Wellness through Yoga & Naturopathy · 2017. 11. 29. · Shatkarmas ( Neti, Kunjal,...


Transcript of Wellness through Yoga & Naturopathy · 2017. 11. 29. · Shatkarmas ( Neti, Kunjal,...

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  • Wellness through Yoga & Naturopathy



    S. N. Katiyar&

    Dr. D. S.Chahar

  • What is Wellness?Being healthy or fit does not mean, just

    being physically strong and absence of

    explicit symptoms of disease or

    deficiencies in the body.

    • Wellness is a state of equilibrium in all

    the dimensions of life resulting in an

    overall feeling of well-being of a person.dsoy jksxghurk vFkok nkScZY; dk vHkko gh ^LokLF;^ ugha

    gS cfYd lEiw.kZ 'kkjhfjd] ekufld] v/;kfRed ,oa

    lkekftd dq'ky{kse dh vuqHkwfr ^LokLF;^ dgykrh gSA


  • Cont…

    Wellness is a healthy state of

    equilibrium of body, mind and soul that

    results in an overall feeling of well-

    being & it is being adversely affected

    by Modern technology, environmental

    pollution, poor diet, and stress ( work

    as well as social).

    ’kjhj] eu rFkk vkRek dks larqfyr dj lEiw.kZ dq’ky{kse

    dh vuqHkwfr gh LokLF; gSA bl larqyu ij vk/kqfud

    rduhd] i;kZoj.kh; iznw"k.k] vlarqfyr vkgkj rFkk

    ruko ¼lkekftd ,oa dk;Z ls lacaf/kr½ dk foijhr

    izHkko gksrk gSA


  • 5

    8 Dimensions of Wellness

  • Effect of pollution on health:

    Body – bombarded with various sensory stimuli

    like cosmic rays, radio waves, super sonic waves,

    luminous markers and chemicals, pesticides and


    ’kjhj ij czEgkaM+h; fdj.k] jsfM;ks rjax] ijk/ofud rjaxs] pedhys inkFkZ

    ,oa jlk;u] dhVuk’kd vkfn ls vk?kkr gksrs jgrs gSA

    Mind – pollution of our mind with unnatural ideas,

    theories, facts and irrelevant information that

    keeps us occupies round the clock, creating

    emotional stress leading to attitudes like

    selfishness, loneliness, alienation from family and


    fnu&jkr vokaNuh; dYiuk,] fl)kar] rF; rFkk csdkj dh tkudkjh

    eu dks izHkkfor djrh jgrh gaS] ftlls Hkkofud ruko mRiUu gksdj

    LokFkZ] vdsysiu] ifjokj rFkk lekt ls nwjh dh Hkkouk fufeZr gksrh gSA6

  • Contd…. Soul – Man has a dynamic and continuous

    relationship with society and world he lives in.

    Our spirit deep within our bodies recognizes the

    inherent rhythms in the universe and is affected


    euq"; dsoy vfLFk peZ e; nsg ugh gS cfYd mldk lekt rFkk

    lalkj ls fujarj ,oa xfr’khy ukrk gSA ’kjhj es okl djus okyh

    vkRek czEgkaM+ ds varfuZfgr+ ukn ls izHkkfor gksrh gSA

    Heart – Cardio- vascular diseases


  • Health Effects of Pollution

  • Factors causing illness:

    Over eating

    Living against the nature

    Lack of will power


    'kjhj esa fodkj c

  • What is self healing?

    Self-healing is an art that cultivates the energy forcewithin us and plays an active role in maintaininghealth.

    Human body possesses inherent power to healitself, if given opportunity.

    Changes in lifestyle, unbalanced diet, over exertionmay lead to manifestation of diseases in the body.

    Fasting, rest, positive thinking and adoptinghealthy lifestyle offers opportunity to the body forself healing resulting in getting rid of the diseases.

    ’kjhj dh dks"kkvksa esa i;kZIr ’kfDr Hkjh gqbZ gS] tks gesa Lo;a LoLFk cuk

    ldrh gSaA

    vk/kqfud thou’kSyh] vlaarqfyr vkgkj] vR;f/kd Je] u’khys inkFkksZa dk

    lsou euq"; dks jksxh cuk ldrk gSaA

    miokl] foJke] ldkjkRed fopkj rFkk lqUnj LoLFk thou ’kSyh ’kjhj

    dks Lo;a LoLFk gksusa dk volj iznku djrh gSA 10

  • What is Naturopathy?A deeply inherent relationship exists between body,

    nature and socio emotional environment around it.

    Disturbance in any one dimension of life affects the

    others and long ignorance or suppression of these

    disturbances result in build-up of toxins in the body

    causing ailments in various forms like mental stress,

    headache, overweight, fatigue, early aging and other


    'kjhj] izÑfr rFkk bnZ&fxnZ ds lkekftd okrkoj.k es varfuZfgr

    xgjk laca/k gS] bl otg ls fdlh ,d dk larqyu fcXkMus ij

    mldk ifj.kke nwljksa ij gksrk gSA bl vlj dks vf/kd dky rd

    vKkurko’k ;k tku&cw>dj nck, j[kus ls 'kjhj esa tSfod fo"k

    ¼VkfDlUl½ dk fuekZ.k gksdj] ekufld ruko] fljnnZ] LFkwyrk]

    Fkdku] tYn cq

  • Naturopathy is a drugless, non-invasive,

    rational and evidence based system of medicine

    imparting treatments with natural elements

    based on the theory of vitality, theory of

    toxaemia,(A condition characterized by the pre

    -sence of bacterial toxins in the blood) theory

    of self healing capacity of the body and the

    principles of healthy living. In this system

    there is no place for surgery.

    Izkkd`frd fpfdRlk vkS"kf/k jfgr] gkfujfgr] rdZlaxr ,oa izekf.kr

    fpfdRlk i)fr gSaA ;g ’kjhj es tek VkDlhu dks izkd`frd rRoksa dh

    lgk;rk ls ckgj fudkydj viuh fpfdRlk Lo;a dj] LoLFk jgus ds

    fl)kar ij vk/kkfjr gSa ,oa 'kY; fpfdRlk dk dksbZ LFkku ugha gSA

    Naturopathy can not act as substitute to allopathybut it can supplement it, by the way of promotinghealthy life style among people.


  • All the living creatures are made up of -

    Sky, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

    As a building is repaired using all those elements

    of which it is made up of e.g. bricks, stone & cement

    similarly, human body can also be treated

    permanently without any adverse effect using the

    same elements of which it is made up of

    viz.earth, water, fire, air and sky.

    laiw.kZ thol`f"V dh mRifRr izkÑfrd lk/kuksa & gok] ikuh] feÍh] /kwi vkSjvkdk'k ds ek/;e ls gqbZ gSA ftl izdkj baV] iRFkj vkSj pwus ls cus edku

    dh ejEer mUgh oLrwvks ls gks ldrh gS ftlls og cuk gS] mlh izdkj

    'kjhj dh fpfdRlk Hkh mUgha rRoksa }kjk gks ldrh gS ftlls og cuk gSA

    'kjhj dks fujksx j[kus gsrq ;fn bUgha iaprRoksa dk lgkjk fy;k tk, rks

    'kjhj ij fcuk izzfrdwy ifj.kke gq, vk/kqfud thou'kSyh ds QyLo#i

    mRiUu fofHkUu jksx LFkk;h #i ls tM- ls feV tkrs gSA


  • Advantages of Naturopathy:

    Disease need not be diagnosed exactly before treatment is given.

    Cost Effective. No side effects. Preventive effect

    Detoxifies the body enhances the immunity. Improves quality of life.14

  • Drugless, Non-invasive, No Surgery


    Deal with the root cause of the disease for permanent cure.

  • Role of Naturopath

    A Naturopath considers the patient as a holistic unity ofbody, mind, & soul.

    their primary focus is on a natural approach to healthcare. Acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, hydrotherapy,clinical nutrition and lifestyle counselling.

    Naturopathic doctors believe in educating patients andengaging them in their own health care,“

    A Naturopath can often successfully pin-point apredisposition in the body, before the onset of acutedisease.



  • Overview – Kratin Wellness Clinic

    New world of wellness experience –First of its kind in Vidharbha.

    A center of integrated therapies basedon the holistic approach (preventive &curative) towards healthcare, which isindividualized by experts for people ofevery age (child, teen, adult andseniors)


  • Kratin wellness Clinic has been established atManish Nagar, Nagpur (10 km from Railway Station

    and 3 km from Airport) to promote Yoga and

    Naturopathy under the aegis of Kratin Education

    Society so that all can lead a healthy and happy life.


    Ensuring wellness and healthy long life for all bytreating diseases through yoga & naturopathy.

    Ensuring healthy and long life for the mankind.

    Creating awareness about Yoga & Naturopathythrough workshops and seminars.

    Organizing Yoga classes to educate the mass toprogress spiritually adopting human values.

  • Treatment – We handle all kinds of chronic ailments as listed below: Asthma & Bronchitis ¼nek o


    Allergy ¼,ythZ ½]

    Arthritis & Knee pain ¼xkfB;kokr o ?kqVuksa dk nnZ½]

    Amebiasis ¼vkao½]

    Alzheimer’s disease¼vYtsbej jksx½

    Acne & Pimples ¼dhy eqgkals½

    Acidity & Indigestion¼vEyfiRr o cngteh½]

    Diabetes ¼e/kqesg½]

    Depression & Stress ¼fujk'kk

    o ekufld ruko½]

    Gastrites ¼ok;qfodkj½]

    Gynecological Problems ¼L=h ds ekfld /keZ ls lacaf/kr leL;k,½]

    Hypertension (उच्च रक्तचाप½19

    Head ache & Migraine ¼fljnnZ o


    Insomnia ¼vfunzk½

    Infertility & Sexual debilities

    fu"Qyrk ,oa dkeh detksjh

    Kidney Diseases ¼xqnksZa dh chekfj;k½a]

    Mental disorders ¼fnekxh chekjh½

    Obesity ¼esnfLork eksVkik½

    Peptic Ulcer & Ulcerative Colitis¼¼isfIVd vYlj o vkarksa dh chekfj;ka½]

    Parkinson’s Disease ¼ikfdZUlu jksx½]

    Paralysis ¼ydok½]

    Spondylitis & Back ache

    ¼d'ks#dklafU/k'kksFk o dej nnZ½]

    Sciatica ¼Lkk;fVdk½]

    Skin Diseases ¼peZjksx½

    Sleep walking ¼uhan es pyus dh chekjh½

  • Addictions (व्यसन) Adenoids (नाससका के अन्दर या

    गले में होनेवाली गगल्टी) Anemia (रक्ताल्पता) Anxiety (गचिंता) Arteriosclerosis (धमनीकाठिन्य) Atrophy of muscles and nerves

    (मािंसपेसियों/तिंत्रिकाओिं का िो ) Bedwetting ( त्रिस्तर गीला करने

    की आदत)् Gout (गाउट) Hair fall (ckyksa dk >M+uk½

    Haemorrhoids (िवासीर) Impotence (नप िंसकता) Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    (इर्रिटेिल िोवेल ससिंड्रोम ) Jaundice (पीसलया) Liver disorder (सलवर ववकार) Measles (खसरा) Muscular dystrophy (मािंसपेिीय

    द वविकास) Migrane (माइगे्रन )

    Nutritional deficiencies (पो क तत्वों की कमी )

    Osteoporosis (ऑस्स्टयोपोरोससस) Phobias (भय) Piles (पाइल्स) Prostate problems (प्रोस्टेट समस्याओिं) Psoriasis (सोरायससस) Sinusitis (साइनसाइठटस) Slip disc (स्स्लप डिस्क)

    Stomach cramps (पेट में ऐिंिन) Thyroid problems (थायरॉयि

    समस्याएिं) Tumours (ट्यूमर)

    Uraemia (यूरीसमया) Urinary infections (मूि सिंक्रमण ) Varicose veins (वैर्रकाज - वेंस ) Vertigo (ससर का चक्कर ) Vomiting (उल्टी)


  • Treatment therapies available at KWC Yoga & Meditation ¼;ksx ,oa /;ku½

    Diet Therapy ¼vkgkj fpfdRlk½

    Fasting Therapy (miokl fpfdRlk)

    Hydro therapy ¼ty fpfdRlk½

    Steam & Heat Therapy ¼Hkki ,oa m"ek fpfdRlk½

    Massage Therapy ¼ekfy’k fpfdRlk½

    Mud therapy ¼feÍh fpfdRlk½

    Shatkarmas ( Neti, Kunjal, Dhoti,Kapalbhati, Nauli,Tratak)

    Acupressure ( Manual & acupressure Bed)

    Colon therapy ¼dksyksu fpfdRlk½

    Physiotherapy ¼ fQftvks Fksjsih½

    Panchakarma ¼iapdeZ½

    Ion Detoxification (vk;ksu fMVkWfDlfQds'ku½21

  • Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation


  • Yoga, Pranayam & Meditation


  • Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga is beneficial for chronic elements like Stress, Asthma, Arthritis, Hypertension, Cardiac disease

  • Benefits of Pranayam

  • Benefits of meditationRegular practice of Meditation may result in Internal

    awareness, increased concentration of memory power,

    Increased physical energy, Mental efficiency, creativity,

    psychic power etc.

    • Lowers blood pressure.

    • Restore balanced function to te digestive system,

    aiding absorption of nutrients.

    • Relax the nervous system

    • Relieves muscle tension

    • Diminishing intensity of headache/ migraines

    • Relieves insomnia

    • Frees the mind from self-doubt and

    internal chatter

    • Release fears

    • Reduces anxiety

    • Improves depression

    • Generates optimism, self- esteem,

    confidence and motivation

  • Diet Therapy ¼vkgkj fpfdRlk½


    vkgkj fpfdRlk%

    izk—frd vkgkj ds lsou ls vPNk LokLF;] dq’kkxz cqf)] eu%'kkafr dh

    izkfIr gksrh gS ,oa e/kqesg] mPp jDrpki] ok;qfodkj] eksVkik vkfn jksxksa ls

    NqVdkjk ik;k tk ldrk gSA

    Diet Therapy:

    Extensive guidance of Naturopathic diet to attain high

    standard of health, keen intellect & serenity of mind and for

    management of different ailments like Diabetes,

    Hypertension, Gastritis, obesity etc.

  • Fasting Therapy (miokl fpfdRlk)


    miokl fpfdRlk:

    ykHk% eksVkik] peZjksx ls eqfDr] vYljsfVo dksykbfVl]

    xfB;k okr] mPp jDrpki] dksysLVªky larqyu] vipu

    Benefits: Obesity] Skin diseases, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood

    pressure, high cholesterol, indigestion etc.

  • mipkj dk uke% dfV Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g ikpu laLFkku lEcU/kh jksxksa] ekfld ?keZ ,oa L=h lEcU/kh

    jksxksa] dCt] eksVkik] Luk;qnkScZY;] e/kqesg] xqnsZ lEcU/kh jksx] mPPjDrpki]

    ekbxzsu] izksLVsV dh lwtu ,oa ew= lEc/kh jksxksa esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Hip Bath

    Benefits: Digestion related disorders, irregular menses,

    gynecological problems, constipation, obesity, diabetes,

    kidney related problems, hypertension, migraine,

    prostate enlargement and urine related problems.29

  • mipkj dk uke% iw.kZ Vc Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g vfunzk] my>u] ekbxzsu] mPPjDrpki] Luk;q nkScZY;]

    volkn rFkk 'kjhj esa ihMk] eLdwyj fMLVªkQh] ydok]

    ijfdalu jksx rFkk vfLFk oØrk ¼fjdsV~l½ esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Full Tub Bath

    Benefits: Insomnia, mental confusion, migraine,

    hypertension, depression, body pain, muscular

    dystrophy, paralysis, Parkinson’s and rickets.30

  • mipkj dk uke% jh< Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g my>u] vfunzk] fljnnZ] xzhok vkSj dfV laf/k'kskèk]

    mPPkjDrpki] fof{kfIr] ,oa euksfodkjksa] ekbxzsu] dfV’kwy] fLyi

    fMLd vkfn esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Spinal Bath

    Benefits: Mental confusion, insomnia, headache, cervical,spondylosis, hip joint osteoarthritis hypertension,paraplegia, mental disorders, migraine, hip joint, slipdisc.


  • mipkj dk uke% jh< Qqgkj Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g my>u fof{kfIr] Likbuy LVhuksfll] vfunzk vkSj

    euksfodkjksa] xzhok ,oa dfV laf/k'kskèk] 'khtksÝsfu;k] vfLFk oØrk

    ¼fjdsV~l½ jh< ds Mhtsujs’ku esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Spinal Spray

    Benefits: Mental confusion, paralysis, spinal stenosis, insomnia,mental disorder, cervical spondylosis, hip jointosteoarthritis, schizophrenia, rickets and spinaldegeneration.


  • mipkj dk uke% ikn ,oa ckgq Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g nek] Nkrh dh :dkoV] [kk¡lh vkSj tqdke] lkbukslkbfVl]

    laf/k'kskèk] gkFkksa ,oa iSjksa dh ihMk+ ,oa de jDr lapkj esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Foot and Arm Bath

    Benefits: Asthma, congestion in chest, cough and cold,

    sinusitis, osteoarthritis, foot and arm pain, ischemia.33

  • mipkj dk uke% ldZqyj ckFk

    ykHk% osfjdksflVh] ekal is'kha dh detksjh] 'kjhj nnZ] ruko] jDr

    lapkj eas ykHkiznA

    Name of Treatment: Circular Bath

    Benefits: Varicosity, Muscular weakness, Body pain,

    Stress, Improve blood circulation 34

  • mipkj dk uke% vUrtZy ekfy’k

    mi;ksx% ;g eksVkik] ydok] iksfy;ks] fjdsV~l] ekalisf’k;ksa dh

    ncZyrk@vdeZ.;rk] volkn] f'kfFkyhdj.k esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Underwater massage

    Benefits: Obesity, paralysis, poliomyelitis, rickets, muscular

    weakness, disability, and depression general


  • mipkj dk uke% xje ikn Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g nek] vfunzk] fljnnZ] laf/kokr rFkk

    lkbfVdk esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Hot Foot Bath

    Benefits: Asthma, insomnia, headache,

    osteoarthritis and sciatica.


    Steam & Heat Therapy ¼Hkki ,oa m"ek fpfdRlk½

  • mipkj dk uke% Hkki Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g eksVkik] laf/k'kskèk] nek] xfB;k] lkbfVdk] raf=dk'kksFk] fcuk

    [kqys ?kkoksa okys peZ jksxksa rFkk lkekU; f’kfFkyhdj.k ds fy,

    mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Steam bath

    Benefits: Obesity, osteoarthritis, Asthma, rheumatism,

    sciatica, nervous breakdown, skin diseases with closed

    lesions, general weakness.37

  • mipkj dk uke% xje vkSj BaMk lsad

    mi;ksx% isV esa nnZ] ?kqVuksa ds laf/k'kskèk] dej ds nnZ] xfB;k] nek]

    ’kjhj esa nnZ vkfn esa ;g mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Hot & Cold fomentation

    Benefits: Stomach pain, knee joint osteoarthritis,

    lumbago, rheumatism, asthma, body pain.38

  • mipkj dk uke% LFkkuh; Hkki

    mi;ksx% ?kqVuksa ds laf/k'kskèk] ] xfB;k] ihB nnZ] Ýkstu 'kksYMj] nkn]

    eqgkals vkfn esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Local steam

    Benefits: Knee arthritics, gout, backache, frozen

    shoulder, eczema, acne.39

  • mipkj dk uke% ok"iku

    mi;ksx% tqdke] [kkalh, czkUdkbfVl] nek] dhy eqgkals vkSjlkbukslkbfVl esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Face steam

    Benefits: Cold, bronchitis, asthma, acne, sinusitis,


  • mipkj dk uke% lw;Z Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g xfB;k] laf/kokr] eksVkik] lksjkbfll] nkn dqiks’k.k

    rFkk vip] fjdsV~l] nek vkfn esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Sun Bath

    Benefits: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism, obesity, psoriasis,

    malnutrition, warts, indigestion, rickets and strength.41

  • mipkj dk uke% Nkrh dh yisV

    mi;ksx% ;g tqdke vkSj [kk¡lh] czkUdkbfVl] cq[kkj] mPPkjDrpki vkSj

    nek esa mi;ksxh gSA bls ^gn; Vkfud* ds :i esa iz;ksx fd;k

    tkrk gSA

    Name of Treatment: Chest pack

    Benefits: Cough and cold, bronchitis, fever, hypertension,

    asthma, it is heart tonic.42

  • mipkj dk uke% isV dh yisV

    mi;ksx% dCt] vip] ,lkbfVl ¼tyksnj½] ;d`r jksxksa] mnj ok;q

    vEyrk rFkk eksVkik esa ;g mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Abdomen Pack

    Benefits: Constipation, indigestion, ascetic, liver

    disorders, flatulence, acidity, obesity.43

  • mipkj dk uke% ?kqVus dh yisV

    mi;ksx% ;g ?kqVuksa ds laf?k’kksFk vkSj xfB;k esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Keen pack

    Benefits: Osteoarthritis and rheumatism of knee.


  • mipkj dk uke :lksuk ckFk

    ykHk% nek] czksUdkbfVl] okr dk nnZ] lksjk;fll] [kqtyh] gkeksZuy

    leL;k,] fuEu jDrpki] eksVkik vkfnA

    Name of treatment: Sauna Bath

    Benefits: Asthma, Bronchitis, Pain & rheumatism,

    Psoriasis,Skin itching, Hormonal problem , Low blood

    pressure, Obesity etc.45

  • mipkj dk uke % LVksu Fksjsih

    ykHk% ekal is’kh;ksa dh ruko] ekufld ruko] tSfod fo"k dk

    fu"dklu] cnu nnZ] jDr lapkj] vfunzk] fpark ,oa fMizs’ku vkfnA

    Name of Treatment: Stone therapy

    Benefits: Relaxation of muscles, stress reduction, Release of

    toxins, Pain reduction, Improvement of Blood Circulation,

    Insomnia, Anxiety & Depression46

  • mipkj dk uke% ekfy’k

    mi;ksx% ;g ekalisf’k;ksa ,oa 'kjhj dsa lHkh laLFkkuksa dks fØ;k'khy cukrh gSA

    mPp ;k fuEujDrpki] tksMksa ds fodkj] ydok] volkn] nnZ dh

    LFkkuh; ;k lkekU; voLFkk,a] nqcZyrk] vip vkSj eksVkik esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Massage

    Benefits: Improves, activities of muscles and glands, hypertension,

    hypotension, joint disorders, paralysis, depression,

    general or local pain, weakness, indigestion and


    Powder MassageOil Massage


  • mipkj dk uke% feVVh Luku

    mi;ksx% ;g peZ jksxksa tSls ,fDtek] lksjkbfll rFkk my>u] ruko]fljnnZ] vfunzk] mPpjDrpki] e/kqesg] ekbxzsu] ekufld jksxksa]

    ikpu lEcU/kh fodkjksa vkfn esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Mud Bath

    Benefits: Skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, mental confusion,stress, headache, insomnia, hypertension, diabetes,migraine, mental disorders and digestion relateddisorders.


  • mipkj dk uke% feVVh dh iVVh

    mi;ksx% ;g ikpu lEcU/kh fodkjksa] dCt] vip] vEyrk] vfunzk]

    my>u] fljnnZ vkSj ekbxzsu ,oa iznkg esa vR;Ur mi;ksxh

    gSA ,d ckj iz;ksx esa yk;h x;h feVVh dks nqckjk iz;ksx esa

    ugh ykuk pkfg,A

    Name of Treatment: Mud Pack

    Benefits: Digestion related problems, constipation

    indigestion, acidity, insomnia, confusions,

    headache, migraine and menstrual disorder

    (extremely useful)49

  • Shat-karmas "kV&deZ

    Jal Neti ty usfr

    Kunjali dqatyh

    Sutra Neti lw= usfr 50

    ykHk% ukd dh gÏh Vs

  • Acupressure ( Manual & Acupressure Bed)

    Acupressure Bed



    ykHk% e/kqesg] nek] czksUdkbfVl] ân; jksx ,oa jDr lapkj]

    lk;fVdk] lk;fVdk] LikWUfMykbfll] xnZu dh vdM+u] Vsful

    ,Ycks] ekufld ruko] fpark] L=h jksx] vfunzk] v/kdikjh vkfnA

    Benefits:Diabetes, Asthma, Bronchitis, Disorders of heart & blood

    circulation, sciatica, Cervical spondylitis, stiff neck,

    tennis elbow, mental tension, anxiety, special problems

    of women, insomnia, Migraine.

  • Colon Therapy ¼dksyksu fpfdRlk½


    lkekU;r% 40 lky ds O;fDr;ksa dh vkar esa 10 ls 20

    ikSUM dCt tek gks tkrh gS

  • Colon therapy ¼dksyksu fpfdRlk½


    ikpufØ;k es lq/kkj

    dCt dh jksdFkke

    mtkZ esa o`f)

    foVkfeu rFkk iks"kd rRoksa

    ds p;kip; es lq/kkj

    ,dkxzrk esa o`f)

    otu dk ?kVuk

    iztuu {kerk es o`f)

    jDr es vkEy dk larqyu

    cuk, j[kuk

    laiw.kZ rUnq#Lrh dk



    Improves digestive system

    Prevents constipation

    Increases energy

    Improves absorption of

    vitamins & nutrients

    Improves concentration

    Kick starts weight loss

    Decreases risk of colon


    Increases fertility

    Maintains PH balance in

    the blood stream

    improves whole body


  • mipkj dk uke% ,fuek

    mi;ksx% ;g vkarks dks lkQ djrk gS vr% dCt] vip] vEyrk] peZ jksxksa]

    ikpu lEcU/kh jksxksa] fljnnZ] cq[kkj vkSj rhoz iznkgksa esa mi;ksxh gSA

    Name of Treatment: Enema

    Benefits: Cleanse large intestine, constipation, indigestion,acidity, skin diseases, digestion related problems,fever. 54

  • TENS

    Muscle stimulatorSWD

    Ultra Sonic


    Physiotherapy ¼ fQftvks Fksjsih½

  • Physiotherapy ¼fQftvksFksjsih½

    Benefits of Electrotherapy:

    ykHk% gsfeIysft;k] ydok] yacj LikWUMhykbfVl] lokZbdy

    LikWUMhykbfVl] ihB nnZ] da/kksa dk nnZ] eLD;qyj ,VªksQh]

    osfjdksflVh vkfnA

    Hemiplegia, Paralysis, Lumber spondylitis, Cervical

    spondylitis, Back ache, Frozen shoulder, Muscular

    atrophy, Varicosity etc.

    Benefits of Exercise therapy:

    ykHk% ekalis'kh;ksa dk nnZ] ihB nnZ] ydok] gsfeIysft;k] vdMu]

    jDr lapkj] ruko vkfnA

    Muscular Pain, Back ache, Paralysis, Hemiplegia,

    Stiffness, Blood Circulation, Stress etc.56

  • mipkj dk uke% /kkjk

    mi;ksx% ekufld jksx] ruko] ekbxzsu] fljnnZ]

    vk¡[kksa dh leL;k] ydok bR;kfnA

    Name of Treatment: Shirodhara

    For treating- Mental disorder, stress,

    migraine, headache,

    eye disorder, paralysis.


    Panchakarma ¼iapdeZ½


    • Improves Blood Circulation to brain

    • Improves Memory

    • Nourishes hair and scalp

    • Improves digestion

    • Sharpens the sense organs

    • Improves the quality of voice

    • Gives strength to the neck and head

    • Improves the health of the skin

  • mipkj dk uke% dfVoLrh

    mi;ksx% fLyifMLd] dejnnZ] xnZunnZ] ljokbdy & LikW.Mksykbfll]

    vkdksZ lEcU/kh leL;k] bR;kfnA

    Name of Treatment: Kati Vasti

    Benefits: Slip-disc, lumbago, sciatica, cervical spondylosis,

    neck-pain, osteoarthritis, knee pain, rheumatism,

    hip joint pain, spinal stenosis.58

  • 59

    mipkj dk uke % tkuqoLrh

    mi;ksx% vfLFk laf/k ’kksFk] vfLFk lqf"kjrk] ?kqVuksa dk nnZ vkfnA

    Name of Treatment: Janu-vasti

    Benefits Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Knee pain etc.

  • mipkj dk uke % ukL;k

    ykHk% czksUdkbfVl] 'kq"d ukfldk] psgjsa dk ydok] v/kdikjh] lkbulkbfVl]

    VkWfUlykbfVl] eksfr;kfcUn vkfnA

    Name of treatment-Nasya

    Benefits: Bronchitis, Dryness of nose, Facial paralysis,


  • mipkj dk uke% tM+hcqVh;ksa ls ?k"kZ.k Luku

    ykHk% eksVkik] tksM+ksa ,oa ekalis’kh;ksa es nnZ] xfB;kaokr] mPp jDrpki] dCt+]

    ok;qfodkj] jDr lapkj vkfnA

    Name of Treatment: Herbal Friction

    Benefits: Controls Obesity, Joint pain, Muscle Pain, Arthritis,

    Hypertension, Constipation, Gastric problem and Improves

    Blood Circulation. 61

  • 62

    mipkj dk uke % vk;u fMVkWDlhfQds'ku

    ykHk% tksMksa ds dk;kZUo;u es lq/kkj rFkk nnZ ls jkgr] vPNh uhan]

    LoLFkrk dk ,glkl] pqLrh&QqrhZ] ekalis'kh;ksa ds nnZ rFkk tdM+u esa

    lq/kkj vkfnA

    Name of treatment: Ion Detoxification

    Benefits: Increased joint movement, joint pain relieve

    from arthritis, Better sleep, Better wellbeing,

    Increased energy, muscle pain & spasm

    Ion Detoxification

  • 63

  • 64

  • Our Team


  • 66

    Contact – “Kratin Wellness Clinic”to

    attain fitness & Wellness of the body--rUnqjLr ,oa LoLFk 'kjhj ds fy, laidZ djsa--

    Øfru osyusl fDyfud

    fDyfud dk irk% IykV ua-@?kj ua 3522@124]

    Hkkjrh; x`g leL;k fuokj.k laLFkku]

    LkseyokMk] ukxiwj & 440 025

    ¼cslk&csyrjksMh jksM] iq#"kksRre lqij cktkj ds ihN¢)

    0705 731 4702, 0712-6601279

  • Clinic Address:124, Bhartiya Gruhasamasya

    Nivaran Sansthan, Behind Purushottam

    Bazar, Beltarodi Road, Manish Nagar,

    Nagpur – 440 025

    Mob: +91 7744826510/9372589636,

    Ph: 0712-6601279

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: www.kratinwellness.com

    Yoga – 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM

    Morning – 7:30 AM to 12:30 AM

    Evening – 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

    Monday Closed


    Clinic Timing:

  • Location Plan


  • Address: 47, B-2, 1st Floor,

    Lambent IT Park, Harihar Nagar,

    Besa, P.O. Pipla,

    Nagpur – 440 037

    07103 281291


    -- Nagpur Office --

  • 70