West Weekly Ph: (07) 4979 7333...Page 2 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]...

Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected] Boles Street, West Gladstone Q 4680 www.gladstonewestss.eq.edu.au Ff 19 Sept ICAS – Mathematics 20 Sept Last Day of Term 3 7 Oct Queen’s Birthday 8 Oct Start of Term 4 9 Oct – Life Education Van 23 Oct 11 Oct Prep – GECC ‘Spot’ Performance 21 Oct Pupil Free Day 22 Oct Prep Parent Info Night 25 Oct Free Dress Day ‘Day for Daniel’ 28 Oct – Year 6 Camp 1 Nov 31 Oct 2020 Prep Orientation 1 4 Nov 2020 Prep Orientation 2 15 Nov Colour Fun Run 2 Dec GSHS/TSHS Transition Day 3 Dec GSHS/TSHS Transition Day 11 Dec Classes for 2020 13 Dec Last day of 2019 Dates to Remember PHONE: 4979 7333 OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am – 3:30pm EMAIL: [email protected] DENTAL CLINIC: 4972 9364 SCHOOLWATCH: 13 17 88 STUDENT ABSENCE LINE: 4979 7366 School Details West Weekly As we come to the end of Term 3, I would like to wish everyone and enjoyable and safe Holiday. School will resume back on Tuesday 8 th October. During this holiday period empty schools provide an opportunity for criminal activity, becoming targets for unlawful entry, arson, stealing, graffiti and property damage – all of which become a cost to the community. The School Watch Program is a partnership between Education Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and the State Government Protective Security Service. It aims to reduce criminal activity in Queensland schools and encourages everyone to look out for after-hours crime in our schools. If you see anything suspicious, please don’t attempt to intervene. Call the School Watch number – 13 17 88 Let’s work together to help create safer school communities.

Transcript of West Weekly Ph: (07) 4979 7333...Page 2 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]...

Page 1: West Weekly Ph: (07) 4979 7333...Page 2 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: principal@gladstonewestss.eq.edu.au West Weekly Please find below our School Attendance for Week 9 Term 3 Gladstone West

Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

Boles Street, West Gladstone Q 4680 www.gladstonewestss.eq.edu.au


19 Sept ICAS – Mathematics

20 Sept Last Day of Term 3

7 Oct Queen’s Birthday

8 Oct Start of Term 4

9 Oct – Life Education Van

23 Oct

11 Oct Prep – GECC

‘Spot’ Performance

21 Oct Pupil Free Day

22 Oct Prep Parent Info Night

25 Oct Free Dress Day

‘Day for Daniel’

28 Oct – Year 6 Camp 1 Nov 31 Oct 2020 Prep Orientation 1 4 Nov 2020 Prep Orientation 2 15 Nov Colour Fun Run 2 Dec GSHS/TSHS Transition

Day 3 Dec GSHS/TSHS Transition

Day 11 Dec Classes for 2020 13 Dec Last day of 2019

Dates to Remember

PHONE: 4979 7333


8:00am – 3:30pm

EMAIL: [email protected]

DENTAL CLINIC: 4972 9364



School Details

West Weekly

As we come to the end of Term 3, I would like to wish everyone and enjoyable and safe Holiday. School will resume back on Tuesday 8th October. During this holiday period empty schools provide an opportunity for criminal activity, becoming targets for unlawful entry, arson, stealing, graffiti and property damage – all of which become a cost to the community. The School Watch Program is a partnership between Education Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and the State Government Protective Security Service. It aims to reduce criminal activity in Queensland schools and encourages everyone to look out for after-hours crime in our schools. If you see anything suspicious, please don’t attempt to intervene. Call the School Watch number – 13 17 88 Let’s work together to help create safer school communities.

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Page 2 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Please find below our School Attendance for Week 9

Term 3 Gladstone West State School had a full school

attendance of 92.1% which is under our state goal of 95%.

Year Level Attendance

Prep 93.5%

Year 1 90.7%

Year 2 93.9%

Year 3 90.2%

Year 4 87.7%

Year 5 94.4%

Year 6 93.1%

Please make sure that if your child is away that you

explain their absence.

Attendance at Gladstone West State School

Gladstone West State School is hosting Healthy Harold and the Life Education Van from Wednesday 9th October 2019 to Wednesday 23rd October 2019. During this time, your child’s class will be scheduled to visit the van and attend an exciting and memorable learning experience, which is aligned with the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum. The Life Education program is delivered by specialist educators in a fun learning environment with age-appropriate material. We encourage all students to attend these sessions. Please complete the permission slip and return it along with your payment to the office or class teacher as soon as possible.

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Page 3 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

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Page 4 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Our lost property is overflowing

with winter jumpers, lunchboxes

and water bottles. If your child

is missing any of these items

can you please check our lost

property box which is located at

the Admin office.

Students in Prep are invited to attend the ‘Spot’ performance being held at the Gladstone Entertainment Centre on Friday 11th October. The cost per student for this performance is $16.00 and is payable to the office no later than Thursday, 10th October 2019 with completed permission note and medical form. Students will be travelling to the Gladstone Entertainment Centre by bus, departing the school at 11.30am and returning at approximately 1.30pm. “Spot” is based on the books by Eric Hill. In this performance Spot and his friends are off on a new adventure to visit Spot’s Dad on the farm and meet the farm animals. Eric Hill’s beloved puppy comes to life on stage with puppetry, songs, and puzzles. Permission notes have been sent home, please complete the permission slip and return it along with your payment to the office or class teacher as soon as possible so numbers can be confirmed.

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Page 5 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Roll Up…Roll Up! Instrumental Recruiting for 2020 has begun!

We are excited to invite students to apply to join our school Woodwind, Brass and Percussion program for 2020. The year 3 classes have been attending a series of demonstration sessions at 2:00pm each Thursday as part of our Instrumental Music recruiting process for Woodwind, Brass and Percussion for 2020. To date they have seen and heard instruments from the Woodwind family (Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone and Tenor Saxophone), the Brass family (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone Horn, Euphonium and Tuba), and the Percussion family.

On Thursday 5th September (Week 8) all year 3 students who are not already in the Instrumental Music Program will be given application forms to apply to join the Instrumental Music program in 2020. Application forms will also be available from the school office for any student from years 4 or 5 who are interested in applying to join the Woodwind, Brass or Percussion program in 2020. Application forms need to be completed and returned to the school office no later than week 10, Thursday 19th September. Instrument suitability testing will be carried out in Term 4. All applicants will be tested on all instruments. Offers will be made according to the need to retain balance within the program, and matching the most suitable student to the vacant instrument positions within the program. For 2020 we are looking to recruit 3 Flutes; 5 Clarinets; 1 Bass Clarinet; 2 Alto Saxophones; 1 Tenor Saxophone; 3 Trumpets; 3 Low Brass (Trombones/Baritone/Euphonium/Tuba); and 3 Percussion players. Many thanks for your support and encouragement of our future musicians.

There will be no Instrumental Music Band or lessons this

Thursday 19th September.

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Page 6 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

6C have been learning how to use a Green Screen App

to create still images for their Drama Assessment. The

students have demonstrated elements of drama

through their images and are now working on their

screenplays to perform.

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Page 7 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

In Prep B we have been exploring the concept of balancing numbers. The students have been proudly showing off their skills of balancing one number with a simple addition sum, and just for fun we put them on a written balancing scale to see if they match, if we are still unsure our results can be checked by crossing off the lines we drew to match the single number - if all crossed off they match.

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Page 8 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Over term 2, a group of year 5’s have been participating in the Team Up program run out of the PCYC. These students have thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have learnt key skills around communication, conflict resolution and problem solving. It has been an absolute pleasure spending time with this group of kids getting to know them and working with them through some very enjoyable but sometimes frustrating tasks. I would like to thank Bec and Jamie from the PCYC for giving up their time to support our West Students through this program and look forward to term 4 where Drumbeat, a therapeutic program that builds resilience through rhythm is on offer for our grade 5’s and 6’s. Drumbeat teaches harmony, getting along, working together and builds self-esteem, through incorporating hand drumming, behavioural therapeutic principles and cognitive and dialectical elements to achieve positive outcomes. Drumbeat is run for one hour week for 8 weeks and if you are interested in determining whether your child would benefit from this program please talk to your child’s class teacher.

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Page 9 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Gladstone West State School's Dodgeball Championship has come to an exciting finish. A big thank you to all teams and students who participated and also a big thank you to Mr Daley, Mr Conway and Campbell Suter for officiating the games. After 8 weeks of competition the two teams that made the Grand Final were the Underdogs and Wreckers! The Underdogs went through the competition undefeated and delivered some truly dominating performances. The Wreckers, a team made up of year five students clawed their way from the bottom of the ladder to the top with some really inspiring efforts. The game was intense and fast paced with the two teams staying evenly matched until the Underdogs got on a roll with five minutes remaining to close the game out and secure the victory. There was also a playoff for 3rd place for the teams who narrowly lost the semi-finals in week 8. Firefighters took on the Dynamic Dodgers in an entertaining spectacle. The teams went back and forth with excellent dodging and even better throwing, after 20 minutes the two teams talent couldn't be separated so a sudden death playoff took place. Neither team could get an elimination in sudden death so the match resulted in a draw.

Congratulations Underdogs for winning GWSS first ever Dodgeball Championship!

Congratulations Wreckers for showing true determination and making it to the Grand Final and becoming Runners Up!

Congratulations to the Firefighters and Dynamic Dodgers who drew for 3rd place!

Player of the Tournament: SEAN GAMBA & JUSTIN FOURIE

Final Scores - Underdogs 45 def. Wreckers 25

Firefighters 28 DRAW Dynamic Dodgers 28

Rhys Sullivan

Youth Support Coordinator

Gladstone West State School

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West Weekly

Getting our kids ready for big school is an important and exciting part of a child's

education journey. However for most children and their families it can be not only

daunting but a stressful time. The thought of entering an unfamiliar environment,

having to make new friends as well as understanding school expectations can be

quite over whelming for some children, it may also be the first time that they have

been away from their parents or it could be their first experience of being in a formal

education setting.

We are here to help reduce the stress of starting Prep for you and your child and by

facilitating a once a week, two hour semi-structured play based transition program

that is delivered in a culturally safe and appropriate way with a holistic approach

that is optimal in producing positive learning outcomes for our future students.

Gladstone West State School’s ‘Get Ready for Prep’ program is based around the

concept of school readiness which means expanding the stalwart skills of play,

language, physicality, coordination, emotional development, concentration and


We look forward to working alongside you and your family to lay the necessary

foundations for successful parent and school engagement as well as giving your

child the best opportunities to kick start their primary school education journey.

Parents are asked to sign themselves and their child in at office.

We welcome new and existing families in to our program to get ready for prep 2020.

To register or for more information please contact Jade Pengelly 0749797333 or

[email protected]

Every Wednesday


Starting on the

16th October – 4th December

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Page 11 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly

Our Tuckshop operates every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday for both first and second breaks. It is preferable for students to pre-order before school each morning. While over the counter sales are available for Years 4 to 6, choices will be restricted to what is available at the time. Online orders must be placed before 8am.

Please provide a separate bag for first and second breaks. A 5 cent surcharge is applied where no paper bag is supplied. Acceptable payment methods are via our online ordering system or cash only, there are no EFTPOS facilities available. No foreign currency will be accepted.

Volunteers are sometimes required to help in the tuckshop. If you are interested, please give your name to Kay at the tuckshop.

Positive Behaviour Focus – Week 10

Uniform Shop Prices

School Polo Shirts $30.00 Reversible Bucket Hats $20.00 Skirt/Shorts Combos $30.00 Unisex Shorts $25.00 School Dresses $50.00 Jackets $50.00

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Page 12 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly


4 Step Beginners Lessons

October 9th – November 20th @ 6.45pm

Gladstone Bowls Club

6A Ferris Street, Gladstone

Wear slippery soled shoes or socks, bring a partner

$5.00 per person – Bookings Lynette 0409620052

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Page 13 Ph: (07) 4979 7333 E: [email protected]

West Weekly