Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada...


Transcript of Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada...

Page 1: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.
Page 2: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: CanadaReference

Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to introduce newcomers and their children to the daily routines and activities of early learning and child care programs in Nova Scotia. This edition, with text in Arabic, English and French, has been created by the NSCECE Early Years Community Development Centre to help early years programs welcome Syrian refugee children and families. The concept and text for the booklet is based on the publication Welcome to Child Care! (Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre, 2000). Arabic text was translated from English by NSCECE student Weaam Keshta.

The booklet is designed to be customized and provides spaces that allow programs to use their own photos to illustrate the simple text. Used like a social story the booklet is meant to be offered as a welcoming gift to Syrian families and their children to help ease the transition to child care, to build bonds and to develop a shared understanding of what children will be doing during the day. Please feel free to customize and use this resource in any way that makes sense for your program.

Page 3: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.


Welcome to our child care program!

Bienvenue à Child Care!




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لالطفال النهاريه الرعايه برنامج في بكم .مرحبا

Page 4: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

Here at child care, we want you to learn, have fun, and make new friends.

Ici, à Child Care, nous voulons que vous appreniez, que vous vous amusiez et que vous vous fassiez de nouveaux amis.



(Arabic)جدد أصدقاء على وتتعرف بوقتك تستمتع تتعلم، أن لك نريد هنا

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Page 5: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

العون ا وتقديم مساعدتكم هدفهن هنا المعلماتلك


Les èducateurs sont ici pour vous aider. Nous nous appelons:




The teachers are here to help you. Our names are:

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Page 6: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

We have a special place for your things.(English)


(Arabic)الشخصية ألغراضكم مخصصة أماكن لدينا

Nous avons un lieu spècial pour mettre vos affaires.

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Page 7: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

This is the bathroom. You can use the toilet to go pee or poo, and then you wash and dry your hands.

Ici sont les toilettes. Vous utilisez la toilette pour faire pipi et caca. Ensuite, vous vous lavez et sèchez votre mains.



(Arabic)تغسل ثم الحاجة لقضاء المياة دورة استخدام يمكنك المياة، دورة هنا

يديك .وتجفف

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Page 8: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

At playtime, we share toys with our friends.(English)



À I’heure du jeu, nous partageons les jouets avec nos amis.

أصدقائهم مع االلعاب األطفال يتشارك للعب المخصص الوقت .في

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Page 9: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

We play with dolls, animals, cars and trucks.(English)


السيارات الحيوانات، بالدمي، نلعب نحنوالشاحنات

Nous jouons avec des personnes, des animaux, des voitures et des camions.


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Page 10: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

واأللوان الورق باستخدام وألعاب نماذج نصنع نحن ) أو ) األطفال الستخدام مخصصة ومقصات الخشبية


We make things with paper, crayons, paint, scissors, or glue.(English)



Nous fabriquons des choses avec du papier, des crayons à dessiner, de la peinture, des ciseaux ou de la colle.

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Page 11: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

) البازل ) التركيب ألعاب نلعب . نحن

We play with puzzles and games.(English)



Nous jouons avec des puzzles et des jeux.

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Page 12: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

الكتب نطالع

We look at books.(English)



Nous regardons les livres.

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Page 13: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

الصلصال بعجينة .نلعب

We play with play dough.(English)



Nous jouons avec de la pâte à modeler.

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Page 14: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

المكعبات باستخدام مجسمات .نبني

We build with blocks.(English)



Nous construisons des objets avec des blocs.

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Page 15: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

شعبية وأزياء مالبس باراتداء .نمرح

We dress up.(English)



Nous nous dèguisons.

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Page 16: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

والرمال بالماء نلعب

We play with water or sand.(English)



Nous jouons avec de I’eau ou du sable.

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Page 17: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

نظيفة أصدقائنا يجدها حتى ألماكنها االلعاب نعيد اللعب انتهاء عندومرتبة

At clean-up time we put away our toys.(English)



À I’heure du rangement, nous mettons nos jouets de côté.

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Page 18: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

لقراءة فيه نستمع مخصص وقت لدينايأخذ طفل وكل الممتعة األغاني نغني القصص

المشاركة في .دوره

At circle time we listen to stories, take turns, sing songs, and learn things.




À I’heure de s’asseoir en rond, nous écoutons, nous attendons notre tour, nous chantons et nous apprenons de nouvelles choses.

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Page 19: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

ننام أو نغفو وقد نستلقي للراحة المخصص الوقت .في

At rest time we lie down, and sometimes we fall asleep.(English)



À I’heure du repos, nous nous couchons et, parfois, nous nous endormons.

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Page 20: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

. أصدقائنا مع ونشرب نأكل نحن الطعام وقت في / / بعد) خفيفة وجبة ساخنة وجبة عن عبارة الغداء صباحا خفيفه وجبه


At snack time we eat and drink with our friends.(English)



À I’heure du casse-croûte, nous mangeons et buvons avec nos amis.

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Page 21: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

) الجيم ) الرياضيه االلعاب صاله في احيانا .نلعب

Sometimes we play in the gym.(English)



Parfois, nous jouons dans la salle de gymnastique.

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Page 22: Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre. (2000). Welcome to Child care!. Vancouver, BC: Canada Reference Welcome to Our Child Care Program! is designed to.

بالخارج للعب نخرج الطقس سمح .وكلما

Sometimes we play outside.(English)



Parfois, nous jouons dehors.

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معلمتي يا اللقاء إلى للمنزل الذهاب موعد حان واآلن

It is time to go home. Bye bye teachers! Bye bye children! See you again soon.




II est I’heure de rentrer à la maison. Au revoir les èducateurs! Au revoir les enfants! À bientôt!

غدا أطفال أراكم يا اللقاء إلى

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