What are electronic cigarettes?

What are electronic cigarettes and can they help smokers quit smoking? This information is to inform you about Electronic cigarettes. How they can help smokers quit smoking. The negative and the positive effects of electronic cigarettes. 1

Transcript of What are electronic cigarettes?

What are Electronic cigarettes andcan they help smokers quit smoking?

What are electronic cigarettes andcan they help smokers quit smoking?This information is to inform you about Electronic cigarettes.How they can help smokers quit smoking.The negative and the positive effects of electronic cigarettes.1

Smokers and non-smokers dont have to be worried about second hand smoke affecting anyone because youre exhaling a vapor that evaporates almost immediately. E-cigarettes have many benefits over traditional smoking. Many smokers have discovered how they can still enjoy smoking and get the nicotine they crave without all the negative impacts you get from traditional cigarette smoking.2

I will begin with telling you what an e- cigarette is and how it works.The electronic cigarette first entered the market in China in 2004. In 2003, Hon Lik, a pharmacist from China invented the device. Golden Dragon Holdings, the company Lik worked for, started exporting into major markets in 2005-2006. An E- cigarette-is an Electronic cigarette shaped device containing a nicotine-based liquid that is vaporized and inhaled, used to simulate the experience of smoking tobacco.More smokers are turning to electronic cigarettes to help them quit smoking. E-cigarettes are long-shaped tubes, many look like the product the user used to smoke, such as a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Some look like ballpoint pens. The majority are reusable with replaceable and refillable cartridges. A small percentage of products are throw-away ones - disposable e-cigarettes. Most of the current models are automatic - as the user sucks on it, a sensor activates a heating element that vaporizes a liquid solution held in the mouthpiece. The user can choose whether or not to have nicotine in the flavored liquid solution.3

Now that I have spoken about what an E-cigarette is lets move to some recent health news on the positives of electronic cigarettes- though some health officials have warned that electronic cigarettes should not be marketed as smoking cessation aids, a new study finds that, among people who are trying to quit without professional help, those who use electronic cigarettes are 60% more likely to succeed, compared with those who use willpower or nicotine replacement therapies.4

The negatives and the positives compared with conventional cigarettes5Conventional cigarettes are the most common form of nicotine intake. Smoking-related diseases are pathophysiologically attributed to oxidative stress, activation of inflammatory pathways and the toxic effect of more than 4000 chemicals and carcinogens present in tobacco smoke [Environmental Protection Agency, 1992]. In addition, each puff contains >1 1015free radicals [Pryor and Stone, 1993]. All of these che0micals are emitted mostly during the combustion process, which is absent in ECs. Although the addictive potential of nicotine and related compounds is largely documented [Guillemet al.2005], much less dissemination has been given to the notion that nicotine does not contribute to smoking-related diseases.

It is not classified as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [WHO-IARC, 2004] and does not promote obstructive lung disease. However, it has been established that nicotine itself has minimal effect in initiating and promoting atherosclerotic heart disease [Ambrose and Barua, 2004]. It does not promote platelet aggregation [Zevinet al.1998], does not affect coronary circulation [Nitenberg and Antony, 1999] and does not adversely alter the lipid profile [Ludviksdottiret al.1999]. A meta-analysis of 35 clinical trials found no evidence of cardiovascular or other life-threatening adverse effects caused by nicotine intake [Greenlandet al.1998]. Even in patients with established cardiovascular disease, nicotine use in the form of NRTs does not increase cardiovascular risk [Woolfet al.2012;Benowitz and Gourlay, 1997]. It is anticipated that any product delivering nicotine without involving combustion, such as the EC, would confer a significantly lower risk compared with conventional cigarettes and to other nicotine containing combustible products.6

The study, conducted by researchers at University College London (UCL) in the UK, is published in the journalAddiction. E-cigarettes on the other hand do not have that bad smelling odors like cigarette smoke, youre exhaling a vapor that evaporates almost immediately. Smokers and non-smokers report the smell from an e-cigarette to be either nonexistent or reminiscent of cotton candy or varies other smelling flavors! You can save money becauseelectronic smoking is much cheaper than traditional cigarettes. Also you dont need or have to spend money on buying any new lighters. Findings from surveys and follow-up studies of smokers have shown that EC use is relatively safe. 7

What's In a Cigarette?

8Here are a few of the chemicals in tobacco smoke Acetic Acid an ingredient in hair dyeAmmonia a common household cleanerArsenic used in rat poisonBenzene found in rubber cementButane used in lighter fluidCadmium active component in battery acidCarbon Monoxide released in car exhaust fumesFormaldehyde embalming fluidHexamine found in barbecue lighter fluidLead used in batteriesNaphthalene an ingredient in mothballsMethanol a main component in rocket fuelNicotine used as insecticideTar material for paving roadsToluene - used to manufacture paint

On May 5, 2016,the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcedit was extending its authority to include e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Starting in August 2016, FDA began to apply and enforce key provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act as it relates to the sales, marketing and manufacturing of e-cigarettes. The American Lung Association supports prohibiting the use of ecigarettes in worksites and public places, and including e-cigarettes undersmoke free lawswith other tobacco products. Currently, nine states, the District of Columbia and hundreds of communities have prohibited e-cigarette use in the same places where smoking is already prohibited.


Years before, executives from the tobacco industry stood before a congressional hearing and swore under oath that nicotine was not addictive. Judge Kessler's ruling detailed a decades-old, industrywide, organized plan to deceive the public by denying science, marketing their products to children and making false health claims about their products. Among scores of troubling facts, The tobacco companies "Concealed and Suppressed Research Data and Other Evidence that Nicotine Is Addictive."The tobacco companies "Falsely Marketed and Promoted Low Tar/Light Cigarettes as Less Harmful than Full-Flavor Cigarettes in Order to Keep People Smoking and Sustain Corporate Revenues."


The tobacco companies "Have Publicly Denied What They Internally Acknowledged: that ETS (emitted tobacco smoke - secondhand smoke) Is Hazardous to Nonsmokers."The tobacco companies' "Marketing Is a Substantial Contributing Factor to Youth Smoking Initiation."As a result, the verdict (which was later upheld by a federal court of appeals) was final, ruling that: "The major cigarette manufacturers are racketeers who carried out a decades-long conspiracy to deceive the American public and target children with their deadly and addictive products."11

The legal remedies recommended by Judge Kessler included:Prohibiting the tobacco companies from committing acts of racketeering in the future or making false or deceptive health claims about their products.Prohibiting terms including "low tar," "light" and "mild" that have been used to mislead consumers about the health risks of smoking.Requiring the tobacco companies to make corrective statements through newspaper and television advertising, their web sites and as part of cigarette packaging that make clear their deceptive practices and misinformation regarding the health risks of smoking and secondhand smoke.12

Conclusion13Existing evidence indicates that EC use is by far a less harmful alternative to smoking. There is no tobacco and no combustion involved in EC use; therefore, regular vapers may avoid several harmful toxic chemicals that are typically present in the smoke of tobacco cigarettesClinical studies evaluating the effects of short-term EC use on selected cardiovascular and respiratory functional outcomes have shown that even if some harmful effects of vaping are reported, these are considerably milder compared with smoking conventional cigarettes


14You have now learned what an e- cigarette is and how it works. I hope this information is beneficial in helping smokers make a better choice when seeking another alternative when trying to quit smoking. Due to their unique characteristics, ECs represent a historical opportunity to save millions of lives and significantly reduce the burden of smoking-related diseases worldwide.

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