Welcome Pack



Chamber of Trade

Transcript of Welcome Pack

Page 1: Welcome Pack
Page 2: Welcome Pack

I had so many questions that were very

specific to the economic climate in

Leamington Spa so the knowledge and

gudance provided by The Chamber has

proved to be fundimental in some of our


Page 3: Welcome Pack

Who are we?The Royal Leamington Spa Chamber of Trade, or The Chamber is

a business based network, drawing members from Leamington

Spa and surrounding areas. Our goals are your goals and we

want to support the growth and development of your business so

that you become an important part of the business community

and central to the success of Leamington’s thriving Town Centre.

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Leamington Spa Sony Centre 5 Lower Mall, Royal Priors

Majestic Wines30 - 34 Bath Street

Johns Greengrocer27 Clemens Street

Leamington Spa Sony Centre 5 Lower Mall, Royal Priors

Majestic Wines30 - 34 Bath Street

Johns Greengrocer27 Clemens Street

The Jewellery Stop102 Regent Street

Lilac Rose69 Regent Street

House Of Fraser76 - 86 The Parade

Our Committee

The help, advise and

support The Chamber

has given us has been

invaluable. It’s great to

know there is someone

with local knowledge

we can contact

with questions.

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Leamington Spa Sony Centre 5 Lower Mall, Royal Priors

Majestic Wines30 - 34 Bath Street

Johns Greengrocer27 Clemens Street

The Jewellery Stop102 Regent Street

House Of Fraser76 - 86 The Parade

Lilac Rose69 Regent Street

House Of Fraser76 - 86 The Parade

Leamington Spa Sony Centre 5 Lower Mall, Royal Priors

Case Study Lilac Rose 69 Regent Street

Aximolumque culpa sum dignis eoste laborionem as ut ut erchilles quate ea dicius.Ihillor erferovit, sum simporeris et et quodistrum remquia nit modiones mi, con.

Remodiam quamet andestis plissequam que laccull uptati re voluptas eaquaest ab illatur, nonseque endam si sus vendi senet, consed et laborenda volor aped maximi, incto verchil ignihil luptur as molut ad quamus eum qui blatur re et ut fugia nossequibus endebis sam volores apelent, se num illanis non es que ommolore et eosaperatur, impel is sum venducia ide assit velenem enis ex experro dollupt atiur, que vellupt atemodis et que volla nos expliquo expelignihil magnist, omniendia dolupta temoditiisto berro que magnate.

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What do we do?We aim to represent you our members to local, regional and

national government. We work hard to ensure your views are

heard, petitioning where necessary and then providing you with

the feedback we achieve.

We form opinion on current issues – economic, environmental,

social and cultural. Issues that affect the make-up of the town and

its attractiveness to visitors. These are all issues that will ultimately

affect the success of your own business.

Improve conditions of businesses and its surrounding areas. We

work hard to ensure that residents enjoy spending time in the town

centre and visitors want to return time and time again. We organise

events to keep you in touch with business colleagues, so that you

can share ideas, ask for advice and share your successes.

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Case Study Creative Curtains 105 Warwick Street

Aximolumque culpa sum dignis eoste laborionem as ut ut erchilles quate ea dicius.Ihillor erferovit, sum simporeris et et quodistrum remquia nit modiones mi, con.

Remodiam quamet andestis plissequam que laccull uptati re voluptas eaquaest ab illatur, nonseque endam si sus vendi senet, consed et laborenda volor aped maximi, incto verchil ignihil luptur as molut ad quamus eum qui blatur re et ut fugia nossequibus endebis sam volores apelent, se num illanis non es que ommolore et eosaperatur, impel is sum venducia ide assit velenem enis ex experro dollupt atiur, que vellupt atemodis et que volla nos expliquo expelignihil magnist, omniendia dolupta temoditiisto berro que magnate mporpor aut evel iuscil eos quia.

The regular meetings have been very helpful. It’s great to get

together with other business’. We found out that many other local

companies were facing the same problems as us so we’ve been

working together and made great progress.

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The services provided by us

• Direct contact with the District, Town and County Councils

– we find out what current issues are on the agendas, we

work with you to address how they might affect your

business and work together on a plan of action.

• Community involvement – we organise and participate

in events and activities with the local community to keep

their interest in the town centre and contribute to the

success of your business.

• Links with other business organisations - giving

you access to what they are up to, sharing ideas

and experiences.

• Representation of the Leamington Business

community at all relevant levels.

Page 9: Welcome Pack

• Support and research through customer and business

surveys – to keep you in the know about your local

community and business environment.

• Work in partnership and support BID Leamington in

promoting our town centre as a safe, vibrant and attractive

place for our business’ and customers.

• Campaigning and advocacy – if you have an issue or

opinion then we will work with you and on your behalf to

make sure your voice is heard.

• Representation on the Leamington Town Centre


Case Study Sony Centre 5 Lower Mall, Royal Priors

Aximolumque culpa sum dignis eoste laborionem as ut ut erchilles quate ea dicius.Ihillor erferovit, sum simporeris et et quodistrum remquia nit modiones mi, con. sequam que laccull uptati re voluptas eaquaest ab.Acipiciisseni siderei pri ina, condac vivium signoc iacibus Ad re etra? Odiem dintine quo inatus inatifex mus, inequem ad imus ommodicta iniu

Page 10: Welcome Pack

The Benefits of MembershipWhy you should join us!• Regular networking events and sessions, such as our

breakfast meetings, and monthly meetings, where you

can meet with business colleagues to share your ideas and


• Discounts and special offers with other member organisations

– a reciprocal arrangement which will help you save money as

well as promote awareness of your own business.

• Events Diary – keeping you up to date with what’s going

on across the district, to help you decide where you can

participate or organise your own business activities.

• Access to training events and programmes – these are

organised to help you develop the skills you need.

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• The Chambers Newsletter – packed full of information on

current issues, market research, training, council decisions

and much much more!

• Website and Emails – use our website as a research tool

to help you find information and support you need, or you can

promote your own business. Regular emails will prompt you

of news updates.

Come and meet the Chairman and members of the Chamber at one of our

breakfast meetings, or monthly meetings – times and dates can be found on

our website at www.leamingtonchamber.org.uk or you can email any

questions you might have to: [email protected].

We will be happy to chat to you about the benefits of membership,

meet some of our members and decide if you would like to join us.

Subscription is £XX per year and if you recommend us to another business

you will get a £5 discount.

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