Welcome to Physical Education

WELCOME TO PHYS. ED . McCord School Grades: 4-6

Transcript of Welcome to Physical Education


Grades: 4-6

FIRE EMERGENCYStop Listen for directions from Ms. Swan and/or staff membersLine up in single file formation on the center black line facing brown doors

TORNADO DRILLS Stop and Listen Listen to directions given by Ms. Swan and/or Staff Member Line up in single file formation along the wall by Lunch tables facing the

south doors Go to the designated area in hallway and “duck and cover” Wait for the “All Clear” call from Ms. Donoghue

LOCK DOWN PROCEDUREStop – Follow the directionsWalk to designated area (stage)

SILENCEMaintain SILENCE until notice is given from the police and/or

Ms. Donoghue and/or staff member

PHYS. ED. RULESFollow directions the first time given by all staff membersSpeak appropriately to othersAsk permission from Ms. Swan/Staff Member to leave the gymBe responsible regarding equipment – CLEAN UPEnter and Leave: QuietlyCome prepared: PE rules/Journal/Proper PE shoes/Uniform/Pencil

Stop and Listen on the Whistle

JOURNALJournal entries will be a part of every Phys.Ed.Entries will include: Daily Goal/Objective,

Essential Question, Covey’s Habits, ideas and a description of activity

The journal grading will be based on a grading rubric for the journal

The journal rubric will be handed out during Phys. Ed. Class

The journal entries must follow a certain criteria designed for the journal.

Your journal/pencil/PE rules must be brought to every Phys.Ed. Class

Journal writing fulfills objectives needed for the common core

GRADING PROCEDURESA grading rubric (based on 5 points) will be handled out during classThe Phys.Ed grading rubric will be used to determine your gradeWritten, journal entries and skill tests are also part your grade

CONSEQUENCESTime-outWriting AssignmentWritten Journal Rules Loss of activityLunch detentionPrincipal ConferenceCall/Note to ParentAfter-school detention

PHYS. ED PROPER ATTIREGym shoes with traditionally tied laces (no sandals ,flip flops, dress shoes,

high heels, platform shoes or bootsOfficial District 111 uniform

Looking g


S U C C E S SI will be successful only if I can develop

Self-Responsibility for my own behavior and learning.


Quietly Enter GymSit on your assigned number (no sliding or spinning)Listen to directionsPerform warm-ups as directedUpon completion sit on your assigned numberListen for directions about activityMain ActivityClosure/Sum it upDrinksPrepare to leave gym/line up in single file formation

WARM-UP ROUTINE4 CornersDemonstration (by Ms. Swan) of exercise – WATCHPerform exercise then rotate to next higher numberFocus on “you”Talking to friends is DISCOURGED No Sliding


DiscussNegotiateAsk for helpUse game solutions: Rock/Paper/Scissors or Evens/Odds


CREDITExercise every day: 30-60 minutesKeep an exercise/activity logInvolve family members


Use the bathroom before or after PE classHowever, if you need to use the restroom ask Ms. Swan and/or Staff Member for permission before leaving the gym

Sign out (time) when leavingSign in (time) upon return

WATERDuring class time, ask permission first from Ms. Swan and/or staff

member After activity, line up in single file formation and stop on black line10 seconds time limit, if you need more water finish your drink then go to

the end of the line for a second turn

SAFETY FIRSTWalk into or out of the gym, running or sliding will not be permitted

consequences will follow if this occursAt no time, will sliding be permitted – consequences will followUse equipment as it was intended by manufacture or Ms. Swan Follow the given directions


Pain is a human’s natural protecting mechanismIf an injury does occur during class inform Ms. Swan and/or staff member

before leaving the gymIf needed, you will be sent to the Health Aide/Ms. Ficker and she will

determine further action


Participation in Physical Education is mandated by the State of IllinoisOnly a doctor can excuse a student from long term participationParent/Guardian can write an excuse from class for a short term illness

missing one PE class.


August/September: Team Building Activities/Cardiovascular ActivitiesOctober: FitnessgramNovember: Zumba/Yoga/DanceDecember/January: SoccerFebruary: BasketballMarch: Newcomb/VolleyballApril: FitnessgramMay/June: Kickball/Misc ActivitiesThroughout the year mini units will be intertwined to add varietyFocus will be on sports, exercise, fitness, journal, health and social skills