Welcome Parents Room 3-27 Miss Summer and Miss Beatrice.

Welcome Parents Room 3-27 Miss Summer and Miss Beatrice
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Transcript of Welcome Parents Room 3-27 Miss Summer and Miss Beatrice.

  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Welcome Parents Room 3-27 Miss Summer and Miss Beatrice
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  • Welcome to Open House! 0 Please make a card/letter for your child that they can enjoy Monday morning! 0 Use the materials in their Pencil Bags! 0 Please NO presents!!!
  • Slide 4
  • Who is Miss Summer? 0 First year at ASFG. 0 Sixth year as a teacher. 0 Taught in Arizona and Florida in Grades 3, 4, 5 and 8. 0 Bachelors Degree from Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. 0 Spanish Language Learner! Help me practice!
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  • Class Website!!!!! 0 Weekly Newsletter 0 Spelling Words 0 Vocabulary 0 Teacher Email. 0 Academic Practice Links 0 Special Instructions for homework (if needed) 0 Instructions for any projects! http://classjump.com/m/misssummerroom3-27/?kill_session=true
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  • Parent Conferences Conferences can be scheduled via email or through Ms. Monica in the office! My email: [email protected] [email protected] This can also be found under Classroom Connections from the main ASFG site.
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  • Activities Schedule Day 1: Library Day 2: P.E Day 3: Music & Computers Day 4: Science Lab Day 5: P.E (until pool is repaired) Day 6: Art (12:30-1:15) Important : Children not swimming will need a note from their parent.
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  • Discipline Bullying is absolutely NOT TOLERATED !! Classroom Rules and Values Behavior Cards ZAP tracking Parents must sign: Teacher Referrals Office Referrals
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  • Classroom Constitution I. Embrace our classroom values: Be Caring Be Respectful Be Trustworthy Be Responsible Be a Family II. Stay in our own space. III. Help each other. IV. Have a positive attitude and do our best. V. Have some fun.
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  • Homework (English) 0 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 0 Three days to turn in missing assignments (10% off each day) 0 POLICY: 20 - 60 minutes each night (including reading time as per ASFG standards)
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  • Math 0 Math homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday and some Fridays. 0 Review packets will be sent home before tests. 0 Help in anyway you can at home! 0 Graded on effort! ( homework)
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  • Reading
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  • Science and Social Studies 0 Project based 0 Animals, Energy, and Space 0 Mostly class work and interaction with students 0 Collaboration with Mr. Nacho 0 Promotes community and global awareness 0 Physical and Social
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  • Writing 0 Grammar 0 Writing Genres 0 Sentence Structure 0 Rubrics 0 Handwriting
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  • Miss Summers Extra Time 0 Whats it for? (extra help or enrichment) 0 When? (Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-8:00am) 0 Who can come? (any third grader) 0 What if those times arent good for my child? (there is a 3 rd grade teacher available in the AM and PM every day, except Friday PM)
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  • Grading 1. Homework 2. Class work 3. Projects 4. Assignments 5. Tests 6. Quizzes 7. Lab work 8. Hands-on activities 9. Class participation
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  • Grading 0 Tests CAN be retaken with a maximum score of 90% 0 Must be retaken at school in *most cases. 0 It is best students come BEFORE school (7:30am-8:00am). 0 On *some occasions, tests will be retaken during school hours.
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  • Take Home Folder 0 Goes home with GRADED work inside 0 Graded work either stays home OR is signed and returned. 0 Please go through each document to see what must be returned! 0 Folder returns to school empty!
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  • Room Mom Team!
  • Slide 21
  • Thank You for Coming!!!