Weight loss, Syed Najeeb

6/5/2014 Weight Loss Program | Syed Najeeb GET SLIM!! TRY WHAT I DID TO LOSE EXTRA WEIGHT!!!


This program will help you reduce weight quickest way, I lost 15 kg's in 60 days Contact me on [email protected]

Transcript of Weight loss, Syed Najeeb


Weight Loss Program | Syed Najeeb


Author: Syed Najeeb Page 1

Contents Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts ............................................................................................ 2

Consider your personal needs ...................................................................................................................... 2

Look for a safe and effective weight-loss program ....................................................................................... 3

Break Fast ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Snack time 1 - After 150 Minutes ................................................................................................................. 4

Lunch - After 150 Minutes ............................................................................................................................ 4

Snack Time 2 - After 150 Minutes ................................................................................................................. 4

Workout ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Dinner – minimum 3 hours before sleeping ................................................................................................. 4

Rules to follow .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Results ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

Author: Syed Najeeb Page 2

I Lost 15KG’s in 60 Days

When it comes to weight loss, there's no shortage of advice. Check any magazine rack or bookstore or

surf the Internet, and you're bound to discover the latest and greatest weight-loss "cures," from diets

that eliminate fat or carbs to those that tout superfoods or special supplements.

With so much conflicting advice and so many weight-loss options how do you know which diet is the one

for you? And which weight-loss programs really work? Here's how to choose a weight-loss program

that's right for you.

Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts Before starting a weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. He or she can review any medical problems

that you have and any medications that you take, and help you set weight-loss goals. You and your

doctor can discuss what may be contributing to your weight gain — in rare cases, certain medical

conditions or medications can cause unwanted weight gain. And you can discuss how to exercise safely,

especially if you have trouble or pain carrying out normal daily tasks.

Talk to your doctor about weight-loss plans you may have tried before and what you liked or didn't like

about them. Be honest with your doctor about fad diets you may be interested in trying. Your doctor

also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.

Consider your personal needs There's no single weight-loss diet that will help everyone who tries it. But if you consider your

preferences, lifestyle and weight-loss goals, you should be able to find or tailor a diet to suit your

individual needs. Before starting another weight-loss program, think about these factors:

Your experience with past diets. Think about diets you may have tried before. What did you

like or dislike about them? Were you able to follow the diet? What worked or didn't work for you?

How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?

Your preferences. Do you prefer to diet on your own, or do you like getting support from a

group? If you like group support, do you prefer online support or in-person meetings?

Your budget. Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or meals, or to visit

weight-loss clinics or attend support meetings. Does the cost of such programs fit your budget?

Other considerations. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or

allergies? Do you have specific cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences when it comes to

food? These are important factors that should help determine which diet you choose.

Author: Syed Najeeb Page 3

Look for a safe and effective weight-loss program It's tempting to buy into promises of rapid and dramatic weight loss, but a slow and steady approach is

easier to maintain and usually beats out fast weight loss for the long term. A weight loss of 1 to 2

pounds a week is the typical recommendation. In some situations, faster weight loss can be safe if it's

done the right way — such as a very low calorie diet with medical supervision, or a brief quick-start

phase of a healthy-eating plan that offers lots of healthy and safe strategies at once.

Successful weight loss requires a long-term commitment to making healthy changes in your eating and

exercise habits. Be sure to pick an eating plan you can live with. Look for a plan with these features:

Flexible. Look for a plan that doesn't forbid certain foods or food groups but instead includes a

variety of foods from all the major food groups. A healthy diet includes vegetables and fruits, whole

grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts and seeds — and even an occasional

sweet indulgence. A diet plan should also feature foods that you can easily find in your local grocery


Balanced. A weight-loss plan should include proper amounts of nutrients and calories for your

individual situation. Diets that direct you to eat large quantities of certain foods, such as grapefruit

or meat, that drastically cut calories, or that eliminate entire food groups, such as carbohydrates,

may result in nutritional problems. Safe diets do not require excessive vitamins or supplements.

Enjoyable. A diet should include foods you like and that you would enjoy eating for the rest of

your life — not just for several weeks or months. If you don't like the diet, if it's overly restrictive or

if it becomes boring, you're probably not going to stick to it and therefore won't lose weight in the

long term.

Active. Every weight-loss program should include physical activity. Exercise plus calorie restriction

can help give your weight loss a boost. Exercise also offers numerous health benefits, including

improving your mood, strengthening your cardiovascular system and reducing your blood pressure.

And exercise is the most important factor in maintaining weight loss. Studies show that people who

maintain their weight loss over the long term get regular physical activity.

Break Fast Option 1: 3 egg whites with 1 full egg (Boiled) with one slice of brown bread

Option 2: GO lean cereal with fat free milk

Option 3: Chicken salad or Green salad with Orange/lemon juice (fresh)

Author: Syed Najeeb Page 4

Snack time 1 - After 150 Minutes Option 1: 12 Almonds

Option 2: 1 Apple

Option 3: Fat Free Yogurt with 6 raspberries

Lunch - After 150 Minutes Option 1: Chicken Salad with light vinegar sauce (Available at McDonalds)

Option 2: Grill chicken with/without brown bread

Option 3: Grill fish with/without brown bread

Option 4: Brown Pasta with Veggies/grill chicken

Option 5: Brown rise with grill chicken/grill fish

Snack Time 2 - After 150 Minutes Any 1 option from snack time 1 which was not taken

Workout A. Lite weight lifting 30 minutes with more reps (3 Sets of 15)

B. Cardio 40 minutes

C. Abdominal exercises (crunches)

Dinner – minimum 3 hours before sleeping Option 1: Chicken Salad with light vinegar sauce (Available at McDonalds)

Option 2: Grill chicken with/without brown bread

Option 3: Grill fish with/without brown bread

Option 4: Steam veggies with vinegar with lemon, salt and pepper

(No brown rice, No brown bread)

Rules to follow 1) No sugar

2) No Oil

3) 6 meals a day

4) No over eating

5) 6 days workout a week

6) 1 day week should be zero carbs day

7) Drink minimum 5-6 liters of water

Author: Syed Najeeb Page 5


Note: It worked for me and could probably work for you as well, If any questions or feedback please

feel free to contact me on [email protected]