming population do you fall into?

What rating of games do you frequently play?

How do games effect your health?

How do games effect your education?

How does your family feel about games?

As you go through this course consider the type of game player you are and what game players you want to make games for.