Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana...

In this issue 2 • May is Motorcycle Safety Month 3 The Torch is published monthly by the State Personnel Department and is available online at www.in.gov/spd Submit your story ideas to: [email protected] Follow us on: 5 8 • 2015 Holidays • Core training deadlines • Get rewarded with Healthy Lifestyles • Musculoskeletal informaon Got a story? June 2014 • Step 2 of the Wellness CDHP 4 • Step 3 Steps Challenge informaon Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive information still to come By upgrading your health, you have the opportunity to upgrade your plan during Open Enrollment this fall. Complete three easy steps to qualify for the new Wellness CDHP. 1 2 3 Complete the WBA Know Your Numbers Challenge yourself Step One is compleng the Well-Being Assessment (WBA) at MyHealthyLifestyles.com. This confidenal assessment idenfies health risks and creates an acon plan. Step Three is logging at least 200,000 steps in the Healthy Lifestyles Steps Challenge in July OR earning 2,500 points (in addon to WBA points) in MyHealthyLifestyles.com between June 1 and Aug. 31. Step Two is compleng a confidenal biometric screening with your primary care physician or aending a free screening event in May, June or July. We have received a lot of feedback from the release of the Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP). Though the details are sll being finalized, we do know the new Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) will offer lower premiums to those who qualify. Once all of the incenve details are finalized, we will nofy all employees through our newsleers. This informaon is being released early to let plan holders know that they can qualify for the upgrade and give everyone plenty of me to complete the steps. Use the image below as a quick reminder as we connue through the qualificaon period. To find a list of FAQs associated with the eligibility requirements or the Upgrade program overall, visit www.invesnyourhealthindiana.com/Upgrade.

Transcript of Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana...

Page 1: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

In this issue

2 • MayisMotorcycleSafetyMonth


The TorchispublishedmonthlybytheStatePersonnelDepartment


Submityourstoryideasto:[email protected]

Follow us on:


8 • 2015Holidays• Coretrainingdeadlines

• GetrewardedwithHealthyLifestyles

• Musculoskeletalinformation

Got a story?

June 2014

• Step2oftheWellnessCDHP


• Step3StepsChallengeinformation

Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive information still to come

By upgrading your health, you have the opportunity to upgrade your plan during Open Enrollment this fall.

Complete three easy steps to qualify for the new Wellness CDHP.




Complete the WBA

Know Your Numbers

Challenge yourself

Step One is completing the Well-Being Assessment (WBA)at MyHealthyLifestyles.com. This confidential assessment identifies health risks and creates an action plan.

Step Three is logging at least 200,000 steps in the Healthy Lifestyles Steps Challenge in July OR earning 2,500 points (in addtion to WBA points) in MyHealthyLifestyles.com between June 1 and Aug. 31.

Step Two is completing a confidential biometric screening with your primary care physician or attending a free screening event in May, June or July.

Start today and save tomorrow

Learn more at InvestInYourHealthIndiana.com/Upgrade


Page 2: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch2

May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness MonthSafety



Tips for passenger vehicles: • Watchattentivelyfor


• Useyourturnsignalswhenchanginglanes.

• Anticipatehazardsthatmayconfrontamotorcyclistlikelargepotholes,debris,orgenerallypoorroadconditions.

• Allowatleasttwosecondsoffollowingdistancebetweenyourvehicleandamotorcycle.

• Becautiouswhenturningleft.Thisisaprimarycauseofcrashesbetweenvehiclesandmotorcycles.

• Sharetheroad,motorcyclistsareentitledtooperateinafulllane.

• Obeyalltrafficlaws.




Safety tips for motorcycle riders: • WearaDOTapprovedhelmet

andridingsafetygear.• Don’tconsumealcohol


• Bevisible.Ensureyourheadlight,taillightandbrakelightworkproperly.

• Wearhighvisibilityclothing.• Uselanepositioningtoincrease


• Avoidridinginblindspots.


In October 2013, Governor Mike Pence leads a ride across Eastern Indiana about 100 miles to Whitewater Memorial State Park. The event benefits the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund, which helps soldiers and their families.


Take this survey for a chance to win!

Page 3: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch 3

Take Step Two to upgrade your plan, upgrade your healthThe Upgrade program information applies to employees covered by a medical plan and employed by the State of Indiana by May 1, 2014, and does not apply to conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors.



• Totalcholesterol,HDL,LDL,andtotalcholesteroltoHDLratio

• Fastingglucose,Triglycerides• Systolicanddiastolicbloodpressure• Height,weight,BMI(bodymass

index),bloodpressure• Waistsize/circumference(because









Page 4: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch4



June is Musculoskeletal Month Nutrition for strong bones and muscles

Reward yourself with Healthy Lifestyles in more ways than one

Activity PointsCompleteWell-BeingAssessment 2,500SetupaWell-BeingPlan 500AdvancingFocusAreas 250CompleteLifestyleProfile 250CompleteProgressCheck 250CreateanInspiration 250UpdateyourWell-BeingAssessment 250UpdateyourLifestyleProfile 250Trackyourweight 50Trackexercise,food,goals,etc. 25Trackmedicationadherence 10CompleteaJournalEntryorActionItem 10Readorrateanarticleorresource 5










Page 5: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch 5

Start planning for Step Three of the Wellness CDHPThe Upgrade program information applies to employees covered by a medical plan and employed by the State of Indiana by May 1, 2014, and does not apply to conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors.

Asyouprobablyalreadyknow,StepThreeiscompletingtheHealthyLifestylesStepsChallengeinJulyorearning2,500pointsinMyHealthyLifestyles.com.IfyouchosetheStepsChallenge,youmustlogatleast200,000stepsintheStepsChallengeduringJuly.SignupbeginsJune 16.



IfyouhaveanyadditionalquestionsabouttheWellnessCDHP,pleasedonothesitatetocontacttheBenefitsHotlinetoll-freeat(877)248-0007,locallyat(317)232-1167,[email protected],allofthisinformationcanbefoundatwww.InvestInYourHealthIndiana.com/Upgrade.


• TrytheFitnessChallenge.Run,walk,rideorswimtobetterhealthandprizeslikeannualpassesandInngiftcards.

• CanoetheTippecanoe.PurchaseawaterproofTippecanoeRiverWaterTrailsMapwithmileage,locationsandpicturesof10accesssitesinPulaskiCounty.AvailableattheTippecanoeRiverStateParkofficefor$6.

• FirstSaturdayHikeatVersaillesStateParkat9a.m.onJune7.HostedbyFriendsofVersaillesStatePark.MeetatOakGroveParkingLot,LeashedDogswelcome.

• YogaontheBeachatIndianaDunesStatePark,10a.m.everyThursdaythroughAug.28infrontofbeachpavilion,$10/sessionfee.Co-sponsoredbyBleuLotusYoga.

• Women’sOnlyHike,10a.m.atVersaillesStateParkonJune14,withtheFriendsofVersaillesStatePark.CallKatherineTaultoreserveaspot(812)689-7431.

• Tri-StateSix-HourMountainBikeRaceonJune22atVersaillesStatePark.


Get outside and move more this summer!

Page 6: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch 6

Thanks to the Indiana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for this submission.

Good nutrition helps build strong bones and muscles It’snosecretthatgoodnutritionisacornerstoneofahealthybody.RegisteredDietitianshavebeenshoutingforyearsabouttheimportanceofahealthydiettomaintainanidealbodyweightandmanagechronicdiseaseslikediabetesandhypertension.Butwe’dlikeyoutoknowthere’smoretoitthanthat.Whatweeateffectsboneandmusclegrowthaswell.

Strong BonesBonesarethebody’sfoundationandcreatingstrongonesareessential.CalciumandVitaminDaretherockstarsofbonehealthandnecessarytobuildinghealthybones.Foodslikemilk,yogurt,fortifiedsoymilkandfortifiedorangejuicecanbequickwaystogetinyourdailyCalciumneeds.Otherfoodslikecannedsalmonorsardines,whitebeansandleafygreens(kale,spinach,mustard,etc)provideCalciumaswellinsmallerdoses.VitaminDisimportanttoassistwithCalciumabsorptionandcanbeeasilyobtainedbyeatingfisheslikehalibut,catfish,cannedsalmonandtunaaswellasfortifiedfoodssuchasmilk,soymilkandorangejuice.VitaminDcanalsobecreatedbyourbodythroughsunexposure;howeverit’slesslikelythatenoughcanbeproducedthisway,particularlyduetouseofsunscreentoprotectourskin.





Strong MusclesWhileourbonesarethefoundationofourbodies,






Additional resources• AcademyofNutritionandDietetics• DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans• DietaryReferenceIntakes

Click the picture to view nutritional facts for daily doses of calcium, iron, vitamin C & D.

Page 7: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch7







1. Be active–Researchhasshownthatphysicalactivitydecreasespainandimprovesfunction.Startslowanddon’toverdoit!

2. Maintain a healthy weight–Beingoverweightorobeseincreasesaperson’sriskofarthritis.

3. Eat a healthy diet–Notethefoodsthatmaycauseflare-upsandthosethatmayhelpprotectyourjoints.

4. Be tobacco free and limit alcohol consumption–Bothcanweakenthestructureofbones.

5. Learn arthritis management strategies –Findnewtechniquestoreducepainandphysicallimitations.Consideraworkshopforpeoplewithchronicdiseases,suchasLivingaHealthyLifeorRestartLiving.

Formoreinformationonarthritis,visittheCDCArthritiswebsiteortheArthritisFoundationwebsite.Formoreinformationoneatingbetter,movingmoreandavoidingtobacco,visittheINShapeIndianawebsite.Tolearnmoreandgethelptoquitsmoking,visittheQuitNowwebsite.References1. HootmanJM,HelmickCG.Projections


2. IndianaStateDepartmentofHealth.(2012).BehavioralRiskFactorSurveillanceSystem,2011.

3. TheisKA,MurphyL,HootmanJM,HelmickCG,YelinEH.Prevalenceandcorrelatesofarthritis-attributableworklimitationintheU.S.populationamongpersonsages18--64,2002NHISdata.ArthritisCareRes2007;57:355--63.

Thanks to the Indiana Sate Department of Health for this submission.

Living well with Arthritis can happen with lifestyle changes

Page 8: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

The Torch8

The Core Supervisor training deadlines have been extended



AsofJuly1,2014thesetrainingswillbeavailabletoallstateemployeesforselfenrollment.Besuretocheckoutourothercatalogofferingsbelowbeforethesecoursesaregone!• ManagerandSupervisorCatalog(includes the Core and Enhanced Supervisor

Training Programs)• CustomerServiceCatalog• Health&SafetyCatalog


On May 15, Governor Mike Pence announces HIP 2.0, the State of Indiana’s plan to advance private, market-based Medicaid reforms in Indiana. This consumer-driven health care coverage program for low-income adults builds on Indiana’s history of consumer-driven health care and would replace traditional Medicaid for all non-disabled adults.To see more pictures of the Governor visit www.in.gov/gov/2387.htm.

The 2015 State holidays are available



New Year’s Day:ThursdayJanuary1Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:Monday,January19Good Friday:Friday,April3Primary Election Day:Tuesday,May5Memorial Day:Monday,May25Independence Day: Friday,July3*Independence Day:Saturday,July4,**Labor Day:Monday,September7Columbus Day:Monday,October12General Election Day: Tuesday,November3Veterans Day:Wednesday,November11Thanksgiving Day:Thursday,November26Lincoln’s Birthday:Friday,November27Washington’s Birthday: Thursday,December24Christmas Day:Friday,December25

* Operations regularly scheduled Monday – Friday.** Operations regularly scheduled on Saturday/Sunday.

• Clickheretodownloadacopy

Artwork by Jerry Williams

Page 9: Wellness Consumer Driven Health Plan incentive …conservation officers, excise officers, Indiana State Police plan participants, part-time, temporary employees or contractors. If

ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1915 W. 18th St., Suite B • Indianapolis, IN 46202 • 317.917.3685 • www.icadvinc.org

5K Walk/Run/Wheelchair Roll

Saturday, June 7, 2014 at Victory Field, 8:00 a.m. - rain or shine 501 W. Maryland Street in downtown Indianapolis

Join us at Victory Field for the 11th annual Race Away From Domestic Violence,

a 3.1 mile event to benefit the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Open to all ages and abilities. IPICO timing devices. Awards for overall finish and age divisions. IHSAA athletes approved to participate. Kids race and fun activities. Convenient parking. Register in advance: $25 with t-shirt, $20 without - $25 day of event

Visit www.icadvinc.org to register. Create a page at www.firstgiving.com/icadv to accept pledges from your friends and family!


Bill & Brenda Shrewsberry