weekly activity report

Inside this issue: 205th MI BN Volume 2, Issue 10 Week ending 26 March 2010 Honolulu Festival News/Comm. Briefs CRT Class Spring Fling Event MWR Info ACS Info Misc Info 1 2-3 4 5 6-13 14-16 17-23 The contents of this binder are strictly for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement of any private or commercial organization by the 205th MI BN, 500th MI BDE, INSCOM or the Department of the Army. THE VIGILANT VOICE “Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.” ~Johann Wolf- gang von Goethe Special Points of Interest: Family Fest., pg. 1 715th Spring Fling Event, pg. 5 Attachment: N/A 2010 HONOLULU FAMILY FESTIVAL Ala Moana Park Free Admission THIS YEAR’S SCHEDULE Thursday, March 25 - 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, March 26 - 5 p.m. to midnight Saturday, March 27 - 10 a.m. to midnight Sunday, March 28 - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. For more information about the fair, activities, food or shuttle and entertainment schedules please visit http://www.honolulufamilyfestival.com/index.html


wkending 26Mar10

Transcript of weekly activity report

Inside this issue:

205th MI BN Volume 2, Issue 10 Week ending 26 March 2010

Honolulu Festival News/Comm. Briefs CRT Class Spring Fling Event MWR Info ACS Info Misc Info

1 2-3 4 5 6-13 14-16 17-23

The contents of this binder are strictly for informational purposes and does not imply endorsement of any private or commercial organization by the 205th MI BN, 500th MI BDE, INSCOM or the Department of the Army.


“Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.”

~Johann Wolf-gang von Goethe

Special Points of Interest: • Family Fest., pg. 1 • 715th Spring Fling

Event, pg. 5 Attachment: N/A


Ala Moana Park Free Admission


Thursday, March 25 - 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, March 26 - 5 p.m. to midnight

Saturday, March 27 - 10 a.m. to midnight Sunday, March 28 - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

For more information about the fair, activities, food or shuttle and entertainment schedules

please visit http://www.honolulufamilyfestival.com/index.html

Auto Show Military Two-Fer Day — Buy one admis-sion and get the second free, with valid military IDs, to the International Auto Show at the Hawaii Convention Cen-ter, March 27. For more infor-mation visit www.motortrendautoshows.com/honolulu/generalinfo.jsp. Earth Hour — On March 27, 8:30 p.m., people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, we can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our fu-ture and that of future gen-erations. Visit www.myearthhour.org/home. NOAA Whale Count — En-joy one of most unique bene-fits of living in Hawaii. Help the National Oceanic and At-mospheric Administration count whales during the an-nual migration, March 27, 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Cost is $10 and includes round-trip transportation from Schofield Barracks.

Call 655-0143. Easter SeaHunt — Families are invited to Waikiki Aquar-ium, March 27, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m., for sea animal hunts for children ages 2-7, a fishpond game, crafts and visits with the Easter Bunny. Visitors will have access to all exhibits and galleries. A shuttle will be available at the Waikiki Elementary School, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Admission is free for chil-dren of Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium families, family plus and grandparent mem-berships. The fee for individ-ual, senior and non-member hunters is $10. Fish pond tickets are $2. Registration is available www.waquarium.org/news-events.asp. Read to the Dogs — Sit. Stay. Read. Is your child a dog lover? If so they can read to dogs, March 28, 3:30-4:45 p.m. Children who are able to read on their own can sign up. To reserve a session, call 438-9521. Road Closure — Devol Street, between Waianae and

Kolekole Avenues on Schofield Barracks, will be closed for road surfacing, March 29-April 11. Red Cross Office Closure — The Schofield Barracks Red Cross service center will close temporarily, March 29, until staff training can be com-pleted. To send or receive an emer-gency Red Cross message 24/7, call (877) 272-7337. To request support for pre-deployment, rear detachment or Family Readiness Group briefings and presentations, call 257-8848. Earth Day Recycled Art Contest — Enter your art made of recycled materials to any Army library or the Schofield Barracks Arts & Crafts Center now through March 30, to participate in April 22’s 40th anniversary of Earth Day. Post libraries will be host-ing this 100-percent-recycled-art contest and is open to all ages. Call 655-8002. Hui O' Wahine Scholarship — The Hui O' Wahine Scholar-ship and Welfare applications

News and Community Briefs

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non-toxic, non-staining, has no odor, is white to gray in color, and creates no fire haz-ard. Call 621-3098.

Ongoing Lent and Holy Week — The chapel schedule for Lenten and Holy week has been is-sued. Including Stations of the Cross, every Friday dur-ing Lent, at 5:30 p.m., at AMR. Call 836-4599, 655-9307/9355 or 656-1384. MyCAA — The Department of Defense is resuming the Military Spouse Career Ad-vancement Account. Military spouses currently enrolled will be able to receive tuition assistance. Until new accounts can be created, Military OneSource Spouse Education and Career Consultants will continue to be available to provide educa-tion and training, career ex-ploration, assessment, em-ployment readiness, and ca-reer search assistance. Call 655-4444. Special Olympics Volun-teers — Volunteers are

needed to assist with the Spe-cial Olympics-Hawaii, Central Honolulu Competitions. The track and field competi-tion is April 17, 6:30 a.m., at Stoneman Field, Schofield Bar-racks. The softball competition is May 1, 6 a.m., at the Wheeler Army Airfield softball fields. Lunch and a T-shirt will be provided. No experience is nec-essary. E-mail [email protected] (include your name, T-shirt size and event preference), or call 943-8808, ext. 114. Hawaiian Music Festival — Tickets are now available for the Na Hoku O Hawaii Music Festival, May 27-30, at the Ha-waii Convention Center. Tickets prices vary by events and date purchased, visit www.nahokufestival.com. For more stories and up to date

information, visit http://www.garrison.hawaii.army.mil


News and Community Briefs Continued...

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are due March 31. The Hui O' Wahine, a Schofield Barracks spouses club, gives scholarship and welfare money every year to deserving students and or-ganizations. Scholarships are available for graduating seniors and for continuing education. Grants are given to organizations that support military families and the surrounding commu-nity. Grant awards are de-pendent upon substantial need and the amount of money available. Visit www.huispirit.com or visit www.schofieldspousesclub.com.

April Sewer Lines Smoke Test-ing — Annual sewer main smoke testing will be con-ducted April 1-2, on Alia-manu, from AAFES to the sewer pump station next to the skate park and baseball fields. Although smoke testing will not be within the neighbor-hoods, smoke may traverse to nearby areas. The smoke is

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MWR Briefs Check out what’s new at MWR!


Visit the link above to view the Discov-ery and receive information about: FMWR Furlough Fridays, New Aquatics Programs, Na Koa Snack Bar, Pililaau Army Recreation Center and more! PLUS: New EDGE Programs this month - Sign-ups are available for Outdoor Adventure, Bowling, Archery, Sweet Treats, Duct Tape Art and UH Sports. For more information visit www.mwrarmyhawaii.com Earth Day Recycled Art Contest — April 22, 2010 will be the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. To celebrate, the libraries will be hosting a 100% Recycled Art Contest. Enter your art made of recy-cled materials to any Army library or the Schofield Barracks Arts & Crafts Center by March 30. Contest is open to all ages. Call 655-8002. Piliaau Army Recreation Center Egg-straordinary Egg Hunt — Be the lucky one to find the Golden Egg! Join us at PARC for an exciting egg hunt on Apr. 2, 4:30-7:00 p.m. Age groups are 1-3 years, 4-6 years and 7-11 years old. Call 696-4158. Family Field Night at Stoneman Stadium — Enjoy the same great family fun at an all new location! Bring the whole family for a night of great free food and games on Schofield Barracks at Stoneman Stadium on Apr. 2. The fun starts at 6 p.m. Call 655-5698 for more information. Community Easter Sunrise Service — Chaplin (COL) Rodney Lindsay, 8th TSC Command Chaplin will be the guest

speaker. There will be special music and refreshments provided following the ser-vice. The community is invited to attend at Stoneman Stadium on Apr. 4 at 6:30 a.m. PBA Western Regional Finals — The PBA Western Region Finals have returned to Hawaii! Come out and watch your favorite Pros in action. The PBA Western Regional Finals will be hosted at the Schofield Barracks Bowling Center on Apr. 15-16. The qualifying round will be held on Apr. 15 and the Tournament and Championship game will be held on Apr. 16. This Tournament will feature PBA bowlers along with Hawaii's best bowlers! There will be a high level of play but, everyone is welcome to enter or to come and watch the tournament with your friends! For questions or more information, please call 655-9746. Schofield Barracks Learn to Swim — Do you or your child want to learn how to swim? If so we have several sessions avail-able during the upcoming months. Our next session is Apr. 12-22. Registra-tion is Apr. 3-4. Pre-School (Age 3) and above are welcome. Call 653-0716 for more information. Sprinters Challenge — Will you be the one to set the record? Active Duty Army, Army Reservists and National Guard Soldiers are eligible. All entries must be received by the Fort Shafter Physi-cal Fitness Center no later than Apr. 16 at 4 p.m. Visit our website to download an application and for more details www.mwrarmyhawaii.com or call 438-9572.

Slow Pitch Softball Program — Is softball your thing? Company, Battery, Troop and Detachment level Active Duty Army, Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers are eligible. All applications must be received by the Fort Shafter Physical Fitness Center no later than Apr. 21 at 4 p.m. Visit our website to download an application and for more de-tails www.mwrarmyhawaii.com or call

438-9572. Tropics Recreation Center Closed ¬— Tropics Recreation Center is closed until renovations end May 21. For any questions or concerns call 655-5698. Outdoor Recreation Open House ¬— Learn about all the exciting things go-ing on at Outdoor Recreation every 2nd Saturday of the month. There will be information on Scuba, Whale Watch-ing, Surfing, Water Diver Certification and a whole lot more! State Vehicle Safety Check ¬— is your vehicle safety check about to ex-pire? Stop by Auto Skills at Ft. Shafter or Schofield Barracks to take care of this issue. State Safety Checks are per-formed on a first come first served basis, no appointment necessary. Call Ft. Shafter 438-9402/Schofield Barracks 655-9368 for information and pricing. Again for more information on

other FMWR Programs and Activities, visit


FMWR is now on Facebook! Find and friend them today!

Volume 2, Issue 3 Page 8

Pililaau Army Recreation Center Eggstraordinary Egg Hunt

April 2nd, 4:30 - 7:00 PM All Egg Hunts will be held on PARC prop-erty and there will be three golden eggs per age group. Age groups: 1-3 yrs, 4-6 yrs, 7-11 yrs call 696-6026

ITR Military Appreciation Specials

Be sure to visit you closest ITR for some great specials on the activities you want to do!

ITR can help you make reservations for Flights, Hotel, and Car on the trip you are trying to plan.

Looking for a cruise? We can help with that too! Come visit us today and see what we can do for you!

Buy One Get One Free Specials!

Starlet Plumeria Sunset Dinner Cruise – Good through 3/31/2010

Buy One Adult, Get 2nd Person (Adult or Child) Free - 1st Adult $39.70 Starlet Whale Watch – Good through 3/31/2010

Buy One Adult, Get 2nd Person (Adult or Child) Free - 1st Adult $23.50 Hoku Naia Dolphin Watch Cruise (No Lunch or Transportation) – Good through 3/31/2010

Buy One Adult, Get 2nd Person (Adult or Child) Free - 1st Adult $42.15 Ali’i Kai Catamaran Dinner Cruise Roberts Hawaii – Good through 4/30/2010

Buy One Get One Free - 1st Adult $62.15/ 1st Child $37.00 Magic of Polynesia – Good through 4/30/2010

Show Only - Buy One Get One Free - 1st Adult $44.10/ 1st Child $29.40 Dinner/Show – Buy One Get One Free – 1st Adult $71.40/ 1st Child $47.85 Deluxe Dinner Show – Buy One Get One Free – 1st Adult $110.00/ 1st Child $57.10

Contact our offices to see the other great deals we have!!!

2 Convenient Locations!!!

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Serving the USAG-HI


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