Wellness Ch 7 Questions

Kaitlin Knoff April 15, 2014 Wellness Choices Ch. 7 Question Set 1. In reference to alcohol and drug usage-why do we tend to protect others from the natural consequences of their destructive behavior? We tend to protect those who use alcohol and drugs from the natural consequences of their destructive behavior because it something that makes them feel normal and when we take it away it could cause further unpleasant acts. Also, being addicted to alcohol and drugs is considered to be a mental disorder because the user sees it as a stimulus. The user’s mood may change from positive behavior to having anxiety. 2. Have you ever confronted a person that you were concerned about? When I was younger I would hide my grandmother’s cigarettes, not to be funny but because I didn’t want her smoking anymore. Well that backfired on me because she got very upset with me. My brother though, he was heavily addicted to drugs and I’ve seen my parents confront him before. 3. What are your thoughts about drinking in college? Is it a right of passage? Will the heavy drinking end when a person has graduated? I think that drinking in college is the right of passage but at the same time it is not. I think that it is okay to go out one night on the weekend and have a few drinks with friends. College can be stressful and sometimes when you relax with your friends and have a few drinks it is okay but when it turns into blacking out every weekend, drinking heavily, and skipping class then it is not the right passage. I think that once the person gets their first real check of reality when they graduate, the drinking may stop or at a minimal of one or two drinks once a week is fine. Everyone has this image that college is solely about drinking, blacking out, and going out every weekend but the person must be responsible enough realize that college is not about that. 4. What makes you feel connected to the campus community? Plymouth is a well-known “party” school and by going out on the weekends, even if I am not drinking I feel more



Transcript of Wellness Ch 7 Questions

Kaitlin KnoffApril 15, 2014Wellness ChoicesCh. 7 Question Set

1. In reference to alcohol and drug usage-why do we tend to protect others from the natural consequences of their destructive behavior?We tend to protect those who use alcohol and drugs from the natural consequences of their destructive behavior because it something that makes them feel normal and when we take it away it could cause further unpleasant acts. Also, being addicted to alcohol and drugs is considered to be a mental disorder because the user sees it as a stimulus. The users mood may change from positive behavior to having anxiety.

2. Have you ever confronted a person that you were concerned about?When I was younger I would hide my grandmothers cigarettes, not to be funny but because I didnt want her smoking anymore. Well that backfired on me because she got very upset with me. My brother though, he was heavily addicted to drugs and Ive seen my parents confront him before.

3. What are your thoughts about drinking in college? Is it a right of passage? Will the heavy drinking end when a person has graduated?I think that drinking in college is the right of passage but at the same time it is not. I think that it is okay to go out one night on the weekend and have a few drinks with friends. College can be stressful and sometimes when you relax with your friends and have a few drinks it is okay but when it turns into blacking out every weekend, drinking heavily, and skipping class then it is not the right passage. I think that once the person gets their first real check of reality when they graduate, the drinking may stop or at a minimal of one or two drinks once a week is fine. Everyone has this image that college is solely about drinking, blacking out, and going out every weekend but the person must be responsible enough realize that college is not about that.

4. What makes you feel connected to the campus community?Plymouth is a well-known party school and by going out on the weekends, even if I am not drinking I feel more connected to the campus community that way. The campus does do a good job of putting on events such as open mic, recently relay for life, several PAW events, bingo sometimes, etc. and by going to those that too also is a good way to feelings connected with the campus community along with going to sporting events like hockey games, football, basketball, soccer games. a. What contributes to that feeling?By going out on the weekends, I meet new people during most nights and that can be really nice whereas the events that the school puts on, it is more so going with your group of friends. Going to the events that the school puts on is also a good contributor to seeing new faces as well. The sporting events too is a really good way to be connected with the campus community because you get to know who plays on what team and everyone gets into the games, they are a lot of fun! Honestly overall, I am always so happy with being at this school. Ive never regretted my decision on coming to PSU.

5. What motivates you to be or stay involved in your campus community?I play on the womens soccer team at PSU and that is a great way to be involved with the campus community along with attending other sporting events. Recently, I was part of the relay for life walk against cancer with the PSU Nursing program and that was another awesome way to get connected with the campus community. I try to attend as many events when I have time and be a friendly face on campus by saying hi to many people.

6. What has influenced decisions you have made related to your health; decisions related to alcohol or other drug use? Growing up I have seen my brother make numerous of mistakes with his life on account of being addicted to drugs, practically going nowhere in his life and being absolutely hopeless as an effect of the drugs. I have seen the toll that he had put on my parents and just all that alone, I knew I would never get into drugs. Thankfully he was able to turn his life around and make something out of nothing. He is now engaged and has a great job along with being 21 months and counting completely sober from any drug substance. Seeing him struggle and the disappointment on my parents face has influenced me to never go down that road. a. People? Mentors? Information? Activities/events?Ive always looked at my brother for being my mentor to never go down that road as I saw him struggle with his addiction. Also, I was part of Voice Exposed and Vermont Kids Against Tobacco in middle school and high school. During those clubs we talked a lot about drugs and alcohol while trying to promote others to not do it.

7. What do you think would make campus an environment that is more supportive of healthy decision-making? I think that people cutting down their partying would of course help, along with events that make people want to attend. I think that better food choices in the dining hall would certainly help that aspect and maybe even posters around school with just statistics about drug and alcohol. a. Changes? Policies?Like said above, maybe posters around school that show statistics about drugs and alcohol that may scare students of the addiction that drugs and alcohol comes with. Overall though, I think that the University Police and town police have done a good job from cracking down on students and busting parties.

8. What do you think the biggest substance of abuse or related concern on campus is right now?This is a hard question because I see kids almost every weekend getting blackout drunk but I also see kids so stoned out of their minds that they seem almost lifeless. I think that the marijuana is probably the biggest problem on campus.

9. Why do you think many people today feel that marijuana use is not dangerous? What are the arguments in favor of legalizing marijuana? What are the arguments against legalization?I think that people may feel that marijuana is not dangerous because there is medical marijuana that people use. Some arguments against marijuana legalization includes the smoke from it is 50-70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco, lungs are exposed more to carcinogenic, chronic bronchitis and other lung disorders are associated, inhaling marijuana exposed the blood to carbon monoxide, and the list goes on. On the other side of the argument to legalizing marijuana includes helping side effects as to nausea and vomiting produced by chemotherapy the chemical treatment for cancer, improves the appetite, and reduces the muscle pain and spasticity caused by diseases. 10. What could you do to help a friend who is fighting a substance abuse problem? What resources are here on campus?I think outside of campus, I would try to help my friend get into a program or therapy that will help him/her to deal with the addiction and that will give him/her the right steps to quitting. Honestly, I am not sure what programs we have on campus for resources other than a counseling center and a health services center that could most likely send that person in the right direction to a program that can help. I do know that if you are caught with any drug or alcohol you need to attend OCTAA which is a two-day class that talks about the dangers of the addiction of drug and alcohol.

11. What types of programs do you think would be effective in preventing drug and alcohol abuse on campus?On campus, I think that the counseling center could be effective in preventing drugs and alcohol abuse along with that OCTAA that was said in the previous question.