WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to...

WEEKLY REMINDERS Week 9 Term 2 2020 Dear Families, Welcome back to Week 9 everyone and thank you for your ongoing and positive support of Office staff, Teachers, Education Assistants and Leadership members, who are all working very hard to ensure a calm, productive end to the term. Your cooperation, goodwill, and respect for school procedures and policies, is very much appreciated and helps to create a culture that makes our school such a great place to belong to. Thank you for understanding that every conversation, email, phone call and FB post, reflects who we are as individuals and as a community. May we continue to work in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, to achieve the very best we can for all children at St Emilie’s. We are maximising the time we have left this term for offering rich learning experiences across all year levels. Punctuality is an important aspect to giving children the very best opportunity to learn. Please work hard to ensure that you have timed your journey so that children are here and ready to start by 8.40am. Doors open by 8.30am each day. PP to Year 6 Semester One Reports will be available for families by Thursday 2nd July. Please read the information on page 5 of this document carefully in regard to accessing your child’s report. Sincerely, Tania Thuijs (Principal)

Transcript of WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to...

Page 1: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Dear Families,Welcome back to Week 9 everyone and thank you for your ongoing and positive support of Office staff, Teachers, Education Assistants and Leadership members, who are all working very hard to ensure a calm, productive end to the term.

Your cooperation, goodwill, and respect for school procedures and policies, is very much appreciated and helps to create a culture that makes our school such a great place to belong to.

Thank you for understanding that every conversation, email, phone call and FB post, reflects who we are as individuals and as a community. May we continue to work in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, to achieve the very best we can for all children at St Emilie’s.

We are maximising the time we have left this term for offering rich learning experiences across all year levels. Punctuality is an important aspect to giving children the very best opportunity to learn. Please work hard to ensure that you have timed your journey so that children are here and ready to start by 8.40am. Doors open by 8.30am each day.

PP to Year 6 Semester One Reports will be available for families by Thursday 2nd July. Please read the information on page 5 of this document carefully in regard to accessing your child’s report.Sincerely, Tania Thuijs (Principal)

Page 2: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Where do your children sit on the attendance ladder?

While the COVID period was a time of disrupted attendance, as of Week 4 of this term, we are now aiming for a return to high attendance rates here at St Emilie’s. Parents are asked to please make this a priority moving forward. Every day really does matter for continuity of learning and therefore, student progress and success. Please do all you can to get your children to school every day ( when they are not sick!)

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WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

1. Get as much done the night before as possible. Have the uniform ready before they go to bed. Pack lunches and water-bottles and snacks the night before. Make sure homework/ipads are in backpacks and other items needed for school are lined up at the door ready to go like shoes and coats.

2. Have kids set their own alarm clocks. This helps your child to learn to take more responsibility for getting up in the morning and relying less on you to wake them up. Before deciding on what time to get up, have a discussion with your child about how long they need to lie in bed before getting up, how long they need to get dressed, eat breakfast and so on. This exercise teaches kids about time and how much time they really need to get ready in the morning. Help your child to set their own alarm clock every night so that they can develop a good habit.

3. Create a checklist of things to do. Some kids need a visual reminder of things they need to get done in the morning. Creating a checklist (use photos/drawings for pre-readers) can be helpful. Kids can self-monitor by looking at their checklist to see that they have done everything before heading out such as; getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, brushing hair, etc. Keep the checklist on the mirror in the bathroom or on the front door so that kids won’t leave the house without looking at their list. Hopefully, the checklist will keep you from being a broken record repeatedly telling Johnny to brush his teeth!

4. Give incentives for getting ready on time. A simple check-mark or star next to the items on a checklist is rewarding in itself but some kids need more incentive to roll out of bed in the morning. Maybe earning a little extra time with you playing a game, or going for a ride is what helps motivate your child. Have them help to choose the incentive that will help them get up and going in the morning.

5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning. Have a “lights-out” time that works for your child’s age. Most kids need at least 8-10 hours of sleep so making sure your child goes to bed at a reasonable hour will help them to get up in the morning. Good sleep hygiene is essential in helping kids unwind and get ready for bed. This means unplugging from TV and all electronics at least one hour before bed, and doing calming activities like taking a warm bath or reading a bedtime story to help your child unwind and get in ready for sleep.

6. Use a timer for kids to help understand the concept of time. Younger kids and some older ones have no concept of what 15 minutes or 30 minutes means. Using a timer gives kids a visual for time and helps them to self-monitor their time in the morning. Having kids see and “feel” time will help them develop an inner clock to gage how long they have to get ready on time.

7. Let natural consequences happen. If your child misses the bus because he was slow getting ready in the morning let the natural consequences play out. If you live close to school, maybe that means he now has to walk or ride his bike. As a parent, we naturally want to help our children but it is best to let natural consequences play out.

A FEW TIPS FOR PARENTS - getting kids to school on time

Page 4: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Children are asked to please join us in a CRAZY SOCK AND/OR CRAZY HAIR DAY

this FRIDAY 26th JUNE!Please send kids with a gold coin donation to support our Catholic Lifelink Support Agencies.

(Kindy classes to participate on Wednesday 24th).


Page 5: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Important DatesFriday 26 June

Crazy Hair/Sock Day for LifeLink--each child to bring a

gold coin donationThursday 2nd July

PP to Year 6 reports go on SEQTA Engage after 3pm

Friday 3rd July3pm Semester 1 concludes

Monday 20th JulyPupil Free Day

Staff Professional Development

Tuesday 21st JulyTerm 3 begins for Students

Friday 24th JulyHouse Cross Country

Year 3-6 (at this stage this is a parent free event)

Thursday 30th JulyInterschool Cross Country

Year 4-6 (at this stage this is a parent free event)

Friday 7th AugustMackillop House DaySaturday 8th August

Feast of St Mary MackillopWednesday 12th August

2pm P & F Meeting6pm School Board Meeting

Saturday 15th AugustFeast of the Assumption

Semester One Reports 2020 (PP-Year 6)

Reports will be available on Thursday 2nd July after 3pm.

It is very important that you know how to access your child’s report. Parents whose child in Pre-Primary is the eldest child, as well as all new families, would have received an email earlier in the year with information on how to set up a SEQTA Engage account.

Reports for St Emilie’s students are only available online, through SEQTA Engage.

If you are having difficulty accessing your SEQTA Engage account please contact the Front Office by emailing [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.

Pupil Free Day Reminder

The next whole school Pupil Free Day is the first Monday of Term 3: 20th July 2020.

Page 6: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

On Wednesday the 17th June we celebrated

St Emilie de Vialar’s Feast Day!

Matthew Vlahos from PP Blue created this

wonderful sketch of St Emilie - bravo Matthew - you did a superb job of

reinterpreting an existing image!

Children engaged in a variety of activities

supporting their learning about a woman of faith, of courage and of great love for children and families.

Page 7: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers

Re: Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:· year of schooling· category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional· level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice,

supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:· formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools· consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools· develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve

educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy (https://www.education.gov.au/privacy-policy).

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal (https://www.nccd.edu.au).

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.

Kind regards

Tania Thuijs,


For your information

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WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

As the COVID-19 restrictions have eased, we are pleased to re-offer our after school Homework Club again this year, for Year 4-6 students. This will begin in term 3 and will run from 3.00-4.00pm on Tuesdays in the Learning Hub. I will again coordinate the program, with other staff members assisting on a rostered basis.

The information for parents from last term, was re-sent home via SEQTA Engage today, Friday 19th June. Thank you to the parents who have already sent in their Expression of Interest Forms (at the end of Term One). Please note that I have your forms and you are not required to complete them again.

For duty of care purposes, the number of participants will be capped, so depending on interest, places will be filled by those students who teachers feel would most benefit from this opportunity first. The goals of the Homework Club are to provide students the opportunity:

- to make a plan for what needs to be done, by when, on their PP grid for the fortnight

- to get some of their PP homework done, in a quiet, supportive environment

- to receive encouragement, and assistance if needed. The cost for each student will be $10 per term-to provide afternoon tea.

Please ensure you have read the information and any nominations are handed in by Friday 26th June. Regards, Maria Harvey (Specialist Teacher)

Homework Tips

❖ Set up a homework-friendly area.

❖ Schedule a time.

❖ Help them make a plan.

❖ Keep distractions to a minimum.

❖ Make sure kids do their own work.

❖ Be a motivator and monitor.

❖ Stay calm.

❖ Set a good example.

❖ Praise their work and their effort.

❖ Seek help if needed.

Page 9: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020


Please remember:

● No matter what the weather, or if you are the only car in line, you are to drive your car to the furthest bay possible.

● No parent is to exit their car in drive through.

● If children need to get their bags out of the boot, please do not use drive through, park.

● If you arrive early for pick up, please park in a side street - not along the verge of Amherst Road.

● Children and adults are to use the crosswalk at all times. Please do not cross at any other point.

● It’s a good idea to buy a cheap rain jacket for your child for wet weather.

● Kindy and PP parents need to deliver and collect their child.

● The car bays closest to Admin/PP are for teacher parking only. If parents park there and reverse into oncoming traffic it holds things up.

● We are on duty from 3.00pm to 3.20pm - there is no benefit to arriving too early.

● Patience is expected and valued.

Please note: There is to be no right turn from the Amherst Road gate onto Amherst Road during the above times. Thank you for your cooperation.

Page 10: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Page 11: WEEKLY REMINDERSweb.stemiliescps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/... · 5. Make sure kids get to bed on time. Getting enough sleep helps kids to actually wake up in the morning.

WEEKLY REMINDERSWeek 9 Term 2 2020

Uniform ShopA reminder that Uniform shops are now able to be open to parents and caregivers where the school can assure adherence to physical distancing requirements of 2m2 , enhanced cleaning and minimise contact with the broader school population.

Parents and caregivers who need to visit our uniform shop are required to sign in, providing contact information in the event that this information is required by the Department of Health. Please note we will collect this information via our Booking Website.

To organise a visit to the Uniform Shop parents will need to book a 10 minute time slot online per family. There are two assistants available for each time slot.Go to: www.schoolinterviews.com.au The code : d6v8c (this code will change next term)Uniform Shop Open: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am - 9.00am by booking only

For new families, the uniform shop is located in the school hall.

Please be aware that due to COVID -19, there is limited stock in some sizes, especially in the everyday polos in size 10, 12 and 14.

We hope that by the end of the term all children will be back in their correct uniform - this includes hair accessories, socks, no nail varnish or additional jewelery and so on.

Please be patient and respectful with our Uniform Thank you for your support.