Welcome back to Term 3 Student Representative Council Term 3 · Student Representative Council Term...

ST MICHAEL'S PARISH SCHOOL ASHBURTON EDITION 11/19 July 18th 2019 A safe community of animated learners enlightened by faith in God Dear God, We thank you for all Your blessings and gifts, our families, Grandparents and Special Friends. May saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of your Son, Jesus, bless and guide our grandparents and Special Friends as they share their love, wisdom and joy with us. Amen Welcome back to Term 3 Student Representative Council Term 3

Transcript of Welcome back to Term 3 Student Representative Council Term 3 · Student Representative Council Term...


EDITION 11/19July 18th 2019

A safe community of animated learners enlightened by faith in God

Dear God,

We thank you for all Your blessings and gifts, our families, Grandparents and Special Friends.May saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of your Son, Jesus, bless and guide our grandparents and

Special Friends as they share their love, wisdom and joy with us. Amen

Welcome back to Term 3Student Representative Council Term 3

Term Dates 2019

Diary Dates 2019

TERM 1 2019

Monday 4th February - Friday 5th April

TERM 3 2019

Monday 15th July- 20th September

TERM 2 2019

Monday 29th April - Friday 28th June

TERM 4 2019

Monday 7th October- 17th December

Thursday 18 SAC 7.00pm - 8.00pm Staff RoomMonday 22 Girls Footy Gala Day Year 5/6 8.30 am - 3 .00pm Bulleen ParkTuesday 23 Sushi Tuesday 11.00amWednesday 24 Parent Portal open for Reports 5.00pmFriday 26 Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day 8.50am The HubFriday 26 Assembly 2.40pm-3.30pm The HubSaturday 27 School Enhancement Session 9.00am -11.00am Sunday 28 Prep Level Mass 10.30 -11.30 The Church Thursday 1 Early Dismmisal 12.00 pm Thursday 1 Parent/Teacher/Child Conversations 1.00pm The Hub Saturday 3 Vision Portraits TBA The HubFriday 2 Scholastic Book Fair 3.15 pm-4.00pm The HubMonday 5 Scholastic Book Fair 3.00 pm-3.45pm The HubTuesday 6 Scholastic Book Fair 3.15 pm-4.00pm The HubWednesday 7 Scholastic Book Fair 3.15 pm-4.00pm The HubWenesday 7 PFA Meeting 7.00pm-8.00pm The StaffroomFriday 9 Hockey 7's Year 6 9.00am-3.30pm HawthornFriday 9 Assembly 2.40pm-3.30pm The Hub Friday 9 School Disco TBA The HubSunday 11 3/4 Level Mass 10.30-11.30 The ChurchThursday 15 Whole School Mass Assumption 10.00-10.39am The ChurchSunday 18 5/6 Level Mass 10.30-11.30 The ChurchThursday 22 Confirmation Family Faith Evening 7.00pm The HubFriday 23 Book Weel Parade 9.00am -10.00am The HubFriday 23 Assembly 2.40pm-3.30pm The HubSaturday 24 Confirmation Commitment Mass 6.30pm The ChurchSunday 25 Confirmation Commitment Mass 9.00 am The ChurchSunday 25 Confirmation Commitment Mass 10.30 am The ChurchThursday 29 Fathers Day Stall TBA Wednesday 4 PFA Meeting 7.00pm - 8.00pm The StaffroomSaturday 7 School Enhancement Session 9.00am-11.00am Sunday 8 1/2 Level Mass 10.30am-11.00am The ChurchTuesday 10 Whole school Production Cast A 7.00pm-9.00pm The Hub

July Event Time Where

August Event Time Where

September Event Time Where

L E A D E R S H I P A N D M A N A G E M E N TO r g a n i s a t i o n , S t r u c t u r e s , R e s o u r c e M a n a g e m e n t , S t a f f W e l l b e i n g a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l L e a r n i n g


Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome to Term Three. I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful school holiday. Term Three is an exciting term filled with manyspecial events. Next Friday 26th July is Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day. The theme for the day is “Our Grandparents andSpecial Friends ROCK!” Invitations went out earlier this week and we look forward to having many ROCK Stars visit and spend themorning with us. A copy of the invitation is included within the newsletter. Our school production is in Week 9. Rehearsals and casting have started and cast lists will be shared as soon as they have beenfinalised. The performance dates are Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th September, please keep these dates free. Tickets will go onsale in Week 4 and more information will be provided closer to this time. Further in the newsletter you will find an update from HelenMeehan and a link to an advertisement. Congratulations to our Term 3 SRC RepresentativesCongratulations to all of the students who have become SRC Representatives for Term Three. We always value the student's opinionsand suggestions for our school. New StaffThis term we welcome new staff members to St Michael’s - Kylie Fitzgerald to 3/4AL, Katrina Balzart to 1/2A, Christine Barcham who isreplacing Louise Headly in Reading Recovery and Olivia Wang a Language Assistant. Olivia will be running mini lessons which willfocus on the use of functional and conversational language. We are so pleased to welcome these new staff members to St Michaels. CampYear 5/6 Camp at Rumbug was a huge success. I thank all staff who attended and all of the students who demonstrated persistenceand resilience when trying new activities. The giant swing, flying fox and canoeing were definitely favourites. PFA Last day of Term Pizza LunchThank you to the PFA for organising the end of term pizza lunch. The children love the tradition of a special lunch at the end of term. Parent, Teacher and Child ConversationsParent, Teacher and Child Conversations will be held on Thursday 1st August. Each conversation will go for 15 minutes and involvediscussing your child’s current learning and their learning goals that they are setting for Term Three. Please log onto school interviewsand use the event code taute then select the time most appropriate for you. Please note that school concludes at 12pm on thisday. Extend will be open from 12pm on this day. National Consistent Collection of Data for Students with a DisabilitySchools must now complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year. Itcounts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helpsgovernments plan for the needs of students with disability and provides funding for schools. The NCCD is submitted with the AugustCensus data. Please read the NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians further on in the Newsletter for moreinformation.

2019 SCHOOL FEES AND LEVIES Thank you to all families who have paid their fees and levies or who continue with their payment plans. If you havechosen to pay your fees and levies in 3 instalments the 2nd instalment was due at the start of Term 2. Please ensureyour payments are up to date. If you require any assistance, please call Kathy or email [email protected]

Erin NagelActing [email protected]

L E A D E R S H I P A N D M A N A G E M E N TO r g a n i s a t i o n , S t r u c t u r e s , R e s o u r c e M a n a g e m e n t , S t a f f W e l l b e i n g a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l L e a r n i n g



RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONConfirmation Important Dates to put onto the calendar Mini Vinnies Winter AppealThe Mini Vinnies Team would like to thank everyone who donated blankets or tins of food for the Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal. St Vincentde Paul was very grateful for all our donations. Movie NightThank you to everyone for supporting our movie night. A great time was had by all. Also a special thanks to Tas T for organising theevening

Erin NagelDeputy [email protected]


All of our families are encouraged to participate in our Enhancement Sessions as they are a wonderful wayto not only assist our school but also network and make connections with other families.The school enhancement fee of $200 will be discounted if two or more of these sessions are attended. Ifyou plan on attending our Enhancement sessions, you may exclude the $200 fee from your Annualstatement. Naturally, if by the end of the year you have not attended the Enhancement Sessions asintended, this will remain on your account.Please go to www.schoolinterviews.com.au and use the code t56yq to register for a session. School Enhancement Sessions in 2019 Saturday 27th July at 9.00am- 11.00am Saturday 7th September at 9.00am - 11.00am Saturday 23rd November at 9.00am - 11.00am Friday 6th December at 5.00pm - 7.00pm Thank you to David Thek for coordinating the Friday Enhancement Sessions and Tim Wrathall forcoordinating the Saturday sessions. Please email Tim Wrathall at [email protected] if you haveany queries.


New and Sibling Enrolments 2020 now due





Please log onto www.schoolinterviews.com.au and use the event code taute then select the time mostappropriate for you. Please note that school concludes at 12pm on this day. Extend will be open from

12pm on this day.

L E A R N I N G A N D T E A C H I N G S t u d e n t O u t c o m e , C u r r i c u l u m , A s s e s s m e n t , R e p o r t i n g , P r i n c i p l e s a n d P e d a g o g y


https://www.scienceweek.net.au/ Welcome back to Term 3. During Week 5, St Michael’s will be celebrating Science Week! We would love for our community to be partners inthe learning. We are inviting any parents who have a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) to come in to share andprovide insight into what you do, day to day in your jobs. Depending on the number of community members we have that volunteer, we are thinking 20 minute sessions, with a 10 minute talk, andthe remaining 10 minutes being hands on engagement with whatever you can provide for our students and question time.

Some examples include :

a chemistan architect an engineer

a doctora marine biologist

a pilota park ranger

a zoologista meteorologist

a video game designer

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in celebrating with us, we will then be in contact to work together to plan thesession. Regards Charlotte Allan [email protected] Positive Behaviour Support Leader, Science and Technology Teacher and STEM Coordinator

Science Week

L E A R N I N G A N D T E A C H I N G S t u d e n t O u t c o m e , C u r r i c u l u m , A s s e s s m e n t , R e p o r t i n g , P r i n c i p l e s a n d P e d a g o g y

Dear Parents & Guardians, This semester we are pleased to announce that you will be receiving your child’s semester report online via the nForma Parent Portal for thefirst time. Instructions on how to access the nForma Parent Portal will be sent out to the email addresses that have been previously supplied to theschool. These emails will be sent out on Wednesday 24th July at 5pm. It is very important that you have updated your email addresses with the school, as an automated email containing instructions and logindetails will come from [email protected] and not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email fromthat address. It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be madeon a mobile device if preferred. Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online. Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose 'Assessment andReporting'. Then select the year/semester. Forgotten passwords:If you have forgotten your password, please follow the 'forgotten password' link. Please note that your new password needs to be at least 7characters long and must include at least one non alpha-numeric character, e.g. *, - / or similar. If you have requested a password reset andthe email does not appear, please look in your junk/spam folder for an email from [email protected]. If you have any questions or issues, please contact Charlotte Allan and/or the school office. Regards Charlotte Allan [email protected] Positive Behaviour Support Leader, Science and Technology Teacher and STEM Coordinator

Student Reports

L E A R N I N G A N D T E A C H I N G S t u d e n t O u t c o m e , C u r r i c u l u m , A s s e s s m e n t , R e p o r t i n g , P r i n c i p l e s a n d P e d a g o g y

The Mystery of Life...movie promo

please click the link above

Tickets will be on sale in Week Four. The success of St Michael’s productions has always beendependent on the amazing generosity and involvement of our parents and friends, so please open this

link and fill in the Google form detailing your interest and availability to help……Parent Helper Request Form....

All contributions, big and small are welcome!Helen Meehan, Performing Arts Teacher

L E A R N I N G A N D T E A C H I N G S t u d e n t O u t c o m e , C u r r i c u l u m , A s s e s s m e n t , R e p o r t i n g , P r i n c i p l e s a n d P e d a g o g y

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected by their peers to be the Term 3 SRC member for their class:

Prep E: Sebastian M and Sanne McM

Prep C: Olivia D and Patrick P

1/2 A: Jacob H and Maddi H1/2 D: Louis P and Scarlett H1/2 R: Ava S and Darragh T

1/2 HD: Austin C and Sebastian W

3/4 B: James K and Caitlin H 3/4 AL: Jack H and Bradley M

3/4 J: Louisa Y and Ella R 3/4 EK: Jessica B and Taliha F

5/6 R: Sam H and Holly D

5/6 L: Annie M and Stephanie P5/6 E: Jessica T and Reine N

I look forward to working with you this Term. All Parents and Caregivers are invited to the first Assembly on Friday 26th July when thestudents will be presented with their SRC badges.



Term 3 Student Representative Council

NUDE FOOD NEWSShop SustainablyBy now you are a pro at Nude Food lunch boxes and find yourself stocking up on plenty of fresh fruit and veg. You always remember totake your Green Bags to the Grocery store (nice work!), but are you still bagging your fruit and veg in plastic produce bags? Did you knowthey make reusable produce bags? They are amazing: light weight, washable and made from recycled plastics (bonus!). Available here:https://www.kitchenwarehouse.com.au/Onya-Reusable-Weigh-Produce-Bags-8pk-Turquoise

S T M I C H A E L ' S A W A R D S

1/2AKartia P: for contributing thoughtful ideas to our inquiry learning.Jakob K: for being a fantastic role model and friend for his peers. By showing respect to his classmates and making sure all members of our class feelsupported and welcome in the classroom.Cooper M- SMASH - for displaying the expectations of Help others by making sure our new student Alexander felt welcome and happy in our classroom 1/2DAmelia H: for exploring and investing features of 3D shapes. Well done. James P: SMASH Act responsibly, by always offering to help others during Literacy rotations. Oliver M: for beginning to share your insightful ideas during shared reading. Keep up the great work. 1/2HDSebastian W: for your reflection to the class about your holiday to Japan and for being a dedicated Sustainability Team Member.Thenuk W: for your hard work creating a journal to share with the class of your memories from your holiday to Sri Lanka.Erin K: SMASH- Help Others by remaining focused and not interrupting the learning by always being ready and organised for learning. You have beenworking hard to build your problem solving skills in Mathematics. 1/2RZoe K : for demonstrating a growth mindset by reflecting on the ways she could improve her glitter jar design Chloe M : for displaying the school expectation Make a Difference by being a problem solver during breakRowan P : for making progress in his reading

3/4ALJamieson M SMASH : for helping others by encouraging others and celebrating their successes. Lilla O: for approaching all learning with a positive, growth mindset. We love seeing you excited to share your learning with us, in reading and writing! Max H: for being an animated learner who uses a growth mindset when tackling challenges in your learning.Sophie L: for persevering to share your ideas with others. We are proud of the way you are growing in confidence! Charlotte G: for persevering through all challenges that come your way, especially in mathematics. 3/4B3/4B & 3/4AL: for helping others by being flexible when plans change.Annabelle W: for her pop up picture book to share her freedom knowledge on Indigenous Australians. Caitlin H: for her mature approach to her learning. Always being receptive to feedback and seeking further clarification in her learning. 3/4JDaisy P: for displaying the School Expectation of Make a Difference in 3/4J! Daisy you have made a difference every day in our classroom with your wonderfulsmile and mischievous sense of humour! We will miss you so much and we hope you’ll come visit us!Louisa Y: for being our class expert on slides, turns and flips; and eagerly sharing your knowledge with your peers to support their learning. 3/4EKSienna C - SMASH: for helping others by noticing when others are upset or need support and offering a helping handTahlia F - for taking initiative to write a thoughtful prayer in your own time on the weekend to share with the school during meditation.Ella H - for celebrating your improvements and working enthusiastically towards your maths learning

Prep CLaila C: for making sure you are always kind and respectful when speaking to your peers in the classroom and on the playground.Elise D: for being a Teamwork Tiger by being a great listener and working well with your peers in Reading Groups.Brayden F: for displaying the SMASH expectation of Help Others by always offering a helping hand to your peers to pack up their activity. Brayden we love in Prep C how thoughtful you are. Keep up the great work! Prep ECharlotte K: SMASH-Act Responsibly -Charlotte you are a great role model for your peers, you always put your hand up when sharing your ideas during classdiscussions. It is wonderful to see you so eager to contribute your expertise to help other students in the class.Isaac S: For being like Bouncer the Kangaroo. Isaac you always show your persistence through your writing, correcting your mistakes and always ensure yourbest learning is shown. Keep up the amazing work!











PAYMENT METHODSFrom 1st July purchases at the uniform shop for new items will be by EFTPOS only. 2nd hand items will remain as cash only sales. SHOP OPENING DAYS The uniform shop will be open from 8.30am to 9.00am on the following days:· Monday 5th August· Monday 2nd September Please remember to label all your child’s uniform items – especially bomber jackets, winter coats and spray jackets. ONLINE SHOPAll uniform items are available to purchase via our online shop at https://stmichaelsashburton.shopdesq.com/ Exchanges: please return via the office basket in your child’s class. Please ensure that you include your name and child’s class so that wecan send the return home. Regrettably we can only exchange items that are unworn and still have their tags attached.

If you have any questions or comments please email Melanie and Belinda at:[email protected].

ThanksMelanie W (Lexie 5/6E) and Belinda ( Caitlin 3/4J)

We wanted to extend our thanks to the wider St Michael'scommunity for their winter coat donations for St Kilda Mums.

The charity is preparing a certificate of appreciation and Iwill bring this in as soon as we have it.

Kind Regards

Dimitriadis Family

St Kilda Mums Winter Coat Donations





School Community News

Help St Michael's Primary - Ashburton raise fundsand enjoy valuable up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for

everything you love to do!

Purchase your 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership today!


THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!St Michael's Primary - Ashburton

Marisa Matthys0398853105

[email protected]

