Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even...

mt i a. ti - , Wf 'WJ'.- -, JQ $2 r ??". iSfirrwjJB.' - 'i . 9Hr ;3 OT i jcwrfj- s, "v .j - rnTqMviewiyIMliMlWK.tMiiiiiilllll (wr. ..i.-- m, th- -i v riy. i.,- - iMWiill,MaraiWmnit-imlMMMrr- t THE DAILY BULLETIN oiiII,-Ko- . 362. Tftfi DAILY .BULLETIN WALTER HILL, Proprietor., , Is published every morning mid chcu. latcd throughout the town byennlcrs, mid forwarded to the oilier Islands by every opportunity. ' Subscription,- - 50 cents per Month. G. Causon Kenton, Edllof. All business communications to be ml. dressed, Manager Dnily Bulletin, Post Office Box No. 14. Telephone 256. Offlre, .... queen Htreer, Opposite West's Cnrrlngo Factory. ' I. Q. Clkviok, Manager WHAT ARE SUN SPOTS? The great atmosphere of the sun, whose breath is flame, is yet, says Mr. Proctor, so coot' compared with his intensely glowing surface that it 'absorbs a lnrgc proportion of his light as well as of his heat. But While the "general absorptive actioif of the sun is wonderful, the story is still more wonderful which the spec- troscope has to tell about the specific absorptive effects due its constitution. Wc find that whereas in our air the vapor of water is present (to comlcncc into water drops and form clouds at certain levels, and to change to ice crystals and form' eirius at high levels), in the sun the atmosphere is laden with the vapors of iron, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium) and like elements', to'form cl6uds of metallic drops, great gatherings of metallic crystals, while the rains that pour down toward the concealed true, globe of the sun are mighty showers of the molten metal. When a hur- ricane occurs in the sun, the clouds which' form tlic .sun's surface are swept along, or whirled around, not at the rate at which we measure' our storms, but with a velocity compared with which, their. swiftest motion is as rest. "The solar tornadoes rage, not'ovcr'a'fcw hundred square miles, but over regions as large as the whole surface of the earth, over hundreds, even thousands of millions of square miles; and they travel over theso enormous legions at a rate not of so many miles per hour or per minute, but of many miles, sometimes more than hundred miles in every second of time. Stich storms arc in progress now; when we see the spots upon the sun. Such storms tell us of the activity of that great central engine whose throbs arc the life-bea- ts of the solar system. "We measure the .sun's work, perforce, by our own forms of work. "We spenk of his emission of light-an- heat as corresponding to what would result from the bin ning of eleven thousand million of millions of tons of the finest coal in every second of time. But what mind can conceive the real vitality of that mighty orb which scemes so silent and so still in our skies 'i The throb- bing of the great engine which beats out light and life to the whole family of planets can only be seen by the mind's eye, and as'yet that cyo is no more capable of seeping the sun's work as it really is ihau ia the bodily eye of secing'the distant millions of sun's which the great gauging tele-sco- ps of the IJcrschels bring within our ken. Nor can the mental ear barken to the uproar and tutmult with which the work of the great cen- tral engine is accomplished, or ima- gine what would be heard if one (Wild visit that spot winch looks like (i tiny speck on the sun's Mirfacu, and, passing below limits of the sclar air so that sound waves ponld reach him, could find (as assuredly be would if he cotdd live tit iv tempcra-tui'- 4 which turns the hardest metal into vapor) all forms of noise known to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even tho hideous groaning of the earth throe surpas- sed a million fold by what takes place within every square mile of that disturbed region. At a recent faloftblp weijdjng, after the departure f the happy pa jr. a dear littlo girl, wlose pap'a und jnamum were among the guests, asked, with a child's innocent iiquiU tivcncssf "Why do thvoyf things at the pretty lady i the CAriiagef"' "For luck, 'dear," replied ohc of the bridesmaids, fAnd why," again nuked the child, "doesn't slio throw back?" "Oh,", said the young ludy, "thai; would be' rude' "Jfo It wouldn't," persisted, tho dear littlo" thing," to the delight of her doting parents, who stoodby; "undoes'," HOHOLULU H. L, FRIDAY, 3VEAR0II 30, 1883. B. F. EHLEBS & Co., BBY GOODS mtPOBTEBS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer TTf)T?rr lrri? 7f 7"7T GRAND OPENING SALE.. Having completed me arrangements for meneed with a SPECIAL SALE, which 6 yards Embossed Prints 6 yards Plaid and Stripped Plushes, Mciinos, Satins, Cash meres, Surrahs, Alpacns, Silks, "Worsted, AVIU lc woltl at corrcHpondiuKly low prieew. Ladies' and Gents' furnishing goods a specially. BT Ladies, before going elsewhere, you will do well to call at the . Establishment of A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium 101 Foitsticcl, LAWRENCE St FBEBTH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering & Smvcying Office, 10 and 21 Merchant st, above J. W. Robertson &iCo's. 308 P. O. Bov, 101. ly G. H. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams in town. telephone No. Ii5. ., 15 ' HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam engines, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast ings;' machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to.ship'sibluck smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 CEDAR SHINGLES! Just Received by 209 Allen & Kobinwon. BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. AVALLACE JACKSON :W tlfc thorough experienc- ed horse breaker.wishcs jCS .the public to know that p. Is full v nrcniireil to take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them thoroughly on Ids Ranch, nnd attend caiefully to feeding and doctoring horded. Ho has now in his charge .such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn and other thoioughbicds, and has the exclusive charge of all of Mr. James Campbell's htock. Orders left at the Pantheon Stable", or at'the mommoth stables on Mr. James Campbell's property at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 295 ly Dr. lie Vvien, J3br Veterinary Physician, Shilling mi TliTi'tiHliK St. jZjZksjl "" Tinnr Thomas' Square. Orders sent to P.O: Box 815 wiirieecive prompt attention. Dr. De Frfcs'having litted up elegant accommodations on the Plnins for the doctoring nnd caro of animals, is fully prepared to rendor satisfaction. Has also a Iariro pasture land and will take general goou caro of horses and cattle left in his charge. No euro no puy. 309 ly A. KRAFT, JEWELER, jfOPTICI AN, Denier in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store lu the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bauk. Chas. D. Gemsch, Practical " Watchmaker. I6T Hotel Street, opposite the 123 am International Hotel. -- M jqSSjii'ftTiI ttrrTMflKy ICE MANUFACTORY. HONOLULU to all parts of the City, Shipping supplied lu tjuuntltles to suit, Tulcphono, No. 8. Ollicu at Wilder & Co.'a. 18 The IIuvuiiuu Temperancfe Tear Book, For m, TliDRE, wU hq intMUliR4 ,lPrp 1883. U venr book, an in. tcrchtliiK and useful voluinq with tho above title. A hnndy ljqiik of rufereuco as well as a vn)uiibp hoaH fqi Up mW: liolU, n will itM nullity MYWl-- l ui tho tcmnurnueo ciiiou. and vill bo U( imlnli llkfl bo bol(eted tn SMbiibo t a bilftlii ami m ql)tuu tTllUTftJlW HJT ,,H.- - ..H...I1V Ball ProierauinieM ! NEW DESIQNS, just reoelvod fiom Fniuctwu, ut The Dajlv Bul, the Extension of the Stoic, I have com. will be continued during this week (fa fg Dress Goods. mPI.UU Ginghoinii, Embroideries, Nainsooks, Laec, Law ns, Fringes, Mulls, Honolulu. J. LYONS, I,. J. W.VEY. LYONS St LEVEY, Auctioneers iiudsGcneral i Commission Meichants, Beaver Block, Queen bt., - I - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American nnd Euro- pean merchandise. 318 H. S. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. Holicrt Lower, C. It. Cooke. T EWER8S& Cooke. XJ (successors to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd nil kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber,-Paint- s, Oils, Nails, Salt nnd Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sU., Honolulu. 1 ALLEN & EOBINSON, Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc. 71 BROWN & PHILLIPS, PI umbel 8, Gas Fitters and Copper-smitb.- 8, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. BS House and Ship Job Work piomptly executed. 17 CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Foi I street, Honolul,f" Iinpor' or and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Chlldicw's boots, shoes and slippers. Wilson Brothers GENERAL BLACKSMITHS. Shoeing a specialty A tirst-clns- s man being specially engaged ,for that work. Ship and Wagon, work faithfully attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204 THE Hawaiian Journal, " Ko Pab Aixa," owned and edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a weekly edition of 8,200 copies, and is the best advertising medium. Of- fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1 THE EVILS OF FAINTING And their Remedy. " It has been said with much truth, too, that house painting might, with study and uctuilremcnt of taste, resume IN rank as it liberal art." Puiuters' Manual, Believing tho above to bo true, A. B KERR has now his system of working the business in Honolulu, In tho first place he has secured the ser. vices of that celebrated ttitist, Mr, Max Kohn, foimerly of San Fraiioisco, whose woik in the Hue of plain and dccoiative paper-hangin- fiescoing, &c, is up to tho present time unsurpassed,, a, ml on these Ixlauds has never Uit.ii euualled. For hou,bi HajnUng Julp tlisl-clab- s mly will be employed. In future patrons cuu depend uion my tUt ing cvciy'oid,er on thonio sumio basis known to tlje lvd. T'l ftl&ILVlUia m UUormg iw permanently presided oyer. Vy Air, G.eo. (furthvr comment unuccesarv.'k HHH 1 )0U w'" urtWns now; . any glass put in call at Tiger Paint Store, 847 ly 78 King Street. OFFICES TOILET, on the TWO floor of the buldinjr ouenjiteil by J. W, UuboiUon 5. Co 13'J I- - Commission Merchants. o. Brewer (Limited) a Company, UKMHUIi MbltCAKlIM: AND Commission Aoents. LIST OK Ot'KlCKltS: P. C. Jonus, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. CAKTi-- n Treasurer ifc'Sccrclaiy diulctoiis: Hon. C. R. Bisitor. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteh 338 ly Geo. W.'Miiefnrlniic. II. R. Macfarlunc. 0. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- - CHANTS and Sugar Factors, FircProof Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AOKNTS for The Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The lleehi Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, lluclo Sugar Plantation, Muni, Puulo.1 Sheep Ranch Co.,illiiaii, J. Fowler Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Minlecs, Watson &Co's Sugar Maehiu eiy, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Paekcts. 18JS Clau fcl'rccU!. ft'a, O. Itwln. Tir a. irwin & company, Yt SugarFactors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHaokfeld Sb Company, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. l AS. Oleqhorn & CO. Importer and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Knnhumauu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 Theo. h. Davies st Company, Importers nnd Commission Merchants; agents for Lloyd's und the Liverpool Underwriters, British nnd Foreign Ins. Company, nnd Northern Assurance Company 71 DIAS & GONSALEsi No. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu, Importers and De.dcrs in Dry andFnncy Goods, Inlaid Woik, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM St CO., Importers of General Mer chandise aitd Commission Merchants, Honolulu. i MS. GRINBAUM St CO., Commission Merchants. 124 California, street, I Sjiu Francisco, Cal. BROWN St CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 3;jo FT. liENEHAN & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Cantlc. J. II, Athcrtun. Castle st Cooke, Shijiping nnd Commission' Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King t., Honolulu. i WINO WO OHAN'& CO., Importers and General Dealers In English, American and Chinese s, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and. colored con- tract mattiiur, all qualities and prices. I No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 8t a7g7bllis7 STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell Stock, Bonds, mid Other Marketable Securities, Attlicir inurkct value for cash. 315 Office with E. P. Adams. Auct'r. WILLIAM O. SMITH, STOCK BROKER, NO. 38 Merchant Sheet, Honolulu, II. I,' Sugar Plantation, Railroad, Telephone, and other Corporation Stock, Bonds and Similar Sceuiitios Bought and Sold on Commission. Money loaned on Stock Securities. Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 314 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and 8hec$ J- r- Worker, Hu,?.uor, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Banges of all kinds, Plumbers1 stock and metals, t JIouso Furnishing iGoods,, , 7? Olmmlelicrri,,'Laiiijitfi&t 8UB80RIPTION 60 OENT8 PER MONTH. Professionals. UARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D., O Ladies' and Children's Physician. Office and iesldcnce, No. C School street, (hclMren Fort nnd Emma). Oillee hours 10:30 to 11:80 n. m. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. 21 Telephone, N o. 201. DR. THACHER, DENTIST, 101rf Fort street (up slnirs.) Charges lower than any other dentist in Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or otherwise. Satisfaction' guaranteed. 305 DR. Emerson, 1ic.sit,c,,cc n,ul consultation rooms nt No. 2 Kukul st.,,corncr of Fort. Telephone No. 10. 59 2ra A ROSA, , , . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, pnicc Willi tho Attorney General, Aliio! Hale, Honolulu. 842 ly W AUSTIN WHITINO, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments mi instruments. Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. 30 SB. Dole, , Lawjer and Notary Public, l ' No. 15 Kaahumnnu st. Francis M. Hatch, Attnriiri- - nf T.tiw ,...,., 23 15 Kaahumnnu Bt T7"illiam o. Smith, -- T Attorney at Law No. uQMci chant street. RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor nt LaW. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold- s. Onicc,No.34Mcrclmnt st. '1 BROWN, Attorneraiid-CounsclloratLu- Notary Public, andiAgcnt for taking H lodgments of Instruments for, the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. i i JM. MONSARRAT, ' ' ' r A1TORNEY.AT LAW ami Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the kingdom' bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia. ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands , 195 r o. beroer, KAAHUMANU BTBEBT. General Agent for The N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Macncale & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Muchint Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. '. ' " 238 i QHARLE8 T. GULIOKi KOTAlir PUBLIC, Agent to take Acknowlcdgmentg to 'Labor Contracts, ASD GENKItAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllcc, in Makee's Block, corner Queen and Kaahum.inu str-3t- Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS to Go. 7 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu, Portrait and Landscape Xiotgra,pliers. 180 ly , ILLIAM AULD, t Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Komi, Island of Oahu, ut the office of the Honolulu Waterworks, fool of Nun ami street. 189 tf WILLIAM WOND, to take Acknowledg- ments to Contracts for Labor. '' 1 Office Station House. 351 ly JOHN A. HASSINQER, , Agent to tako Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor. Interi6r73fnec, Honolulu; 7 WC. AKANA, nnd Hawaiian Translulor nnd Interpreter, ' No. 48 Kiug street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of the abort languages made with accuracy and dis- patch, am on reasonable terms. 209 JH. BRONS, Cooper nnd Gniigcr, ' Water Tanks of any'dimensloiiB, Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu. Oil Cass, Shuoks and Hoop lion hand and for sale. 221 ly Job Printing (W EVERY DESCRIPTION cxecut-- v dispatch at Tjik Daily Bulletin Ofllco, Queen bt. FIRE WOOD! ' ' ! FOR SALE, . . . in VtiXtii-iicetXnte- H . ' ,h "' Apply to . S. RT. CAJRTEH, '," 1 137 s i,M,B.H.WlwrI, Ml "vi a 4S3 fl ss SI m m -- 5 4 ?fer - MwwD-a- l ias. tatmmtmitimgaJ,,. .iu. -- . ,. Wtdg

Transcript of Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even...

Page 1: Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even tho hideous groaning of the earth throe surpas- ... is the best advertising medium.

mt ia. ti


Wf 'WJ'.--, JQ $2 r??". iSfirrwjJB.' - 'i . 9Hr ;3 OTi jcwrfj- s, "v .j -

rnTqMviewiyIMliMlWK.tMiiiiiilllll (wr. ..i.-- m, th- -i v riy. i.,- - iMWiill,MaraiWmnit-imlMMMrr- t



WALTER HILL, Proprietor., ,

Is published every morning mid chcu.latcd throughout the town byennlcrs,mid forwarded to the oilier Islands byevery opportunity.

'Subscription,- - 50 cents per Month.

G. Causon Kenton, Edllof.All business communications to be ml.

dressed, Manager Dnily Bulletin, PostOffice Box No. 14. Telephone 256.

Offlre, .... queen Htreer,Opposite West's Cnrrlngo Factory. '

I. Q. Clkviok, Manager


The great atmosphere of the sun,whose breath is flame, is yet, saysMr. Proctor, so coot'compared withhis intensely glowing surface thatit 'absorbs a lnrgc proportion of hislight as well as of his heat. ButWhile the "general absorptive actioifof the sun is wonderful, the story isstill more wonderful which the spec-

troscope has to tell about the specificabsorptive effects due its constitution.Wc find that whereas in our air thevapor of water is present (to comlcnccinto water drops and form clouds atcertain levels, and to change to icecrystals and form' eirius at highlevels), in the sun the atmosphere isladen with the vapors of iron, copper,zinc, sodium, magnesium) and likeelements', to'form cl6uds of metallicdrops, great gatherings of metalliccrystals, while the rains that pourdown toward the concealed true,globe of the sun are mighty showersof the molten metal. When a hur-

ricane occurs in the sun, the cloudswhich' form tlic .sun's surface areswept along, or whirled around, notat the rate at which we measure' ourstorms, but with a velocity comparedwith which, their. swiftest motion isas rest. "The solar tornadoes rage,not'ovcr'a'fcw hundred square miles,but over regions as large as the wholesurface of the earth, over hundreds,even thousands of millions of squaremiles; and they travel over thesoenormous legions at a rate not of somany miles per hour or per minute,but of many miles, sometimes morethan hundred miles in every secondof time.

Stich storms arc in progress now;when we see the spots upon the sun.Such storms tell us of the activityof that great central engine whosethrobs arc the life-bea- ts of the solarsystem. "We measure the .sun'swork, perforce, by our own forms ofwork. "We spenk of his emission oflight-an- heat as corresponding towhat would result from the bin ningof eleven thousand million of millionsof tons of the finest coal in everysecond of time. But what mind canconceive the real vitality of thatmighty orb which scemes so silentand so still in our skies 'i The throb-bing of the great engine which beatsout light and life to the whole familyof planets can only be seen by themind's eye, and as'yet that cyo is nomore capable of seeping the sun'swork as it really is ihau ia the bodilyeye of secing'the distant millions ofsun's which the great gauging tele-sco- ps

of the IJcrschels bring withinour ken. Nor can the mental earbarken to the uproar and tutmultwith which the work of the great cen-

tral engine is accomplished, or ima-gine what would be heard if one(Wild visit that spot winch looks like(i tiny speck on the sun's Mirfacu,and, passing below limits of the sclarair so that sound waves ponld reachhim, could find (as assuredly bewould if he cotdd live tit iv tempcra-tui'- 4

which turns the hardest metalinto vapor) all forms of noise knownto us tho roar of tho typhoon, thecrach of thunder, even tho hideousgroaning of the earth throe surpas-sed a million fold by what takesplace within every square mile ofthat disturbed region.

At a recent faloftblp weijdjng,after the departure f the happy pa jr.a dear littlo girl, wlose pap'a undjnamum were among the guests,asked, with a child's innocent iiquiUtivcncssf "Why do thvoyf things atthe pretty lady i the CAriiagef"'"For luck, 'dear," replied ohc ofthe bridesmaids, fAnd why," againnuked the child, "doesn't slio throwback?" "Oh,", said the young ludy,"thai; would be' rude' "Jfo Itwouldn't," persisted, tho dear littlo"thing," to the delight of her dotingparents, who stoodby; "undoes',"


B. F. EHLEBS & Co.,

BBY GOODS mtPOBTEBS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer TTf)T?rr lrri? 7f 7"7T

GRAND OPENING SALE..Having completed me arrangements for

meneed with a SPECIAL SALE, which

6 yards Embossed Prints6 yards Plaid and Stripped

Plushes, Mciinos,Satins, Cash meres,Surrahs, Alpacns,Silks, "Worsted,

AVIU lc woltl at corrcHpondiuKly low prieew.Ladies' and Gents' furnishing goods a specially.

BT Ladies, before going elsewhere, you will do well to call at the. Establishment of

A. M. Mellis' Honolulu Clothing Emporium101 Foitsticcl,


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering &Smvcying Office, 10 and 21 Merchant st,above J. W. Robertson &iCo's.308 P. O. Bov, 101. ly

G. H. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

in town. telephone No. Ii5. ., 15

' HONOLULU IRON WORKS,Steam engines, sugar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead castings;' machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto.ship'sibluck smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

CEDAR SHINGLES!Just Received by

209 Allen & Kobinwon.BREAKING HORSES


AVALLACE JACKSON:W tlfc thorough experienc-ed horse breaker.wishcsjCS .the public to know that

p. Is full v nrcniireil totake charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them thoroughly on Ids Ranch,nnd attend caiefully to feeding anddoctoring horded. Ho has now in hischarge .such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn and other thoioughbicds, and hasthe exclusive charge of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's htock.

Orders left at the Pantheon Stable",or at'the mommoth stables on Mr. JamesCampbell's property at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 295 ly

Dr. lie Vvien,

J3br Veterinary Physician,Shilling mi TliTi'tiHliK St.

jZjZksjl "" Tinnr Thomas'Square. Orders sent to P.O: Box 815wiirieecive prompt attention.

Dr. De Frfcs'having litted up elegantaccommodations on the Plnins for thedoctoring nnd caro of animals, is fullyprepared to rendor satisfaction. Hasalso a Iariro pasture land and will takegeneral goou caro of horses and cattleleft in his charge. No euro no puy.

309 ly


Denier in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store lu the "Hawaiian Gazette" build-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bauk.

Chas. D. Gemsch,Practical

" Watchmaker.I6T Hotel Street, opposite the

123 am International Hotel. -- M

jqSSjii'ftTiI ttrrTMflKy

ICE MANUFACTORY.HONOLULU to all parts of theCity, Shipping supplied lu tjuuntltlesto suit, Tulcphono, No. 8. Ollicu atWilder & Co.'a. 18

The IIuvuiiuuTemperancfe Tear Book,

For m,TliDRE, wU hq intMUliR4 ,lPrp

1883. U venr book, an in.tcrchtliiK and useful voluinq with thoabove title. A hnndy ljqiik of rufereucoas well as a vn)uiibp hoaH fqi Up mW:liolU, n will itM nullity MYWl-- l uitho tcmnurnueo ciiiou. and vill bo U(imlnli llkflbo bol(eted tn SMbiibo t a bilftliiami m ql)tuu tTllUTftJlW HJT

,,H.- - ..H...I1VBall ProierauinieM !

NEW DESIQNS, just reoelvod fiomFniuctwu, ut The Dajlv Bul,

the Extension of the Stoic, I have com.will be continued during this week

(fa fgDress Goods. mPI.UUGinghoinii, Embroideries,Nainsooks, Laec,Law ns, Fringes,Mulls,



LYONS St LEVEY,Auctioneers iiudsGcneral

i Commission Meichants,Beaver Block, Queen bt., - I - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American nnd Euro-

pean merchandise. 318


204 FORT ST.

Holicrt Lower, C. It. Cooke.

T EWER8S& Cooke.XJ (successors to Lowers & Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber nnd nilkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber,-Paint-s,

Oils, Nails, Salt nnd Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sU.,Honolulu. 1

ALLEN & EOBINSON,Dealers in Lumber and

all kinds of Building Materials, Paints,Oils, Nails, etc. 71

BROWN & PHILLIPS,PI umbel 8, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smitb.- 8, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. BS House and Ship JobWork piomptly executed. 17

CHR. GERTZ,No. 80 Foi I street, Honolul,f"

Iinpor' or and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Chlldicw's boots, shoes and slippers.

Wilson Brothers

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Shoeing a specialty

A tirst-clns- s man being specially engaged,for that work.

Ship and Wagon, work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.204

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPab Aixa," owned and

edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has aweekly edition of 8,200 copies, andis the best advertising medium. Of-fice, No. 0 Merchant ut. 1


" It has been said with much truth,too, that house painting might, withstudy and uctuilremcnt of taste, resumeIN rank as it liberal art." Puiuters'Manual,

Believing tho above to bo true, A. BKERR has now his systemof working the business in Honolulu,In tho first place he has secured the ser.vices of that celebrated ttitist, Mr, MaxKohn, foimerly of San Fraiioisco, whosewoik in the Hue of plain and dccoiativepaper-hangin- fiescoing, &c, is up totho present time unsurpassed,, a, ml onthese Ixlauds has never Uit.ii euualled.For hou,bi HajnUng Julp tlisl-clab- s

mly will be employed. Infuture patrons cuu depend uion my tUting cvciy'oid,er on thonio sumiobasis known to tlje lvd.

T'l ftl&ILVlUia m UUormg

iw permanently presidedoyer. Vy Air, G.eo. (furthvrcomment unuccesarv.'k

HHH 1 )0U w'" urtWns now;. any glass put in call at

Tiger Paint Store,847 ly 78 King Street.

OFFICES TOILET, on theTWO floor of the buldinjr ouenjiteilby J. W, UuboiUon 5. Co 13'J

I- -

Commission Merchants.

o. Brewer(Limited)a Company,


Commission Aoents.

LIST OK Ot'KlCKltS:P. C. Jonus, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. CAKTi--n Treasurer ifc'Sccrclaiy

diulctoiis:Hon. C. R. Bisitor. Hon. II. A. P. Caiiteh

338 lyGeo. W.'Miiefnrlniic. II. R. Macfarlunc.


CHANTS andSugar Factors,

FircProof Building, - 52 Queen street,Honolulu. H. I.

AOKNTS forThe Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The lleehi Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,lluclo Sugar Plantation, Muni,Puulo.1 Sheep Ranch Co.,illiiaii,J. Fowler Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Minlecs, Watson &Co's Sugar Maehiu

eiy, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Paekcts.


Clau fcl'rccU!. ft'a, O. Itwln.Tir a. irwin & company,

Yt SugarFactors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HHaokfeld Sb Company,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. l

AS. Oleqhorn & CO.Importer and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Knnhumauu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

Theo. h. Davies st Company,Importers nnd Commission

Merchants; agents for Lloyd's und theLiverpool Underwriters, British nndForeign Ins. Company, nnd NorthernAssurance Company 71

DIAS & GONSALEsiNo. 57 Hotel Stiect, Honolulu,

Importers and De.dcrs in Dry andFnncyGoods, Inlaid Woik, Embroidery,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM St CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise aitd Commission Merchants,Honolulu. i

MS. GRINBAUM St CO.,Commission Merchants.

124 California, street,I Sjiu Francisco, Cal.

BROWN St CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 3;jo

FT. liENEHAN & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Cantlc. J. II, Athcrtun.

Castle st Cooke,Shijiping nnd Commission'

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King t.,Honolulu. iWINO WO OHAN'& CO.,

Importers and General DealersIn English, American and Chinese s,

Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and. colored con-tract mattiiur, all qualities and prices.

I No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 8t

a7g7bllis7STOCK BROKER, will buy or sell

Stock, Bonds, midOther Marketable Securities,

Attlicir inurkct value for cash.315 Office with E. P. Adams. Auct'r.


NO. 38 Merchant Sheet,Honolulu, II. I,'

Sugar Plantation, Railroad,Telephone, and other Corporation Stock,

Bonds and Similar Sceuiitios Boughtand Sold on Commission.

Money loaned on Stock Securities.Honolulu, Oct. 1st, 1882. 314

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and 8hec$ J-r- Worker,

Hu,?.uor, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds,

Plumbers1 stock and metals,t

JIouso Furnishing iGoods,, ,

7? Olmmlelicrri,,'Laiiijitfi&t


Professionals.UARAH B. PEIRCE, M. D.,O Ladies' and Children's Physician.Office and iesldcnce, No. C School street,

(hclMren Fort nnd Emma).Oillee hours 10:30 to 11:80 n. m.

1:30 to 3:30 p.m.21 Telephone, N o. 201.


101rf Fort street (up slnirs.)Charges lower than any other dentist

in Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor otherwise. Satisfaction' guaranteed.


DR. Emerson,1ic.sit,c,,cc n,ul consultation roomsnt No. 2 Kukul st.,,corncr of Fort.

Telephone No. 10. 59 2ra

A ROSA, , ,. ATTORNEY AT LAW,And Notary Public,

pnicc Willi tho Attorney General, Aliio!Hale, Honolulu. 842 ly

W AUSTIN WHITINO,Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments miinstruments.

Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. 30

SB. Dole, ,

Lawjer and Notary Public,l ' No. 15 Kaahumnnu st.

Francis M. Hatch,Attnriiri- - nf T.tiw,...,.,

23 15 Kaahumnnu Bt

T7"illiam o. Smith,--T Attorney at Law

No. uQMci chant street.

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor nt LaW.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free-hold- s.

Onicc,No.34Mcrclmnt st. '1BROWN,


Notary Public, andiAgcnt for taking H

lodgments of Instruments for, theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.,Honolulu. i iJM. MONSARRAT, ' ' '

r A1TORNEY.AT LAWami Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the kingdom' bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotia.ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands , 195


General Agent forThe N. Y. Lifo Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacncale & Urban Safes,Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas MuchintGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. '.

' "238i


KOTAlir PUBLIC,Agent to take Acknowlcdgmentg to


Olllcc, in Makee's Block, corner Queenand Kaahum.inu str-3t- Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS to Go. 7120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu,

Portrait and Landscape

Xiotgra,pliers.180 ly ,


Agent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Komi, Island of Oahu, ut the office ofthe Honolulu Waterworks, fool of Nunami street. 189 tf

WILLIAM WOND,to take Acknowledg-

ments to Contracts for Labor. '' 1

Office Station House. 351 ly


Agent to tako Acknowledgmentto Contracts for Labor. Interi6r73fnec,Honolulu; 7

WC. AKANA,nnd Hawaiian Translulor

nnd Interpreter, '

No. 48 Kiug street, Honolulu.Translations of cither of the abort

languages made with accuracy and dis-patch, am on reasonable terms. 209

JH. BRONS,Cooper nnd Gniigcr, '

Water Tanks of any'dimensloiiB,Cooperage, No. 10 Fort street, Honolulu.

Oil Cass, Shuoks and Hoop lionhand and for sale. 221 ly

Job Printing(W EVERY DESCRIPTION cxecut-- v

dispatch atTjik Daily Bulletin Ofllco, Queen bt.


. . . inVtiXtii-iicetXnte- H .

' ,h "'Apply to

. S. RT. CAJRTEH, ',"1

137s i,M,B.H.WlwrI,







?fer- MwwD-a- l ias. tatmmtmitimgaJ,,. .iu. -- . ,. Wtdg

Page 2: Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even tho hideous groaning of the earth throe surpas- ... is the best advertising medium.

fr- -


T, Notice,

JOSEPH STUART is authorizedMR. o collect nil accounts duo TheDaily Buluvhx, on nnd after this dlitc,whbso receipt for the nmo will be suffi-cient.

Daily 1H'lli:tin Ofllcc,"""ItonoHtlh.lJ'ob. mill', 183.X

FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1883.

This day's Doings.MORNING.

Regular Cash Snip, at Snlct Rilom,by Messrs Lyons & Levey, at 10o'clock.

AFTERNOONMessrs Lyons & Levey will cll,

on the premises, foot of Punchbowlstreet, at 2 o'clock, Valuable lot ofhousehold furniture, etc.

Ladies' Prayer Meeting, Fort St.Church, at-- 3 o'clock.

EVENING.Imp. Order of Red Men, at 7 :30.Morning Ktar Lodge, K. of J. 7 :30.Musical Society, Practice, 7 :30.

new Disease in horses.A new disease seems to bo appear-

ing amongst the horses in theseislands. On Monday, the 20th,judge. Jilekerton gave orders thatliis valuable trotting horse, Control-ler, should be dcstioyed, as ho wasbuffering fioui a disease dangerousto both man and beast. It resem-

bled glanders very much in some ofits symptoms, but was pronouncednot to be that' disease by a leadingphysician here. The disease is ap-

parently one known to vctciinarysurgeons as Ozena. Wc-als- learn thatanother horse afflicted with everysymptom of the disease has been

turned out by its owner to pasture.As the disease is contagious anddangerous to both men aud animalssuch conduct is highly reprehensible.

''Controller's trotting record wasan excellent one, as some years agoin California he trotted 20 miles

straight' in less than an hour, andafterwards 10 miles, in 27miu. 27sec, and again beating. this. recordby doiug'the 10 miles in 27min. 23JBet. Controller was imported heroby Mr. McWaync, and bought fromhim by Judge Bickcrton, in ,whoscpossession he has remained eversince. He was very kind and gen-tle, notwithstanding his great speed,and it is no doubt a great loss toMr. Bickcrton, that he has beencompelled to destroy him. TheJudge deserves the thanks of theentire community for, in as far as inhim lay, endeavoring to stamp outthis 'dread ' disease, although at agreat pecuniary loss to himself.

" The following at o the symptomsas they appeared in Controller's,case. On Friday the 9th of Matcha blight running ut the nostrils wasnoticed.-)- In three or four davsulcers began to appear inside thenostrils. The disease spread rapidlythroughout the whole system for,shortly, nlcei s appeared on the legsand, in 21' hours after their appear-ance, burst and became open ulcers.The bronchial tubes and lungsnext,bccutno affected. There waba' great discharge of pus from thenostrils, accompanied by difficultyof bre'athing. The disease 'is rapid inits courbc and docs not seem toyield to any treatment. ' r

On Monday, the 2Cth, orders weregiven to destroy the horse and apost mortem examination was made,which showed that the ulcers extend-ed up the nostrils nearly to the braincavity, and, had perforated the sep-

tum of the nostrils ho that they weieconnected. They also extendeddown the bronchial tubes to thelungs.

The government ought to takesome steps to investigate the mutteraud eradicate the disease if possible,us i is apparently spreading.

Police court.C'ltlMIKAL CAIXKIUlt.

Thursday, March 29,C". Ilnyzcl, S. Blanc and M.

Brcgfone, drunks, forfeited 86 bdleach. Frank Davis, remanded fromthe 28th, disturbing quiet of night,nol proa. F. Davis, C. Olscu, C.Edbcrg, disturbing quiet of night,remanded to the UOtli, F. Davis,threatening life, rcmandt'd from the28th, to the 30th.

Shipping Notes.Yesterday the British S. S. Glcnelg

Cuptain J, Speedily, anived, 10

days from faogoBaki, having, leftHong Kong on 1st March, with175 Chinamen on board forVahcover. 'She'will stay heret twoor three days. C, Brewer &Co., arethe agents.

The Kuukai brought' 310 bags ofbugwv and 370 bugs of paddy.

Tho Moi brought 2538 bugs of

sugar.The steamer Suez, is ndvci Used to

leave San Francisco on April 1st.A repot t hits been received by the

au'thoi ittcsTronT'Woody Island, Ner-vcy- 's

Bay, that the Alfred Victory,Captain Boor, which arrived on Wed-nesday night, Jan. 31st, . repot tspicking up a boat containing a mannamed IJellays. lie says that he leftSan Francisco on the 12th Augustlast for Austt alia, and had been 102day out when picked up. He hadbeen nearly starved, having capsizedhis boat twice and lost nibst of hisprovisions watch, compass, &c.The boat was only 18ft-- long. Theman is an American, about 30 yearsof age. Melbourne Avstralasimi.


Tiinr.!'. cases of bayonets arrivedby the Chas. Hanson. Our army is

getting more and more formidableevery day.

Mr. II. J. Agncw's horse, Coqu-

ette, died from double pneumonia orlung fever about a week beforehe returned from the Coast.

Thk following ought to be in-

quired into by tho authorities. Wegive it simply as we have heard it."The escaped lunatic was beingtaken back to the asylum with hishands tied behind him, and in chargeof two keepers. When they gotbeyond the Reformatory School oneof them clenched his fibt and struckthe lunatic bcveral timcb behind thecar, and when remonstrated withsaid he didn't care for anybody.

.. -.

Yustekday morning, at about 10

6'olockJ when the Hermann' wasbeing unloaded off the old CustomHouse wharf, her gravel ballast wasshovelled into a heap on tho wharf.The weight was too much for thepld rotten timbers to bear and theygave way and sunk into the harbour,taking with them sonic 50 tons ofgravel and some bricks just beingunloaded from the' Irwin. About12 or 15 feet in length of the wholewharf is gone.

Ycstciday at 0 a. in., a little girland boy belonging, to a Hawaiiannamed Kapule weie playing in thoroad niauka of the GovernmentBuildings. They found a gun car-

tridge and were playing with it, ham-

mering it with a piece of wood, whenit exploded. The little girl freceivedsevere injuries to her lef eye andface and the little boy was injutedin the hand and leg. The wood wasblown to pieces.- - The childicu wereput under Dr. McGrcw's care.

A Country Bide.NuMiunt 1.

Probably many of our readershave never been down to Pearl River,aud a little description of the placewill be interesting to them.

Leaving Honolulu behind us withthe What Cheer House, on Kingstreet, we first come to Kalihi, hav-

ing passed over as good n road asthere is in the Kingdom. After Ka-

lihi, still travelling on fair road, wecome to bonie rice plantations a.

Kahauikij and then to the overhanging trees at Moanalua. From thispoint the road is in a much worsecondition than the Jirst part.

Leaving Moanalua the road nowpa&ses aloug the side of a high flat-topp-

hill, and just overhangs anarrow gorge, thiough which apebbly mountain sticam tricklesslowly over its pearly bed. Littlegroves of cocoanuts and bread-fru- it

encircle the houses and break themonotonous aspect of the hill-sid-

But although all is beautiful thotimid passenger does not enjoy hishoisc literally clambering up a steeprock right in the pathway, knowingthat if he (dips or swerves too muchto one side both will be dashed inpieces on tho rocks bclpw. But na-

tive horses are exticmcry sure-foote- d

and everything is safely passed.1

After a mile or so of this winding inand out uround the side of tho hillw o coujc to a spot wjicrc tin originalgenius has made a road. He evi-

dently had hpard or thought thatpaving a load wjth rock was a goodway (o make it last, and he did so.Unfortunately his knowledge didn'tvtcid to Uiv fact-- tmt the rocks

ought to be levelled and placed closetogether, so that for a few hundredyards you travel over whntisi cobble-

stone pavement would be -- if thecobblestones.. , weie from C to 18

inches acros1!, with knobs rising inUic'nicaiid carefully set from one?

to three inches apatt. As an inter-

esting piece of mosaic or an ever-

lasting monument of tlie contriver'sgenius tho thing is an unapproach-able success, but as a good passableroad for ttalllc tho less said about,it the better.

After getting over this " ancientRoman pavement" wo icaeh thecicsl of the hill, and looking downsec for the first time the beauties ofthe Peat 1 River valley. Far to ourright the valley stretches up amongstthe ancient purple hills, levelling intheir beauteous nppnrcl of peacpekgreens and morning blues. Thomisty peaks seem enshrouded invails of tiansparcnt azure samite,which the lays of the sun tinges withall the hues known to painter or

'poet." Fair Dreamland " seems to have

its home here, in reality, and wc canhardly credit that this is not avision. Slowly drawing our eyes awayfrom) this feastfof'beauty and loveli-

ness wc scan the course of thevalley, noting tho eccentric shapesof the foot-hil-ls and the lovely car-

pet of grass which hides everything,even tho beds of the winter watercourses. Here and there, where therain has washed ,off this grassycovering and blipped it gently downinto a hollow bed, the naked red ofthe earth stands out in surprisingrelief like gouts of blood on a gar-ment of giceiu

Right' before us the toad winds itself to the tight and left, showing, inall its ferruginous aud dusty ochre, aclear bolder to the heavenly moun-tains, till itcrosses tho little bridgeat Halawa, and rising over a little hilldisappears from sight.

(To he Continued.)


This Day, Friday,March 30th. at 10 o'clock a. ni., at Sales

Room, will be held '

Regular Cash SaleOf Superior '

Xtcndy-Mtul- e Clothing:,Dry Goods, lTosiciv,Undetwear, Cases Kerosene Oil,Lumps, &c., &c.

AI.-- 0 X

SACKS OF NO. 1 SUGAK,Potatoes and Apples,Single iiiul Double Rainess,

One New nirbank's Platform Scales.ALSO

One Light Open Brewster Buggy, new,INew Gcnf Wujrnti,

1 Light Open Express Wagon, new., Lyons & Lijvky, Auctioned s.

Notice to C'oiiHigiieeH.. CONSIGNEES lv the

s s" " G,t!Ilelg,,, Captain2HBe Speedily, are requested to

piescnl'thoirBillsof Lading, pay freightand receive orders for their goods at once

i..., . i "r.". "., 7.r' .wk xi Agems ior tnu utenct g.


Waikiki PropertyFor Sale.

THE LOT OF LAND, withtill thu iiupiovcmrnts thurcon,owned by the late Chief Just- -

ice Harris, now occupied by Mr. J. S.Walker, Is now offered FOR SALE.

This pioperty is one of the most valu-able ut Wuikiki; all the houses beingin good repair; a tine grove, of cocoanuttree-- , in tho enclosure; the best locationfor bathing on tho beach; and can be soarranged with ltttlo expense to jnafcgtwo complete establishments.

Easy terms pan bo.itrrnngoiMor pay.incut. Foi fin liter particulate upply to302 21 P. O.JONES, .la.


"WOMEN, lor IIoumi vi ink nml forMinding Childitn. Apply tit

llo'Jlu No. :J School street.


J--, Apply at

U.VJ tw Titu Bitij,i:n.v Ofi'ici:.

Notice.THE uuderiilgned has sold the Oil

lit.inch ofhis business toMessrs. M. AY". McChesney &Son, No. A'iQueen htrcet.

Thanking tho public for past liberalputionugo, I would icmicdt for my suc-cessors a continuance of thu Mime.

M. DAVIS.Match lidth, 188!). !I01 lm

Notice.ri"UlE .uudci signed have piucltasedX ft oin M. Davis his Oil L'lotliiiif.'JJusincss,. and sollcll. ir Vonlimuuioo f

thu generous puttonnjro iCLehed by ourpieueccssor,

M, "W.' McCHEHNEY & SON", ,

; ' No. 43 Queen street..HoiioulultiU"li,S8,,J3f' '", 901,1m,


BULLETIN OF NEW GOODS!Howc'n Standard Seal ox, endorsed by tho United States

GoVcrnmcnt. Scales for all purposes. DormantAVtu chouse Scales, &c, &c.

A new and ctrcfully selected assoitmcnt ofCJiitiivlcllcrH, Lump, and tiantoi'iil-t- .

Carriage Lamps of most nppiocd American patterns.

Plows and Agricultural Impl'entsThe Inrgcst atiely to be found

on tlic iMand.GLOBULAlt & STHEET.LAMPS,


"WHITE LEAD & PAINTS.Something for Everybody a new discovery,

, The Magncso-Calcit- e Fire Proof Safes,Jewel Cases and Bond Cases.

Ath test of the flic proof qualities o'f the Magneso-Calcitc- , held on the sand-lo- tnenr the City jllall, S.iu Franpisco, Nov. 27llf, a pile of about a cofd of plfch'plnewood was ptcp.tred, and ilvc gallons t)f tar poured oycrjt. Actual! iron chest, witha i inch lining of Magncso-calctt- e was placed in tho centre of the jiile nnd themass set lire to. After the chest hud been kept nt a red heat for an hour, it wastaken from tho Arc, cooled with water, and opened, and thu contents, conulsting ofpapers and circulars, weie found in a perfect state of preservation, being not at nildiscolored, only slightly warm, aud h'tvlng a ttllllng smell of smoke.

We, the undersigned, wore present at the tibovu test, nnd saw the box opened,nudiwo certify to thu peifceli preservation of its contents. The entire test wns per.fectly satisfactory to II. L. Donou, (of Dodge, Sweeney & Co.); C. II, Latok,and others. '

A public test of tho quality of these goods will be made at an early date. '

Reciprocity Relations Ratliei' RevivifyingBetween the Hawaiian Islands nnd the United States, and

between the Hawaiian Islands and

.T. E3..VIEJWCl.TV, .. '

Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and Greneral' "

Business Agent,Office, 87 Merchant stieet, Hawaiian Gazette Block.

The only recognized Real Estate Broker in the Kingdom.Laud and property forsalc in all patts of Honolulu and the various Islands. ,Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu nnd suburbs. ' ' '"Rooms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu. fl


25 per cent Cheaper, at . ,.

PALMEE .& THACHER'S, ;New Drug-- Store,


Hr J. AGNEWBegs tfo inform his friends and the public Generally, that



Constant Supply of Hay, Oats, Brail, &C.,1

Oi; tlio Veryt

AVhichiho will olVer for sale( i"

From the I st of next month.All ordcis will meet with prompt' attention, and will be filled with dispatch. 349


NEW STORES!Central Location !

is called to the LOTATTENTION II. Mclntyro's pre4miscs, on King street, nnd this side ofstores on the corner of Alakca and Kingstreets, now boing erected by Her Ma-

jesty the Queen. , .Responsible piu'iics who wish to sec

designs etc., and who desire to suggestabout the erection of stores, number offeet reiptiied, etc., enri'do'so by apply-ing ntonco to the undersigned.

' GEO. W. LINCOLN,Contractor and Builder, 1)0 King street,

, 'or,J,E. WISEMAN,,Gcnctal Business Agent, 27 Met chant st.

EST Leases granted for 5 or 10 years.3C12w

0-a.k- : wood,i $8 per Load, j , .

Bear of Laino's Teed Warehouse.Apply to

EDWARD RYAN,U5D lw ut Boat Shop.


MR A. HERBERT having receivedsome cholco varieties of

Vines from California,is now able to supply 'them in iiunntltlcsto suit to thoso who would wish to trythe experiment. 'If any tiro doubtful ofthe success of It they should go out andsec his Ranch at Kalihi.Ity tf Address 1'. O, Box 44

l'utciit Notice.HPIIE undersigned give notice thatX they have obtained a Patent for tin

Improved furnace for the Consumptionof U recti Trash, directly from the mill,nnd other wet fuel, by menus of intro-ducing a curtcnt of hot air into the tttr-mic-

thiough1 hot-ai- r Humes.This I'atent is bnsulupoii a Caveat

filed In the Iuteilor Depaitment, Oct.ilUth; 1882, and is superior to all pateutsissiied after said date.

All persons aro warned againstthis Patent; suit m ill ho

brought against any peisoti so doing.Full particulars niiiy lie obtained of thuundersljfiietL or of r jUi Irwin? & Co ,Agents' rP, N, MAKEE,

G. HOSORAVE8W lm ' ti, HAlUUtWN. ' '

Jrr imrrwrf 3f -




Ucnt Qimliij-- ,

nt tho Lowc&t Possible Rnlcs,

TTTTT?' L " ,r" "' '


Cor. omirlinr'ilH nml llrrclnnin HtH.Office Honits 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 3

351 p.m.: Cc'ffl to 7:U0p.m 3n

JRITSON, ACCOUNTANT.,at G. H. Hobertson'n

ofllcc, Queen street. ' 334


.Portrait Painter.Orders can bo loft with J,W. Ron- -

300 ehtbon & Co. lm


Fenncll's Harness Shop, No. 02King street.

illlt Collected and Book AccountiAttended to. Orders respectfully solicit.ed and promptly attended to. 358 lm

Notice.THE undersigned iequcsts,all parties

to him to pay at tho shopon the Bay Horso premises, nt oneo, ashe intends leaving Honolulu shortly.iMat JAME3.HANLON.


Per City of Now York, from Sydriey,

Portmanteaus -,

And Valises IALL SIZES, '

At Astonishingly Low PricesAT

J. II. LYNOH'W, ' ' I

No. 88'Kiug street; '"

IS" Tito above ate mnmlfncturcrtfrom.the best Australian Leather. 383


now nnd1 In perfeet order, Apply to ' .x,lr830 bv , ,M. p, MomuauiuTi Surveyor,

. 1 '

s4iX " ' JU!.' , ot Tuif Vj' 'VkMr-

Page 3: Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even tho hideous groaning of the earth throe surpas- ... is the best advertising medium.



?&ki .

fS-- i



.TIT. u

- 4

ft-- SSf

It .







TELEPHONIC.J ".Dlinbnu'jHead, March CO, 0:U0 a.m.LlghrHastcrly Wind,

RS Sours ftTnnuowiikut and LottieMerrill, and hkkfie Amelia off port. -

' ' ARRIVALS.March 29

Urit,3(.S (jluuclg from Nagasaki Id.liktnc J A Fnlkjnburg ftom S. V.Solir Ka Mbi l'rom LatipahochoeSchr Mccfoo from Kuoluu

DEPARTURES '. March 29 ,,

.Schr Milp Morris for MolokniSchr Pntltihl ,foi Ooknhi

Gen Sieglc for KooluuSchr Catbrina for Haualci


Schr Hnlcaknla for PepcokcoSchi"M6i Koiki for MolokalSchr Ehukat'for WuhtllmStinrAVaimaualo for Wultnnnnlo

PASSENQhRS.From San Francisco, per Jano A.

Fnlkiubur,fMMcht29 Gnpt. C HSierncy, IlSictgen, J I) Taylor, Jno.A Branch.

VESSELS IN PORT.U.S.S. Wnchuisctt-i- , PcnrsonBr b.s. Glcuclg, SpeedilyShip Abcramnn, ChnpmariShip Otago,Am bk Amy TurnerBmk Ciilburlcn, HubbardIlk llcimann . i

Bark Kulaknua, MillerBk Lady Ltmp&bn', MaislonBnrk.Jubllco - -Bktne W H Dlmoiul, HoiullcltBklne J. A. Fnl ken burg, GoodmauTern Eva.Bgtnt! Win. Q. Irwin, TurnerSclir Pannonia, Diggings ' '

Bgtnc Morning StarSchrChas. Hanson, Spiague.

VESSELS EXPECTED.IHg Niitne J" From- - ji)uoStmr Australia? fm Sydney April 8Stmr Sue, Dodd, from S. F. April 8Stmr City of Sydney fm S. F. April 15

nisi) uuy oi xoKio, tin uongKong.H. I. R. M's Nayesdrick,II. I. R. M's Skobcleir 'II. I.G.M'sLcipsicGer 8 S Ehrenfcls, fm Bremen, Ap 15Bk Eleanor Vernon, fm N Y, MliLizzie Marshall, from Sound, ' ApriSBr ship Glcnbcrvie fm Lirerp'l, t MhAm bktne Elinor Vcrnc-V-f m N.Y. Mh 15"

Bk Janet Court, fm Lircrpool, MarchBk Kitsnn. fm Sound. Mh 15Bk C,R Bishop, sfrpn,Bremen, --P'sb 30,Gr bk Canopus fm Bremen, teu 7

Br ship Ambassador, fm Newcastle

HOTEL ST. MARKET.rpiIE undersigned ha ing mmiX. purchased thfeJIotel'SU BplMarket, takes pleasure in an " nnouncing that he will give the businessIlls peisouil attention, and hopes to sup.ply,the 'want's of thcpubllcof Hoiiblulu,in a satisfactory manner.

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,And other kinds of neat, for the table.

alwuys on Jiaud;- -

j, ' , ... tPrompt Delivery Made.Orderx tnUcn by Telephone.'

By the return, of the Suez I, will be inirc,( dipt 'Of', duoVdf-th- e best. and newest-patente-

&aiiha(C jMtKsliiuoH,uridwIH'tlien bcsprcparcd to furnish the

BEST HOMEMADE SAUSAGES.tgfN.B. Xo Chinese poik used.

D. K. FYFE, ProprietorTelephone No. 2iS0. s 337 ly

,i,M' 'TH33' f ' -- "'

Old City Market!No. 103 Nuunnu Strccl,


G. J. )Vallcr, Proprietor.

Telephone No. 289.

Always on hand and for sale

Prime Beef, Mutton, Veal,, Lamb, &c, &c. '

Orders reecWcd by telephone, or other,wise, up to 8 o'clock every evening.

Delivery carts will in future run to allpuU oUhoclty,and suburbs.347 Glo. Cavanaoh, Manager.

AV.1I. cCAXDLE8H,No. 0 Queen Street??. . :? .'. iFlsh Market,

Dealer in choicestDeer. Veal, Mutton, Hull, At., Ac.

Family arid Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live siock furnished tovessels at shmt notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplled'to order. 340 ly


02 idjoiniiic the Dllllngliam pie.mises, a bran .now COITAti

iinver.w... icd. A little goni'of aplace. Just the spot lor a cosy no no.

Terms reasonable. Possession Immcdiately. App'ytop DILLINGIXM.

a Home." '


unictl hyUbarlcs r.Dllllbrfhttm and family, on piinaliou bt'adjoining Dr. Whitney s mid . V,

For salubrity of cllmatouuif of location, the place Is.nisurnassed. Dodd's busses junto the"..V. .....i... 1AII..W.. (.. ni.u.aatainiuucofur, wunu vu""i, "-.-

and agreeable eJhboM make UiU avery rare chance. Further Informal! oilimd keys, furulslied by

Paoiflc Mail Steamship Coi


City of Tokio,C07I) tons,

JiMahrny, (Jpmmnndcr,Will will for SatiFrnncVecoln"

The lScfplnuinpr of May.Vafcscngeis will phase call ill oflloc of

H. llACkKKt.u fc Co., Agent.


slilp Company.FOR SAN FRANCISCO,

The Splendid SteamshipAustralia,

Uarglll, Uoimiiiiniltr,"Will leuvo Honolulu tor San Francisco

on or about Api 11 8.

FOR SYDNEY via .AUCKLANDTHc Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,.

Dcaiborn - Commander,''On or about April 15.

For freight or passage apply to theundersigned agents,

"We are now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Round Trip.

Jl. jlAUhtAiiii tv vu.


The Al British clipper ship

Aberamann,Chapman, - - - Captain,

Will hae quick dispatch for the abovepoit. "For freight or passage apply to

G-- MicrAiivxn .1 Co. Agents.



The line clipper bgtnc

W. G. Irwin,Tinner, - master,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovepoit. JFor freight or passage apply to

Wm. G. Inwis & Co., Agents.


aHsasfer The clipper baikLady Lampson,

Marslon, ... Master.Will nac quick dispatch for the aboc

(portt For fieightgor, parage apply toC. BRkwr.K fc Co., Agents.


The favorite b.nkKalakaua,

Miller, .... master,Wjll-hav- e quick dispatch foitlu- - aboveport."- - For ffclglit or passage apply to

F. A. Scn'" Co., Agents.


T--TIic clipper bark

, Caibarien,Hubbard, - - - Master,

Will have (ulck dispatch for atari c port.Forif rcight or passage apply,to

I'asili: S. Cookk, Agents


The clipper bktneW. H. Dimond,

t Houdlett, . f . -i , Masler,Will lune quick dlspatcli for, the aboveport. J; or lieigut oi parage apply to

Wm. G. Iuwin & Co., Agents.


G&ES2&S&' The dinner bktner

Jane A Falkinburg,Goodman ... Master,

Will have quick dispatch for above port.For freight or passage apply to , '

G'Astlk &. Cookk, Agents.



The Bark Martha DavisWill sail fiom Boston on or about the1st of June. Oulcrs tilled piomptly,and freight taken al the lowest rates.

Apply to C BREWER & Co.810 Queen bt., Honolulu.


Sehooner Ehukaiwill runicgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning ou Thursday, weather

permitting, ."For freight or passage apply to the

Ciiptuin on board, orto181 A. J?. Cookk, Agent.

A. FRANK COOKE,Office, comer Nuuuuuaud Queen streets,

Honolulu, H. I.,Agent for the following Packets:Wailelc, jSJ, Wnioll,WuioHu, Tiy "Waiinalu.Maioio, &mmkQ iMimiu,Manu, m3Kt& Julia,

lui Jtoi, and Ehukai.

Bed Flag, with White Ball.181 , - -


AoHto Btoi PwHIWCli

For covering Bolluis andHcum Pipes,

A Fresh Lot. Just Rcceivtd,

Ami for Sale in lots to suit by

W lni Theo. H, Uaviv C.

Oceanio Steamship Oomp'y.THE A 1

IronSteamerSuez,DODO, CO.MMANDF.n

Will leave Honolulu


For freight or pniwute, having superioraccomodations, npp ly to124 Wm. G. IuwiK &. Co., Agents.

Steam Navigation Company'sLIXK OF STJKAMEltS.

The Iwalani,batj.s, .... Coiniuandcr,

Runs rcBulnily to Kona and Kau, asper following tiiuo table:

Li:avj:s Honolulu at 4 r.xr. oxTue-da- y, Jan l Tuesday, Feb 20Frid.iv, Jan 1!) Friday, March 2Tuesday. Jan 80 Tue-da- y, March 18Friday, Feb 0

' Friday, March 23

Aitmvi:s at Honolulu:Wednesday, Ja 17 Wednesday, Fc 23

"Satmdajv Ja 27 Saturday, Ma 10Wednesday, Fe 7 Wednesday, Ma 21Saturday. Fe 17 Saturday, Ma 31

The O. R. Bishop,cameron, - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat 5 p.m., for Naw iliwili, Koloa, Elccle,and Walinca, Kauai. Rutin nln, leavesNawiliwili every Friday oening.

The James Makee,mcdoxalu, - - - Commander,

Leaves Honoluluevciv Thursday, at 5 p.m. fnrKapaa andKilaue.1. Returning leaves K.ipaaevery Tuesday evening.

Steamer Likelike,Kins, - Master.

Leaves. Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.iu., touching at Lnhaina, Mua-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Malnikona,Laupahoehoe and Hilo.

RetHrning, will touch at all tilealovc ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1


The clipper .schooner

Jennie "Walker,UndcnNood, - Master,

Will run rcimlnrly between Honoluluand Hilo. For freight or p issage applyto tli? Captain, onboard, or i, fi

321 3m A. F. Cooki:. Agent.

" Variety the Silce ofLife."


" ' ' We have on hand ' l 'Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.

, , , ,, fc--, OK

Clear and Pure Sperm' OilTaken by the " Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mary & Helen," which will be


Oastlis & Cooke.:!.--


2- - iiiii2"ia.1

ET. (

II j"iij.-- i ij uK iSiiiiaWu&k&iBl

Package Express.Olllec, No. 07 Hotel street.

All kinds of Baggage and ParcelsIn all parW of the city with dis-

patch. Having a . , , .

dump cAurr '" "

I am prepared to haul SAND and othermaterial, and make or repair foot-

paths, cither by load, day, orcontract.

Stand at Rumsny'i, Store, Hotel sheet.W. T. MacDonamj, j Proprietor.

8r0 Office lioum G a.m. to 0 p.m...

NOTICE. 1 beg to notify my manyfriends and customers that

. E.A. BROKAWHas charge of my

DMYAGE BUSINESS;,And that ho will be pleased to accom-moiat- e

them, in Unit lnu with

The Best Teams on the Beach I

ESTRlug up Telephone No. 0j

When you want team-.- , or leave oulcrsat tho office nu Queen street, betweenWildei's mid Tub Daily IJuw.KriK Of-II-I

c. Don't forget the number in.'85a U. II, ItOUEUTaGN.

A larsie Browii MARK,heay with fail; noltmintl! I nit litu rliYkt.'"V.."'..'.".c&s. 'vrv;M '

by Jeoving information of hor wheie-aliou- ts

with Dillingham &'Co.. ur w ith








Ladies' and, Gent's

Gold and Silver Watches No

Actual weightJ Ju"st to hand.


Every Watch warranted ns GroMWgtv represented. r

MlllMlllilil JMVS.X UI.MWTAIUtr.

Fqc-simll- c ot bilvcr CabC3. , (215)

of ImsinesH.i

vi t

. &



s SEft

CD3E Htcii

OOMelnerny,, .

; cut for this KingdomN. B. Beware of imita-- .

ti6ns, ns I have ,dlsc6vcrcdjscvcinl silver watches bear-ing nntnc of u WalthamVutchc8," arc of Swiss

Manufacture, arc Soldgenuine Waltham watches.


Gold1 Cases



Have to

No. 68 FORT STREETNearly opposite their former place



" J -

i 4

lttiportei"- - al ieaIerN in

Pianos, Organs, Harinoniums, Coiicortiuas,Banjos, Violins, Flutes, WrunVs," Brasfi BaiulP1

liiHtrumcntK, and Strings for allstring iusti'iuneiits.

Having puicha-e- d the entile luleie-.- t Mi. (ico. F.Wells, this Kingdom,we shall continue to keep coii'-taiitl- y nu hand a lull oVe lathing thnt

did; and a shall adding to our by ceiy at rival from the UnitedState-- , and Euiopc, you i .in .ilwajs --omahug,new;)iid beautiful the FanryGoods and Fumitiiic Dep.irtUK.ut..

.JiiHt lc'civl l'rom .Iup:iii,

3000 Fans& other beautiful tTar)aneso 1

Ulialrs, ju-,- leech ul pei Am. Tuin(r,"or'llieat'cbt"Blylerf,f i tJIJ to fc() per docu.



Comer of


whichand as

of in

he we be -- tori:in




.'. lluSU. i to hiiQ Jzstl


' t ill 4


Merchant Streets, - I x


75to tli'o



Foil uud






Liborjil diseomit: 'fci'ftcle'U


Beg to notify their fiicudrf'nud the geueial public that

Au'eutire new stock of Clothing--, -- Mm tsibtiiGout's Furnishing, ITais, Gaps,

Boots, ShooBj Trunks, Bags, .Valisosi,0il ! Hasjiorrhed by stcame, Sue.

JAll the liHtont XovtltleH will arrive by every Htemneri'"1'

Rememlwr, the pi Ico Is plainly maikedon each article, from which Ihcre is. uo ileviutlon. To prchaseiti to the amount of f rj, or over, U per

cent diticount. (No book accounts kejit.)

Wtoro open from O n.m'.'to 8 Hatu-cluycvonliiif- till XoS. W, LEDERER, Manager. (2) J.'i.'r08ENIERG'

857 1V B, F. PJLWNMUAMf . .( I

4 .... "& i j 4fct ' 4 - j -




Page 4: Wf $2 THE DAILY - University of Hawaii · to us tho roar of tho typhoon, the crach of thunder, even tho hideous groaning of the earth throe surpas- ... is the best advertising medium.



Per brig Wm, G. Irwin, via San Fr,an.,

41 CASESOf Genuine, Choice,

Manila Cigars!Special Kates made to parties buying


. M. 8. Grinlmnm St Co.851 lm.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Hart Bros., : : Proprietors.

MEALSServed up in first-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Gigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c, Ac. Also,

Iced. Drinks!f 75

S. M. CARTER & notify their'friends nnd the

general public of Honolulu, thatthey have


Retail Dealers in Wood,Coal and Feed.

They v 111 also cany on the

General Drayage Businessas hcretofoic.

Orders respectfully solicited.Promptness guaranteed.

Place of Business 82 King street.TEnMS STRICTLY CASH. 310

Telephone No. 30."i.

SMOKERSWho wish to indulge in " A sweet whiff

of the balmy weed Nicotian," willdo well to call at the

BEAVER SALOONwhere they Rill tflnd the

Choicest Smoking and ChewingTobaccos, Cigars, &c

pumarieoas 1GakciasCommercial Y Havana CigarsOhehon I

Yacht Club J

Vanity Fair Cigarettes,Meerschaum Pipes, &c, &c.

9Come and be welcomed byR J. NOLTE

, ? 1 U If yox want to see the

Largest Stock of LeatherIn the Kingdom,

.o to 42 Hueen Street.

If jou to see

The Best Quality of Leather' ' In the Kingdom,

' Uo to 4 queen Mtrcet.

If you Viautto

Buy Leather at the Lowest' ' 'Prices in the Kingdom,

iio to 4 queen Mtreet

, . ., If you v. ant to Buy the

Best Quality of GroceriesIn the Kingdom,

Uo to 4 queen Street.

If you want

More for your Moneythan you can buy elsewhere in

the Kingdom,

Go to 42 Queen St,M. W. McCHESlfosY & SON.

, !W0 tf

Juut ArrivedBy the stmr City of New York,


IitidicH' St tientlcmcnV

SADDLES!Embroidered and plain seats.

Bridles in Russet & Blk leatherRiding Whips and Harness,

The flnesl over Imported into these Is.lands; also,

Solid, Leather Portmanteaus,Carpel Bags, Pouches, and

Russet Leather Middle Rugs,

-fl-M-T AT

A ' " f ' a. if.'800 No.88KiugfclieU

GJ WEST,Carriage Builder.

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons

nnd everj' kind of vehicles


Blnck8mithing, horse-shoein- g,

nnd nil kinds o--f repairing done.



P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.


A Large AssortmentOF 1HB



Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!Just received, and for sale by


Bg, Call and examine. 147


r CM3 is , MS

cm . m1 WAN PAPFR 1

lltak. Rgy


Ceiling Decoration


United States Factories.1 fM



LEWEBS & C00KE. fal


Simple Belting,Helvetia Laces,

Tuck Packing,Sugar Cooler1!,

Clarificrs, tFire Clay, '

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Motal,Barbed Fence "Wire,

Mining SteelslIoe, .Pickaxes,

Cane Knic, with oi w itliout hooks,Hundaud Smith Ilammcis,

Sho eli, Aes," J.h ksci ews, Vices,

Steam pipe Biufches,

Patent Stcam.pipo Cociing,Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails,Sugar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

Foi bale by ,

H. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. lfllh g" v

FOR SALE, a No. 2 f V

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds fioui Q to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodordcrj can be urn. by steam or horsepower, just the article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Bailey, Whole and

Giouud, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

50 LAINE Co., 34 Fort st.

Water Notice.Ojlicu Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July il, 1882.

ALL persons having Water Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

mo paynblo semi-annuall- In advance,at thu oillco of ll'o Supuintcndcut ofWater Works, foot of Nuuauu stiett,upon tho 1st clay of January and July ofeach year. CIIAB. U.WILSON,

Sup'J. Wajer Works,S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 204

A. New JEait olColonial Candies

J iibl Received ut

345 A. N. Clegkora St C'., (JSJf'Whito open, frpnt hirts, at

Chus, J. Fishcl'a Leading 'Millinery"t',aH ,4P4 " 'Uuubo,

A. S. CLEGHORN & Co.Have received a large assortment of

Boots & Shoesto suit all classes of purchasers, 181


FROM A MONSTER SPERM Whale14(1 barrels, caught by the

Bark " Louisa,"



and Nicely Btraincd.

Polar ami Whalo OilConstantly on lmnd, and for sale by

345 Sin A. TV. PKIRtJK A. Co.

Sperm and WhaleOil!

JUST TO HAND, a quantity of Spermfrom the Whaling barks

" Abram Barker" and " Orca."


Wan anted pure. AUo,

A few casks of Whale Oil

all of tine quality, and

FKliliS --l.OM FOOTS,

For bale In quantities desired by

!!0i 5' '

BOUEN A Co.' " 'f r ' .'

Honolulu, March 9, 1883. U4i

t' ht us t

fc., r -- 1 1 1 - i

This Space is Reserved



1 LI loi't Street,

201 ly Opposltu Pantheon Stables

Just Received, those Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most biiitablc! hats for this

climate, Forpuleby-- 75 ' A. H. fJlvKhoitt St Co.


To Arrive per barkenllne Discovery.

FIRE PROOF SAFESHaving been appointed Agent for the

Hawaiian Islnmls for

Hall's Safe and Lock Co.1 am now prepared to tako orders forFire Proof, Fire and Burglar Proof,Jewelers, Dwelling House, and Side-Boar- d

Safes, Jewelry or Plato Chests,Vault Fionts, Victor and Novelty BankLocks, &c . &c.

Mr. R. T. Polk, General Agent forHall's Safe and Lock Co., at presentstaying hero on his way to Australia,will gladly furnish any information re,gnrdlng the above Safes, &c.

SAMUEL AOTT,230 ly Beaver Block.


Made from the purest materials,It the best

drink en (he Islands I

" It will thoroughly refresh the jadedmind and wearied

J. fihcr, 13 llllha Street;.t3F Town orders may bo left at Mrs.

Wclk's, King street. g03

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Stationers; ami 3N"e-w- s XealexN9

Havo Just Received, ex Suez, ,


Base Balls and BatsNow Is the lime to subscribe for Newspapers and Periodicals for 1883.


E3TA11 oiders will be filled promptly. Jgj233 Gazette Block, No. 25 Merchant Street, 3m

3, 4:, 6,

12 ButtonWarranted






riEORGE LUCAS,v-- contractor ammtst.

and Bnlldcr,Honolulu' Steam Pinning Mills, Espla

nade. Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and nil kinds of Wood-work.flnls- h.

Turning, Scioll nnd BandSawing. All kinds of San lug and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-

lands solicited

8 and

Gloves, (

iff- ir '

G ' I' '1

to Wear, at



Book-Binder-s,iM i'

'!! rMUSIC!

Established 1850,


Importing and Manufacturing Stationers:PUBLISHERS, - . c



Nos. 19 and 21 Merchant street,

The Oldest, Largest, and CheapestStationery Establishment in tho Kingdom.

Keep constantly on hand a large assortment ofBlank Books, of all descriptions;

Foolscap, Legal and Bill Cap,Journal and Trial Balance Papers,

Linen Paper and Envelopes, all sizes; , i

Writing and Copying Inks, in quartB, pints and cones.Mucilage in all sizes, especially adapted to this climate; .

Drawing Paper and Pencils, , , "'yTiacing Paper and Cloth,Transit Books, Field and Level Books.'adaptcd for the use

of Suivcyors uml EngluicrsMemorandum and Pass Books, 1 h " , i UtfJSilver and Perforated Card Boaid,

Shipping Tags, Shipping Receipt Books and Pads,Note, Draft, and Receipt Books,

And numerous otfier articles i our line to be found in a well kept stock

MUSIC!We have made such arrangements with our Music Agents, as will enable us '

horcaftcr to keen on hand a full assortment, and also to receive the latest pieces asthey arc published. Any special order will lcccivo our best and prompt atten-tion. 183 '

MAX ECKART,Watchmaker and Manufacture

ing Jeweler,Nos. 113 and 115 Fort Street, ; j Honolulu,

Splendid New Stock of Solid Gold and Plated JewliirffEleuant Gold and Silver Wutchee,


Bllvcr.Platcd'Wn'fe, &c, &H,j8B

?., W.BOBERTSON & Co's

Subscription DepartmentWE ar.1"t,,)l',r,ed l? rMClVV further ordcr8 for a,,y Paper or Magazine P""8UT California, tho EuMern States, Canada, imd Europe.uhAl we'rceuivpibv oi cry mail over onS hundred and fiftyPapers and Magazines, published In the English, French, 'Scandinavian Languages. , ',,',,,"Ah OUT HIllmPrlllHnil 1U It. Imnn nn n.n ...... 1.1. ..1 ... r ...MiguAMaTowto,



"".' '";"'" ' ''"iwS


. Jt 'iiSS