
On April 16, 2011, students from Westside High School Engineering and Geosciences Academy participated in Day One of the Shell Eco-marathon. The Shell Eco-marathon challenges high school and college student teams from around the world to design, build and test energy efficient vehicles. With annual events in the Americas, Europe and Asia, the winners are the teams that go the farthest distance using the least amount of energy. This year, more than 700 student participants and nearly 10,000 spectators enjoyed Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 in Houston, Texas. The Westside team passed their technical and safety inspections that morning and ran their first laps in the afternoon. The team was super excited to finish their 10 laps (6 miles total). Later that same afternoon, as they pushed their car to the start line for their second run, they experienced mechanical issues when their front left axle broke. Instead of packing it in for the day, they scrambled around and found replacement parts and made the necessary repairs in time to make their second trip around the track. In their second run, they actually increased their fuel efficiency by 10 percent, finishing with around 122 mpg. Granted, that was slightly behind the eventual winner (at 2564.8 mpg), but the kids could not have been happier. (Cont...) Westside High School Engineering and Geosciences Academy Revs up for the Shell Eco-marathon Summer 2011 Westside High School student Amy McDonnel on the track at Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 Westside High School Team Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011 Phil Barker and Randall Zeringue

Transcript of WestsideHighSchoolEngineeringand...

Page 1: WestsideHighSchoolEngineeringand ...splc-r.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/2011_Summer_Go_Devil.594524.pdfmoment to make sure we do not leave safety up to chance. Great job, Lee Ann!

On April 16, 2011, students from Westside High School Engineering andGeosciencesAcademy participated in Day One of the Shell Eco-marathon. TheShell Eco-marathon challenges high school and college student teams fromaround the world to design, build and test energy efficient vehicles. With annualevents in the Americas, Europe andAsia, the winners are the teams that go thefarthest distance using the least amount of energy. This year, more than 700student participants and nearly 10,000 spectators enjoyed Shell Eco-marathonAmericas 2011 in Houston, Texas.

The Westside team passed their technical and safety inspections that morningand ran their first laps in the afternoon. The team was super excited to finishtheir 10 laps (6 miles total). Later that same afternoon, as they pushed their carto the start line for their second run, they experienced mechanical issues whentheir front left axle broke. Instead of packing it in for the day, they scrambledaround and found replacement parts and made the necessary repairs in timeto make their second trip around the track. In their second run, they actuallyincreased their fuel efficiency by 10 percent, finishing with around 122 mpg.Granted, that was slightly behind the eventual winner (at 2564.8 mpg), butthe kids could not have been happier. (Cont...)

Westside High School Engineering andGeosciences Academy Revs up forthe Shell Eco-marathon

Summer 2011

Westside High School studentAmy McDonnel on the track at

Shell Eco-marathon Americas 2011

Westside High School TeamShell Eco-marathon Americas 2011

Phil Barker and Randall Zeringue

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While several of the competing schools had tens of thousands of dollars invested in their cars, theWestside team spent a whopping $1,200.00 on their car, ending up the only Houston area high school tocompete in the competition and the lightest car in the nearly 70 car field. Note, there was an 811 sticker onboth sides of the car. Not quite the same publicity as NASCAR, but every little bit counts! Thanks to all ofyou for supporting the kids at Westside. They are already talking about next year’s competition.~ Gerald W. Yandell, Facilities Manager East US

Link for more information: http://www.shell.com/home/content/ecomarathon/social_media_hub/

Volunteers: David Brignac, Tina Brignac,Gweneyette Broussard,

Janie Morales, Greg Smith

Pictured from left to right: Aaron Allen, Tim Stanley, Jacob Stanley Spear,Brent Byrd, Wylie Stice, David Janwich, Rob Fleming, Brian Hicks, Kyler Hicks,Rickey Hicks, Eric Book, and David Schion

. . . continued from the cover

Port Arthur Mud Runners

Table of Contents:

�Shell Eco-marathon...........cover

�Port Arthur Mud Runners..........2

�National 811 Day........ ..............3

�2011 S&D Safety Slogan..........4

�VFD Crawfish Cook Off............4

�Mini-Grant to MooreElementary...............................5

�Max Charter School Race........5

�2011 Admin Meeting.................5

�2011 Graduates........................6

�Volunteer of the Year................7

�2011 Hyper Pod Meeting..........7

�Getting to KnowAdam Daniels...........................8

�PHMSA New CRM....................9

�Volunteer Day at the Farm......10


�Service Anniversaries.........backcover

On Saturday, April 30, 2011, a group of Shell employees known as the“Port Arthur Mud Runners” participated in a 3.5 mile run through themud that included over 20 obstacles. The event was held in Orange,Texas and benefited St. Jude’s Hospital and local high school safegraduation celebrations. Participating in the event were employeesfrom SPLC’s Port Arthur Products Station, Houston Control Center,

Houston Scheduling Group and Motiva Port Arthur Refinery.


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Shell Pipeline Company LP is a responsible corporate citizen that positively contributes to the well being ofits stakeholders…but damage prevention is a shared responsibility. National 811 Day on August 11, 2011,will remind the country to call 811 before digging through heightened public awareness of pipelineoperations and safety measures.

We hope you will join us in recognizing this day that honors the integrity of Shell’s pipeline transportationsystem. To do your part, please remind internal and external stakeholders to follow these key steps prior toany excavation activities:

�Call 811 or your local One-Call System before you dig�Wait for the site to be marked – Generally 48 to 72 hours, depending upon state requirements�Respect the marks – flags, paint or other markers�Dig with care

To become more involved in Shell’s National 811 Day efforts, please contact your local Public AwarenessAdministrator. Remember: Our Community. Our Safety. Call 811 Before Digging!

TTaallkkiinngg PPooiinnttss ffoorr NNaattiioonnaall 88//1111 DDaayyHelp educate internal and external audiences about 811 and it’s role in protecting the safety of workers, customers and entire communities with the following talking points:

Key messages:�Every digging project requires a call to 811.�Calling 811 a few days prior to digging notifies utility companies of the intent to dig and gives representatives time to mark the appropriate lines.

�August 11 is 8/11 on the calendar, a natural reminder for people to call 811.

HHooww 881111 wwoorrkkss::�811 can be called from anywhere in the country.�A representative from your local one call center will answer the call to find out the location and description of the digging site.

�The affected utility companies will be notified of the intent to dig.�The utility companies will send a professional locator to the digging site to identify and mark the approximate location of the underground lines.

�Once lines have been marked, you should respect the marks and dig carefully around them.

TTyyppeess ooff pprroojjeeccttss::�Lines need to be marked for each separate project, such as installing a rural mailbox, putting up a fence,planting trees or building a deck.

�Call a few days prior to digging to allow time for professional locators to markthe utility lines.

�Even if you have hired a contractor, make sure the contractor calls 811 tohave lines marked.

CCoonnsseeqquueenncceess::�There are more than 170,000 unintentional hits of underground lines annually across the country, and one out of every three of those incidents are the result of not calling 811.

�Hitting an underground utility line while digging can cause serious injuries, disrupt service to entire neighborhoods, and potentially result infines and repair costs.

National 811 Day is 365 Days a Year


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By overwhelming majority, I am happy to announce that Lee Ann Miller, Terminal Operator, Bare PointTerminal in British Columbia, Canada, is the 2011 S&D Safety Slogan winner. Her submission - “Safe by Choice, Not by Accident!” - helps emphasize that acts of safety are made by a conscious decision. Simply put, we have to think about how to be safe and plan accordingly. Certainly, safetyshould not be something that we achieve through chance. As an example, when we choose not to textwhile driving, we are greatly increasing our odds of having a safe journey. When we use the Permitto Work system properly, we are greatly increasing the odds of accomplishing a work task safely.These are examples of how we think before we act. This year’s slogan should help us all pause for amoment to make sure we do not leave safety up to chance. Great job, Lee Ann!

“Safe by Choice, Not by Accident!”

•The Road to Safety has no shortcuts. ~ Robert Smith•A risk identified is an accident denied. ~ Robert Smith•Think Safety…Live Safely. ~ Debbie Bourgeois•Life is about choices - Making the safe choice is about life. ~ Janet Foreman•Safety: Plan it, discuss it, do it. ~ Scott Koetke•Think Safety. Act Safely. ~ Peyton Ross•The Key to Safety in Shell is You. ~ Eelco Jorritsma•Goal Zero - It’s in our DNA (Distribution North America). ~ Ken Tigchelaar •Safety and Goal Zero, Where zero is always a perfect score. ~ Joe McWhorter

Thanks to all for your participation. ~ Samuel Gonzales, North American S&D HSSE Manager

HHeerree aarree tthhee ootthheerrss iinn tthhee TToopp TTeenn wwhhoo ddeesseerrvvee hhoonnoorraabbllee mmeennttiioonn::

2011 VFD Crawfish Cook Off

The 2011 Buras VFD Crawfish Cook off was held on April 30, 2011. Shell has been a Platinum Sponsor for the cook off for over 10 years. This year, SPLC sponsored two teams and boiled

18 sacks of crawfish during the one-day event.

Team members (Left to Right): Matt Zuvich, Mike Zuvich, Bryan Bergeron, Todd Enloe, Owen Borne, Wayne Hanson, Micah Shanks

Bonnie Borne in the SPLC Booth

Micah’s daughter, Laura, learning to eat dem crawfish!


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Shell Pipeline Company LP recently sponsored a mini-grant in support of the Pasadena ISD Education Foundation’smission to enhance the quality of educational services and to promote an exemplary educational system. Throughthe generous support of Shell Pipeline and other corporate sponsors, the Foundation celebrated hitting the $1 million mark in mini-grant funds awarded to district teachers since its founding in 2003. Twice a year, teachersacross Pasadena ISD apply for mini-grants to the Pasadena ISD Education Foundation for needed funds. TheFoundation Board reviews the grants and provides funds for educational programs and activities, which either havenot been funded or have been under-funded by the normal operating budget. The grants are intended to help improve educational opportunities for all students.

This spring, Public Awareness Representative Phil Barker had the opportunity to present a mini-grant to Moore Elementary School as Foundation officials and corporate donors made surprise visits to grant recipients.

“The teachers and students at Moore Elementary are extremely grateful to receive this grant from the Pasadena ISDFoundation and thank Shell Pipeline for their participation in this important program,” said Principal Jill Lacamu.

The funds will help implement the American Film Institute Discovery Education curriculum. The goal of this programis to build on digital technology and help students improve their writing skills by connecting writing to film making.

SPLC Helps Provide Mini-Grant to Moore Elementary

Students from Kindergarten through Fourth grade will nowhave the opportunity to take traditional story writing and turn itinto digital productions. “This program incorporates all aspects of writing while helping students become proficient in the use of technology in a fun atmosphere,” saidMarie Alanis, Computer Lab Teacher and Technology Liason.

Shell Pipeline has supported the Pasadena ISD Foundationfor the past three years and Shell’s Deer Park Complex was one of the founding donors in 2003. “Shell Pipeline is a proud sponsor of the Pasadena ISD Foundation and we are committed to helping local schools in the communities in which we operate,” said Phil Barker.

Public Awareness Representative Phil Barkerpresents a mini-grant for $1,568 to Moore

Elementary Computer Teacher Marie Alanis.

From Left to Right: Linh Tran, Mary Tompkins, Teri Jouty,Michelle Wilganowski, Debbie Leblanc, Stephanie Knight,Penny King, Tina Brignac, Janie Morales Back Row Left to Right: Erin Lopez, Crystal Guillot, Debbie Barbin, Lura Thompson, Maria Thomas, Lydia Thomas

Back Row Left to Right: Daryl Rousse, Darwin Lyons,Dennis Cazenave, Greg Smith, Stephanie Knight, TrentKnight Front Row: Andrea Lyons, Melanie Landry, Samantha Cazenave

Max Charter School Race 2011 GOM Admin Meeting


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Introducing the Class of 2011

Alex N. LyonsSouthern Polytechnic State Univ. Son of Darwin & Andrea Lyons

Jennifer Lauren FelgerSt. Joseph High School

Daughter of David & Christine Felger

Dara NorthcuttPort Neches Groves HS

Daughter of Darryl & Fran Northcutt

Klint AngeletteThibodaux High School

Son of Kelly & Jody Angelette

Taylor AngeletteThibodaux High School

Daughter of Kelly & Jody Angelette

Skyler PaynePatoka High School

Daughter of Mack & Julie Payne

Emily LipinskyLamar High School

Daughter of Dana Lipinsky

Nicholas ShipmanDutchtown High School

Son of Darren Shipman & Julie Ray

Anela "Elle" SmithDominican High School

Daughter of Robert & Laura Smith

Tiarra GraceBellaire High School

Daughter of Nate Grace

Tanner Noah GoolsbyRiverside Academy HS

Son of David & Tina Brignac

Taylor Michael BrignacRiverside Academy HS

Son of David & Tina Brignac

Karl SchumacherAtascocita High School

Son of Jim & Amy Schumacher

Dana BourgeoisNicholls State Univ. (Dec. 2010)Daughter of Debbie Bourgeois

Hanna SticeKingwood High School

Daughter of Wylie & Angie Stice

Kailey Raquel CarterOre City High School

Daughter of Tim & Kristy Carter

Ashley Nicole CarterOre City High School

Daughter of Tim & Kristy Carter

Sarah HillKingwood High SchoolDaughter of Tim Hill

Hannah Elizabeth RousseVandebilt Catholic HS

Daughter of Daryl & Monica Rousse

Cole CoakleyLamar Consolidated HS

Son of Dan Coakley & Nancy York

Keith ChipmanCal State Dominguez

Son of Curt & Karen Chipman

Leslie BourgeoisNicholls State University

Daughter of Edward & Janel Bourgeois

Anne Francis BourgeoisLSU Health Center - Shreveport

Daughter of Edward & Janel Bourgeois

Joe BravenecNorthland Christian High SchoolSon of Carrie & Patrick Hodgins

Sarah Elizabeth WilcoxsonMcLennan Community College

Daughter of Jeff & Pam Wilcoxson

Nicholas PradoSt. Amant High SchoolSon of Rey & Kay Prado

Matthew Zuvich, Jr.Southeastern University

Son of Matt & Robin Zuvich

Lisa HillUniv. of Washington School of Medicine

Daughter of Pat & Bob Hill

James OstlundMagnolia High School

Son of Paul & Nicola Ostlund

Tiffany Lauren Baucom San Diego State University

Daughter of Danny & Nannette Baucom

Brandon WilcoxsonTexas A&M University

Son of Jeff & Pam Wilcoxson

Melissa “Missy” KyzerMurrieta Valley High School

Daughter of Daniel & Tamera Kyzer

Ciara Lynn GonzalesClear Horizons Early College HS

& San Jacinto College Daughter of Samuel & Adrian Gonzales


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Cameron BlomeSpring Woods High School

Son of Bruce Blome

Baylie AdamsTomball High School

Daughter of Scott Adams

Kelsey Wilganowski University of North Texas

Daughter of Mike & Michelle Wilganowski

Eric Wilganowski James E. Taylor High School

Son of Mike & Michelle Wilganowski

2011 Graduates Continued


Mollie Copeland, Susan G. Komen Volunteer of the Year

Congratulations to Mollie Copeland, Recipient of the Susan G. Komen 2011 Volunteer of the Year Award!

Mollie Copeland recently received the Susan G. Komen 2011 Volunteer of the Year award. Mollie is the volunteerprogram coordinator for the Susan G. Komen For the Cure New Orleans Affiliate. Mollie regularly donates hertime and leadership skills to recruit and coordinate volunteers for the numerous events put on by the organization. Mollie also donates her time behind the scenes to various event planning committees, and volunteers at the forefront for community outreach, education and fundraising.

Some of the many events Mollie has help put on include:•Annual New Orleans Race for the Cure•Annual Salute to Survivors Luncheon•Haydel’s Bakery - World’s Largest King Cake event to benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure New Orleans•Haydel’s Mardi Gras Bead Dog raffle to benefit the Susan G.Komen for the Cure New Orleans•Community health fairs and educational/outreach events

2011 Hyper Pod Meeting

Awarded the Drunken Sailor Award: Bob Hill,Dana Lipinsky, Kevin Forrest, Lucio Ramirez

Adam Pelliccio, Bob Hill, Dana Lipinsky, KevinForrest, Lucio Ramirez, Larry Lamaison

Academy Award for Most Dramatic:Mary Reynolds, Ken Edmonds, Scott Anderson, Darwin Lyons, Robert Smith

The Biggest Whiners received Pacifiers:Ken Edmonds, Shayler Nieto, Geoff Gauthier,

Kevin Forrest, Dennis Cazenave

Best Overall Pod: Shayler Nieto, Trey Hartstern, Daryl Rousse, Robert Lombardi, Mike Smith

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Getting to Know...Adam Daniels

Adam Daniels is the Terminal Supervisor for Martinez, Sacramento, and South SanFrancisco and has been with Shell Pipeline for 10 years. Adam and his wife, Jana,

enjoy the outdoors and spending time with their Black Lab, Gracie.Where did you grow up? I was born and raised in a Northwest Suburb of Chicago, Rolling Meadows, Illinois. When I am asked…I amvery proud to say that I am from the great city of Chicago!

Hobbies: I run…alot! Running and competing are my biggest hobbies right now. Mywife and I run on a great team in Sacramento competing in distances from 5Ks to Marathonsand anything on the pavement or dirt in-between. When Jana and I are not running you canfind us enjoying the outdoors of Northern California, hiking, camping, skiing, and visitingthe great wineries of the Sierra Foothills. When I am not outside, I rarely miss a Bears gameand I catch as many Cubs games as possible. My wife is a huge Astros fan, so when theCubs play the Astros we have to watch the game in separate rooms and we really don’t talkabout the game when it is over - thank God for the MLB package!

Personal accomplishments: My biggest personal accomplishment was qualifying in 2009, and thenrunning the Boston Marathon in 2011, both with a time of 2:50. It was one of the most amazing experiencesof my life. Running the most historic race with the fastest marathoners of the world was very cool!

What is your favorite memory at Shell? My favorite memories of Shell are of all of the people that I have met and worked with during the last 10 years. Initially in the Midwest Region, then working in the OMC and Houston, and now being apart the Western Region, I have met so many differentand great people. The times I remember the most are not the normal days but the days when the challengeswere great, the results were greater, and there was that moment among the workgroup when everyone knewsomething special just happened!

What is your dream job? My dream job is to own a running store that does more than just sell shoesand apparel, but also helps people accomplish goals that they never thought were possible and would havea positive influence in the community.

What is something that most people don’t know about you? I played water polo at Western Illinois University for four years, starting all four years, and the captain for the final two. Our teamqualified for Nationals all four years that I played.

What are your plans for the future? I plan to continue to find roles with Shell that are challenging,get me excited to get the work in the morning, broaden my experiences, and develop myself and the peoplethat I work with.

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PHMSA , Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration , has amended the pipeline safety regulations to prescribe safety requirements for Controllers, Control Rooms, and SCADA Systems used to remotely monitor and control pipeline operations. The due date to establish all procedures, and implementmost parts is August 1, 2011.

The CRM has the following sections: General, Roles and Responsibilities, Adequate Information, Fatigue Mitigation, Alarm Management, Change Management, Operating Experience, Training, Compliance Validation andCompliance Deviation. Control Center personnel are working to make sure the Houston Control Center meets therequirements that are due August 1, 2011. The CRM also contains PHMSA’s definition of a Control Room and aController. For the purpose of this article we are going to discuss in more detail these two definitions.

Most of us in Shell Pipeline considered the Houston Control Center to be our only Control Room that is staffed withControllers. We considered field locations that were staffed 24/7 to be local facilities that were staffed with Operators. PHMSA’s definition of a Control Room is “an operations center staffed by personnel charged with the responsibility for remotely monitoring and controlling a pipeline facility”. PHMSA’s definition of a Controller is “a qualified individual who remotely monitors and controls the safety-related operations of a pipeline facility via aSCADA System from a Control Room, and who has operational authority and accountability for the remote operationalfunctions of the pipeline facility.”

The definitions above started us thinking that we could have more than one location in Shell Pipeline that could fallunder the new CRM. Jill Derise, Manager Operations Support & Control Center, enlisted the help of Debbie Price andFred Fisher of Regulatory Services to look for any other field locations that could fall under the requirements of the CRM.Debbie and Fred reviewed the following field locations that were thought to potentially fall under the CRM requirementas they are operated today: Colex West; Mont Belvieu; PAPS; South San Francisco; West Clear Lake; Sorrento;Seattle; Portland. West Clear Lake, Sorrento, Seattle and Portland were deemed to not fall in PHMSA’s CRM scopedue to not impacting facilities outside their fence line. Locations determined by Debbie and Fred to fall under the regulation as they operate currently, and the proposed resolution to become compliant with the new regulations arelisted below.

•Colex West – Tank levels and alarms from Colex West are already monitored by the Houston Control Center. Valve statusand control from off-site locations (e.g. Grand Central, SpiderWeb) and pump status and control from Grand Central will bebrought into the Houston Control Center. With these changesand associated operations procedure changes, Houston ControlCenter will begin monitoring and controlling connectingpipelines and Colex West will not fall under the new ControlRoom Management regulations.•Mont Belvieu – All connecting pipelines, with the exception ofthe 8” line from BP/Arco, are currently monitored and controlledby Houston Control Center or others. Valve status and controlof valves at each end of the 8” line to BP/Arco as well as meterand pressure data will be brought into the Houston Control

Center. With these changes and associated operations procedure changes, MontBelvieu will not fall under the new Control Room Management regulations.

•South San Francisco – Project is currently underway to bring tank data, status and control of valves and the pump toChevron into the Houston Control Center. With these changes and associated operations procedure changes, South SanFrancisco lines and South San Francisco will not fall under the new Control Room Management regulations.•PAPS – Project is currently underway to bring monitor and control capability of the manifold and connecting pipelines intothe Houston Control Center. With these changes and associated operations procedure changes, PAPS will not fall under thenew Control Room Management regulations.

As was mentioned earlier, this is just a piece of the new CRM, so there is plenty of other work taking place behind thescenes. Phase I Inspections begin September 2011, so we may be visited by PHMSA soon. Implementation of the remaining components of CRM compliance will continue into 2012.

PHMSA New Control Room Management (CRM)

Terry McCoy, Control Center Sr. Technical Analyst,performing a point to point on a portion of PAPS

that is being moved to the Control Center

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Shell Volunteer Day at the Farm

The Greater New Orleans Therapeutic Riding Center is located in LaPlace, Louisiana. The organization wasfounded in 1993, and has been at its current location since October 1997.

Nick Stone, Justin Williams, Chad Cavalier, Eric Schwartz

Tim Colwell, Greg Landry, Danny Eldridge

Larry Lamaison, Scott Anderson, Don Labat

This is what an Extreme Make-Over looks like when Shell Pipelinecommits to Shell Volunteer Day. On May 11, 2011, over 50 Pipelineemployees converged on the farm. Several projects had beenscoped out for several weeks, and preparations had been made formaterial and manpower. The ramp that the children and adults withdisabilities use to "get in the saddle" was in desperate need of repairs and replacement. The railings were falling off, and some ofthe boards had warped and popped out of place. With hard rains,water would enter the new barn and was beginning to damage thewalls of the new office and feed room.

The tack room where all the saddles, blankets, bridles, riding helmets, reins and horse grooming supplies are being kept still hadno ceiling or roof, and light for the barn only partially illuminated thearea when it was dark. A back pasture that had still not beencleared from Katrina needed to be readied so that horses could berotated off the current pastures. Stalls needed to be assembledand placed inside the barn in order to house the horses. And thenthere was the pup trailer that was holding 250+ bales of hay thatwe couldn't get to, because the rolltop door had collapsed.

All the planning and preparation paid off! All of the projects werecompleted in one day, an incredible feat! The work did not go unnoticed, even our littlest riders who can barely walk and speak,pointed at the brand new ramp. "New!" Our rider, Joey, who hasautism and rarely speaks in sentences, asked questions and evenhollered for his dad to "come see the new ramp! Look, it's got different colors! Hey, Dad!!!" Our riders in wheelchairs are easily traversing and making their way to the top of the ramp. The newtrailer door rolls easier than the door in the second trailer, and almost immediately went into service, as we had depleted our supply of hay. Just as soon as the door was installed, it was beingused. The overhang that was installed to prevent rain from blowingwas put to the test the day after it was installed. The new pastureis being seeded and readied for turn out, thus decreasing our demand for hay. After our evening classes, we turn on the light inthe tack room to put everything back in its place.

Shell's Volunteer Day has been amazing. Much of the work at thefacility is done with only a few people and limited resources, andwe could never have hoped to accomplish what you did for us ineven years. Thank you so much for helping us to help others, itmeans so very much to so many!

~ Anita Hefler, Executive Director of the Greater New OrleansTherapeutic Riding Center


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Kaat Wikke JorritsmaBorn on January 24, 20117 lbs., 19 ½ inches long

Daughter of Eelco Jorritsma

Brielle C. LuenigBorn on December 17, 20107 lbs., 3 oz., 18 ½ inches long

Granddaughter of David & Tina Brignac

Raphiel J. WebbBorn on March 17, 2011

6 lbs., 5 oz.Son of Brandon & Amber WebbGrandson of Bill & Michele Webb

Maddox David CornelsonBorn on January 18, 20118 lbs., 5 oz., 21 inches long

Son of Tabatha & Kevin CornelsonGrandson of Larry & Kim Eshelman

Maxwell WongBorn on April 15, 2011

7 lbs., 9.6 oz., 19 ½ inches longSon of Felix & Jenny Wong

James Hollis ForrestBorn on April 15, 2011

7 lbs., 7.4 oz., 19 ¾ inches longSon of Kevin & Holli Forrest

Conor Joseph HohmBorn on June 16, 2011

8 lbs., 11 oz., 21 inches longSon of Brandon & Jenn Hohm

Zyinn NaShya DennisBorn on January 13, 2011

7 lbs., 13 oz., 19 ¾ inches longDaughter of NaSheda & Dale Dennis

Bill Pimley, Greg Landry

Eugene McInroy

Michael Mitchell

Doug Forman, Adam Pelliccio, Francis Waguespack, Randy Jones Brady Eldridge

Volunteer Day at the Farm (continued)

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Shell Pipeline Company LP701 Poydras Street Floor 10New Orleans, LA 70139

Service Anniversaries20 Years20 YearsScott J. Adams, HOUCBD, ONSHORE PROJECTSEric L. Book, HOUCBD, CC-TECHNICAL-AUX SYSTEMS SUPPORTSusan W. Murphrey, HOUCBD, S&D FINANCE GOMKeith A. Smith, St. James Operations, GOM REGIONAL OPRNS SUPPORTRichard A. Fragnito, HOUCBD, MEASUREMENT & QUALITY SERVICESDwaine A. Morris, HOUCBD, CC-SOUTHERN CALIF. CONSOLEDarren R. Shipman, Norco Operations, GOM TECH-CRAFT SUPT SUPVR1Susan K. Kettles, HOUCBD, CC-SOUTHERN CALIF. CONSOLERoger Allan Pond, Coalinga Pipeline, WR-P/L DIST-UPPER SJV-COLINGATRACYMTCLawrence E. Eshelman, Colton Terminal, WR-COLTONJohn G. Guerrero, Tracy Station, WR-P/L DIST-UPPER SJV-TRACY OPRSWayne L. Hanson, New Orleans, GOM TECH-CRAFT SUPT SUPVR1John Dean Dubois, HOUCBD, ONSHORE MIDWEST SCHEDULERSRyan J. Rougee, HOUCBD, CC-CHEMICAL CONSOLERichard James Roux, Bakersfield Tank Farm / Renfro, WEST COAST FACILITY ENGINEERINGWylie J. Stice, Port Arthur Area, GOM PORT ARTHUR OPRNSMiguel Torres, San Jose Terminal, WR-SAN JOSE/STOCKTONKen A. Smith, Gibson Operations, GOM CRAFT MAINTENANCEMichael L. Mitchell, HOUCBD, BUSINESS PROCESSES & SYSTEM SUPPORTChristopher M. Duplessis, Gibson Operations, GOM TECH-CRAFT SUPT SUPVR2Paul J. Pelletier, Coalinga Pipeline, WR-P/L DIST-UPPER SJV-COLINGATRACYMTCEric A. Wells, Sorrento Ops, GOM CORROSIONMichael D. Zagala, Carson Terminal, WR-TECHNICAL CARSON/SOCAL PIPELINEJoel Sanchez, HOUCBD, MAINTENANCE PLANNING & D-GAME IMPLEMENTARaymond A. Herzog, Carson Terminal, WEST COAST FACILITY ENGINEERINGRobert C. Pace, Carson Terminal, WR-PIPELINE DIST-ASSET INTEGRITYTerry N. Wolford, Coalinga Pipeline, WR-P/L DIST-UPPER SJV-COLINGATRACYMTCMichael G. Gauthier, Carson Terminal, WR-PIPELINE DIST-FIELD SERVICESDavid J. Mulkey, HOUCBD, S&D HSSE NAGregory L. Goodman, Seattle Terminal, WR-SEATTLE/ANACORTES TERMINAL OPSSandra L. Harris, HOUCBD, OFFSHORE SCHEDULERSJason J. Dollar, HOUCBD, OFFSHORE PROJECTS

Brian K. Wessel, East Houston Station, GOM TECH-MTCE-SUPVR COLEXRicky A. Almaguer, Des Plains Terminal, GOM AVIATION OPERATIONSRussell E. Gripp, Port Arthur Area, GOM PORT ARTHUR OPRNS

Clifford F. Grabert, Gibson Operations, GOM OFFSHORE OPRNSCENTRALJames J. Anderson, Carson Terminal, WR-CARSON TERM OPERATIONSThomas J. Moore, Carson Terminal, WR-CARSON TERM-OPER-MORMAN IS.-MARINEDamon T. Emerson, Bakersfield Tank Farm/Renfro, WR-P/L DIST-LOWER SJV-BAKERSFIELD MTCAnthony L. Cochran, Norco Operations, GOM CHEMICAL PRODUCTS-NORCOJohn P. Waggoner, Houma District, GOM TECHNICAL-PROJECTSDonald R. Herman, Carson Terminal, WR-CARSONTERMINAL/SOCAL PIPELINEBruce R. Hornsby, HOUCBD, OFFSHORE SCHEDULERSLonnie D. Carter, Sorrento Ops, GOM TECH-MTCE-SUPVR ST. JAMESPatti A. Edens, HOUCBD, MEASUREMENT & QUALITY SERVICESBill D. Osterhout, St. James Operations, GOM CAPLINE SPVR3

Ron L. Eller, Patoka Operations, GOM CAPLINE SPVR2Mack A. Payne, Patoka Operations, GOM CAPLINE SPVR2Danny John Sralla, East Houston Station, GOM CORROSIONBrady K. Seeker, HOU AREA/COLEX TERM, GOM MEASUREMENTWilliam H. Testroet, Houma District, GOM HO-HO OPERATIONSKim M. Rentrop, New Iberia Area, GOM TECH-CRAFT SUPTSUPVR1Randall W. Thompson, Patoka Operations, GOM CAPLINESPVR1Lawrence L. Belcher, HOU AREA/COLEX TERM, FACILITY EAST


25 Years25 Years

35 Years35 Years30 Years30 Years

30 Years30 Years (continued)

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