Welcome to the NSCS Officer Application Info Session! FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS THE...

Welcome to the NSCS Officer Application Info Session! FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS THE PRESENTATION GOES ON!


Executive Vice President: Arianna Rossetti  Job: Executive Vice President  The most important task for EVP is planning the Induction Ceremony in the Fall. In addition, throughout the year it is also my job to coordinate the officers’ schedules and determine the best times for meetings and events. I schedule the weekly officer meetings and ensure that we have a location. I also reserve rooms for other events such as GBMs and socials. In addition, the executive vice president is to serve as the president’s go-to when she needs help with any of her tasks as well as help other officers in any ways necessary.   Job: Executive Vice President  The most important task for EVP is planning the Induction Ceremony in the Fall. In addition, throughout the year it is also my job to coordinate the officers’ schedules and determine the best times for meetings and events. I schedule the weekly officer meetings and ensure that we have a location. I also reserve rooms for other events such as GBMs and socials. In addition, the executive vice president is to serve as the president’s go-to when she needs help with any of her tasks as well as help other officers in any ways necessary. 

Transcript of Welcome to the NSCS Officer Application Info Session! FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS THE...

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Welcome to the NSCS Officer Application Info Session!FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS THE PRESENTATION GOES ON!

Page 2: Welcome to the NSCS Officer Application Info Session! FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AS THE PRESENTATION…

President: Cindy Yang

Job: Set the agenda for and conduct officer meetings, ensure that the chapter is registered, keep other officers on task, help with the member recruitment process, serve as the liaison between national office and local chapter, organize and facilitate the growth of the chapter

Time commitment: varies; you are in charge, so you determine how much time you want to commit. The chapter’s success depends on you keeping everything in check though!

Most Memorable Experience: Family Reveal Day. It was amazing to see the new program that we implemented come to life. I loved watching the new members bond with their families and create connections with others.

Email: [email protected]

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Executive Vice President: Arianna Rossetti

Job: Executive Vice President The most important task for EVP is planning the

Induction Ceremony in the Fall. In addition, throughout the year it is also my job to coordinate the officers’ schedules and determine the best times for meetings and events. I schedule the weekly officer meetings and ensure that we have a location. I also reserve rooms for other events such as GBMs and socials. In addition, the executive vice president is to serve as the president’s go-to when she needs help with any of her tasks as well as help other officers in any ways necessary.

Email: [email protected]

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VP of Public Relations: Carel Tan

Job: I write newsletters every week to publicize our events and to make sure all members are informed of upcoming events and I also put out questionnaires to get feedbacks from members.

Time commitment: 1-2 hours per week excluding attendance of NSCS events and regular meetings

Most Memorable Experience: it is great getting feedbacks and emails from members as I get to know each of the members more personally. I also enjoy talking to members during different events we have.

Email: [email protected]

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Social Chair: Nathaniel de los Santos

Job: Brief Job Description Make events at least two times per quarter. The goal is to get people to come out, have people meet and get to know each other, enjoy, and be involved with NSCS activities. Two requirements include creativity and the ability to work independently.

Time commitment: If you are proactive about it, the time commitment should not be too bad. Say about thirthy minutes to an hour a day, just planning ahead of time.

Most Memorable Experience: Overall, it has been a learning experience. I think one thing that would have been helpful is a group just focused on socials, like an event planning committee. It is hard working on this kind of thing alone, especially if you have little experience with working on events alone. (I used to plan things in Revelle but it was always a group effort, never just me in charge of formulating the ideas.) So, I want to genuinely say that the most memorable experience for me has been how hard it has been to find motivation and resources to really work on the task I described in the job description slide. Just as memorable are the actual socials, all of which turned out really well.

Email: [email protected]

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Treasurer: Andrew Truong

Email: [email protected]

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Job Description

Responsible for managing all financial expenditure and income for the chapter by: Providing the national office with required projected budget forms during

the year to receive funding for the chapter Maintaining accurate record of expenses and income (via fundraising

activities also organized by the treasurer from inception to completion) to submit at the end of the year for accountability and review by the national office

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Time Breakdown

~2-4 hours per week, depending on how organized you want to stay and how much work you want to cram in at specific times during the year (NOT advised) Including officer meetings, emails, phone calls, calculations,

organization/maintenance of financial records, fundraiser planning 70% of your time as treasurer involves chapter card management and

bookkeeping Remaining 30% of time involves fundraiser organization

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Memorable Moments Positive:

The first time we checked the balance of funds on our chapter credit card and it wasn’t $0 Sitting at my desk with a spreadsheet open on my laptop, a calculator, highlighters, pens, and

a fat envelope of receipts to sort through to reimburse officers for their out-of-pocket expenses—then successfully reimbursing officers and receiving genuine thanks for doing my job

Saving the completed fall budget worksheet Excel document—both the “projected” and “actual expenses” columns

Weekly officer meetings Induction not imploding Frequently emailing/texting Cindy with newbie questions about what I need to do or seeking

affirmation that I was doing what I was supposed to Less Positive:

Having $0 on our chapter credit card Stress of planning, preparing, and the hours before Induction

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VP of Social Media: Devon Brook

Email: [email protected]

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Job Description

Maintain and update Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter, and our website Maintain conversations by responding to comments and answering questions

on the Facebook Fan Page Create and upload photos/video for events on Facebook Use Status Update to make announcements for events and important

reminders on Facebook Ensure all meeting minutes on Facebook are posted in the “Notes” section

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VP of PACE: Jasmine Tan

Email: [email protected]

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About VP of PACE

Job: Head of PACE Program, coordinates tutoring program with local high school, organizes March to College Day

Time Commitment: mandatory attendance to PACE tutoring sessions, planning those; varies, maybe around 3-4 hours per week

Most Memorable Experience: March to College Day

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STAR Status Coordinator: Elli La

Email: [email protected]

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Job Description

Keep accurate minutes and records of all meetings: GBMs & Officer meetings Submission of activity reports via NSCS Portal

Activity reports are made for all activities the chapter does/is involved in, including: New Member Induction Ceremony, GBMs, officer meetings, socials, community service, PACE events, March to College Day, etc.

Ensure that chapter completes all necessary requirements for STAR Status CHECK Email frequently. ME Coordinators will send reminders of upcoming deadlines Notify the board accordingly Each req/event has a set number of points –if completed, the chapter will earn these points Sum of total points by the end of the school year will determine the STAR status ranking for our chapter Higher the ranking, more funding

Platinum Application In charge of completing the application and having other board members submit their porition

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Time Breakdown

Meeting Minutes Same length as the meeting Usually 1 hour

Activity Reports About 2-4 minutes to write (each report) if you have all the necessary

information on hand For me, the member and non-member attendance is the most troublesome

information to attain sometimes

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Time Breakdown (cont.)

Platinum Application Depends on how long it takes to complete all necessary requirements,

other board members submitting their portion, etc. START EARLY! Recommend brain storming ideas and jumpstarting it Winter

Quarter Chapter Snapshot

~ 20 minutes per snapshot 2 snapshots per year

Star STATUS Call 20-30 minutes / call Two calls per year

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Memorable Moments

Officer Board Dinner after New Member Induction Ceremony Officer Meetings (actually more fun than it sounds, maybe :P)

Specifically in relation to STAR Status/Secretary position: - it involves a lot more communication with other board members, because you

need to write an activity report on everything they organized - Also involves more communication with HQ- Meaning, more of an interpersonal and interconnected role- If you’re a people-person, this is for you!

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VP of Community Service: Rachel Kim

Email: [email protected]

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About the Position

Job description: plan and coordinate community service events. Contact organizations and work with other schools even in order to involve the club in service events both within the school and community

Time commitment: 2-3 hrs a week Most memorable experience: Ellie's garden then having the

opportunity to hang out with other board members. Service, friendship, and community!