Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a,...

Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020 While we were still sinners Christ died for us. — Romans 5:8 Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish Registration forms are available in parking lot vestibule or by calling the office. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sacramento de la Reconciliación Sunday/Domingo 8:00 AM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:00 PM Or by appointment/ Oh por cita Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 12@M Mass Schedule/ Misas Saturday/ Sabado 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM English 7:15 AM, 12:00 PM Spanish Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre Semana Wednesday 6:00 PM Español Thursday 7:00 AM Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected] Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma Music Coordinator: Colette Estes Faith Formation Coordinator: Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe Finance Council: Scott Harris Building Committee: Kim Price 512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM

Transcript of Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a,...

Page 1: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020

While we were still sinners                    Christ died for us.                                      — Romans 5:8

Welcome to Visitors & New Members

You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we

invite you to register as a member of the parish Registration forms are available in parking lot

vestibule or by calling the office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacramento de la Reconciliación

Sunday/Domingo 8:00 AM Wednesday/Miércoles 5:00 PM Or by appointment/ Oh por cita

Eu]h[risti] @^or[tion/ @^or[]iòn Eu][rísti][ First Fri^[y/ Prim_r Vi_rn_s 9@M– 12@M

Mass Schedule/ Misas

Saturday/ Sabado 4:00 PM English 6:00 PM Español Sunday/ Domingo 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM English 7:15 AM, 12:00 PM Spanish Weekly Masses/ Monday and Friday 8:15AM Misas entre Semana Wednesday 6:00 PM Español Thursday 7:00 AM

Parish Staff

Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: [email protected]

Parish Secretary: Maricruz Palma

Music Coordinator: Colette Estes

Faith Formation Coordinator:

Faith Formation Coordinator (Spa): Manuela Torres

Parish Council: Rosemary Chriscoe

Finance Council: Scott Harris Building Committee: Kim Price

512 West Wainman Ave. Asheboro, NC 27203 Tel: 336-629-0221 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjoenc.org

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30AM-5:00PM

Page 2: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

In our Catholic tradition, we used to have so many devotions, family prayers and spiritual exercises which helped us to constantly stay in touch with God and draw strength from Him at every turn of life. Due to our easy falling prey to the pressures of the liberal culture in this age, we tend to ignore those noble traditions and practices. Our hearts are empty of that warm intimacy with God.

Due to the affluence of life we tend to ignore our relationship with God and yield to the sociocultural distractions of the world. We buy expensive smart phones for our children and allow their total immersion and intoxication with the agenda of the liberal world out there. They have no time to pray. They do not even know about the spiritual life of a true Catholic. It is our fault as adults. When we ignore our traditions at home our children will be deprived of the privilege to develop them in their prime age which at a later time they will only refuse to accept because they are already brainwashed by the liberal world and its ideologies which many a time trivialize our faith values. We as parents and adults are accountable to God for failing our children and depriving them of the personal spirituality and devotions that will promote their finding strength from God always.

During the second week of Lent we are given from the scripture the genuine models of how relationship with God will prompt us to accept the challenges of life. When Abram was asked by God to move on to another unknown territory, trusting in God’s assurances he packed his belongings and took off right away. (Genesis(12:1-4).

Paul reminds Timothy and all the believers (2Tim:1:8-10) to bear our share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God. In moments of stress and crisis in our faith journey or our daily lives, we must have the habit of finding strength from God through prayer and communion with God.

In the Gospel through His Transfiguration experience Jesus (Mt.17:1-9) showed how he received strength from His intimacy and communion with the Father to face the most painful zenith of His sacrificial ministry for our salvation. Lenten renewal is the time for us to reflect on our life, to restore our intimacy with God through our Lord Jesus, through devotions and restoring our time for meditations and personal prayers to deepen our intimacy with God.

Lent is the time to bring back those Catholic traditions of family prayer and devotions and to animate the whole family in the Christian way of life. It will help if Parents and children together discuss such faith matters and come up with common understanding of the importance of prayers and traditions in our lives and come to common agreement to be faithful to God with restoring such practices. We must promote a desire to live always with that longing for our salvation. This will help children understand and ac-cept the Christian way of disciplined life. That will give them strength to abstain from addictions and social problems plaguing the youngsters’ world.

God bless you all.

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 2

From the Pastor’s Desk / Del Escritorio del Padre

En nuestra tradición católica, solíamos tener tantas devociones, oraciones familiares y ejercicios espirituales que nos ayudaron a estar constantemente en contacto con Dios y sacar fuerzas de Él en cada momento de la vida. Debido a nuestra fácil caída por las presiones de la cultura liberal en esta época, tendemos a ignorar esas nobles tradiciones y prácticas. Nuestros corazones están vacíos de esa cálida intimidad con Dios.

Debido a la riqueza de la vida, tendemos a ignorar nuestra relación con Dios y cedemos a las distracciones socioculturales del mundo. Compramos teléfonos inteligen-tes caros para nuestros hijos y permitimos su total inmersión e intoxicación con la agenda del mundo liberal. No tienen tiempo para rezar. Ni siquiera saben acerca de la vida espiritual de un verdadero católico. Es nuestra culpa como adultos. Cuando ignoramos nuestras tradiciones en el hogar, nuestros hijos se verán privados del privilegio de desarrollarlos en su primera edad, que en un momento posterior solo se negarán a aceptar porque el mundo liberal y sus ideologías ya les lavaron el cerebro y que muchas veces trivializan. nuestros valores de fe Nosotros, como padres y adultos, somos responsables ante Dios por fallarles a nuestros hijos y privarlos de la espiritualidad personal y las devociones que promoverán que Dios siempre encuentre su fortaleza.

Durante la segunda semana de Cuaresma, de las Escrituras se nos dan los modelos genuinos de cómo la relación con Dios nos impulsará a aceptar los desafíos de la vida. Cuando Dios le pidió a Abram que se mudara a otro territorio desconocido, confiando en las garantías de Dios, empacó sus pertenencias y se fue de inmediato. (Génesis (12: 1-4). Pablo les recuerda a Timoteo y a todos los creyentes (2Tim: 1: 8-10) que carguen nuestra parte de las dificultades del Evangelio con la fuerza que proviene de Dios. En momentos de estrés y crisis en nuestro viaje de fe o en nuestra vida diaria, debemos tener el hábito de encontrar la fuerza de Dios a través de la oración y la comunión con Dios. En el Evangelio a través de su experiencia de Transfiguración, Jesús (Mt.17: 1-9) mostró cómo recibió fortaleza de su intimidad y comunión con el Padre para enfrentar el cenit más doloroso de su ministerio sacrificial para nuestra salvación. La renovación de la Cuaresma es el momento para que reflexionemos sobre nuestra vida, para restaurar nuestra intimidad con Dios a través de nuestro Señor Jesús, a través de las devociones y la restauración de nuestro tiempo para meditaciones y oraciones personales para profundizar nuestra intimidad con Dios.

La Cuaresma es el momento de recuperar esas tradiciones católicas de oración y devoción familiar y de animar a toda la familia en el estilo de vida cristiano. Ayudará si padres e hijos juntos discuten tales asuntos de fe y llegan a un entendimiento común de la importancia de las oraciones y tradiciones en nuestras vidas y llegan a un acuerdo común para ser fieles a Dios con la restauración de tales prácticas. Debemos promover un deseo de vivir siempre con ese anhelo de nuestra salvación. Esto ayudará a los niños a comprender y aceptar la forma cristiana de vida disciplina-da. Eso les dará fuerzas para abstenerse de las adicciones y los problemas sociales que afectan al mundo de los jóvenes. Dios los bendiga a todos.

Page 3: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church

MASS SCHEDULE: Week of 3/15/2020

Sacrament of reconciliation: Wednesday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 8:00 am


Liturgi][l Minist_r

Ministros D_ l[ Liturgi[

WEEKLY OFFERINGS: 3/08/2020 Offertory: $3,378.00 Weekly Budget Expectation: $5,900.00 Weekly Over/Under: $(2,522.00)


SAT 03/21

SUN 03/22

Euc: Carol Rich, Dan Higgins, Rosemary Chriscoe, Chris na Smith, Alejandro Garcia

Lec: Tom Murphy

Hos: Ron Stark, Wayne Dawson, Georgia McCollom, Oscar Sanchez, Wayne Dawson

Aco: Nestor Medina

SAB 03/21

Euc: Ester Ruiz, Benito Ruiz, Enrique Jimenez, Miriam Juarez, Flavia Morales

Lec: Imelda Ascencio, Juan Torenro

Pet & Anu Enrique Jimenez Jr.

Hos: Menda Plata, Yaquelin Plata, Eneida Avila, David Fuentes

Aco: Osmel, Miranda, Stephanie Ausebio, Teresa Barron

DOM 03/22

Euc: Ruben Mar nez, Cramen Mar nez, Ofelia Gallegos, Rosalina Gaeta, Guadalupe Alejo

Lec: Domingo Garcia, Rocio Rabadan

Pet & Anu Francisca Muro, Isidro Fuentes

Hos: Hilario, Agustin, Nicolasa Dominguez, Maria Esteban, Rosa Lopez, Santos Gonzalez

Aco: Luis Martinez, Isaac Martinez, Nestor Medina

Euc: Keith Bryant, Pat Nurss, Libby Nault

Lec: Mike Leach, Araceli Rodriguez

Hos: Mike Leach

03/16 Daniel Avila, Jorge Hernandez, Juan Ramon

03/17 Jennifer Juarez, Teresa Pincus, Celeste Soto

03/18 Gesell Flores, Bryan Garcia, Sebastian Jimenez Arias, Carlos Pes, William Post, Jose Luis Ramos, Ana Luz Valladares Gonzalez

03/19 Jesus Calderon, Jake Gallegos, Leidi Gonzalez, Jose Luis Gutierrez, Angelique Resendiz Higinio, Hernan Rios

03/20 Alan Barrios, Omero Almazan

03/21 Maria Alba, Carlos Barajas, Jackie Rojas Vera, Encelmo Perez, William Ross

03/22 Nathan Otero, Rose Ross, Juan Sandoval

Mon 03/16 8:15am †Donald Barney by Carl & Georgia McCollom

Wed 03/18 6:00pm Special Intentions by Albert Hodges

Thur 03/19 St Joseph Feast Day 7:00am †Marcus Thomas McEllistrem by Becky McEllistrem 7:00pm † Jose Francisco Salinas Mena by Familia Salinas Ruiz

Fri 03/20 8:15am †Annette Conley by Rith Scanlan

Sat 03/21 4:00pm St Joseph’s Honor & Intentions by Alber Hodges 6:00pm †Marin Mendoza by Familia Reyes

Sun 03/22 7:15am †Conny Lopez by Familia Gonzalez Lopez 9:00am †Annette Conley by Mary Poremba 12:00pm †Isidro Hernandez by Isidra Hernandez 4:00pm St Joseph’s Honor & Intentions by Alber Hodges

Have a Very Blessed Birthday

Consoling the Heart of Jesus

A retreat beginning on March 27th for 10 weeks ending on

Pentecost Sunday with Consecration. Meeting every Friday after the 8:15am Mass.

Page 4: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 4

SAINTSANDSPECIALOBSERVANCESSunday: ThirdSundayofLentTuesday: St.PatrickWednesday: St.CyrilofJerusalemThursday: St.Joseph;SpringbeginsFriday: Abstinence

TODAY’SREADINGSFirstReading—WhenthepeoplegrumbledtoMosesforwaterinthedesert,theLordheardandbroughtforthwaterfromtherockforalltodrinkExodus17:3-7 .Psalm—Iftodayyouhearhisvoice,hardennotyourhearts Psalm95 .SecondReading—God’slovehasbeenpouredintoourheartsthroughtheHolySpirit Romans5:1-2,5-8 .Gospel—Ask,andyouwillbegivenlivingwatersothatyouwillneverthirstagainJohn4:5-42 5-15,19b-26,39a,40-42 .

LECTURASDEHOYPrimeralectura—Aguasaliódelarocaparaapagarlaseddelpueblo Éxodo17:3-7 .Salmo—Sihoyoyensuvoz,noendurezcansucorazónSalmo95 94 .Segundalectura—ElamordeDiossehaderramadoennuestrocorazónporeldondelEspírituSantoRomanos5:1-2,5-8 .Evangelio—ElaguaqueyolesdaréseconvierteenelmanantialdevidaeternaJuan4:5-42 5-15,19b-26,39,40-42 .

LOSSANTOSYOTRASCELEBRACION Domingo: TercerDomingodeCuaresmaMartes: SanPatricioMiércoles: SanCirilodeJerusalénJueves: SanJosé,EsposodelaBienaventurada VirgenMaría;ComienzalaprimaveraViernes: Abstinencia

READINGOFTHEWEEKMonday: 2Kgs5:1-15b;Ps42:2,3;43:3,4; Lk4:24-30Tuesday: Dn3:25,34-43;Ps25:4-51b,6,7bc, 8-9;Mt18:21-35Wednesday: Dt4:1,5-9;Ps147:12-13,15-16,19-20; Mt5:17-19Thursday: 2Sm7:4-5a,12-14a,16;Ps89:2-5, 27,29;Rom4:13,16-18,22;Mt1:16, 18-21,24aorLk2:41-51aFriday: Hos14:2-10;Ps81:6c-11ab,14,17; Mk12:28-34Saturday: Hos6:1-6;Ps51:3-4,18-21ab; Lk18:9-14Sunday: 1Sm16:1b,6-7,10-13a;Ps23:1-6; Eph5:8-14;Jn9:1-41 1,6-9,13-17, 34-38

LECTURASDELASEMANALunes: 2Re5:1-15b;Sal42 41 :2,3;43:3,4; Lc4:24-30Martes: Dn3:25,34-43;Sal25 24 :4-51b, 6,7bc,8-9;Mt18:21-35Miércoles: Dt4:1,5-9;Sal147 146 :12-13,15-16, 19-20;Mt5:17-19Jueves: 2Sm7:4-5a,12-14a,16;Sal89 88 : 2-5,27,29;Rom4:13,16-18,22; Mt1:16,18-21,24aoLc2:41-51aViernes: Os14:2-10;Sal81 80 :6c-11ab,14,17; Mc12:28-34Sábado: Os6:1-6;Sal51 50 :3-4,18-21ab; Lc18:9-14Domingo: 1Sm16:1b,6-7,10-13a;Sal23 22 : 1-6;Ef5:8-14;Jn9:1-41 1,6-9, 13-17,34-38

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SAN PATRICIO (c. 389-461)

17 de marzo

Patricio nació en la actual Escocia en la familia de un soldado romano. A los 16 años fue capturado por piratas irlandeses y sometido a seis años de pastoreo y sufrimiento. Luego de varios intentos pudo escapar, regresó a su tierra y se ordenó sacerdote. A los 46 años volvió a Irlanda del Norte como obispo y misionero. Gracias al conocimiento del idioma y la cultura se dedicó a evangelizar a los líderes de las tribus, comenzando por la más influyente y poderosa: los taras. Pese a las amenazas contra su vida, continuó predicando el Evangelio, fundando conventos, monasterios, parroquias, además de cristianizar los ritos paganos, como el de la ceremonia del fuego, que fue conquistado con la celebración del fuego nuevo en la Vigilia Pascual, desafiando abiertamente la costumbre impuesta por los sacerdotes de la religión celta. Esto por poco le cuesta la vida, pero fue su victoria y con ella, la del cristianismo. El patrono de Irlanda es conocido también por el uso que hizo de la hoja de un trébol para explicar la Santísima Trinidad. —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 5



March 19

Joseph, someone once joked, was indeed the perfect husband: the only major character in Jesus’ story who never utters a word! But the Gospel recounts and the liturgy celebrates his silent witness of faith-filled deeds: “With a husband’s love he cherished Mary, the Virgin Mother of God; with fatherly care he watched over Jesus” (Preface of Saint Joseph, Sacramentary). Catholic devotion, therefore, hails him as patron-protector of the universal Church. Some cultures set a festive “Saint Joseph’s Table,” welcoming the poor and strangers to feast with family and friends. Tradition keeps today as the anniversary of his death, which we presume was peaceful, with Jesus and Mary present. Thus, Catholics invoke Joseph as Patron of a Happy Death. Descended from David’s house, which God finished “building” through Joseph’s provision of a home for Mary and Jesus, he was, fittingly, a carpenter by trade; thus, patron of workers. Spring, nature’s rebirth, begins between his feast and Annunciation (March 25), appropriately, since Joseph’s silent obedience and Mary’s “Let it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38) usher in humanity’s spiritual rebirth. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Each time today’s Gospel story is read, I can’t help but think of the many television commercials I’ve seen depicting perspiring athletes lifting a beverage to their lips while the scorching sun beats down on them. Our culture has definite ideas about how to quench thirst. Today, those ideas are turned upside down. The Samaritan woman operates, initially, on the TV commercial level. She asks Jesus for the flowing water so that she will not have to keep coming to the well. Jesus then talks about what real thirst is, and how he, and he alone, can quench that thirst. Lent calls us to find those places deep within ourselves where we thirst. In our thirst, as did the Israelites, we cry out to God asking for springs of living water. Deep down we know that only the Lord can satisfy these thirsts. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Cada vez que se lee el relato del Evangelio de hoy, no puedo dejar de pensar en los muchos comerciales televisivos que muestran atletas sudorosos llevando una bebida a los labios mientras que el sol calcinante los golpea. Nuestra cultura tiene ideas definidas sobre cómo apagar la sed. Hoy, esas ideas son puestas cabeza abajo. Al inicio, la samaritana opera al nivel del comercial de televisión. Le pide agua viva a Jesús para no tener que seguir viniendo al pozo. Es entonces que Jesús le habla sobre la verdadera sed y cómo él, solo él, puede calmar esa sed. La Cuaresma nos llama a encontrar esos lugares muy dentro de nosotros donde estamos sedientos. En nuestra sed, al igual que los israelitas, clamamos a Dios pidiéndole fuentes de agua viva. Allá en el fondo sabemos que solo el Señor puede satisfacer esa sed. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 6: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 6

† Sacraments †

**Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221) to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish community **Sacrament of Marriage - Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior to the wedding date for necessary preparation.

**Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336-629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a pa-tient’s room number before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness.

**Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status

******************************************** Out of respect for the Liturgy in which we partake, please

turn off or mute all cell phones and pagers as you enter the Sanctuary of Our Lord. If your Children are acting up,

please take them to the cry room in order not to disrupt the liturgy for others.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS *The Knights are looking for new members to join their brotherhood. COLUMBIETTES:

The St. Joseph Columbiettes – Auxiliary 10891 would like to extend an invitation to all the ladies of the parish to join our organization. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact the church office. A current Columbiette will return your call.

The Columbiettes will be leading the Rosary every First Saturday of the Month at 3:30pm. This is to spread the 1st Saturday Devotion.

“I promise to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all those who, in order to make

reparation to me, on the First Saturday of five successive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for a quarter

of an hour, meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.” Our Lady of Fatima

Saint Joseph Youth Ministry 13- 18 Years Old Meets Every Sunday at Church 4:00p.m. Youth Mass 5:30-7:30p.m. Youth Meeting (Upstairs)


Please take a moment to pray for our parishioners needs, Illness, persona problems and our young men serving our country:

Christopher Gardner, Lillian Hazelwood & Ramona Shepard, Colleen Greene, Flora Smith, Gary Hutchins, Ralph Evans, Jose Espiallet, Monica Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel, Josefina Arellano, Laurie Wills, JR Newsome, Mary Matthews, Sara Dunmeyer’s daughter, Kevin Bennet, Donald Hills, Robert Barker, Mary Poremba, Sharon Derosi, Bob Snyder, Chester Devarney, Albert Trapani, Ernest Devarney, Luis Saavedra

Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez, Matthew Bryant Semenarians & Religious: Jose Palma, Kevin Martinez, & Jessica Palma

Box Tops Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you for your help

Youth Choir 6th Grade- 12th Grade Friday Rehearsal at Church 7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Children’s Choir K- 5th Grade Friday Rehearsal at Church 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m. Ines Rivero (Choir Director) 336-736-6681

Page 7: Welcome to Visitors & New Membersstjoenc.org/bulletins/03152020.pdfJohn 4:5-42 5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Agua salió de la roca para apagar la sed

3/15/2020 St. Joseph Catholic Church 7

Y_[r of St. Jos_ph 2020/ El [ño ^_ S[n José 2020

“If Joseph was so engaged, heart and soul, in protecting and providing for that little family at Nazareth, don’t you think that now in heaven he is the

same loving father and guardian of the whole Church, of all its members, as he was of its Head on earth?” VENERABLE POPE PIUS XII

Just as Jesus and Mary entrusted themselves entirely to the care and protec-tion of St. Joseph as the head of the Holy Family, so too can we follow their example. “Jesus, living under the roof of St. Joseph and being his Son, gave us a personal example of total entrustment to St. Joseph” (Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC).

We may be familiar with consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in particular the meth-od popularized by St. Louis De Montfort which consists of 33 days of spiritual prepara-tion. In recognition of the emphasis the Church has placed on St. Joseph in recent centu-ries, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, has introduced a similar Consecration to St. Joseph com-plete with 33 days of readings and prayers leading up to a prayer of consecration recited on a feast day connected to St. Joseph.

What does it mean to consecrate yourself to St. Joseph?

What does it mean for a person to be consecrated to St. Joseph? Well, it basically means that you acknowledge that he is your spiritual father, and you want to be like him. To show it, you entrust yourself entirely into his paternal care so that he can help you acquire his virtues and become holy. Total consecration to St. Joseph means you make a formal act of filial entrustment to your spiritual father so that he can take care of your spiritual well-being and lead you to God. The person who consecrates himself to St. Joseph wants to be as close to their spiritual father as possible, to the point of resembling him in virtue and holiness. Saint Joseph, in turn, will give those consecrated to him his undivided atten-tion, protection, and guidance. Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Visit the Year of St. Joseph website throughout 2020 for a list of activities, pilgrimages, devotions, prayers, and more: www.YearofStJoseph.org

Calling all young men ages 10-18. Are you looking to grow in your faith, learn to become a community leader, or help your community and church all while having fun with other Catholic young man? Well, the Columbian Squires are looking for new members. The Columbian Squires is part of the Knights of Columbus family. For more information please have a parent contact Grand Knight Jason Kroeger at 336-301-4418

March – Joseph Most Just


March 25-27 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm with Fr. Peter Tremblay, campus ministry at Elon

College NC

Reconciliation available from 6:00PM to 7:00PM


1) More than heaven: Lent is about Easter but what is Easter about?

2) Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving: An Easter way of life

3) Thy Kingdom Come: A world after Easter