Weight Loss. Forget the calories, focus on the quality of your diet

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Forget the Calories, Focus on the Quality of Your Diet

Why Are We Fat? Are we just eating too much, or is your fat cells Hungry?(A summary of an article written by Dr. Mark Hyman, citing references to a paper written by Dr. David Ludwig)

Overeating doesnt make you fat. Your fat cells make you overeat.

Dr. Ludwig found that consuming refined carbs, such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and any form of sugar, trigger the body to produce fat cells called VAT or visceral adipose tissue.These fat cells suck up all the available fuel in your blood stream (glucose, fats, ketones). This leads the body to think that it is hungry and starving. This, leads to a vicious cycle of hunger (perceived), overeating (refined carbs), fat storage and a slowing down of your metabolism. The key trigger for all this isInsulin.If we make too much insulin, it drives the fuel in our blood into our fat cells. Too much insulin also does a lot of other bad things like cause heart attacks, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, cancer and dementia.Spikes in Insulin production is caused by Sugar and refined carb calories .

You make hungry fats cells by eating sugar and refined carbs.

To emphasize the point we saw from the previous slide that the main culprit is the consumption refined carbs, such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and any form of sugar. Which causes a spike in Insulin which triggers the body to produce fat cells called VAT or visceral adipose tissue.

Restricting your calories will slow your metabolism, make you hungry and guarantee that your weight loss attempts will fail.

Dr. Ludwig proposes:That you don't worry about how much you eat, because you will never be able to control that. Rather, focus on what you eat, the quality of the food you eat, the composition of the food you eat (high in fiber, good quality protein and fat, low in starch and sugar).

Eating a higher fat, higher protein, lower sugar and refined carb diet will speed up your metabolism and cut your hunger.

Dr. Ludwig points to studies in which all calories are consumed are held to be equal. Studies have shown that participants kept on a low sugar and refined carb diet burned 325 more calories a day than those eating a low fat diet. This shows that eating a high carb, low fat diet slows down your metabolism.The most insightful was a animal study.. This study found that animals eating a low fat diet put on 70 percent more body fat even while eating fewer calories than animals eating a low carb diet..If you restrict your calories, you will end up triggering very ancient biological adaptions that protect us from starvation. You will slow your metabolism and get a lot hungrier. Let me emphasize eating the wrong calories, will slow your metabolism and leave you a lot hungrier.

You cant voluntarily control your weight over the long term. You need the assistance of your body and the hormones that govern your metabolism.So by eating quality calories and having the correct dietary composition you can reset your bodies metabolism and set points.Willpower is no match for these ancient programmed hormones that make sure you dont starve to death.

Change your outdated mindset outdated that all calories are equal and weight loss is simply a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn.

Let's have a look at drinking Coke and eating broccoli. These foods have to be processed by your metabolism. Coke and broccoli trigger very different biochemical responses in the bodydifferent hormones, neurotransmitters and immune messengers.The Coke will spike blood sugar and insulin and disrupt neurotransmitters, leading to increased hunger and fat storage, while the thousand calories of broccoli will balance blood sugar and make you feel full, cut your appetite and increase fat burning.Same caloriesprofoundly different effects on your body.

Stop blaming yourself for lack of willpower, and start empowering yourself by eating real, whole, fresh food thats low in sugar and starch.

Take the power back today and change your mindset.Stop worrying about how much you eat. But cut the culprits like sugar, processed foods and refined carbohydrates out of your diet.Eat foods that is fresh, unprocessed and real.But in the end it is up to you no-one can make the decision for you, it is up to you to help your body, heal itself.Weight loss is important but more important is the spinoffs of weight loss and eating a healthy diet: the prevention of most chronic disease including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and dementia.I challenge you, do it today, do it for yourself.


The Key to automatic weight loss! Mark Hyman.http://drhyman.com/blog/2014/05/19/key-automatic-weight-loss/Increasing adiposity. Consequence or cause of overeating. David Ludwig. Mark Friedman. http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1871695Always hungry ? Here's why. David Ludwig. Mark Friedman. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/18/opinion/sunday/always-hungry-heres-why.html?_r=0