Welcome to the Amazing Castle Trivia

Welcome to The Amazing Castle!

Transcript of Welcome to the Amazing Castle Trivia

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Welcome to The Amazing Castle!

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Hi! My name is Henry. I am 7 years old and I work for the

Lord of the Castle, who is my mother’s cousin, as a page. I’m going to ask you some questions about CASTLES, to see if you can answer them.Ready?

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TriviaThis is one of the outer rings of defense around the Lord's castle. We throw all sorts of nasty refuse here, and the GARDEROBE (toilet!) empties here as well. What is it?


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Answer:Most people don't know this, but the main purpose of the moat is to prevent enemies from tunneling under the castle. The water from the moat will cause any tunnel to collapse.


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What is the gatehouse of a castle called?

•Crown•Two towers•Barbican•Wallwalk

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Answer:The entrance to the castle is the most vulnerable part for obvious reasons. The barbican is a gatehouse that has a small tower on each side. The Lord’s head of security or constable lives there. It is one of the safest places in the castle.


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At night this metal or wooden grating is lowered to give the people in the castle extra security. What is it called?

•Belfrey•Portcullis•Butress•Big gate

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Answer:Some castles have two an inside and an outside one; if under attack the portcullis closest to the inside is closed first. Then, when the other one closes, enemies are trapped like rats!


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If I have been sent by the Lord to find the Lady and give her a message. Where will she most likely be spending the afternoon?

•Great Hall•Solar•Penthouse•Tannery

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Answer:The solar is the private apartment of the Lord and the Lady. Because it is located on the most protected side of the castle, it has windows instead of slits, and lots of sunlight. Milady and her attendants spend a lot of time there. It is easily the castle's most comfortable room.


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I can’t wait to watch my uncle John (a Knight) do battle on horseback using a wooden stick, called a lance. This popular tournament is called:

•Archery•Jousting•Horse Fighting•Lancing

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Answer:Jousting is a tough sport with the main purpose to gallop as fast as you can towards your opponent and knock him off his horse. OUCH!


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I’m ready for lunch. If I could only remember what the main room of the Castle is called, where everyone gathers for meals?

•Mess hall•Great hall•Dining room•Kitchen

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Answer: The Great Hall is the center of castle life. Meals are served there, court cases are heard, and in the evening there may be dancing, music, and games like trivia! At night the tables are moved and many of the castle workers (including me) sleep there.


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This Disney movie featured a castle with talking dishes and a girl named Belle.

•Cinderella•Sleeping Beauty•Aladdin•Beauty and the Beast

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Answer:Belle was OK, but the Beast was cool!

By the way, the movie was based upon an original French fairy tale called La Belle et la Bête.


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After lunch, I am supposed to deliver some feathers to the smithy or armory. What is made there?


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Answer:The armorer's job is very important. It is his responsibility to make sure the knights have armor, and plenty of bows and arrows. And who do you think repairs all that chain mail?


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Speaking of chain mail, if I could see into the future (which I can) it would be used in modern times by:

•Butchers•Police Officers•Woodcarvers•Scuba Divers

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Answer:Chain mail gloves are worn in modern times by butchers, police officers and wood cutters to protect against knives and scuba divers wear full body suits to protect against shark bites!


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In most kingdoms you have to be born into the royal family to be king. But not King Arthur of Camelot! He became king by pulling a fabled sword, called Excalibur, from where?

•A sheath•A tree•A stone•A lake

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Answer:Young Arthur pulled the sword from the stone and was immediately crowned King of England.

Arthur and his sword, Excalibur, are fictional, meaning not real.


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Not that I am complaining, but being a page is hard work! What, with all the errands to run, manners to learn, Bible verses, singing, dancing, and practicing my lute, I barely have time to sleep. I cannot wait until I am 13 or 14, which is when I will take up what position with the earl?


•Knight•Scullery Maid

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Answer: But the squire has a pretty tough job too! Not only will I care for my knight's horse, armor, and weapons, but I will also attend my knight on the battlefield, practice the art of war, and guard prisoners. And maybe even slay a dragon!


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Thanks for playing!