Weimar Culture Research 10d 2012

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  • 8/2/2019 Weimar Culture Research 10d 2012


    Art in the Weimar Republic

    1925 Klee had his first exhibits in Paris,

    In 1929, the first major monograph on Klees work waspublished, written by Will Grohmann.

    Around the Fish 1926. In 1925 the Bauhaus published Klee's

    Pedagogisches Skizzenbuch, (it was translated into English as

    Pedagogical Sketchbook in 1953)

    Ernst Barlach

    In 1928 Barlach published his autobiography entitled 'Einselbsterzhltes Leben' ('A Self told Life').

    From 1928 he created many anti-war art based on his own

    experience of war.

    Ernst was hired to create a sculpture called the Magdeburger

    Ehrenmalwhich was suppose to show a heroic German solder,

    but he did it as 3 German soldiers looking at a grave

    Theatre and Film facts

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    Marlene Dietrich was in the silent film The Blue Angel and

    performed on stage in the 1920s in Berlin.

    Greta Garbo was one of the most glamorous and popular

    motion-picture stars of the 1920s and starred in 9 silentfilms, her first being The Temptress in 1926.

    The 1920s in Germany was also known as the German

    expressionism movement.

    Carl Froelich made the first ever sound film

    Fritz Lang: 1927 masterpiece Metropolis

    His work influences filmmakers as desperate as Jacques

    Rivette and William Friedrkin

    His emigration remains controversial

    America had better film industry

    Ernst Lubischt made some of the first comedies

    Fritz Lang: Lang directed films that film scholars would

    consider a masterpiece.

    Lotte Reiniger 1923- 1929

    A unique opportunity came to her Louis Hagen who which bought a large quantity of

    raw film stock to fight the inflation, Louis asked lotte Reiniger who asked her to do a

    feature length animated film called The Adventures of Prince Achmedthis wasfinished in 1926.

    Then in 1928 she made a second feature. Doctor Dolittle and His Animals (DoktorDolittle und seine Tiere)

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    Paul Hindemith was born in Hanau, near Frankfurt am Main, Hindemith was taught the violin

    as a child. He entered Frankfurt'sHochsche Konservatorium, where he studied violin with

    Adolf Rebner, as well as conducting and composition with Arnold Mendelssohn and

    Bernhard Sekles. At first he supported himself by playing in dance bands and musical-

    comedy groups. He became deputy leader of the Frankfurt Opera Orchestra in 1914, and was

    promoted to leader in 1917. He played second violin in the Rebner String Quartet from 1914.

    In 1921 he founded the Amar Quartet, playing viola, and extensively toured Europe.

    In 1922, some of his pieces were played in the International Society for Contemporary Music

    festival at Salzburg, which first brought him to the attention of an international audience. The

    following year, he began to work as an organizer of the Donaueschingen Festival, where he

    programmed works by several avant garde composers, including Anton Webern and ArnoldSchoenberg. From 1927 he taught composition at the Berliner Hochschule fr Musikin


    Hindemith's relationship to the Nazis is a complicated one. Some condemned his music as

    "degenerate" (largely on the basis of his early, sexually charged operas such as Sancta

    Susanna), and in December 1934, during a speech at the Berlin Sports Palace, Germanys

    Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels publicly denounced Hindemith as an "atonal


    Kurt Wiell composer

    D.O.B: 02.02.1900

    D.O.D: 03.04.1950

    Religion: Jewish

    Cause of death: heart attack

    Occupation: composer and conductor

    he was criticized by the Nazi authorities and was made a targetbecause of his background

    he was a populist sympathiser

    Wiell fled Nazi Germany in1933 because he was a socialist and a


    While he lived in America he supported the war efforts abroad and on the home front

    He wrote a piece of music called the ballad of the Nazi soldier wife

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    Anton Webern

    3rd December 1883 to 15th September 1945.

    Austrian composer and conductor.

    Conducted the Vienna workers Symphony Orchestra from 1922 to


    The Nazi party in Germany described his music as cultural bolshevism

    and degenerate art even before the Austrian Anschluss of 1938.

    He had sharply attacked Nazi cultural policies in private lectures given in

    1933. As a result of official disapproval he found it harder to earn a living.

    He had to take on work as an editor and proof-reader for his publishers,

    Universal Edition.

    He enlisted for army service but was discharged at the end of 1916

    because of poor eyesight.

    Fell victim to the rising tide of nationalism.

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    Otto Klemperer

    He was born in Breslau, SilesiaProvince, then in Germany, now

    Wroclaw, Poland

    14th May 1885

    He held a number of positions theCologne Opera (19171924)

    The Wiesbaden Opera House (19241927).

    From 1927 to 1931, he was conductor at the Kroll Opera in Berlin

    At the Kroll Opera in Berlin he gained the reputation as a champion

    of new music, playing a number of new works, including...

    Leo Janek's From the House of the Dead,

    Arnold Schnberg's Erwartung,

    Igor Stravinsky's Oedipus rex,

    Paul Hindemith's Cardillac.

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    Alban Bergs biggest success was Wozzeck which

    was performed in 1924.

    Another well-known Berg composition is the Lyric

    Suite, from 1926

    Arnold Schoenberg created the 12 tone technique

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    Walter Adolph Georg Gropius-

    May 18, 1883 July 5, 1969

    German architect and founder of the Bauhaus School (built 1925-


    Ernst May

    27 July 1886 - 11 September 1970

    German architect and city planner.

    Siedlung Riederwald (built 1926-1927)

    - Erich Mendelsohn

    Architect in Munich

    Designed Red Banner Textile Factory in 1926

    He fled to England in the rise in Nazi Germany

    Built Work hall of the Herrmann hat factory Luckenwakle

    Built Einsteintum Potsdam

    Built Mossehaus Berlin

    Built Universum-Kino Berlin

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    Christopher Isherwood wrote a novel called Goodbye to Berlin which

    later the famous play Cabaret was based on.

    Klauss Mann was a homosexual.

    Klauss Mann was the author of Mephisto which was very popular in the

    early 1920s.

    Bertolt Brecht made the silent film Mysteries of a Barbershop created

    in 1923.

    Heinrich Manns strong, social opinionated writing caused his exile out of

    Germany. These writing themes included criticisms against the militaryand authority changes before World War 2.

    Anna Seghers was born Netty Reiling, a Jew.

    She married a Hungarian Communist in 1925.

    She wrote about the experiences of World War 2.

    Kurt Tucholsky was a pacifist.

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    Kurts books were listed by the Nazis as Degenerate Art, they were all

    burned and he was stripped of his German citizenship.