WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for...


Transcript of WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for...

Page 1: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

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Page 2: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

Meal Plan FridayEvery Friday you receive a Low Sugar Lifestyle weekly

meal plan. This plan has been designed to provide low

sugar, easy and tasty recipes with maximum nutrients

(without any family member suspecting anything other

than “this tastes good”).

If it is easy, healthy and tasty then it is in our Low Sugar

Lifestyle program. I also took careful consideration in the

planning of this program to save you time and money. I

will send you your meal plan for Monday through to Sun-

day on the Friday beforehand so you are able to shop on

Saturday and prepare on Sunday.

I profoundly believe in the philosophy cook once, eat

twice. and therefore each of your dinner recipes also

has with it an easy way to turn it into lunch for you or

your children the following day.

Your Daily BiteEvery day for four weeks you will receive an email, ‘The

Daily Bite’. It will take no more than five minutes to read

and will contain:

A thought - something to smile about.

A truth - a small bit of highly informative, nutritive

information that every parent and child should know

about their health.

A dinner reminder.

A dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s

meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you

don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned

meal for the day.

A lunch idea - every dinner recipe explains how to

easily turn your dinner into your lunch the following


A community link to our Low Sugar Lifestyle nu-

tritionists as well as a link to the closed Facebook

group where you are able to share food ideas,

thoughts and comments with

other mums and dads who are seeking

balance and health.

A video link on Sunday – so you can sit back

and enjoy!

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what to expect- L O W S U G A R L I F E S T Y L E -

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Page 3: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

Why trust me?There are many people writing and talking

about sugar and health. So why should you trust my Low

Sugar Lifestyle program – what makes this one different?

Firstly, I am a qualified nutritionist, former high

school teacher and a member of the Australia Tradi-

tional Medicine Society.

I am also a mother of three active teenagers, a wife

to busy husband, owner of an energetic dog and an

out of control laundry situation. I understand ‘busy &

tired’ and I understand you.

My nutrition practice, A Healthy View, has provid-

ed me with many years of clinical experience and

literally thousands of patients who have benefited

from my nutritional guidance, without an extreme


As a parent, I know that we will do anything we can

to help our kids feel good about themselves; physi-

cally, mentally and emotionally. We can be fierce war-

riors when it comes to our children and our desire

to help them grow into happy, healthy, caring, self

confident adults.

Your Sunday VideoWhilst you are preparing for your week ahead on Sunday,

tune in to my five-minute video. Short, Informative and

suited for your kids too! The link to this video will be

provided in your Daily Bite.

Your Personal Nutritionist You will gain online access to a qualified nutritionist or

food coach to answer your personal questions and to

meet the specific needs of your family. Avoid missing this

and it ending up in your SPAM folder by adding my email

address into your address book now:

[email protected]

Your Facebook GroupYou will shortly be sent an invite to join our private Face-

book group where you will be able to share ideas, recipes

and photos of specific food products.

Please join in. Click this link to go directly to the facebook


Exercise Reminder Exercise is an important component of everyone’s life-

style but let me share wiith you something I have learned

through thousands of patients – you cannot exercise

your way out of a bad diet. We will discuss this more

during the program.

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Page 4: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

Why not grab a cuppa and

put your feet up. It's time

to have a quick chat about

getting your family healthy!

The one thing I have really come to understand over my

years as a practicing nutritionist, presenter, mother and

friend, is that parents share many of the same concerns

when it comes to their children.

I'm willing to bet that we’ve all thought at least a

few of these:

• I’m worried my kids aren’t eating properly.

• Why am I so tired? Did my kids inherit this

from me? Does everyone feel like this?

• My daughter’s skin looks a bit dull and pale and she

doesn’t seem happy. Is this normal?

• I am so busy and sometimes takeaway just feels like

the only option. I just need easy and tasty meal ideas

to help me out.

• My kids have food intolerances or allergies (and some-

times asthma), which seems to be making them feel

exhausted. Is there anything I can do?

• I am concerned about my 16-year-old’s bad moods

and lack of confidence. Is this depression?

• I am sick of my kids being sick. Colds and flus and even

glandular fever last year!

• When the doctor said that my 13 year old could be

mildly ADHD, I almost missed what he said from my

own lack of concentration. Did he get it from me?

• I want to feed my family better meals, but I don't know

how when I arrive home at 5:30pm or later most


I hear youI get it, I get ‘busy’, I get ‘tired’ and I absolutely understand

the need to support our kids in every way we can. I get

real life mums and dads who want simple messages and

some easy, healthy, tasty meals so they can really nour-

ish their own family.

I am a mum of three teenagers, the owner and operator

of a business, supporter of a traveling husband, house-

cleaner, ironing lady, and dog walker! I know it's not easy

to make a change but it is possible, and my team and I

are here to help you along the path.

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the benefits

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Page 5: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

Let's get started Through your Low Sugar Lifestyle journey we are going

to make some small, subtle changes to your day to day

routine, to improve the health of you and your family.

These changes might be so subtle that your family might

not even notice! A term I love to use and strongly believe

in is ‘crowding in’… meaning I love to crowd in as many

healthy and nutritious items as possible (foods and reci-

pes) that will mean your family will not even miss some of

the junk that has not been nourishing them. Will this take

time, motivation and planning? Yes! But I have developed

tailor-made emails with nutritional tips, recipes and some

videos that will guide you through every step of the pro-

cess. The time you spend learning and preparing each

day will take no more than 30 minutes. Ask yourself this –

is there anything in your life that you are good at that has

not taken time and planning? Your job? Your sport? Your

hobby? Your good relationships? Your finances?

A bit of time and a bit of

planning is the single greatest

investment you can make in

your health.

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Good nutrition underpins, supports and improves

your mental state, your emotional resilience, and your

physical body. Without a healthy body on all levels, it

is difficult to have energy, vitality, self- esteem and a

strong immune system – all the qualities admired in a

truly healthy individual.

I have found that too many health programs focus

on intensive weight loss and exercise. The Low Sugar

Lifestyle program is different. We focus on improving

the overall health and wellbeing of the individual:

mentally, emotionally, and physically. Through our

program it is expected there will be natural weight

loss, if that is what the body needs.

Through years of research, observation in my nutri-

tion practice and personally being a self confessed

‘over-exerciser’, I can tell you that you cannot exer-

cise your way out of a bad diet.

Over-exercising often means chasing your weight all

the time, making it another stress in your life and not

only that but it can be aging and exhausting. Don’t

get me wrong, throughout the Low Sugar Lifestyle

program we will discuss exercise, as it is wonderful

and essential, however like all things, moderation is

the key!

No points to add up, no apps to plug in, no calcula-

tors, no complications….

If it is not easy, healthy and tasty – then it is not

in this program!

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Page 6: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

Did you know that:

1 out of 3 kids have allergies, which affects their

moods and sleep.

1 out of 6 kids have learning or behavioural disor-

ders, which can lead to low self esteem

1 out of 8 children are diagnosed with asthma, which

often makes sport difficult for them.

1 out of 10 is diagnosed with ADHD, which makes

concentration and learning confronting for them.

Chil dhood cancer, diabetes, obesity and depression

have each more than doubled over the past two de-

cades, which should make us parents very worried.

By ensuring proper food

and nutrition you can create

positive changes to the health

of you, your partner, and your

child ...

We hear a lot about food causing disease, but in

this program you are going to learn a lot about food

preventing disease and impacting the following concerns:

ADHD, anxiety, asthma, behavioural issues, conduct

disorder, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, digestive

issues, eczema, food intolerances, learning delays, low

immune system, memory loss, sensory processing, tired

but wired syndrome, weight issues

Does anyone in your family suffer from any of these symptoms:

• Poor concentration

• Frequent colds and flus

• Acne

• Mood swings

• Insomnia

• Excess weight

• Eczema

• Depression

• Diarrhoea or constipation

• Hyperactivity

• Anxiety

• Hormonal imbalances

• Exhaustion

• Skin rashes

• Wind or bloating

• Bad breath

• Joint pain

• Heart burn

• Headaches

• Allergies

Don't worry,

you are not alone.

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signs of a sugar overload

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Page 7: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

The sugars we want to

reduce are the ones that are

harming our health, robbing

our memory, stealing our

balanced emotions, and

compromising our immune


The World Health Organisation divides sugar into the

following groups:

1. ‘Intrinsic sugars’ incorporated within the structure of

intact fruit and vegetables

2. Sugars from milk (lactose and galactose),

3. ‘Free sugars’, which are monosaccharides (such as

glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (such as su-

crose or table sugar) that are added to foods by the

manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars that

are naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices

and fruit concentrates.

As there is no evidence of adverse effects of con-

sumption of intrinsic sugars and sugars from milk,

the recommendations focus on the effect of con-

sumption of free sugars1.

For the purposes of this program let's adapt some ter-

minology into terms that we as parents and our kids can

understand. Let's use these terms:

Natural sugars. These are the ones found in intact fruit and vegetables

and in dairy products (lactose and galactose). These

sugars will be incorporated in our program, however as

with all foods, moderation and common sense is the key!

Eating 4 litres of plain yogurt in one day would not be

good for anyone despite it being a natural sugar.

Hidden sugars. These are the sugars that are often hidden in our foods…

and just as well, they should hide, they should be embar-

rassed! These sugars include things like table sugar, high

fructose corn syrup, honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit

concentrates. They are hidden and they are hijacking our


Notice intact fruit is ok, but if it were in juice form we

would consider this too much sugar. To help you un-

derstand this, think of this example; one small bottle of

apple juice often contains the juice from 5 apples. Would

you ever be able to eat five apples in one sitting? Usually

not! A whole apple contains lots of fibre making it more

filling and altering the effect of the apple sugars on your

blood sugar levels. When you juice a fruit it removes this

fibre, meaning you are left with a cup of concentrated

sugar without the benefits of the fibre, and not only that

but the juice usually takes under 5 minutes to drink.

1 http://www.who.int/nutrition/sugars_public_consultation/en/ WHO Draft guidelines

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types of sugar

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Page 8: WELCOME PACKA dinner suggestion that was on the previous Friday’s meal plan and an alternative for dinner, in case you don't have the ingredients, or don't like the planned meal

It's time to log in to your account and get started!

Don't worry if you've had enough for today, you can do this in your own time.

Once you log on, you may wish to update your personal profile, contribute to the fo-

rums, and check out the dashboard for some great resources to help you on your way.

If you have any questions at any time please do not hesitate to get in touch, we are

here to help you!

to log in...


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- V I S I T -

getting started

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