Well being and improving well being Prof. MW Gunathunga Dept. of Community Medicine.

Well being and improving well being Prof. MW Gunathunga Dept. of Community Medicine

Transcript of Well being and improving well being Prof. MW Gunathunga Dept. of Community Medicine.

Well being and improving well being

Prof. MW Gunathunga

Dept. of Community Medicine

Well being Physical Mental Social spiritual

Physical well being- some of your ideas Optimum productivity Growth and development (kids) Strength and energy (army recruits)

Improving physical well being- some of your ideas Sports, exercises, good medicine, vaccines Personal hygiene

Mental well being- some of your ideas Self satisfaction Satisfying with what you have Not getting angry “cool batch” Zest, self esteem, ability to make decisions “do always what you have to do

Mental well being- some of your ideas Balance between individual and

surrounding – “marrying a professor”

Improving mental well being- some of your ideas Counseling for stress Chatting Hobbies Religious activities Entertainment Go to natural environment

Mental well being- some of your ideas Creativity Variety in personality Experience in past life “Non judgmental about others”

Mental well being- some of your ideas Complete well being

Social well being – some of your ideas Adjustment Loving / being loved Have your say in the community

Mental well being Scientific foundation



body tongue



Mental process




Let go

No attachmentNo aversion

No re-birthNo death

No ageing No botherNo anger

(True saint or Arahant)

Complete Mental health

Life styles

Message o Complete mental health is an achievable

targeto Physical body cannot achieve complete

healtho Mental perfection can overcome effects of

physical health problemso Social health depends on individuals’

mental health status

Life styles

Message o Teach your patients to perfect the mind for

complete well beingo You learn it first

Improving physical, mental and social healtho Healthy life styleso Dieto Regular exerciseo Resto Minimal mental stresso Not abusing substances

Life style