Week 7 · Week 7 Hormone imbalances and what they didn’t teach you Let’s now explore the...

www.sambeaupatrick.com Week 7 Hormone imbalances and what they didn’t teach you Let’s now explore the different types of hormones, what causes them to be out of balance, the various symptoms you might experience and how to overcome them. Hormones – What They Didn’t Teach YOU Notes: Oestrogen (in Australia Estrogen) Oestrogen is the predominant female hormone in women and plays a small role in male hormone balance. For women, production increases during our teen years (puberty) and leads to the physical changes transforming us from a girl to a woman. Levels fluctuate monthly and over our life cycle. Excessive Oestrogen is responsible for feelings and physical traits that I refer to as the ‘Bridget Jones’ syndrome. It subjects us to craving chocolate, gaining weight, being emotional and teary. If you’ve ever watched the movie, you will recall Bridget singing crazy songs like “All by myself.” Interestingly, our body creates 3 different types of oestrogen during our lifetime.

Transcript of Week 7 · Week 7 Hormone imbalances and what they didn’t teach you Let’s now explore the...

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Week 7

Hormone imbalances and what they didn’t teach you

Let’s now explore the different types of hormones, what causes them to be out of

balance, the various symptoms you might experience and how to overcome them.

Hormones – What They Didn’t Teach YOU Notes: Oestrogen (in Australia Estrogen)

Oestrogen is the predominant female hormone in women and plays a small role

in male hormone balance. For women, production increases during our teen years

(puberty) and leads to the physical changes transforming us from a girl to a woman.

Levels fluctuate monthly and over our life cycle.

Excessive Oestrogen is responsible for feelings and physical traits that I refer to as

the ‘Bridget Jones’ syndrome.

It subjects us to craving chocolate, gaining weight, being emotional and teary. If

you’ve ever watched the movie, you will recall Bridget singing crazy songs like “All

by myself.”

Interestingly, our body creates 3 different types of oestrogen during our lifetime.

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Oestrone (E1)

Produced mainly by the ovaries and adrenal glands, it converts to oestradiol very

easily . It is a weaker Oestrogen but during menopause rises and is an active

postmenopausal Oestrogen. Increased in overweight people (fat tissues make

oestrone) and when there are high levels of androstenedione (testosterone).

Oestrogens make us feel clucky, female in balance but out of balance can make us

feel stressed, reactionary and clingy. Not to mention the physical changes (weight,

reproductive cancers, flushes and period alterations).

Oestradiol (E2)

Is the most critical of the estrogens responsible for secondary sexual characteristics

in girls. It promotes tissue growth in breast and endometrial tissue, will increase fat

stores and necessary for the growth of long bones. It assists with memory retention,

protects against heart disease and relieves menopause symptoms.

Oestradiol should be fairly low during the first part of your monthly cycle peaking

up anovulation (often women will experience pimples, headaches, teariness as this

develops), then the egg or corpus luteum causes another rise in its monthly levels.

It is during this time pre-menstrual symptoms are at their worst due to rises in

Oestradiol widening the gap to progesterone.

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Oestriol (E3)

Predominantly produced throughout pregnancy, it isn’t very strong and can be used

as a cream to relieve postmenopausal vaginal shrinking and urinary incontinence.

What I have typically experienced in my clinic is ovulating women (ie women who

have a regular period) are producing too much oestrogen or are not metabolising

Oestriol rapidly enough medically referred to as Oestrogen Dominance (not Bridget

Jones Syndrome, although it explains it well). This condition also affects men.

Low Oestrogen levels are uncommon in fertile women but may occur.

High Oestrogen/Oestrogen dominance

Causes are:

Oral contraceptive pill

Hormone Replacement Therapy

fertility drugs

hormones in meats


the liver’s inability to dispose sufficiently

constipation leading to re-absorption

lack of dietary components

pesticide usage


when the body does not metabolize Oestrogen effectively

when Progesterone levels are low in relation to Oestrogen levels (this group includes women who have normal levels of Oestrogen, but low levels of progesterone).

A general practitioner usually recommends a synthetic hormone - either the oral

contraceptive pill, (OCP) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat hormone

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imbalance in an attempt to override the bodies’ natural cycle. This treatment may

relieve symptoms but doesn’t always address the underlying hormone imbalance.

The associated risk is a woman may receive more oestrogen which does not alleviate

but contributed to her problem. Increased oestrogen (in the form of a pill)

administered to a patient with excessive Oestrogen may result in depression, self-

doubt, ballooning weight, infertility and overall ill-health.

Therefore the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) or Hormone Replacement Therapy

(HRT) works only partially as a hormone balancing strategy.

My opinion is whilst an initial relief of some symptoms may ensue, this treatment

rarely leads to sustainable, effective hormone balance.

Upon cessation of the pill, the fundamental problem remains. Natural medicine fills a

gap towards a holistic approach not offered by conventional medicine.

If a women is oestrogen dominant, both hormone replacement (HRT) and the pill

(OCP) may make women feel imbalanced if she is oestrogen dominant.

Consider other alternatives as sometimes a progesterone-based replacement is

better tolerated and more appropriate. Natural medicines have a longer lasting

hormone balance which is the purpose of this Program.

Firstly minimise your exposure and ingestion of unnecessary hormones and assist

your body to detoxify by eliminating pesticides, herbacides, weedacides and

increasing green leafy vegetables.

Oestrogen is metabolised by your liver and then excreted via faeces.

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Challenges with either of these systems will lead to a build up of oestrogen

which is why it is common to see irritable bowel sufferers also enduring oestrogen


Women feel good when their saliva Oestrogen levels match their saliva Progesterone

levels. A balanced ratio is more critical than independent levels of Oestrogen and

Progesterone which I aim to work with you towards achieving.

Video: High estrogen feelings and symptoms.

Your notes here:

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As cited in the video Oestrogen dominance may impact many ways (tick the ones

relevant to you):

Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS)

Endometriosis or Fibroids

Weight gain around the hips and thighs, cellulite

Early miscarriage

Fertility problems

Lumpy, or tender breasts

Anxiety, depression, poor memory

Dry skin or pimples

Headaches and/or migraines

Heavy, irregular periods

Low libido

Poor sleep

Persistent irrational thoughts

The removal of excessive Oestrogen can be achieved through dietary and lifestyle

factors as well as supplements.

To decrease Oestrogen:

Eat organic, fresh foods

Avoid hormones in meat, seek hormone-free meats

Eat Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, brussell sprouts, cabbage)

Ensure daily bowel movements (exercise, high water intake and substantial green leafy vegetables)

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Maintain a healthy weight

Work towards managing stress levels

Seek a practitioner who recommends suitable supplements.

Other hormone balancing methods include acupuncture and restorative Yoga.

Low Oestrogen

Low Oestrogen levels may result in a dry vagina resulting in painful intercourse. Skin

weakens and tears easily particularly in the peri-anal area, resulting in women

avoiding intercourse (using a lubricant or oestrogen creams to supplement your

hormone balancing).

Oestrogen plays a role in heart protection and maintaining strong bones. This is the

rationale for doctors administering Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) on

postmenopausal women. .

There are numerous herbs assist increasing oestrogen levels. Sometimes I will use a

supplement called black cohosh but supporting the adrenal glands with tyrosine,

ginsengs and stress management are effective. Hormone balancing is quite

complex and guidance to manage imbalances is crucial.

Activity: List any symptoms you have had which may be the result of an

Oestrogen imbalance:

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Consider any contributing lifestyle factors ?

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Notes: Progesterone

Progesterone (P4) is a very important hormone for woman because it is the ‘feel

good’ hormone.

During pregnancy progesterone levels rise significantly and as a result initiates

that “glow” during pregnancy. Your skin shines, your energy is high and your

moods are pretty stable and happy.

Low levels of Progesterone has the opposite effect: down moods, reduced energy

levels and no “sparkle”.

Progesterone has many functions in the female body including:

Decreasing cramping in the uterus

Down-regulating oestrogen receptors

Increasing libido

Assisting with healthy tthyroid function and conversion of T3 to T4

Diuretic effects

Reducing cell growth (prevents cancer cells from growing)

Supports enzymes breaks down oestrogen

Assists with egg strength (Sam is this a medical term?) and implantation

Decreases anxiety and stress

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High Progesterone

It is unusual for women to naturally have elevated levels of Progesterone.

It is generally due to progesterone creams or bio-identical hormones or herbal

extracts. Pregnancy creates higher than normal levels of Progesterone and

Oestrogen. Stress can also flip your body to make more progesterone but I rarely find

it on saliva tests. Low progesterone is far more common.

Low Progesterone

Low Progesterone levels are very common amongst “stressed women”. The ratio of

Progesterone versus Oestrogen ultimately determines how balanced we are feeling.

Symptoms of low Progesterone include:

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Problems conceiving and maintaining a pregnancy

Anxiety, depression, self doubt

Poor sleep

Headaches, migraines

Low libido

Dry, lack lustre skin

Lumpy or tender breasts

Irregular or heavy bleeding with periods

Breast and uterine cancer

Shorter cycles (i.e. instead of a 28-32 day cycle, it may be 18-25 days).

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Progesterone levels may increase as a result of participating in this Program, and

ideally encourage you to adhere to these learning principles.

The following suggestions will assist to naturally increase your Progesterone levels :

Stress management / relaxation strategies

Adequate rest and effective time management

A reputable multivitamin

Zinc levels (we will address diet in Week 3)


Leafy greens (spinach, kale, broccoli, swiss chard, brussels sprout)

Nuts and seeds

Ensure your Vitamin B-6 intake is adequate (beans, lean red meat, poultry, fish, bananas, tomatoes)

I recommend my clients a herb called Chaste Tree

Activity: List any symptoms you have had which may be the result of an

Progesterone imbalance:


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Consider what you could do to improve this imbalance?

Notes: DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

DHEA is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (in both sexes) and metabolized

in women to become Testosterone or Progesterone. DHEA is renowned as an anti-

aging and fertility hormone.


Elevated DHEA occurs if someone is over stressed, anxious or on a hormone

replacement. Identifying the cause can lead to this condition being resolved.

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I recommend a combination of passiflora, zizyphus, chamomile and relaxation

techniques. Western Societies do not typically manage stress effectively, therefore

in Week 2, I will focus on remedies as it is critical for hormone balancing.


Stress initially increases DHEA however prolonged stress reduces DHEA levels. The

adrenal glands (which produce DHEA) are similar to any other body function and

becomes .overworked.

When DHEA levels are low, you may experience:


A desire to cat-nap at any time of the day particularly mid to late afternoon

Sleep deprived

To increase DHEA stress level management and more effective time management are

recommended as well as dietary considerations and exercise.

Yoga, meditating, relaxing, drawing, walking, singing are all green light activities

referred to in my Health Queen Traffic Light approach to stress addressed in Week

3 – Releasing the Tension. Every day time should be allocated to do at least one green

light activity.

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Activity: Have you experienced any high or low DHEA symptoms?


Consider what you could do to manage this imbalance?

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Notes: Testosterone

Testosterone impacts women differently to men. This hormone is responsible for:

A healthy libido and high energy levels

Aggression, competitiveness

Strong muscle mass and definition

Hair distribution ( arms, male pattern baldness, whiskers, pubic hair growth)

Low Testosterone

Typically Testosterone levels in women reduces with age.

This is why muscle mass deteriorates with age. Low Testosterone levels are touted

as the cause for women having a low libido during menopause

Symptoms of low Testosterone include:

Low libido

Dry skin and vagina

Low muscle mass and muscle weakness

Low energy levels

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High Testosterone

High levels of Testosterone (TT) in Western women is becoming more common and

responsible for 75% of women infertility .

Recent studies indicates aggression; and competitiveness elevates TT levels in men.

As a result high levels of Testosterone encourages increased aggression and

competitiveness. However research pertaining to females is not as absolute.

Women are stimulated by innate survival mechanisms and therefore produce TT

when threatened.

High Testosterone levels in women causes:

Male pattern hair loss i.e. thinning hair on scalp and pubic regions, more facial hair (in particular the chin and upper lip) and hairy arms, hair on the tops of the feet and toes and around nipples

Acne or pimples on the chin, back or chest areas

More competitive urges, aggression, rage and irritability

Cysts on ovaries, loss of ovulation and possible infertility

Deep voice

Tummy fat

Oily skin and hair

Muscle definition

Video: Why Testosterone is better managed as a stress hormone.

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Other clips:

How you feel with high testosterone.

How you can lower testosterone


Stress is a normal physiological occurrence. It is the body’s way of alerting organs and

body parts to prepare for a fight (stand up and slay a beast) or flight (run for your


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Exposure to everyday stresses, such as changing lanes in your car, withdrawing

money , or dropping your kids at school, a stress response is activated. The degree

to which you feel stressed in situations is mood dependant and a result of your social

conditioning such as previous experiences, nutritional state, influence of drugs and

alcohol, time pressures, expectations and whether or not you are sleep deprived.

Stress activates the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline and noradrenalin,

w h i c h orchestrate another series of reactions, including a rise in insulin. The

adrenals also secrete the hormone Cortisol and sometimes Testosterone. Next

module I will address stress and the physical and psychological effects.

QUICKER, FASTER, BETTER, MORE, will all stimulate stress.

Allow yourself to go “half-sail” occasionally and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

My business mentor recommends a “celebration box”. This is a self made box

reflecting the things you enjoy. When you celebrate a work, family or life achievement

you pause to celebrate.

Write down things you enjoy (facials, pedicures, bush walking, art classes, buying a

magazine, movies etc) and put them in a box. When you achieve something you then

select a celebration randomly from the box.

This will not only increase your happiness and sense of satisfaction but also

decrease your stress hormones (and your body will be grateful).

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List any symptoms you have had which may be the result of a Testosterone



Consider any contributing lifestyle factors