WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm...

December 2018 Page 1 December 2018 Issue 106 Special Christmas Edition of DRAKESBROOK DESPATCH COME AND SEE THE WISE MEN ARRIVE ON CAMELS AT THE LIONS COMMUNITY GALA NIGHT DETAILS INSIDE ON Page 2 www.drakesdespatch.com.au Alcoa … proud supporters of the Drakesbrook Despatch NO January Edition Next Issue:- Friday February 1st 2019 Deadline:- Wednesday January 24th 2019 For Advertising & Copy 9733 2183 Email: drakesdespatch@gmail. com 74 South West Highway, Waroona (PO Box 215, Waroona 6215) Office open Fridays 10:30 to 11:30 am WELCOME TO WAROONA AUTO SERVICE CENTRE 9733 1007 Curtis Parker Kevin Wren Ken Hassell 25 yrs Ex 50 yrs Ex 40 yrs Ex Manager Principal Senior Fitter City Discount All Mechanical Tyres Servicing

Transcript of WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm...

Page 1: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 1

December 2018 Issue 106 Special Christmas Edition of DRAKESBROOK DESPATCH




Alcoa …proud supporters of the Drakesbrook Despatch

NO JanuaryEdition

Next Issue:-

Friday February1st 2019


January 24th2019

For Advertising &Copy 9733 2183



74 South West Highway,Waroona

(PO Box 215, Waroona6215)

Office open Fridays 10:30to 11:30 am



9733 1007

Curtis Parker Kevin Wren Ken Hassell 25 yrs Ex 50 yrs Ex 40 yrs Ex Manager Principal Senior Fitter

City Discount All Mechanical Tyres Servicing

Page 2: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 2





Market Stalls Food Stalls Bouncy Castle Face Painting Army Cadet Inflatable Assault CourseVintage Cars Waroona Lions Train Meanda Park Miniature Animal Farm

Climbing Wall Dunking Tank Giant Water Slide 3 Wise Men on Camels






Page 3: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

Agricultural Society3rd Thurs—Alison Birch 9733 1092

Central Districts Axemen’sAssociation.

Linda Miller 9733 2098

Community CarWaroona Resource Centre -

9733 2545

Coolup Craft GroupWednesdays CWA Room,

Coolup 9530 3258

Coolup LCDC (Landcare)1st Monday of the monthKim Wilson 9733 2628

Coolup Progress Association1st Thurs of month 9 am Coolup Hall

Bev Alexander 0407 381 281

Dam SpinnersFortnightly Craft Centre, Waroona

Joy Jackson 9733 1810

Lake Clifton LandcareContact: Nancy Fardin 9739 1154

Preston Beach Progress Assoc.Quarterly Meeting,

phone 9739 2090 for details

Really Really Free Markets 3rd Saturday of each month

Memorial Hall - 12 to 2pm

Senior Citizens WelfareLast Wednesday - Jan Wood 9733 3701.

Hall Hire: Shire Office 9733 7800


Mass Time:Sundays at 8.30am

Parish Priest: Father Jay Johnson Ph: 9733 1225

Email: [email protected]

Wagerup CommunityConsultative Network

For information contactTom Busher at Alcoa on 9733 8768

Waroona Arts and Crafts CentreOpening Times: Mon. 9:30 - Noon,

then 1 - 3pm. Tues. 9am - 3pm. Wed (fortnightly) 10am -2pm

Fri. 9.30 - Noon.New Members Welcome.

FRAGYLEPreston Beach Hall 3rd Sat.

Bi- Monthly Laurie Snell 9733 1219

Community Calendar for Meetings, Church Services & Events


9733 3057

Ring or call at theST VINNIES SHOP

To make an appointment forWelfare


Thatcher Street,Waroona

Worship Services & SundaySchool

Each Sunday at 9:30amA warm welcome is extended to all.

Elders: Daphne BennellJennifer Turner

Phone: 0499 859 303Minister: Rev. Robert Jetta

Lake Clifton/Herron ResidentsAssociation

Meetings every 2nd month on the 2nd MondayContact: Jenny Rose 0428 343 028

Tai ChiPisconeri Hts Park

Thursday, 9.30am – Del Leahy9733 1201

Waroona Historical Society3rd Thurs 4:00pm

Debra Tyler 041 7 70 5 966

Waroona Hamel RSLMeetings are:2nd Thursday in Feb, Apr,June, Aug (AGM), Oct,Dec.4pm Memorial Hall- all welcome

President: Tracey FicklingPh: 0408 937 577

[email protected]

Coolup CWA2nd Monday each month

WAROONA BUS toMandurah Forum then

Halls Head-8:30 from Birch St. then

9:00am from the WaroonaHotel, S’West H’way

December 13th & 27thMandurah Bus Charters

9581 6555

South Mandurah Al-Anon GroupEvery Monday at 10am Uniting Church,

2 Rees Place, Wannanup



Services are held everySunday at 10:30am

Enquiries at Parish Office9531 1248

Seniors Recreation Councilof WA Inc -Peel Branch

Strong on Your FeetExercise Class for SeniorsWaroona Senior Citizens Centre

Millar StreetMondays 1 - 2pm -Cost $5 includes

afternoon tea.For Further Information

please contact: Jan McGlinnPh: 9535 4749

Mob: 0427 088 615

Waroona Lions 2nd & 4th Monday—

John Clare 0407 080 671



*Family Worship Service*Meeting at the Senior Citizens

Hall, Millar StreetEvery Sunday at 10am

Contact: Captain Michael0427 779 001

Everyone is welcome

First Waroona Girl GuidesSaturdays 9.30 - 11.30am

Fouracre St.(During school terms)

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December 2018 Page 4

Waroona Pensioner’s Social Club

1st Wed—Dot Hansen 9733 1892


Meetings at 7 Butler RetreatWaroona

7 pm every 2nd FridayNeeded, prayer Warriors for our

Nation from 2 Chronicles 7v14All welcome supper after.

Waroona PlaygroupPlaygroup is open Mon, Tues andThurs 9-11am for children 0-5yrs old2 Henning Street Waroona WA 6215Facebook - Waroona Playgroup [email protected]


Sub Centre Opening TimesTues & Thurs

9:00am - 12 noon,then 12:30 to 3pmPhone: 9733 2122EMERGENCY: 000


Waroona Lions Farmers Market

In the Memorial HallNext Market Sunday

December 2ndNo market in January-

Then February 3rd

Bay prices are $20 andsellers can set up from

6:30am. For moreinformation please contact

Jo Sherar from theWaroona Action Group on

0421 113 620

Please Support ALLLions Activities

Classified Ads. They are free for goods to

the value of $5,000

Congratulations to thefollowing people with

Birthdays in December &January

Seniors News

Ann O’DorisioGina FiorenzaJudy AlexanderLisa FryKerry ShoreThelma RaffertyZillah TaylorMaud EastcottMargaret AbbottFrank CavalleroZillah TaylorJacob Brown

Beppi MagroLucy CavallaroSam GoldsworthyJoy MaffesconiTonia PisconeriBill AbbottRonan Westlake



$80.00 ONO.9733 3621





The year is quickly drawing to a closeas Christmas approaches.The Retail shop will be closed over theChristmas celebration period. Welfarewill be in recess from 19th Decemberuntil 21st January 2019. ChristmasHamper application forms can bepicked up on Welfare day which isMondays until the first week ofDecember and distribution day will beon the 19th Dec at the Josaphite Centre.Please accept our thanks andappreciation for the community supportduring the year. Our next raffle will beheld in March just before Easter andwill feature many surprises. We wishyou a very Happy, Safe and PeacefulChristmas and may the New Year bringyou joy.

Hello everyone, well, Christmas isalmost upon us, hope you are allorganised!!We will be having a joint Christmasdinner with Pensioners down at TheDrakesbrook Tavern on the 12thDecember. Looking forward to this.We are looking for new members! Ifyou are 65 or over, we would like youto join us on the last Wednesday ofevery month at 1,30pm at SeniorsHall on Millar Street where we have ashort meeting then we play Bingo. Ifyou don’t enjoy Bingo you can justhave afternoon tea and go home.Looking forward to seeing you,December meeting will not be on, butjoin us in the New Year. Hopeeveryone has a great Xmas and NewYear. Stay safe. Janet Wood

November meeting saw 20 membersin attendance. Those going to theCasino best of luck. Two eventscoming up in December, first TheCountry & Western Show inMandurah on the 8th, and ourcombined Xmas lunch at the Tavernon the 12th. Hope all members are ingood health. See you all at theDecember meeting on the 5th.Wishing all members the best forXmas and the New Year.


Waroona Salvos Christmas Service

Sunday 23rd Decembercommencing at 10 am.

There will be no service on Sunday30th December.

Regular Sunday Services will re-commence on 6th January.

Everyone welcome!Our blessings to all for a safe and

joyous Christmasand

for a peaceful, prosperous and happyNew Year.

To Mike and all the DrakesbrookDespatch volunteers –

Sincere thanks to you all for theamazing service you provide for our

Communitywith the excellent production of our

Community newsletter.I’m sure I speak for everyone in

thanking youfor your efforts which are greatly

appreciated by your readers.Have a blessed Christmas and a

happy and healthy New Year.Cheryl

Thank You

Page 5: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 5Waroona Veterinary Clinic News

Holiday Care for Your PetWith Christmas and Summer holidaysfast approaching it is time to thinkabout your animals. If you’re not takingyour animals with you, who’s in chargeof veterinary decisions while you’reaway? Mobile phones and socialmedia have made it much easier tostay in touch and be contacted, butwhat if you can’t be reached in case ofan emergency? Regardless of whetheryou’re leaving your animal in the careof family or friends, a vet, boardingkennel or stable, you should authorisesomeone you trust to act on yourbehalf in case of an emergency if youcan’t be reached. Make sure thatperson is aware of your wishesregarding emergency treatment; thisincludes the potentially uncomfortabletopic of financial limits, if there are any.Provide that person with all possiblemethods of contacting you in case ofan emergency, including contactinformation for your travellingcompanions as appropriate, as well asan assurance of your trust that theycan make decisions if you cannot bereached.Questions to consider:��Does your animal have any healthconditions that could result inemergency situations (e.g., heartdisease, diabetes, severe arthritis,chronic colic, etc.)? If so, consider thepossible emergencies that could occurand whether you should set limits forthe extent of care or the cost of care of

them with a signed copy of the formbefore you leave and inform them ofyour preferences as well as the namesand contact information of yourauthorised agent.��If your animal is microchipped,consider adding your authorised agentas an alternate contact in the microchipmanufacturer’s database in the eventyour animal is lost and its microchip isscanned by a ranger or vet.��Make sure there’s an ample supply ofyour animal’s food, medications andsupplements to cover the time you’reaway – plus a few extra days, just incase.��If your animal is on any medications,make sure that your authorised agentknows where they are located, howmuch to give, when to give them, howoften to give them, and how to givethem. Don’t assume they know anddemonstrate the process if needed.��Provide your authorised agent withyour animal’s relevant healthinformation, including your animal’svaccination status, medications andrelevant health conditions.��If you appoint more than oneauthorised agent, make it clear whohas the authority to make the finaldecision so there are no delays thatcould harm your animal.This excellent advice has beenadapted by an article provided by theAmerican Veterinary MedicalAssociation for our local requirements.

these problems.��Are there certain tests, procedures ortreatments that you would notauthorise? If so, make sure that yourauthorised agent is aware of yourpreferences. (Remember some ofthese tests may be vital in case of anemergency, so an understanding ofwhat might be expected in anemergency should be discussed withyour vet in advance)��Are there financial limitations? Berealistic and keep in mind that you willbe financially responsible for the careand treatment provided.��How will you arrange payment foremergency treatment? Do you expectyour authorised agent to pay, and planto reimburse them? Or will you providea form of payment to be used in caseof emergency?��If your pet dies or must beeuthanased, what do you wish to bedone with your animal’s remains?Actions to provide for your pet’s carewhile you’re away��Communicate your preferencesclearly to all persons authorised tomake decisions regarding youranimal’s health.��Complete an emergency treatmentform (available from your vet ordevelop your own, based on yourneeds) and provide signed copies toall those authorised to make decisions.If your regular veterinarian will beproviding emergency care, provide

HILLS: For the month of December,purchase any 3 Hills Science or Prescription

Cat 85g pouches and get 1 Free (Or buy 3boxes and get one free). Pouches $1.95 each

ADVANCE: Limited number of vouchersavailable for $15 off 3kg cat or dog food or

$25 off 13kg or 15kg dog food. Availablewhile vouchers last!

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December 2018 Page 6

Waroona Community Resource Centre10 Henning Street, Waroona WA 6215

Phone: 9733 3011Email: [email protected]

Webpage: www.waroonacrc.net.auOpening Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am till 4pm

Friday 9am till 3pm

OC CHIROPRACTICDr Chad O’Connor will be

at the WaroonaCommunity Resource

Centre each week.For appointment days and times

please phone Chad on

0458 940 981

Mandurah PodiatryVisit the Waroona Community

Resource Centre once a month

To make an appointment with thePodiatrist please call their office on

9535 9143.






Free Community Kitchen

Community Resource Centre

Every Tues. from 11.30am to 1pmCome along to the Waroona

Community Kitchen and join usfor a sausage sizzle

& fresh fruit at NO cost..We look forward to seeing

you there

Family SupportService

Funded by the Department for Communities

Our Service is to supportfamilies and individuals withinthe community. We work toempower families andindividuals to enhance their ownabilities, so they can acquire theskills, knowledge and self-confidence to manage their ownday to day lives. We arecommitted to providing a qualityservice to those living in theareas of Waroona, Harvey,Yarloop and Preston Beach. Weoperate out of the ResourceCentre. Call 9733 2902 to makean appointment or email:[email protected] is a confidential, freeservice.


The Council of the Shire of Waroona will hold its Ordinary Council meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month,(Unless advertised otherwise).

Meetings will be held at the Waroona Shire Council Chambers, rear of 52 Hesse Street, Waroonacommencing at 4.00pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend.


Waroona Community CuppaWednesday fortnightly

10am to 12 noon

The Shire of Waroona has an available suite of consulting rooms/offices for lease at theWaroona Community Health Resource Centre, Henning Street, Waroona.The suite contains a reception and waiting room area with adjoining storeroom/staff room;

disabled toilet and shower room; 3 consulting rooms/offices – one with attached storeroom, one with outside access.The main building is security alarmed, however, the suite has direct outside access. The suite is a separate locked-uparea of the main building, however, internal access to all the facilities of the Community Resource Centre is available.The suite has previously be used as a Doctor’s surgery and is suitable as medical consulting rooms or general officespace. Further details are available on the Council’s website www.waroona.wa.gov.au. Enquiries can be directed to theWaroona Community Resource Centre Manager, Trish Witney, on 08 9733 3011.



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December 2018 Page 7

Announcing the runaway winner ofthe 2018 People’s Choice Award – MyTown, a beautiful embroidered quilt byPatricia Kings-Halfyard, pictured herewith Jane Humby, Maureen Crook &Lynne Edis (top L-R) and CarmenTyrer bottom right.

Based on a pattern by HomespunMagazine, a 2010 fundraising projectfor the Starlight Foundation, My

People’s Choice Awardpieces that were on show. Therereally are so many talented fibre andtextile artists in Waroona and we haveto thank the Shire for their support inrunning this wonderful event,” MrsKings-Halfyard said when askedabout her win. Second and thirdplaces in the awards went toGeraldine the Giraffe by StellaWhitehouse and Poppy Interlude byJudy Wyatt. Of the 1500 people whoattended the exhibition, over 600voted with many commenting on theirvoting slips. “Absolutely stunning andso hard to choose”. “Thank you,wonderful work, so impressed”.“Brilliant exhibition and all entrantshave done an amazing job”. Sea toArt Exhibition will return in 2019 and AHanging on the Highway will bescheduled again for 2020. Forinformation on either event, contactWaroona Visitor Centre 9733 1506 [email protected] tobe put on the mailing list.

Town’s centre block depicts HiddenValley, home to Patricia and her

husband Andrew. The black tree is areminder of the bush fires of 2015 and2016 and a tribute to Andrew who,along with family friends Fred,Andrew, Keith and Peter, workedtirelessly to save their hills home. “I’moverwhelmed and thrilled to win thePeople’s Choice Award especiallygiven the quality and diversity of the

My mum, Diane Marie Rowles wasborn in Coolgardie in April 1938. Herparents ElizabethWeston fromKelmscott WA andAlfred Honholtwho smuggledhimself on a shipto Australia fromGermany. Dianehad two youngersiblings JillOversby and DaleHonholt. Mumgrew up inKalgoorlie/Boulder. She went tothe CoolgardieConvent whichwas quite a strict school, aboutappearance and who you associatedyourself with. Mum told me there werenumerous times she got the cat of 9tails or got locked in the broomcupboard at school. It’s hard tobelieve how much schooling haschanged. She won’t wear red nailpolish to this day. Diane started workin the laundry in Boulder where sheworked along side another Waroonalocal, Claire Jones and also babysatMandy Hassle. Mum met my fatherAlan Victor Rowles in 1956 thenmarried in 1958, having their firstchild, Peter Alan Rowles in 1960 inKalgoorlie and the twins Shirley Jean

My MumDucker and Margaret Anne Hancockin 1963 in Perth. Diane and Alan

moved to Bayswater inthe 60’s and thenConstitution StreetBunbury in early 70’swhere my siblings wentto school. Dad workedfor Brownes milk trucksand then myself JulieMarie Rowles was bornin 1973. Mum was ahouse wife whocooked, kept our homeimmaculately clean andmade most of ourclothes. Mum neverhad a licence butwalking never stopped

mum from using the bus and trainservices. In 1975 mum and dadmoved to Balga where Denicegot a job at Irene Whites andmy brother became ahairdresser - founder ofUnderground Services, and thetwins attended Balga High. Mumwould walk me to and back fromschool every day. It wasprobably a 2 km walk and shewould always be telling me plantnames, Diane did love togarden and ours was alwayswell kept. Diane babysat six ofher eight grandchildren whenwe lived in Perth - our home

was like a childcare centre. I was 12when my siblings started having kids,so my nieces and nephews spent a lotof time with us. When we moved toWaroona it didn't change much, it wasweekends and school holidays. Mumhas eight grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildren aged from 1-17yrs.Alan and Diane moved to King Street,Waroona in 1988. They moved herebecause old friends like Reggie Courtfrom Kalgoorlie and Alan and Dianewere involved with Tidy Towns withMr Charlie Maffastone where theytree planted the rail line at Hamel andtrees south of Waroona on thehighway. Diane has always been awarm hearted lady she always happyto talk to anyone, generous, a trueanimal lover of cats, dogs and birds

Information * Visitor Servicing * Art & Craft Gallery37 South West Highway - Open 9:30am – 3:30pm daily

Further information - Tracy Goldsworthy 9733 1506

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December 2018 Page 8


checksare partof our

Type ‘A’Service


We want your…….CAR, UTE, 4x4 or TRAILER

So we can offer you the ……… “BEST SERVICE AVAILABLE”We will treat your vehicle as if it was our own!

We will check and report on all of the following……. • Windscreen Wiper Blades • Spare Wheel • Steering Condition • Battery • Radiator Condition • Suspension • All Lights & Flashers • Windscreen Chips • Seat Belt Tension • Tyre ConditionTo BOOK A SERVICE Phone:

R & D HUMPHREYS 0449 267 534





Phone Rob 0449 267 534

Page 9: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 9



Lawn Edging, Mowing,Garden Clean Up’

Call Will on:

0409 104 674






CONTACT: TROY0417 175 049 9537 8180


Season’s Specialty:

Window & Screen Clean


Shire of WaroonaChristmas & New Year

Opening HoursThe Shire of Waroona Admin

office, Public Library,Licensing office and Depotoffice will be closed as of

3pm on Monday 24th

December and will re-openas per normal on Wednesday

2nd January. For moreinformation please visit our


A man called home to his wife andsaid, “Honey, I have been asked to gofishing up in Canada with my boss &several of his friends. We'll be gone fora week. This is a good opportunity forme to get that promotion I've beenwanting, so could you please packenough clothes for a week and set outmy rod and fishing box. We're leavingfrom the office & I will swing by thehouse to pick my things up" ….." Oh!Please pack my new blue silk pyjamas."The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishybut being the good wife she is, didexactly what her husband asked. Thefollowing weekend he came home alittle tired but otherwise looking good.The wife welcomed him home andasked if he caught many fish?He said, "Yes! Lots of Salmon, someBluegill, and a few Swordfish. But whydidn't you pack my new blue silkpyjamas like I asked you to do?"The wife replied, "I did. They're in yourfishing box .."

Contact Jeanette

0422 911 618

Community Singing forEveryone

A Fishy Story

Brought on bythe ME2

movement,Santa’s sexual

harassment trialtakes a turn for

the worse

Page 10: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 10WAROONA LEOS NEWS

The LEOs alsoalways have aquiet November,as most of themare busy takingfinal exams atschool. They did

however induct three new members,Nick Deleo, Cheyenne Bennett andPerron Lorimer. Welcome!

Also, LEO SamGoldsworthyhas decided tostep down asSecretary dueto increasingpressures ofschool,sportingcommitmentsand weekendwork. CurrentTreasurer,

Lincoln Hawke-Dufall was voted inas the new Secretary and LincolnLawson was voted in to take overfrom LHD as Treasurer.Congratulations guys!Their other duty in November wasto take on flag duty at

theRemembranceCeremony at thelast minute whenthe Girl Guidescouldn’t do it.Thanks to LEOsLiam Hannah,Lincoln Lawson,Ella Deleo andZarli Butcher forstanding in at amoments notice.The LEOs dohave a really

busy December however. They cookfor the Christmas Light the Lightsnight at the Visitors Centre on Friday30th November, cook again for theShire’s Thank A Volunteer day at theFootball Club on Saturday 8th

December and help St Vinnies withtheir Christmas Hampers on the 17th


The WaroonaLions and LEOClubs would liketo wish thecommunity a veryMerry Christmasand a Happy NewYear and thankyou all, onceagain for yoursupport for all ofour projectsduring the courseof this year

Nick, Cheyenne and Perron

Lincoln Hawke-Dufall

Lincoln Lawson

Zarli Butcher andLiam Hannah



Registrations for the SeniorsRecreation Council of WA Inc. PeelBranch Double Dip SaltwaterAerobic Exercise Program will beheld on Tuesday 11th December andThursday 13th December 2018 from8.30am to 9.30am both days at theTown Beach Reserve in the Marina

Just Do It!Strong on Your Feet Exercises for Seniors

cover afternoon tea following the classexercise session lasting one hour. Wehave a maximum of 20 to a class.Lyn, Annie & Jan, Peer Leaders atWaroona wish all members and theirfamilies a wonderful joyous Christmasand look forward to welcoming newmembers and meeting all again in2019.Please contact Jan McGlinn on 95354749 or [email protected] for furtherdetails or to obtain registration papers.

complex (next to Seashells). Thisprogram is open to seniors aged from50 years who reside in the PeelRegion. The program will run everyTuesday & Thursday during January,February and March 2019,commencing from Thursday 3rdJanuary and then Tuesday 8th andThursday 10th January 2019 onwardsbetween the hours of 8am and 9am.Lifeguards will be in attendance.Registration forms are required to befilled in and will be available on theregistration days. Cost of registrationis $30 per person for the three monthprogram. You will need to bring yourown pool noodle, beach towel, waterand sun screen. Enquiries to PeelBranch SRC President Jan McGlinnPh: 9535 4749 or 0427 088 615 oremail [email protected]

WaroonaSTOYFllast classfor2018 willbe Monday10thDecemberand the

classes will recommence January7th 2019 at 1pm. Exercise is hugelyimportant as we age. Strong on YourFeet classes will run each Monday(with the exception of Public Holidays)for seniors during 2019. Theexercises have been developed tohelp and assist seniors to improvetheir balance and to strengthenmuscles in both arms and legs.Improvement is noticeable in thosewho have attended classes in 2018.Make a New Year’s resolution tocommence in 2019. Don't miss out,come along and exercise to improveyour health. Exercises are done sittingor standing behind a chair and aresuitable for people aged over 45. Theclasses will remain at the very lowcost of $5 per session, and will also

Page 11: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 11

In the Lions DenNovember isalways areasonablyquiet monthfor the Lionsas we winddown for

the end of the year and prepare forour major Christmas event, theWaroona Community ChristmasGala Night, now in its 4th year. Themarkets were fairly busy once againand the Waroona Action Groupexcelled themselves once morewith over 40 stalls. Good work guysand gals! One major event did takeplace at the last market. One of theWaroona Lions markets longeststanding stallholders, Betty Derrickpresented her last ever market stall.Betty has moved into Frail Care and

no longer has theroom to store hersales goods. Bettyhas been at nearlyevery market sincethe very first one inAugust 2007 atCentennial Park.Waroona LionsPresident, MikeWhitney made anannouncement on


the Memorial Hall P.A. to say “ThankYou’ to Betty, not only for the marketsbut for everything else that she hasdone in the community over the years -Community car, just about every

sportingclub, youname it!AndMarketsProjectLeaderandWaroonaLionsVicePresident,LynleyYoung,

presented her with a bunch of flowers.Good on ya, Betty!!!!The only other major event of the monthwas that we catered for the verysuccessful Drakesbrook Wines“Grapefest” run and thanks to LionsLynley Young, her partner Tommo andLions Ranga Goode, Ness and MattDella Franca and Larry Scott for theirinvolvement in that. Apart from that, wehope to see you all at the ChristmasGala Night on Friday December 14thFINALLY, DON’T FORGET, WE AREALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEWMEMBERS FOR THE LIONS. Contactme, John Clare on 0407 080671 orSecretary Kirsten Goode [email protected] AND

VP Lynley presenting theflowers


Lynley showingher authority

Part of the crowd at Grapefest

President Mike with Betty( apologies for the dark photo)

Waroona Lions would like toapologise to the Shire ofWaroona. In our article aboutthe Vintage Machinery Rallyin last month’s issue, wethanked just abouteverybody but forgot theShire. The Shire not onlygives us the venues of theOval and Memorial Hall at nocharge but also suppliesportable toilets and otheramenities and also thecouncil have now decreedspecial dispensations to ourstallholders. SO THANK YOUSHIRE OF WAROONA!!! It isvery much appreciated

Too much turningsausages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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December 2018 Page 12

Mini-PlantBobcat & Mini


Geoff Plant0413 056 398

Post Hole Borer& Rock Breaker

0408 935 1599721 3190

Television CityTelevision CityBUNBURY

Antenna Installation SpecialistsDigital services on

Satellite • Sales & Service •


Ph 9733 3007

Monday – Thursday 8.30-5.00

Friday - 8.30-4.00

Saturday - 8.30-12:00

Dr Praba PachaiappanDr Irena MatoDr Sanath DeSilvaDr Jagdev SinghDr Niranjan Gauchan

Page 13: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 13Creative Arts News

or broken bones. The miracle sign forthese priestly shepherds would be ababy boy lying where the Passoverlambs should be – in a managerwrapped in strips of cloth.’] This isquite significant. JESUS wasannounced to the world by John thebaptizer as ‘the LAMB of GOD,’ theSacrificial Lamb who willingly came totake away the sins of the world andjust as the sacrificial lambs had to beperfect without spot or blemish, beforeHIS death JESUS was publiclywashed and proven to be without flawor blemish – a perfect sacrifice. As theScriptures say; ‘This is the mostjoyous news the world has everheard! And it is for everyoneeverywhere! For today inBethlehem a rescuer was born foryou.’ This is what sets Christianityapart from all other religions – thepower of blessing in the gift of aRescuer, who not only created us butloved us so much that HE left HISHeavenly home, came to earth towillingly be the Sacrificial Lamb, dyingas a substitute in our place so that wecould spend eternity with HIM. Youwill never receive a more precious giftthan JESUS ‘For there is peace and agood hope given to everyoneeverywhere.’ JESUS is the reason forthe season but you are the reasonHE came to earth as avulnerable baby. There ispower in the blessing of‘the gift of a Rescuer.’ ThisChristmas receive the giftof JESUS as your Saviourand be blessed to be ablessing. Cheryl

Messiah. You will recognize HIM bythis miracle sign: you will find a babywrapped in strips of cloth and lying ina feeding trough.” Then all at once, avast number of glorious angelsappeared; the very armies of heaven!And they all praised GOD, singing:‘Glory to GOD in the highest realm ofheaven! For there is peace and agood hope given to the sons of men.’[Bible Translator Dr Brian Simmonssaid there was likely no actual ‘inn’ inthe small town of Bethlehem. Guestswould usually stay in the upstairs levelof a private home. Since all of Maryand Joseph’s family also made thejourney because of the census, everyhome of a relative would have beenfull. It‘s likely Mary and Joseph had tosleep downstairs in the main room ofa relative’s house. The downstairs ofvillage homes in that day was like anall-purpose room that served as aworkshop by day and at night wasused to shelter frail animals while therest of the flock was left outdoors. Itwasn’t a full-fledged stable but didcontain a drinking trough or mangercut in the bedrock. This was the likelyplace where baby JESUS was placedafter HIS birth. He also said; ‘It wasat the lower floor of the watchtowerthat the birthing of the Passoverlambs would take place. Selectedewes that were about to give birthwould be brought there. After the birthof the lambs the priestly shepherdswould wrap the lambs in cloth and laythem in a manger lined with soft hayto prevent them from hurtingthemselves, for the Passover lambsmust be unblemished with no bruises

There is power in theblessing of ‘the gift of aRescuer.’Most of us at one time

or another, have felthelpless when circumstances areoverwhelming and beyond our control.When we lose all hope and feel wehave no capacity to solve or escapethe situation we’re embroiled in, it issuch a blessing to receive good newsthat help is at hand. The Jewishpeople waited a long time for the goodnews of the promised Messiah – theONE who would come to rescuethem. Little did they expect theirrescuer to come in the form of avulnerable baby! But this was noordinary baby. This baby was in factthe promised Messiah, JESUS ourRescuer – the expression of GODHIMSELF in human form. JESUSbirth two thousand plus years agowas spectacularly announced toshepherds in a field near Bethlehemby an angel. The account in ThePassion Translation from Luke 2:8-14reads - ’That night, in a field nearBethlehem, there were shepherdswatching over their flocks. Suddenly,an angel of the LORD appeared inradiant splendour before them,lighting up the field with the blazingglory of GOD, and the shepherdswere terrified! But the angel reassuredthem, saying “Don’t be afraid. For Ihave come to bring you good news,the most joyous news the worldhas ever heard! And it is foreveryone everywhere! For today inBethlehem a rescuer was born foryou. HE is the LORD YAHWEH, the

The Power of Blessing

During this monthmembers haveworked on variousindividual projectsincludingembroidery, crossstitch, patchwork &

mixed media which covers paper craftas well as working on differentsurfaces or embellishing items withlace, glitter, etc. Patchwork is mostlydone with cotton fabrics but can alsoinclude fabrics with different textures.The spinning group have justcompleted an interesting exchangeproject whereby raw fibres providedby a group in the Eastern States arespun here, knitted into a garment asper the instructions and the completeditems returned to the participatinggroup. Our Christmas Raffle to beheld on the 30th November will now be

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and ready for another year of craft.The first General Meeting will be at11am on Monday 4h February 2019.In the meantime we wish everyone asafe & very happy festive season.Jane

over and the results will be in theFebruary Despatch. Following ourChristmas lunch on the 13th

December the groups will enjoy aseasonal recess, and gradually returnin the New Year full of enthusiasm

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Thank you to Margie and Nigel Humewho were our November hosts andshowed us around their lovely garden.With plenty of delicious morning teaand lots of produce on offer, it wasgreat to see new faces among our largegroup. The more new ideas andsolutions to gardening queries, thebetter. Our next meeting will be onSaturday December 15 to be hosted byJeanne Hume at 15 McDowell Street,from 10am to 12pm. If you have anyqueries, do not hesitate to phone Lindaon 0411 126 875. New membersalways welcome.

WSSS WAGMarket Review

The markets continue to grow, with newstalls popping up every month. Stallholders are travelling far and wide tosupport us. Our market on December2 will see a bouncy castle for the kidsand the Lions train will be in operationas well. Santa will be passing throughabout 10am according to his schedule,so bring the kids along for a fun day.There’s plenty to keep the kidsoccupied while you browse around the40 or so stalls. Grab yourself a crepefrom Excuse My French or somethingfrom the Lions BBQ and I’m sure youwill find yourself a bargain or two or thatelusive Christmas present. Themarkets are held on the first Sunday ofevery month, from 8am to 12pm. Stallscan be either inside or outside. You canfollow our Facebook page – WaroonaFarmer’s Market or phone Jo on 0421113 620 for any information.

Coral’s Charity KnittersIt’s the time ofyear when weneed to addseasonalpreparations oractivities toalready busyschedules.The 25th

October had nine ladies busy withhooks, yarn & needles. FromBarbara we had 9 pairs of booteesand two beanies in fine baby yarn,Lois a beanie for Peel Health, Nola isworking on crochet rug number 24and Jane has been back at thesewing machine with 5 small gift bagsfor Radio Lollipop. The 10 knittedjumpers donated earlier have been

handed to Carol Meeres for FosterChildren Care, and three crochetblankets put aside for the local LionsGroup to fundraise. On the 8th

November members expressed theircondolences to Margaret – one of thefounding members of the knittinggroup – on the recent loss of herhusband. With medical and otherappointments having priority for someof our ladies, our morning was a littlemore quiet than usual with just sixladies around the tables. Coral hadtwo beanies for Peel Health and onefor Pat Thomas House, Debbie 6beanies for Peel Health , two scarvesfor Operation Sunshine, and 3 crochetbags plus two small crochet sun-dresses to the Visitors Centre for the

Community Car. Coral brought alongone of the small mats knitted withfabric strips as part of a Pioneer eventand the mat went home with Debbieas a bed for her canine companion.John stopped by again with newsabout the proposed restoration of theYarloop workshops. Our last gettogether for this year is the 6th ofDecember after which the group has aseasonal break. The return date isThursday 17th January 2019 at theLibrary 10am until noon. Anydonations of yarn can be left at thelibrary and we would love to see newmembers. For now, we wish everyonea safe & happy Christmas & NewYear. Keep well and be happy.

Coral’s Annual ReportI would like to thank everyone at theDrakesbrook Despatch for includingour write-ups every month and Janefor doing the monthly notes & sendingthem in. The knitting group started inFebruary 2010 with four ladies andnow we can have up to fifteen ladiesaround the tables doing knitting orcrochet. Over the years, our recordsshow thirty-three names of ladiesattending the group – some havemoved on to other areas or greenerpastures and even though I moved toGosnells three-and-a-half years ago Istill come down to Waroona knittingevery fortnight. You can imagine thechatter around the tables at times inthe library and we have solved many

problems over a cuppa. Our grouprelies on donations of yarn & toyfilland all the items created are donatedto local community groups & otheragencies, including Peel HealthCampus, St. Vinnies Waroona, PamCorker House fete, Pat ThomasHouse, Waroona Visitor Centre tosupport the Community Car, CarolMeeres for the Foster Care program,K.E.M.H. and Radio LollipopArmadale. All this adds up toapproximately 615 baby beanies +some beanies for adults, 10 scarves,10 covered coat hangers, 6 pairsslippers, 30 toys, 35 pairs bootees, 6baby jackets, 30 baby rugs, 20 kneerugs plus a number of hand towels

with crochet top, face washers, and102 sewn bags - and there’s probablymore! For later distribution there are3 crochet rugs for the Lions Club.Several of the above organisationshave sent thank you notes or cards inappreciation of the items and assuringour group that the items are welcomeand well utilised. During the yearJohn updated us on severaloccasions on the progress of things inYarloop and the Railway Workshop,and Nola attended the recentopening of the new Yarloop CWArooms advising how pleased theCWA ladies are to have their ownhome. During the year we hadsurprise visits from past members Fayand Margaret, as well as our regularvisitor Nola from New Zealandaccompanied by her daughter Berylwho got into the swing of thingsknitting baby beanies and Anne fromthe UK. In addition, Brad Vitale gavea presentation on his role. Our lastget together for this year is Thursday6th of December when we will enjoy aseasonal morning tea and a dip intoSanta’s goody bag. We will return onThursday 17th January 2019 from10am until noon at the library foranother year of charity knitting orcrochet. Meantime, we wisheveryone a safe and happy seasonalholiday. As Mr. Grace would say “youall do very well”. Coral

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Members & Guests Xmas Night

Friday, 7th December, 20186.00pm till late

Cost - $12.00 per Adult, Children under 12 Free

Christmas Ham with assorted salads andsweets to follow

Father Christmas will be visiting the ClubPlease have you name and numbers attendingon the sheet at the Club by Wednesday 5/12/18

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It is a high stakes match WA plays eachyear to ‘detect, locate and destroy’ anyEuropean wasps that breach our borders.Unlike other wasps and bees present inWA, European wasps pose a uniquethreat to WA’s environment, businessesand our ability to enjoy many socialactivities. So here are the uniquebehaviours of our rivals you need to know:

They’re aggressive anddangerous, with underground nestscontaining 1000s of wasps, positionedjust below the surface like a tickingtime bomb. They’re scavengers ofhuman food and drinks, pet food anddead animals. They’re predators of nativeinsects and immobile defencelessanimals like baby birds. They’re adaptable and WA’sclimate means nests won’t die overwinter and they could become abigger pest here than anywhere else.Our opposition can shut down a picnicin a matter of minutes, they’ll stingchildren and pets in the mouth just forenjoying their food or drinks, and boy,they will have you sprinting when youunknowingly run over their nest withyour lawn mower.They disrupt local ecosystems,reduce biodiversity and in NewZealand are pushing species to thebrink of extinction.Every season seems a little hardergiven our opponents are gainingground in SA, NSW, ACT, VIC andTAS. Fertilised queens sneak in toWA on vehicles and in freight andcargo. The queens disperse and laylow, gradually building their nestnumbers. Luckily, summer presentsan opportunity to detect theseinterstate invaders, as hungry workersleave the nest to forage. Their drive

European wasp season kicks off!European wasp establishment withinWA.Here’s last season’s stats: 130 nests detected anddestroyed (highest on record), 1 inHyden, 1 in Australind, 128 in thePerth Metro. Over 2000 surveillance trapsdeployed 300+ traps adopted by thepublic 76% of nests found inresidential areas 90% of nests foundunderground Over 600 public enquiries and30 confirmed reportsIt’s sweaty, hard and busy work. It’s agame where true success meansfinding and destroying every nest,every year. The investment byresidents, businesses, orchardists,local and State governments and soon, truly pays off and each winbelongs to everyone.If you see wasps landing on food,notice what looks like a paper waspbut with black antennae (feelers) orsee wasps flying in and out of a holein the ground, REPORT IT.Find out moreFor more information about theeradication program, how to identifyEuropean wasps or how to you couldget trapping, seeagric.wa.gov.au/wasps or contactour Pest and Disease InformationService.

for protein lures them into our homes,cafés, recreational areas andfortuitously, our surveillance traps. Ifnests are established nearby, waspstend to make themselves known.The ‘Plan of attack’(Good thing wasps can’t read!)Offence: Surveillance teams andtrapping grids are our early warningsystems. The Department of PrimaryIndustries and Regional Development(DPIRD) are the lead agencydeploying traps in the highest riskareas, whilst other agencies,community groups and the broaderpublic deploy traps spanning thestate. When wasps are detected,DPIRD officers locate and destroy thenests.

Defence: Everyone! Knowing theunique behaviour of these wasps andhow to report them is key to their earlydetection. Our frontline servicesscreen hundreds of calls, emails andMyPestGuide reports to detect anddifferentiate European wasps fromsimilar looking wasp and bee species.The European wasp surveillance anderadication program has beensuccessful for 41 years in preventing

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Consumer Protection Level 8, 61 Victoria St Bunbury WA 6230 PO Box 1747 Bunbury WA 6231Tel: (08) 9722 2888 Fax: (08) 9791 2263

Email. [email protected] www.dmirs.wa.gov.au www.wa.gov.au

With SW Regional Coordinator Annetta BellingeriCONSUMER PROTECTION COLUMN -

Don’t duck out – make portablepools safeMany of us have fond memories ofsplashing around in a portable pool asa child, and as the weather warms up,we’ve launched a campaign to remindparents and carers to make thesepools safe.Portable pools – ranging from smallblow-up or plastic paddling or kiddiepools to bigger wading pools,inflatable spas or high-sided flexibleplastic pools on a frame – can bepopular in summer as a cheapalternative to below-ground pools butthey are just as dangerous. Onaverage one child dies from aportable pool-related drowning everyyear in Australia, while others needhospital treatment, may be left with

severe brain injuries and limited lifeexpectancy. For example a toddler whodrowned in a portable pool in Norandain 2015 sadly passed away two yearslater. Drowning statistics have promptedAustralian Consumer Law and productsafety regulators to join forces with theRoyal Life Saving Society to spreadwater safety messages. We partneredwith Royal Life Saving in 2014/15 to runa campaign called ‘Make It Safe’ andnow we’ve added the reminder of ‘Don’tDuck Out’ of the responsibilities youtake on when you buy a portable poolwhich may include putting up a safetybarrier. Adults following the Don’t DuckOut, Make It SAFE tips, such as keepingconstant watch of kids around portablepools, can reduce the risk andpotentially save lives. The SAFE tips are

�� Supervise - actively watchchildren within arm’s reach. Don’tleave older children in charge.�� Act - learn emergency first aidincluding CPR. It’s important to startcompressions and breaths as soon aspossible when a child is pulled fromthe water and to call triple zero (000)for help. If there are two people, oneshould make the phone call while theother does CPR.�� Fence - in WA, and most ofAustralia, pools with more than 30cmof water in, are legally required tohave a compliant safety barrier andcould be fined or prosecuted if youdon’t. Check with your local Council.�� Empty and store safely - afterkeeping watch all day, pour out waterand put the pool away where childrencan’t reach. Never leave it where itcan refill with rain or sprinkler water.As part of the campaign, we’ve beenworking with major retailers who willalso be helping to spread the Don’tDuck Out, Make It SAFE message atthe point of sale. Under the AustralianConsumer Law, portable pools andtheir packaging are required to havelabels drawing the buyer’s attention todrowning risk, the need for activesupervision, proper storage and localfencing laws. Anyone thinking aboutpurchasing a portable pool shouldtake a few minutes to check out thecampaign website atwww.productsafety.gov.au/makeitsafefor more information. If you spot aportable pool without a warning labelyou should report that to ConsumerProtection by [email protected] or youcan call 1300 304 054.




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$7601.00, That’s Magnificent! Thefourth annual Honeywinds GardenParty fundraising event supportingBreast Cancer Care W.A., proved agreat success. Raffles prior to thegarden party, including a load offirewood, a selection of scratchietickets and guess the numbers for the$50 and $100 notes were generouslysupported by the Waroona communitywhich provided a good start to thisfundraiser. Friday October 12th sawjust over 90 people attend the functionat Andrew and Dalla Johnson’s home,coming from near and far to supportthis worthy cause. Many people haddonned their favourite hats to makethe garden party even more colourful,some wearing work hats, others withsun hats, fancy red hats and one in anight bonnet. John Salerian led thehat parade around and through thecrowd, drawing many comments andcompliments. The wonderful winterrains had ensured the gardens were ablaze of colour, enticing people towalk around the gardens, somecollecting a cutting or two for theirown gardens, or placing an order forsome seeds from plants in the cottagegarden beds. Lovely backgroundmusic drifted through the gardens andhome, creating a relaxing atmospherefor the morning. The morning tea wasa feast for all - hot pastries, deliciousslices, fresh fruit, sweet treats,scrumptious sandwiches, the “ConroyCupcakes” as an indulgent featureand of course tea and coffee flowingfreely too. Three guest speakers:Vanessa Elyward, Sandy Gibson andLinda Will – along with their ownsupport crew of nine, all members of“The Mandurah Angels” boosted theattendance figures. The speakersshared their personal experienceswith breast cancer and spoke of thesupport services available in theMandurah area. “The MandurahAngels” are a regional support groupof volunteers who assist BreastCancer Care W.A. by offering care,compassion and encouragement tothose dealing with breast cancer. Ifyou are interested in forming such agroup in Waroona, please contactDalla Johnson for further information.Throughout the morning, trading atthe Bring and Buy tables, Gardener’sCorner and at the raffle tables wasbrisk. Jan Bush and June Catalanowere kept on their toes attending tocustomers seeking a bargain amongthe goods for sale: fresh fruit andvegetables, preserves, home décoritems, olive oil, eggs and early

Successful Garden Party Raises $7,601 for Breast Cancer Care

Gardener’s Corner raffle. CarolRacco. Guess how many buttons,meat voucher. Marilyn Lochowicz.Garden Party $100 notes. MaryMagro – donated the prize back to thefund. Dot B. Tania Conroy. GardenParty $50 notes. Kylie Telfer. AnnetteMason. Chrystal Johnston. Luckyentry tickets. Elaine Platell. MargaretMcKay. The success of such an eventis due to the kindness and support ofmany good people. To the businessesand individuals who gave sogenerously – a very sincere “Thankyou”. Waroona Wood Supply, HarveyBeef. Sea to Scarp. Dad & Dave’sHoney, Catalano Seafoods, SavvyHair Salon, Drakesbrook Hotel Motel,Waroona Hardware, Waroona RuralServices, Purple Tiger – KarenGlossop, Judith Mather, GracePisconeri, Kate Pisconeri, CarolRacco, Tracey Commisso, Gail Curtis,Libbie Gaston, D.J. Darren Conroy,Rosanna Angi, Nola Turner, ElaineMarchetti and Hazel Keen. To thegreat cooks who brought along a plateof mouth-watering treats, a very bigThank You for your thoughtfulness.To the committee members and theirfamilies, thank you for your precioustime, patience and hard work before,during and after the Garden Party.Many people will benefit from the$7601.00 raised for Breast CancerCare, W.A. Be sure to make a note inyour yearly planner for next year’sevent, the fifth and final HoneywindsGarden Party fundraiser supportingthis cause. Wishing you all goodhealth. Dalla Johnson.

Christmas stocking fillers. Meanwhile,Trish Jardine was kept busy in theGardener’s Corner selling a hugevariety of potted plants; succulents,vegetables, orchids and native plantsto mention but a few. Tania Conroyand family members were kept busyoverseeing the raffle ticket sales withan amazing range of prizes to be won.The auction conducted by RichardPollock and ably assisted by his wifeHeidi was entertaining and a goodmoney earner for the fund. Richardhad people laughing or ducking forcover as he worked the crowd – the“shed people” versus the “tent people”… oh, beware the auctioneer!! Only abrave soul would dare to move aboutwhilst the bidding was in full flight! Toend the morning, Margaret Gastonassisted by the stall workers drew thelucky, winning tickets for the rafflesand other competitions. All results areas listed below; First raffle (March2018). Load of firewood. Lena Gutta.$100 note. Vicki Pantaleo. $50 note.Karen Gaston. Second raffle (July2018). Selection of scratchie tickets,valued at $50. Roz Pich.$100 note.Andrew Thomas – donated the prizeback to the fund. $50 note. Kylie. $50note. Audrey Plant. Garden Partyraffle #1. 1st prize. Jenny Snell. 2nd

prize. Jo Vergone. 3rd prize. EricaPitter. Garden Party raffle #2. 1st

prize. Terri Callister. 2nd Prize. P.Lazenby. 3rd prize C. Archibald.Garden Party raffle #3.1st prize. LynHewett. 2nd prize. Mary Ward. 3rd

prize. C. Archibald. Garden Partyselection of scratchie tickets, valuedat $50. Fran Parker. Garden Party,

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December 2018 Page 22New Gallery Opens in Waroona

On 11th November Les Rowe and hiswife, who operate a WaroonaWoodwork business known as Woodsof the West held a function to celebratethe launch of their new gallery. Thegallery displays dozens of timberproducts created by Les who makeshandcrafted wooden boxes of all kindsand specialises in fine quality jewelleryboxes, bowls etc made from beautifulWestern Australian timber. Woods ofthe West has run a successful websitewww.woodsofthewest.com.au for thelast couple of years and hasparticipated in many of the localWaroona markets and stall events buthas now built a permanent home tohouse their gallery. The gallery andworkshop are located in McLarty Street,Waroona and will be open on mostweekends and anytime by appointment.The Gallery Launch was a greatsuccess attended by a number of local

friends and business proprietors. Theevent was also catered by newWaroona Chef Thomas Carew-Reidwho supplied a menu of “WesternAustralian wood inspired food” tocommemorate the opening of theGallery. The photos were taken at theevent.Les is a Cabinet Maker by professionand learned his trade as a young manserving a 5 year indenturedapprenticeship, where the secrets ofworking with wood were passed to himby craftsmen of the "old school".Timber used by Les Rowe in themanufacture of his products is sourcedfrom the forest floor and is done underlicense issued by the Department ofParks and Wildlife. Les endeavours tocontribute to the preservation of ourmagnificent forests so that in his ownsmall way, he can ensure futuregenerations can enjoy their splendour.

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Hard work and persistence are key tocotton bush win. A Meelonproperty once covered in cottonbush is now cleared andproductive, thanks to long termplanning and hard work. Farmmanager, Don Patterson, wasbrought in for a three week joband three years later is stillmanaging the property. Whenasked what advice he would giveto property owners who have anarea of cotton bush to control,Don says, “Don’t give up becauseyou will get it - hard work andpersistence is the key”.Purchased by a Perth basedmining professional, the new owner ofthe 520 acre property created a long-term plan to remove the cotton bush.Left unmanaged for some time, Dondescribed the cotton bush on theproperty as being head high andunable to see through. “We had toadd dye to the herbicide becauseotherwise you could forget where youhad been, it was so thick,” MrPatterson said. When control was firststarted it was an all day, everydaytask. Now the property is mostlycleared. The challenge was the steeprocky areas on the property whichrepresented a site of reinfestation ifleft untreated. Those areas required a

Peel Harvey Biosecurity Grouphand sprayer and very carefulmanoeuvring by a two-man team inconstant communication because ofthe risk of injury. Now with many moreproductive acres to work with Don iskept busy managing the property formixed cattle and sheep agistment,

planting native vegetation, fencing off

waterways and installing cockatubesfor the endangered red tail cockatoos.Managing feral pigs and foxes is alsoeasier now the cotton bush is cleared.“I usually go out once a week to keepan eye out for any new seedlings.Hand pulling if I can, or just a smallspray on each one if the soil is toohard. Once you have your eye in, youcan’t help but see them,” Mr Pattersonsaid. According to Teele Hooper-Worrell, weed education officer forPeel Harvey Biosecurity Group, it'smuch easier to pull up the cotton bushwhen there are no pods because youcan leave them on the ground to rot. Ifthere are pods it becomes morecomplicated as they need bagging orburning to prevent spread. Donrecently sent their part-time farmhandto a weed workshop put on by thePeel Harvey Biosecurity Group.Motivated by the experience thefarmhand is now looking at doing hisChemcert training and furthering hisweed education. Traditionally seen asthe ‘bad’ property in the area, clearingthe weeds has been the catalyst forneighbouring properties to alsocontrol theirs. Some neighboursweren't controlling their cotton bushbecause they saw it ascounterproductive when it wasspreading from the property everyyear. This is no longer the case. If youwould like support and information tocontrol declared weeds on yourproperty contact the Peel HarveyBiosecurity Group [email protected]



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December 2018 Page 24


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Peel Harvey Catchment Council

Farmers attending a Farm Field Walkat North Dandalup recently wereshown that it pays to regularly testtheir soils before they order fertiliseror engage a fertiliser contractor. TheField Walk was part of a four-yearRoyalties for Regions RegionalEstuaries Initiative project that hassupported soil testing on 60 farms inthe Peel-Harvey Catchment since2016. The project involvesthe Peel-Harvey CatchmentCouncil, Department ofPrimary Industries andRegional Development andDepartment of Water andEnvironmental Regulationworking with farmers to testpaddock soils and provideadvice andrecommendations on futurefertiliser applications. ThePHCC has provided farmerextension supportthroughout the project, includinginterviewing farmers to assess farmfertiliser practices and conveningworkshops to assist farmers to makebest use of soil testing results. On theField Walk, farmers visited sites ontwo farms where soil testing had beenconducted in 2017 to measure thenutrient status of individual paddocks.On each farm, fertiliser demonstrationplots had been established earlier thisyear to assess pasture growthresponses to different amounts ofsuperphosphate fertiliser, potassiumand sulphur. One farm, where testingrevealed high phosphorus levels in2017, showed no extra growth byapplying superphosphate in 2018. The other farm, which tested low in

phosphorus in 2017, showed goodresponses to superphosphate atmoderate levels, informed by the soiltest results. The key message fromthe Field Walk for farmers andlandholders was test your soils beforeyou order fertiliser, or you could bewasting your money. One interestingfinding from the demonstration plots isthat paddocks with high phosphorussoils may get a response fromapplying fertilisers likesuperphosphate. This is attributed tothe sulphur in superphosphate, not

the phosphorus. In these cases, thefarmer could save money by applyingcheaper forms of sulphur such asgypsum, or other fertiliser productshigh in sulphur but withoutphosphorus. This approach hasadded benefits of reducingphosphorus entering groundwater andlocal waterways. Department ofPrimary Industries and RegionalDevelopment Officer David Rogerswho was involved in establishing thetrial sites explained that throughtesting around 600 paddocks across40 farms in the Peel-Harvey since2016, the project has found that atleast 70% of paddocks already haveenough phosphorus stored in the soilfor several years from past

superphosphate applications . Anadditional 23 farms will be tested thisyear. ”These paddocks don’t needmore phosphorus to get a pasturegrowth response. Often though, theymay have other constraints like soilacidity (pH), or other nutrients that arelimiting production. Soil testing helpsfarmers determine what is needed,and reduces the risk of wastingmoney on nutrients that will not give aproduction response. Applications ofphosphorus based on soil tests canassist to maximise pasture production

and minimise the amountwashed into groundwater,waterways and the Peel-Harvey Estuary” said MrRogers. PHCC ActingChairperson Jan Star hasbeen impressed with thestrong farmer involvement inFertilising the Farm. “Wehave already had 60 farmerssign up to soil testing overthe past 3 years, and had toturn away farmers for the firsttime this year,” said Ms Star.“A great aspect of the Project

is that it has consistently set newstandards in soil testing, paddockmapping and analysis of test results”said Ms Star. “This helps to increasefarmer confidence in how to use thetest results to make fertiliser decisionsfor their farm.” The Field Walk waspart of the Fertilising the Farm project,a cooperative initiative Peel-HarveyCatchment Council, Department ofPrimary Industries and RegionalDevelopment and Department ofWater and Environmental Regulation.Fertilising the Farm is part of theRegional Estuaries Initiative, a $20million State Government program toimprove the health of six key South-West estuaries, including the Peel-Harvey Estuary.

Page 25: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 25Using the Innate Wisdom of Plants to Nourish and Nurture

Intermittentfasting (IF) hasbeen aroundsince man hasroamed this

glorious planet. Apparently, this wasthe way our ancestors lived - theydidn’t have the luxury of eating orgrazing every 2-5 hours.Manipulating the time we eat knownas the eating window is an efficientway of storing energy, easing thedigestive burden, developingmetabolic flexibility, fat loss, increasesleep and increased endurance. Italso has anti-aging/autophagy affectson the body by cleaning house. After12-16 hours into a fast when liverglycogen is depleted autophagy (thinkof Pacman) begins by hunting outworn out cells, diseased cells or deadcells. A great benefit to fasting for 13hours or longer for women is that ishas shown to have breast cancerprotecting abilities. Chronic diseaserisk reduction by controlling bloodsugar levels has anti-inflammatoryeffects because once the free glucoseis used the body will start to use thefat as its fuel source. Fasting can belikened to a muscle though. If you areused to eating or grazing every fewhours then IF may be difficult to do. Itrequires building the “muscle” andadapting. You need to set thefoundations first by regaining controlof your blood sugar levels. To do thisconcentrate on what’s on your plate.Build your plate 2:1:2 with goodquality nutritious foods. 2 cups ofnon-starchy vegetables-greens,rainbow coloured vegetables, 1 palmsize portion of good quality protein(remembering that vegetables haveloads of protein in them too, you don’tneed to head straight for the meat).

Intermittent Fasting-should you?How long can you do these fastssafely?The above fasts can be done safely formen on a daily basis. However, youneed to be taking in good qualitynutrients. You need to be veryconscious of what is on your plate daily.Clean foods are the way to go and youdon’t compromise on quality. Forwomen who menstruate or are of childbearing age then it is recommended tofast with the above 3 protocols safely2-3 times weekly only. Never over-dofasting protocols. Menopausal womencan do it more often but it shouldn’tbecome a stressor upon the body at anystage. There are other popular protocolsbut the above are the safest and easiestto do. Three-day broth fast, 5:2, 24Hour Fast, Alternate Day Fast (notrecommended) and water fast (onlydone under medical supervision if youare choosing to go longer than 4 days)are alternatives.What can you consume during thefastWater/lemon water, Apple CiderVinegar in water, Herbal teas, Broth,Black Coffee/MCT CoffeeWhen shouldn’t you fastIf you have poor blood sugar control.After high intensity training. Duringpregnancy or breast feeding. Duringhigh periods of stress and/or adrenaldysfunction. If you are taking certainmedications; insulin or medicationsdependant in food intake. Pleaseconsult with your health carepractitioner to see if this is suitable foryou. Yours in WellBeing - Sandra(Wise Botanicals)The information in this article is foreducational purposes only and allreaders understand that all informationwithin does not in any way diagnose,treat, cure or prevent any medicalcondition.

120 grams of protein for women and150-180 grams of protein for men areuseful amounts; 2 portions of clean fats(dairy excluded except for grass fedghee, butter or maybe a little cream(milk has lactose and will spike bloodglucose levels), so ½ avocado, 2 tbspnof nuts or seeds, ghee, butter, olive oil,coconut oil are all good sources ofgood quality fats. I don’t have aproblem with complex carbohydrates tobe honest as long as they aren’trefined such as bread, crackers, pasta.So if you enjoy sweet potato, potato,rice then have them. Generally, thesefoods aren’t eaten on their own butwith vegetables and fats and so theglucose spike will be slower for mostindividuals. Did you know if you cookand then allow your rice or potatoes tocool that they become resistantstarches? They then become perfectfood for the beneficial bacteria in yourgut.PROTOCOLS There are several IFprotocols.12/12 (12 hours fasting and 12 houreating window). A simple one to beginoptimising your metabolism and toassist in fat loss. Delaying breakfast isthe easiest way to manage this one.Dinner at 7pm the night before andyou’ll have brekkie at 7am the followingmorning.13:11 (13 hours fasting, 11 hour eatingwindow). Eating in line with yourcircadian rhythm has many benefitsnotably improved sleep. Eat at least2-3 hours before bed, before melatoninlevels begin to rise.16:8 (16 hours fasting and 8 houreating window). This one I do often.Once you start fasting regularly itbecomes easier and easier to do. Lastmeal at 7pm night before and nextmeal at 1pm following day.

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December 2018 Page 26

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Page 27: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 27Waroona Golf Club News

MENS GOLF NEWSOur men travelled to Collie for the Vetsand played in a very large field. HarryVidulich finished with a score of 37points and Kevin Burton in the OBEsection, took out the gross. Congratsto both players.Men’s 2018 AwardsA Grade Champion JeffScott (248)Runner-up Rick Riggio (255)B Grade Winner Brad Stone (205)Runner-up Mark McKay (208)Golfer of the Year Leon Mason (43)Runner-up Alan Jeffery (39)Eclectic Winner Mark McKay (60.65)Runner-up Jeff Scott (61.6)Our AGM was held on Tuesday 23rd

October and the following memberswere elected.President – Mark McKay, Vice-President – Larry Scott, Secretary –Veronica Fuller, Treasurer – AndrewThomas, Men’s Captain – RayVergone, Ladies Captain – Jo Vergone,Course Manager – Jeff Scott,Committee Members – ColleenArchibald (Ladies Vice-Captain),Wayne Cooper, Brad Stone and RickRiggio. Many thanks to the new officebearers, as volunteers are hard to find.Also, thanks to the 9 holers for theircontribution to our golfing community.We are seeking anyone in thecommunity who has a few hours tospare once a week, to help around theclub. Many people use this facility towalk their dogs, which is wonderful, soany assistance from non-golfers wouldbe appreciated. If interested, pleasephone Veronica on 0407 425 865.Corporate golf will start on Sunday 3rd

March 2019 for 5 weeks. The cost is$10 for a 9 hole Stableford event. Mixedteams of three players will tee off at 4pm. The team with the best Stablefordpoints will take home $500 for theirteam. After the game, there will benibbles and the bar will be open. Makeup your team. Tell your friends. Forany enquiries, please phone Veronica0407 425 865. Merry Christmas to all.

LADIES GOLF NEWSOur closing day was very enjoyable,with our sponsors being Pollock andBray. The winners were Trish andAndrew Thomas with a score of62.25. Runners-up were Sue andMick Ward with a score of 63.5. Agood field was followed by a lovelyBBQ and delicious sweets, thanks toHelen McKay. Five ladies and threemen travelled to Augusta and had agreat time. Jo Vergone was runner-up with a score of 77 points.

Closing Day

Golfer of Year WayneCooper with donor LeonMason

Golfer of Year Sher Sharpe

Champ R/U Sher

R/U Closing Day

Thank You to Bev McClean

Winner Closing Day

A Grade Champ Jeff Scott with donorWayne Cooper & Captain Frank Lennon

Page 28: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 28Chook Yard Farmer Ken

Waroona Poultry ClubWaroona PoultryClub is pleased toreport a verysuccessful silentauction wasconducted onSaturday 10th

November 2018 and it was wellsupported by both members, sellersand the public. A total ofapproximately $550 was raised andwill go into the club kitty towards the“Double Delight” Expansion Project in2019.The Poultry Pavillion will beexpanded to have the capacity to holdover 500 birds and with improvementsto the cages to allow poultry to becomfortable in their day out. A Total of$94 was raised in the club raffle and aspecial thankyou to raffle donors;Waroona Rural ,PinjarraTraders,Rona & Paula Manns, John &Pam Wade.Adrian Wilson from Martinwas the lucky winner of both 1st and4th Prizes.He had driven down from

Gosnells in the Metropolitan areaspecifically to purchase fertileArauncana eggs from ChookyardHotel Waroona. Bidding wascompetitive and one buyer fromAshfield was so keen to purchasesome Geese up for auction she wascompletely unaware she had won araffle prize of Ivans Poultry Mix untilafter the auction was completed.TheClub will complete 2018 with a familyChristmas Barbecue at the home ofLindsey and Barbara Sturges inCooup for financial members onSaturday 24th November,2018.Members of Harvey Poultry Clubhave also been invited. Mostincubators have started shutting downpreparing forsummer and newchicks growinginto prizespecimens foreither showing orjust pets.

November has been a much morepeaceful month for Chookyard Hoteland Chookyard Farmer KenAfter the trauma of the House Fireon Friday 28th September 2018 ithas been relatively quiet with nofurther shows since BrunswickShow in late October. I am happy toreport 5 firsts, 7 seconds out of 16entries plus 2 firsts and one secondin the egg class section. I was veryunlucky with 3 second placings inthe pairs and was stiff with noseparate class for the lightweightand heavy weight soft featherclasses to rob the Belgian DuccleMille fleur pair of a championshipribbon and prize. I have offered to fillthe gap to Brunswick AgriculturalSociety in 2019. I am pleased toreport Henee the celebrity Frizzle isloving her new life at the farm of DrJessica in Cookernup and deservessome happiness after surviving afox attack and house fire. Our twofamily cats Boots and Leo continueto receive “Casino Royale” Board &Lodging at Waroona Vet Clinicsome 8 weeks after the fire. I willdefinitely need some training whenwe return to normal life again at No.26. Marketing Manager Caitlin Rosecontinues to be a great help and

spent two days cleaning out all penson the weekend of the auction so Icould concentrate on items ready forthe auction. It was a good outcomeand one item of old baking trays ordishes made great feed containerswith bidding keen. I kept 5 for myselfand another bargain from MundijongMarkets. Thursday 22nd Novemberwill be remembered as the day I lostmy left lens from my driving glassesand also Sapphire our sole winningPolish Hen disappeared presumablyto go clucky and sit on a secret pile ofeggs. Spent an hour so far and not inthe usual spots. Again a public thankyou to staff from Waroona Rural forsparking my two fox deterrent lightsback into action and feel much saferfor the residents of Chookyard Hotel.Since the Brunswick Show 4 of myGold Lace Wyandotte Hens havegone clucky with just one left to keep“Nifty” company .Only have 3 chicksto show at present. Truffle a PlymouthRock hen has again surpassedexpected results by hatching 3beautiful chicks. Only 10 months agoshe was diagnosed as egg bound andnursed back to health by AssociateVet Dr Jessica and some chickensare very resilient. Gypsy a BelgianDuccle has hatched 5 chicks but sadlywe have lost two to a rat anddrowning. They are 2 weeks old andstill minute and very cute. Have usedyellow sand to close the gap betweenpens and to rescue them a few times

from danger. Bantams make verygood brooder mums and still havebatch misses when fertile eggs arenot kept warm for the first 5 five days.Maintain free range rotation times andwith family help especially before7.00am early starts to kick a kick startto job allocations and the girls have allbeen laying on a regular basis exceptfor the broodies. Most tradesmen inthe rebuild have been fascinated bythe residents of Chookyard Hotel andespecially by the Blue/GreenAraucana Eggs and the ChocolateBrown Eggs of the French WheatenMaran. Unfortunately Mindy lays themin view and “Mr Crow” enjoys a freefeed every few days. Prize WinningCards from Brunswick and WaroonaShows definitely are a worthwhilemarketing exercise and are all sellingwell in the forums of MundijongMarkets, Auction and private sales. Itwas particularly rewarding with theKwinana client reporting nearly 100%fertility rate except for the brownLeghorns, Painting commences in thehouse repairs this weekend and aspecial thank you to Mark Winter forrestoring the Bathroom to Five Starhotel class. He has been assisted byKevin from Golden Glass, also ShaneSteele from Steele and SonsPlumbing Contractors. All are localbusiness houses and have been firstclass in fitting in with fire repairschedules. Support your localbusinesses because they care andare an important part of our localinfrastructure. The new Chook MobileFord Ranger Super Cab has been agreat addition to Chookyard Hoteloperations and I was tickled pinkwhen a poultry friend Ivan Cosh saida bit flash for you after the old DemonUte which died after 33 years hardservice and no shelter from weatherconditions. Chooks continue to be agreat therapy and especially whenyou breed new chicks. My daughterCaitlin Rose reminded me we onlyhave 3 of our original chooks whenwe started off 5 years ago.Compliments of the season and hopeyou enjoythe tales ofChookyardFarmer Kenas much asI enjoywritingthem. Catchyou in theNew Year.ChookyardFarmer Ken

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December 2018 Page 29

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FREE Public ToursEvery Wednesday, tour the Huntly Bauxite Mine and PinjarraAlumina Refinery.On the first Thursday of each month, visitWillowdale Bauxite mine and Wagerup Alumina Refinery

Waroona Footie News with Forward PocketWaroona DemonsFootball Club hasappointed Matt(Tempo) Templetonas League Coachfor 2019.It has been a nineyear journey since

he commenced his Senior Coachingcareer as Playing Coach WaroonaReserves 2010. He was Coach TonyMorley’s favourite player in theLeague Squad for warming the pineseat as no. 22 on the interchangebench. In 2013 he coached PinjarraTigers to a Premiership Flag in a fouryear term and then held the reins atHarvey Brunswick Leschanault for aseason in the South West NationalFootball League. His coachingjourney continued for two seasons asthe State U/18’s Girls Squad.Waroona finished last season in therare position as “ wooden spooners”in their worst result for nearly twodecades. Injuries to key players didnot help their cause and with a veryyoung team, it was a giant learningcurve but should be beneficial in theirplayer development for next season.Tempo is looking forward to thechallenge and wants the LeagueSquad to enjoy their football in ahappy group environment. Returningwith him to their home town, localfootball team are quality players Ryan“Fridge” McKinley, Eli Smith and RysAnzellino after playing for twoseasons in the neighbouring SouthWest Football League. CoachTempleton knows the culture andhistory of Waroona Demons well andis well credentialed to lead theDemons back up the ladder. Trainingcommences in mid January 2019 sothe League Squad with input from 30players will be cherry ripe for the

season launch in early April next yearand early wins are essential in a tightcompetition in the Peel FootballLeague. Good luck to Matt and theLeague Squad for season 2019 and intheir 89th year (Established 1930) itwill be an important stepping stonewith support from a hard workingcommittee and loyal band ofsupporters. Waroona DemonsFootball Club will conduct its AnnualGeneral meeting on Wednesday 5th

December commencing at 7.30 pm inthe Social Hall. All members andplayers are invited to attend. Bestwishes to everyone for the festiveseason from all personnel involvedwith Waroona Demons Football Cluband look forward to your continuedsupport next season. WDFC willregain lost pride next year to remain,Proud, Loud and Strong andultimately climbing back up thepremiership ladder in all 3 grades,League, Reserves and Colts.Forward Pocket

Farmers and producers fromCoolup, Dwellingup andWaroona are invited to attendan upcoming Peel Growers Hubinformation session facilitatedby Southern Dirt. The sessionwill provide opportunity forSouthern Dirt to introducethemselves and their new PeelGrowers Hub initiative as wellas inform attendees of availableassistance and supportnetworks. If you areinterested please RSVP byMonday 3rd December

Coolup Community Hall22 Murray Street, Coolup

Thursday 6 December, 20185:30pm - 7:30pm

Sausage sizzle and drinksprovided

RSVP [email protected]

David Arkwright 9531 7675Diana Blacklock 0421 631 632

Southern Dirt - Peel Growers Hub

Page 30: WELCOME NO January Edition · Tyres Servicing. December 2018 Page 2 FRIDAY 14th DECEMBER 5 - 9pm ... Community Car Waroona Resource Centre - 9733 2545 Coolup Craft Group Wednesdays

December 2018 Page 30Waroona Bowling Club News

Early in month theBowling Clubhosted aMelbourne CupLuncheon with 30+people attending.By all reports and

feedback, it was well received. A fewpeople have said they will attend nextyear if held again. A big thank you tothe ladies and helpers who put it alltogether. Waroona Bowling Club hashad a busy month with some of theChampionships games being played.Ladies Veterans winner JuneMaughan and the Novice winner wasJenny Riley.

Mixed Fours continues on Sunday 2nd

December.Men’s Championship Pairs on Sunday9th December & continues on Sunday23rd December.Community Bowls is still going strongwith two rounds remaining inNovember.There will be a new competitionstarting in February so keep a lookoutfor information.As usual we are having a ChristmasParty for our members and guests.For details see the advert on page 15.

Ladies Fours winners were SharyeeHayes, Sher Sharpe, Jo-AnneVergone and Roslyn Pich.Patroness Pairs winners were SherSharpe & Lyn Robinson.Mixed Pairs winners Mark & BarbHiller. Congratulations to all thewinners.Coming events include:Championship Men’s Fours onSunday 25th November sponsored byDennis TylerOpen Triples on Wednesday 28th

November sponsored by HomeTimber & Hardware.

Waroona Recreation & Aquatic Centre


Program of Events

Enrolment forms available at the Recreation Centre

Mandurah Toy RunDecember 8th

On December 8th we are onceagain joining the group fromPinjarra. Riders are meetingat the Visitors Centre inWaroona at 8.00amThey will be departing at 8.30to join the group in Pinjarra.Bring a toy to donate andcome and join us. All toysare acceptable.Everyone is welcome. Seeyou there.For furtherinformationabout whatthis is about,please callGary0407851414

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December 2018 Page 31

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