Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church€¦ · Elegy George Thalben-Ball CAll To WoRshIP The...

2 Shadyside Presbyterian Church ! Please silence cellular phones and other mobile devices while in the Sanctuary. Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church We are grateful for your presence and invite you to participate in the worship, study, fellowship, and service of this congregation. If you are a guest with us this morning, our ushers are available to assist you. Following worship, we invite those who are new to the church to join us by the fireplace in the Parish Hall, where representatives of our Welcome Committee will greet you and answer any questions you may have. Nursery care is available for infants through three-year-olds during worship. Pagers are available. A cry room with an audio broadcast of worship is available downstairs in the Marks Room. Children in Worship – At 11:00 a.m., families with two- and three-year-olds are welcome to report directly to the Nursery. Four-year-olds through second-graders attend worship and may exit with their teachers before the sermon to participate in children’s chapel worship and Christian education. (If you are a first-time guest, please accompany your child to the Chapel before returning to the Sanctuary.) Parents should meet their children in the Christian education classrooms after worship. On the first Sunday of the month, all children are invited to remain in worship through the entire service for Communion. A bulletin insert designed for children is available in the Narthex. A video broadcast of worship is available in the Craig Room, accessible through the Narthex at the back of the Sanctuary. Flower Ministry – After worship, members of the Board of Deacons’ Flower Ministry divide the chancel flowers into bouquets to be distributed to individuals who are celebrating joyous occasions and to those who could use some cheer. If you would like to deliver a bouquet to someone you know, please stop by the front of the Sanctuary after worship to receive one. Help us to share God’s love through flowers. Prayer Request Cards – You are invited to write on a Prayer Request Card the names of those who are sick or in need of intercessory prayer. Enlarged bulletins and individual listening devices for improved sound are available in the Narthex at the back of the Sanctuary. Please see an usher for assistance. Fifth Avenue Parking – Parking on the inbound side of the block from Wilkins Avenue to Amberson Avenue is not available on Sunday mornings. Parking is available on the outbound side as well as both sides of Fifth Avenue from Amberson Avenue into Oakland. We appreciate your helpfulness utilizing these available parking areas on Sunday mornings. Time of Fellowship immediately follows worship. Please join us after the service for light refreshments and an opportunity to greet each other.

Transcript of Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church€¦ · Elegy George Thalben-Ball CAll To WoRshIP The...

Page 1: Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church€¦ · Elegy George Thalben-Ball CAll To WoRshIP The Reverend Todd E. Leach Pastor: Serve the Lord with gladness! People: Come before God’s

2 Shadyside Presbyterian Church

! Please silence cellular phones and other mobile devices while in the Sanctuary.

Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian ChurchWe are grateful for your presence and invite you to participate in the worship,

study, fellowship, and service of this congregation.

If you are a guest with us this morning, our ushers are available to assist you. Following worship, we invite those who are new to the church to join us by the fireplace in the Parish Hall, where representatives of our Welcome Committee will greet you and answer any questions you may have.

Nursery care is available for infants through three-year-olds during worship. Pagers are available. A cry room with an audio broadcast of worship is available downstairs in the Marks Room.

Children in Worship – At 11:00 a.m., families with two- and three-year-olds are welcome to report directly to the Nursery. Four-year-olds through second-graders attend worship and may exit with their teachers before the sermon to participate in children’s chapel worship and Christian education. (If you are a first-time guest, please accompany your child to the Chapel before returning to the Sanctuary.) Parents should meet their children in the Christian education classrooms after worship. On the first Sunday of the month, all children are invited to remain in worship through the entire service for Communion. A bulletin insert designed for children is available in the Narthex.

A video broadcast of worship is available in the Craig Room, accessible through the Narthex at the back of the Sanctuary.

Flower Ministry – After worship, members of the Board of Deacons’ Flower Ministry divide the chancel flowers into bouquets to be distributed to individuals who are celebrating joyous occasions and to those who could use some cheer. If you would like to deliver a bouquet to someone you know, please stop by the front of the Sanctuary after worship to receive one. Help us to share God’s love through flowers.

Prayer Request Cards – You are invited to write on a Prayer Request Card the names of those who are sick or in need of intercessory prayer.

Enlarged bulletins and individual listening devices for improved sound are available in the Narthex at the back of the Sanctuary. Please see an usher for assistance.

Fifth Avenue Parking – Parking on the inbound side of the block from Wilkins Avenue to Amberson Avenue is not available on Sunday mornings. Parking is available on the outbound side as well as both sides of Fifth Avenue from Amberson Avenue into Oakland. We appreciate your helpfulness utilizing these available parking areas on Sunday mornings.

Time of Fellowship immediately follows worship. Please join us after the service for light refreshments and an opportunity to greet each other.

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Sunday, October 27, 2019 3

PREludETune in E George Thalben-BallPrelude George Thalben-BallElegy George Thalben-Ball

CAll To WoRshIP The Reverend Todd E. LeachPastor: Serve the Lord with gladness!People: Come before God’s presence with singing!Pastor: Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving!People: Come into God’s courts with praise!Pastor: Be thankful unto God; and bless God’s name!People: For the Lord is good; God’s mercy is everlasting!Pastor: And God’s truth endures to all generations!All: Let us worship God. Adapted from Psalm 100:2-5

s hyMN IN PRoCEssIoN 476O Worship the King, All Glorious Above! Lyons


PRECEs Mark SchweizerO Lord, open Thou our lips: And our mouth shall shew forth Thy praise. O God, make haste to save us: O Lord, make haste to help us. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Praise ye the Lord. The Lord’s name be praised.

PRAyER oF CoNFEssIoN (spoken in unison) Eternal God, You are the power behind all minds, all ability to think and reason, all understanding of the truth. Eternal God, You are the power of the cross of Christ, the victor over death, the source of unconquerable love. We worship and adore You. Yet, we have sinned, without considering how much You love us. You know when we are indifferent to Your Word, and how often we forget to pray; and the times we come unwillingly before You. You know when we are untruthful and when we think evil of others. You see our anger and unfairness. You long to forgive us. Forgive us, and make us clean, so that we can obey Your call to take up Your cross and follow You. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


s Those who are able are invited to stand.

Order of WorshipThe service of worship begins with the music of the prelude.

Through its power and brilliance, may you feel the majesty and glory of God; in its quietness, His peace.

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4 Shadyside Presbyterian Church

sACRAMENT oF BAPTIsM The Reverend Lynn M. PortzElder Conrad E. Bricker

RECEPTIoN oF NEW MEMBERs Elder Timothy E. Nye

hyMN Austrian Hymn (Hymn no. 285)Called as partners in Christ’s service, called to ministries of grace, we respond with deep commitment fresh new lines of faith to trace. May we learn the art of sharing, side by side and friend with friend, equal partners in our caring to fulfill God’s chosen end. Text: Jane Parker Huber, 1981

At the beginning of the hymn, children who are participating in children’s worship activities are invited to leave through the Sharp Atrium door. (If you are a first-time guest, please

accompany your child to the Chapel before returning to the Sanctuary.)

AssuRANCE oF PARdoNBelieve the good news of the Gospel:In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

s GloRIA PATRI (sung in unison) Mark A. Anderson

KyRIE ElEIsoN (sung in unison) Mark A. Anderson

Page 4: Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church€¦ · Elegy George Thalben-Ball CAll To WoRshIP The Reverend Todd E. Leach Pastor: Serve the Lord with gladness! People: Come before God’s

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sCRIPTuRE Psalm 23 page 501 of the Old Testament in the pew Bible

The Word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

ANThEM How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place Johannes Brahms

How lovely is Thy dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts! For my soul longeth, yea fainteth for the courts of the Lord. My soul and body cry out for the living God! Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house; they praise Thy name evermore. Text: Psalm 84:1-2, 4

sCRIPTuRE Luke 18:9-14 page 81 of the New Testament in the pew Bible

The Word of the Lord.Thanks be to God.

sERMoN The Reverend Dr. John A. DallesJustified

s hyMN oF REsPoNsE 421The Church of Christ in Every Age Wareham

s AFFIRMATIoN oF FAITh The Apostles’ CreedI believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

PoEM IN REMEMBRANCE oF ThE TREE oF lIFE VICTIMs (please see page 7 of this bulletin)

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6 Shadyside Presbyterian Church

PAsToRAl PRAyER ANd ThE loRd’s PRAyER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

oFFERING ANThEMLord, Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place Ronald Arnatt

Kathy Linger, soprano; Timothy Stoddard, tenorLord, Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God. The days of our years are but three score years and ten, or by reason of strength, four score years. Teach us, therefore, to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Let Thy work be revealed unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. And establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it. Amen.

Text: Psalm 90:1-2, 10, 12, 16-17

s doXoloGy Lasst uns erfreuen (Hymn no. 229)Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures here below. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


s hyMN 260A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Ein’ feste Burg


s ChoRAl REsPoNsE

PosTludEAllegro maestoso Felix Mendelssohn

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(Spoken aloud by a pastor:) These things do I remember and my heart is grieved!How the arrogant have devoured our people!Who would believe that in our day there would be no interventionFor the eleven slaughtered from our holy community?That Shabbat morning was like every ShabbatThe twenty early-risers from the three shulsCame to read Parshat Vayera from the TorahAnd they did not know nor could they see in the reflection of

God’s mystery,That the portion would reveal what would happen to them.

(To be read silently:)And they read:Abraham rose early and brought his servant ladsAnd his only son who he lovedThey went to Mount Moriah togetherHis son Isaac by his side and two lads behindThey walked three days in silence.They went in hushed voices for nothing occurred to them.Finally they arrived at MoriahAnd there God tested AbrahamAnd Abraham let the youths rest at the bottom of the hill.God said to Abraham: Ascend to me on the hill and I will test

you there.

And they saw:And Abraham roseHe ascended the mountain of God, the hill of MoriahAnd a cloud covered the mountain and God called to him saying:Thus will you say to the house of Jacob and thus will you tell thehouse of Israel: You will be holy for I am holyAnd everyone who wishes to enter my covenant and visit my

SanctuaryThat time when the many will come to sanctify my Holy Name

in publicAnd to the living God they will callAnd unto the Sanctity of Life and of Love that is implanted in

every heartAnd then the group returned, Abraham leading,And they walked separately to their homesAnd they were silent all of them in reaction to the frightful

vision their eyes saw.

And thus they heard from behind the Veil of Mystery:And if you ask in your bitterness, “This is Torah and this is its

reward?”“My answer is known:It has been decreed . . .Don’t dwell too much on what separates You from MeWhat occurred in our Holy Sanctuary that day

‘Eileh Ezkarah for Pittsburgh’· · · · · · · · · · By Rabbi Jonathan Perlman · · · · · · · · · ·

As the enemy came to tread upon our holy spaceHis wielding sword to break apart our memories from that placeThe sanctified recalled a few that remained —Among some their faces turned to one another before

“Kaddish d’Rabbanan”Among some their faces turned toward the door to welcome

new facesAmong some they quickly assisted their friends in findingtheir place in the SiddurAmong some those engaged in Torah StudyAnd among some who were in the kitchen preparing the next


And to the eleven, God spoke in a whisper“The time has arrived to sanctify My Name in public.“And I know you did not ask for this.” Even so, they would be

rememberedand looked upon as personally bound to the Altar as one united.

For in the future their children and congregations would remember

That we are Sanctifiers of Life who come to liveFor we arose, we stood as your followers in your pathFor we remembered faith and friendship here toward your light.

(Spoken aloud by a pastor:)We buried our bodies.And upon them we weptAnd even so, this did not break us.Nonetheless we were steadfast in our placeAnd we continued to stand.

And so, our Father, our King, act for the sake of those who were slaughtered for your holy name.

And act for the babies and children and for all the people of your faith.

Remember us, our King, for we keep You in mind.Help us, our King, for we prayed to You.Save us, our Creator, for our eyes are upon you.

As long as this breath is within usWe ponder the world you created for usAnd evening and morning, each and every day.

(Spoken aloud by all:)We gather and we cry out as one:Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

Written by Rabbi Jonathan Perlman in Hebrew and in English with assistance of Tamar Elad-Applebaum, Martin Cohen,

and Tovi Admon.

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Requiem for All Saints

·········· Sunday, November 3, at 3:00 p.m. ··········

In memory of those who have entered the Church Triumphant, the Chancel Choir will present

Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem in liturgical context, with Communion.

Music in a Great Space Concert

·········· Sunday, November 24, at 3:00 p.m. ··········

Aaron Tan, organist Co-sponsored with the Organ Artists Series

Limited quantity of complimentary tickets available to members; please contact the church office.

The flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Robert Cleveland Holland, Donna B. Holland, and Robert and Nina Spier, from Merritt and David Spier.

Acolytes for october – Lily F. Hunter and Quinn A. Reppe

ushers for october – John E. B. Baldridge, Shannon L. Bunting, Daniel W. Ernsberger, Nathaniel C. Hunter, Margaret V. Kisslinger, and Martin E. Powell. Coordinators: Randy C. Adams II, Mark G. Allston, Brigetta P. Del Re, Raymond P. Fitzsimmons, Elise A. Hunter, Percy M. Jackson, and Robert P. O’Neil.

Today in Shadyside Presbyterian Church

Mission Partner Spotlight

Our mission partner Urban Mosaic is working to eradicate injustice, poverty, and spiritual emptiness in the urban poor communities of the Chimalhuacan region of Mexico City. Founded in 2005, Urban Mosaic, led by Rev. Jean-Luc Krieg, has planted several house churches, is training and accompanying local pastors in holistic ministry, leading evangelistic Bible studies, training emerging youth leaders, and facilitating the growth of a new organization of residents who are organizing around community issues.

Shadyside Presbyterian Church members visited this ministry in 2009 and have committed to support their healthcare initiative, called ProSalud. Since the initial commitment of Shadyside’s International Partnerships Mission Action Community (MAC), ten teams have traveled to the Chimalhuacan region, providing construction, educational, and medical services to several urban poor communities in central Mexico.

Our most recent project with Urban Mosaic involves a major financial commitment over three consecutive years to develop CentroRenovar, a spiritual retreat center in the mountains northeast of Mexico City. In March 2017, two separate teams traveled to Chimalhuacan to aid in the construction of this renewal center, which will provide support for local pastors, missionaries, volunteers, and future mission teams.

For more information about Urban Mosaic, visit www.urbanmosaic.net. To join the efforts of the International Partnerships MAC, contact the Reverend Todd E. Leach, Associate Pastor for Missions.

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Sunday, October 27, 2019 9

Time Change for sunday, November 3 – Standard Time begins on Sunday, November 3. Please remember to change your clocks on Saturday evening, November 2.

stewardship Reminder – If you have not submitted your pledge form, please remember to return it soon. Additional pledge forms are located in the pew racks. We greatly appreciate the many pledge forms that have already been received.

study the Acts of the Apostles – Join us in the Craig Room on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. to study the Book of Acts, using Into the World: The Acts of the Apostles, written by Dr. Carol Miller and published by the Kerygma Program. Facilitated by Elder Peggy Heely, this fourteen-session study will meet for seven weeks this fall, and then for seven weeks in 2020.

Midweek Vespers are held on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. These thirty-minute candlelight worship services, with Communion, offer a more intimate worship experience in the midst of our hectic lives. Nursery care is available.

Thursday Evening Bible study – You are invited to participate in a Bible study focusing on the book of Ecclesiastes. We typically gather from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursdays in the Stamy Room. Our next meeting is Thursday, October 31. Join us as we continue to build community through study. For more information, please contact Deacon Adam Loucks through the church office.

Remembering loved ones: November 3 – Christians throughout the world celebrate All Saints’ Day in honor of all the saints, both known and unknown. In most Protestant churches, it is celebrated on the first Sunday of November. Protestants regard all Christians, both past and present, as saints. As we solemnly remember all those who have died in the past year, we also focus on Christ’s victory over death. While the festival acknowledges the reality of death, we emphasize our hope in the Resurrection and our place in the “communion of saints.”

• During the All Saints’ Sunday morning service at 11:00 a.m., we will remember those members of Shadyside Presbyterian Church who have gone on to the Church Triumphant in the past calendar year.

• On the afternoon of All Saints’ Sunday, at 3:00 p.m., the Chancel Choir will sing Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem setting in liturgical context, with Communion.

Mission dinner – The Mission and Urban Ministry Team invites you to attend our Mission Dinner Series to hear the inspirational stories of our mission partners. Join us in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, November 6, at 6:00 p.m., when we welcome our mission partner Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard. Although there is no charge for the dinner, a freewill offering will be received to offset the costs of the meal. Please RSVP by signing up in the Sharp Atrium or by contacting the church office. (Nursery care is available. Families are encouraged to eat together; then, children may move to the Nursery during the presentation.)

Christmas Wreaths – Procure your festive and fragrant holiday décor while supporting nursery school scholarships! Beautiful 22- to 24-inch Christmas wreaths may be ordered with or without a red velvet bow and picked up in the Parish Hall the first week of December. The cost is $25 each, or $30 with a bow. Order forms are available during our Time of Fellowship and are due by Friday, November 15. All sales benefit the nursery school’s scholarship fund.

News and Notes

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Guatemala Mission Experience (March 14–21, 2020) – Our spring trip to work alongside our mission partner in Guatemala, Promised Land Ministries, is scheduled for March 14 through 21, 2020. In addition to a medical mission team, we need team members willing to work with children and construction ministries. No experience is required. Brochures are available in the Narthex and Sharp Atrium; please take one. Applications are due by Sunday, November 17. If you have questions, please contact Rev. Todd Leach.

Grief support Group: surviving the holidays – For those who have experienced the death of a loved one, the approaching holidays often bring mixed feelings of sadness, nostalgia, and even dread. Shadyside Presbyterian Church offers a Grief Support Group designed to provide encouragement and a faith-centered perspective for those who have lost a loved one. The group meets regularly to discuss a variety of subjects that are important in the grief recovery process, including the range of emotions which grief brings, and resources for moving forward. On Monday, November 18, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., the Grief Support Group will gather in the Craig Room. To help you prepare for the holidays, the discussion will be filled with practical and uplifting ideas for the weeks ahead. Please feel free to bring a family member or friend. New participants are always welcome to join; there is no cost to attend the group. For more information or to register, please contact Rev. Lynn Portz or call the church office.

Connections dinner – On Wednesday, November 20, you are invited to a congregational dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Join us for a wonderful time to connect with one another while enjoying a delicious home-cooked meal prepared by Chef Steven Bright. Please make your reservation by signing up in the Sharp Atrium by Monday, November 18. A freewill offering will be received to offset the costs of the meal. If you are able, we hope you will stay for vespers at 7:00 p.m. Nursery care is available during vespers.

New sPC Video with dr. dalles – The SPC Communications Committee has created a new video with Dr. Dalles that you can watch on the SPC website at www.shadysidepres.org. We also have posted it on the SPC Facebook page, where we hope all Facebook users will “like” it and share it with friends and neighbors. It’s an easy way to invite friends to join us for Sunday worship.

letters of joys and concerns are on the table in the Narthex. Please take time to sign the letters.

Prayer Gatherings occur on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., and on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. You are invited to join us for a time of silent and spoken prayers, as we bring our concerns before God. If you cannot be with us in person, we encourage you to remember the congregation in your prayers at these same times. This is one of the many ways we can express our care for one another.

PrayerNet complements our ongoing prayer groups by lifting up urgent prayer requests. If you or a loved one are in need of urgent prayer, or if you would like to become a PrayerNet prayer partner to help lift up these requests, email member Krissy Moehling at [email protected]. Confidentiality, if requested for names and/or situations, will be maintained.

The Mini-Mouse – Sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter by providing your email address when registering your attendance in the pew pad or by sending an email message to [email protected].

live Webcast – Listen to a live audio stream of our service of worship at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Please share the link www.shadysidepres.org/live with friends and neighbors who may not be able to join us in person.

Visit the shadyside Presbyterian Church website www.shadysidepres.org for even more information.

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Church Calendar· · · · · · · · · · October 27 – November 3 · · · · · · · · · ·

TodAy 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship in the Sanctuary — Reformation SundayOctober 27 11:20 a.m. Children’s Chapel (Preschool through 2nd Grade) 12:00 p.m. Time of Fellowship with New Member Reception in the Parish Hall 12:00 p.m. Choir School in the Chapel 12:30 p.m. SPYS (Youth Group) in the Youth Room

TuEsdAy 10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Group in the Craig Room 6:00 p.m. Yoga in the Hulme Room 6:30 p.m. Adult Christian Education Committee in the Stamy Room 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Evening Bible Study in the Craig Room

WEdNEsdAy 7:00 p.m. Midweek Vespers in the Chapel — Rev. Todd E. Leach, preaching

ThuRsdAy 6:30 p.m. Pastor Nominating Committee in the Craig Room 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer Group in the Walton Library 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Chapel 8:00 p.m. Thursday Evening Bible Study in the Stamy Room

suNdAy Standard Time begins (clocks change)November 3 9:45 a.m. Christian Education Classes for All Ages 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship with Communion in the Sanctuary — All Saints’ Sunday

Rev. Dr. John A. Dalles, preaching 12:00 p.m. Time of Fellowship in the Sharp Atrium 12:00 p.m. Choir School in the Chapel 12:30 p.m. SPYS (Youth Group) in the Youth Room 3:00 p.m. A Service of Remembrance for All Saints with Communion in the Sanctuary

sunday, october 27Psalms 108; 150Haggai 1:1–2:9Acts 18:24–19:7Luke 10:25-37

Monday, october 28Psalms 62; 145Zechariah 1:7-17Revelation 1:4-20Matthew 12:43-50

Tuesday, october 29Psalms 12; 146Ezra 5:1-17Revelation 4:1-11Matthew 13:1-9

Wednesday, october 30Psalms 96; 147:1-11Ezra 6:1-22Revelation 5:1-10Matthew 13:10-17

Thursday, october 31Psalms 116; 147:12-20Nehemiah 1:1-11Revelation 5:11–6:11Matthew 13:18-23

Friday, November 1Psalms 84; 148Nehemiah 2:1-20Revelation 6:12–7:4Matthew 13:24-30

saturday, November 2Psalms 63; 149Nehemiah 4:1-23Revelation 7:(4-8) 9-17Matthew 13:31-35

sunday, November 3Psalms 103; 150Nehemiah 5:1-9Acts 20:7-12Luke 12:22-31

Daily Prayer Lectionary Readings· · · · · · · · · · October 27 – November 3 · · · · · · · · · ·

Page 11: Welcome to Shadyside Presbyterian Church€¦ · Elegy George Thalben-Ball CAll To WoRshIP The Reverend Todd E. Leach Pastor: Serve the Lord with gladness! People: Come before God’s

This bulletin is printed on paper manufactured from recycled content. If you would like to recycle your bulletin, kindly place it in any of the blue bins located in the Sharp Atrium or Narthex.

A Member of the Pittsburgh Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (usA)Shadyside Presbyterian Church seeks to reflect God’s unconditional love as we proclaim, witness to, and celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ. We strive to be a worshiping, welcoming, learning, and serving community of faith

that is comforted, challenged, and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

5121 Westminster Place n Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232 n Phone: 412.682.4300www.shadysidepres.org n www.facebook.com/ShadysidePresbyterian

John A. Dalles, Interim Senior Pastor and Head of StaffTodd E. Leach, Associate Pastor for MissionsLynn M. Portz, Associate Pastor for Parish LifeKendra L. Buckwalter Smith, Temporary Associate PastorEllen L. Allston, Director of Christian Education for

Children’s MinistryMark A. Anderson, Director of Music MinistryPeter F. Bodnar, Director of CommunicationsJane M. Boyle, Director of Children’s Handbell ChoirSteven M. Bright, Hospitality CoordinatorJudy A. Brust, Accountant

Robert A. Coder, Director of FinanceStephen M. Donnelly, Associate for Children’s Music

EducationDella L. Ellard, Administrative AssistantRuth E. Garrett, Assistant to the Senior PastorMary E. Lang, Director of the Nursery SchoolDennis H. Martin, Head SextonBobby C. Pack Jr., SextonNancy M. Shaytar, Director of Finance EmeritaKaysie L. Strickland, Assistant to the Associate PastorsJustin M. Wallace, Assistant Organist

Church Staff

Cover Artwork: Shadyside Presbyterian Church’s “Digital Mosaic,” created by illustrator Mark Bender. All rights reserved by Shadyside Presbyterian Church.

Adult Christian Education

· · · · · · · · · · Sundays at 9:45 a.m. · · · · · · · · · ·

On Sunday mornings, the Adult Christian Education Team invites you to gather in the Sharp Atrium at 9:30 a.m. for a time of fellowship and light refreshments before attending the study of your choice.

september 15 through May

in the Hulme RoomJoshua and Judges

Led by Dr. Richard L. McGough III

october 27 through November 24

in the Craig RoomSlow Church

Led by Elder Ted Brooke

Adult BiBle Study topicAl Study