Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to...


Transcript of Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to...

Page 1: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,
Page 2: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI

Page 3: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

“The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy, business engagement activity and the protection and commercialisation of University IP for the benefit of the knowledge economy.”

Department of Research & Innovation

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 4: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Intellectual Property

Business Partnerships

(including the Dragon Innovation


Research Support Office

European Office

£343m Convergence Projects Closedown of £30m

Objective 1 projects

850 Active Contracts 750 proposals submitted p.a.

£21m research incomeContract support

Monitoring Expenditure

PatentsHR Issues


IPLegal DisputesDue Diligence



2nd CampusTechniums

Industrial ClustersDragon


DRI – Operational Units

Page 5: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• What can we offer you?• Regulations, forms, rules, contract compliance,

authorisation…• A barrier to Research…at first glance,

• No! We are actually a gateway!• Offering Expert support, advice and guidance

Research Support Office

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 6: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Development and discussion about your idea (proposal drafting)• Identify Funding Opportunities• Guidance on Sirius calculator (salaries)• Advice on budget elements (Equipment, Travel, Consumables)• Advice on eligibility and contract terms and conditions• Guidance on Full Economic Costing tool (overheads)• Company checks to ensure financial stability• Guidance on syntax and layout• Assisting with contract negotiations• You can find web advice and support here:


Pre-Award –project inception and proposal

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 7: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• There is funding available for almost any activity associated with research

• Research Projects (research students and research assistants)• Research visits and research visitors• Research equipment• Conferences• Fellowships • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships• Exchange programmes

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 8: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Research Councils – ESRC, EPSRC, NERC, AHRC, MRC, BBSRC, STFC• Government Departments –Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, Dept for Transport, MoD, Environment Agency, Department of Health, Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs etc• Charities - Wellcome Trust, Rowntree Foundation, Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, Canon Foundation, Wolf Foundation, Leverhulme Trust, Nuffield Foundation, Cancer Research, BUPA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation• Welsh Assembly Government - WORD, A4B, Tenders• European Union - Framework 7, European Science Foundation• Industry – Rolls Royce, CORUS etc.• Others –NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts), The Carbon Trust

Research Funding OrganisationsResearch Funding Organisers

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 9: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Check funders web sites- Find out which funding bodies support your subject area; ask colleagues; also a list of the funders will be provided after the seminar

• Research Funding Websites• ResearchResearch.com – extensive worldwide funding database and topical news in research; request a personal account via DRI; weekly email alerts tailored to your personal interests • www.rdinfo.org.uk - for medical research funding opportunities.• http://www.cos.com alternative to ResearchResearch Sources; campus use only

• Check relevant journals / papersLook through subject specific journals, or the Times HE / Tuesday Guardian / contact professional societies who sometimes have sources of funding

• Speak to colleagues NETWORK!

• Internet Search Engines Google; Lycos; Yahoo!

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 10: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Obtain Head of School approval and issue code• Provide budget information and data (monthly summaries from QL financial

system) and ad-hoc requests• Claims and invoicing of expenditure• Advice on budget monitoring systems (Equipment, Travel, Consumables)• Explanation of financial terms, checking eligibility and compliance with

sponsors T &C’s• Recording all primary proposal and contract information (original/e-data)• Debt collection (we will pursue debt collection but usually ask PI for initial

approach• Liaison with Sponsors and internal administrators (Finance, HR)• Formal financial closure of project and advice on audit compliance• Provision of statistical information (SU and external)

Post-Award – managing the project finances

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 11: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Some important things to note

• A PI is typically expected to be the project manager (carries a burden of administration)

• A PI needs to be familiar with the responsibilities outlined in section E.12 of the financial regulations (in particular E.12.14)

• Every project must have a contract • DRI must have sight of proposal before submission (please note

deadline timetable)• Head of School must authorise proposal• DRI may flag project for Risk Assessment• DRI accepts contracts on behalf of Swansea University (£500k)

Some Important things to note…

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 12: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Some statistics about grants we’re bidding for…Some Stats about grants we’re bidding for…

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Page 13: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Grants we’ve been awarded…

Colin Elvins

Ext 5430

Awarded Grants

Page 14: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Business Partnerships


Dragon Innovation Partnership


Knowledge Transfer

Business Partnerships

Techniums Clusters

Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 15: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Knowledge Transfer Support

• Internal and External Interface• Business Development and idea scoping• Application advise – process, costs,

targets, company checks• Key contact with funding organisations • Contracts – NDAs, IP agreements• Knowledge Transfer training

Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 16: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Key Knowledge Transfer Funding1) Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

• Short KTPs – 10- 40 weeks• Classic KTPs – 1 to 3 years

2) WAG Academic Expertise for Business – A4B• Knowledge Transfer Centres• Collaborative Industrial Research Projects• Feasibility Studies• Knowledge Exchange Program• Early Stage Development Fund and Proof of Concept

3) Technology Strategy Board Funding4) Other funding bodies (e.g. Wellcome, CDE)

Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 17: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Spinouts• Tenancy Advice• Events• Networks


Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 18: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

1. One Portal

2. Community

3. Best Practice

4. Networks

5. Skills, training , consultancy

6. Collaborative Projects

7. Collaborative Events

Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 19: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Marketing• Case Studies• Seminar program

Term 1 – researchTerm 2 – Collaborative ProjectsTerm 3 – Research Councils

• Networks - IKT, CBI, FSB, Chamber, IOD, • Events – Business, Departmental and School

Ali Parker

Ext 2630

Page 20: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

1) Intellectual property.• Questions about the University’s IP Policy• Protecting valuable IP and applying for patent protection • Licensing and Assigning University owned IP to companies• Advice regarding copyrights or other forms of IP• Approve IP provisions in research/consultancy agreements.

Swansea IP Group

Dan Flanagan

Ext 3717

Page 21: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

Swansea IP Group Cont’d2) Spin Out Programme• The formation of companies formed with University IP• Supported by the Welsh Government – Finance Wales • Administered by Swansea IP Group • Advice on company formation & governance provisions3) Consultancy • Questions about the University Consultancy Policy • Negotiation with Companies on terms and conditions • Some administrative details – purchasing & invoicing

Dan Flanagan

Ext 3717

Page 22: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Pre Award – Julie Williams• Pre & Post Award – Sarah Thornton• Post Award – Huw Evans• Post Award – Sara Morgan

Professionally qualified staff: European Studies, languages (including Welsh),

accounting, auditing.

The European Office Team

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 23: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

alerting researchers to the opportunities available

assist with the bid and claims process

exchanging information between UK & EU

To promote effective SU participation in EU funded research, higher education & training & related activities by:

What is our Mission?

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 24: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• 2007 – 2014• £1.5 bn • Supports regional development• Capital & Revenue regeneration projects• Training related projects• Funding at around 50%• Match funding from staff time, overheads + partners• Example: IP Wales

European Regional Funding - Convergence

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 25: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

The 7th Framework Programme What is a Framework Programme?

• EU Programme for RTD• 7 years in duration 2007-2013 €53.2 Bn

• FP5 1999-2002 €14.96Bn• FP6 2002-2005 €16.27Bn

• Contract research• European collaboration• User driven approach• Prioritised research areas

It involves:

The Framework 7 Programme

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 26: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Resources pooled to achieve critical mass

• Access to expertise & facilities

• Networking

• Enhanced credibility & publications

• Staff training & development in S&T

• Faster development

• Shared risk

• Spin-off activities

• Finance

Why research at European level?

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 27: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

What is it?

European StructuralWeaknesses:

• Research investment• Human resources• Innovation• Regional imbalances• Fragmentation

The ERA must:

• reduce the competitive gap • increase RTD efforts• promote capacity building• address the broad context• strengthen coherence • improve impact of RTD

The European Research Area (ERA)

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 28: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

EU-25 US Japan

R&D intensity (% of GDP) 1.86 2.66 3.18

Share of R&D financed by industry (%) 54.8 63.7 74.8

Researchers (FTE) per thousand labour force 5.5 9.1 10.1

Share of world scientific publications (%) 38.3 31.1 9.6

Scientific publications per million population 639 809 569

Share of world patents (%) 31.5 34.3 26.9

Patents per million population 30.5 53.1 92.6

High-tech exports as share of total manuf. exp.(%) 19.7 28.5 26.5

Share of world high-tech exports (%) 16.7 19.5 10.6

figures 2000 - 2004 Source: DG Research

R&D – Europe’s Challenge

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 29: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• FP7 2007 –2013

Specific Programmes• Cooperation – Collaborative research• Ideas – Frontier Research• People – Marie Curie Actions• Capacities – Research Capacity+JRC & nuclear research• Support via WECF

Framework 7 – areas covered?

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 30: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

– 10 themes


1. Health 2. Biotechnology, food and agriculture 3. Information and communication technologies 4. Nanotechnologies, materials and production 5. Energy 6. Environment (incl. climate change) 7. Transport (incl. aeronautics) 8. Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 9. Security10. Space

The Cooperation specific programme?

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 31: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

FP7 Budget

FP7 Budget Split - 2007-13 in Millions of Euros



7,536 1,824






Framework 7 – Budget

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 32: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Universities• Research Institutes• Industry, including SMEs• Public authorities• Charities• Consumer groups• Trade Unions • Other end users etc.• International Organisations• EEIGs

Proposal Content - Types of Partners

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 33: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• Reports (handbooks, standards, procedures, policy)• Prototypes (technical/commercial)• Data (statistics, databases, trends)• Software• IPR (patent, copyright, trademark)• Educational material• Meetings (conference, workshop)• Media (web site, video, CD ROM)• Publications

Proposal Content - Deliverables

Julie Williams

Ext 5824

Page 34: Welcome – Ceri Jones Deputy Director - DRI “The Department of Research and Innovation aims to provide support, advice and guidance for research, consultancy,

• European Funding Web Pages• Email/[email protected] – 5824 (Mon-Thur)[email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] – 5946 (Tues-Fri)

UKRO – Brussels based www.ukro.ac.ukWHEB – Brussels based www.wheb.ac.uk

Contact us for further information